making friends for the first time

Dance for your life



Beep…Beep…Beep…Beep.  Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I looked at the clock by my bed, 11:45 pm.  “Crap I thought I set it for 11.”  I rush around my room looking for my skinny jeans and a shirt. “ouch!” My hand flew to my mouth.  Crap.  I stood motionless like a statue, listening to see if Galinda had woken up.   I ran to the bathroom to change, turning the light out I opened the door and crept toward my desk (which was in the hall way) and grabbed my iphone. 

~~~~ 5 mins later~~~~

Finally ready, I pulled the screen out of the window.  Ugh it’s a little cold tonight.  I reached my arm back through the window and closed it so that there was only enough room for my arm.

 I landed silently on the ground and froze.  Footsteps. . . heading in my direction. The guard stop right in front of me. . . or where I was a few seconds ago.  The guard looked temporarily confused as he mumbled to himself. “could’ve sworn….. maybe im hearing things….. need a vacation….”

 I dropped down from my hiding spot.  “This is too easy.”


 This wasn’t the first time I had snuck out of my house late at night.  I do this every two or three nights, I am technically forbidden to leave the grounds of my house. My Parents come visit every weekend to make sure that my studies and training are going well.  My Parents are very wealthy and own lots of businesses, I am the only child they have.  No one knows what I look like because I only every leave the house to go to parties/gala’s when my parents invite me.  But that’s always on one condition, I always wear a different colored wig and I hide my face as much as I can.

  You might be wondering why my parents are so protective, it’s because when I was a baby someone kidnapped me I was missing for 8 months.  When I was found again my father swore he would raise me so no one could ever hurt me again.  Thus I have been trained in most ways of fighting, I study all the time and have a very high IQ, and I live a life where know one knows what I look like.  Other than those that have raised me here, Galinda who is like a mother to me, Jim the chef, Misuki my maid, and a few others. 


“Idiot stop babbling to yourself know one cares.” Sigh sometimes I wish I lived a normal life. I may have lots of money and get anything materialistic I could ever want or need I am not HAPPY.  I’ve never been to a real school, made friends, I don’t even know anyone my age! Sigh and that is why I sneak out  at night.


Diiiinnnnnngggggg.  I looked up from my booth, a group of 10 walked in all between the ages of 14 and 19 I’m guessing. All laughing and having fun. I watched them enviously.  Diiiiinnnnnnnggggg.  I looked at the door and my heart started beating faster. What?? What’s wrong with my heart? AM I having a heart attach.?  No. I don’t have any symptoms.

  He was very handsom, with black hair and dark eyes, and a very well build body.  I recognized him.  I had seen him and his friends dancing in the back parking lot.  It had always looked so fun.

  He looked up and our eyes locked. I had been looking at him this whole time! PABO!  His smile was contagious, I couldn’t help but smile back. 

I looked away and went back to watching City Hunter.   I heared the laughing group leave after ordering. For some reason I felt sad. Stop it, Remember what you’ve learned “Emotion are nothing but trouble.”  I still felt sad.

“Hello” I looked up to see two blue eyes level with mine. I jumped back. “H-He-Hello.” My checks felt warm. Am I blushing? I had never been this close to a boy before. . .  my heart was beating faster.

“I’m Minho.” He took a seat across from me. 

 “Those are my fries.” I hiss at him.   He just looked at me eating the last one. So much for eating normal food.

“Do you like to dance?”  I just looked at him. Is this guy crazy? 

“Why?”  I took my headphone off and zipped them in my pocket with my iphone, watching him stand up and walk around to me.

“What the hell!?!? PUT ME DOWN!” Even though I could have easily knocked him out I didn’t, I pounded my fists on his back yelling at him.  He just laughed at me and walked out the door.  I shivered as the cold air hit my lower back.    Finally giving up I rested my elbows on his back and waited.

“… ha ha ha… great move….” 

I lifted my head and looked around.  All the people from the group I saw earlier were standing in a circle with music blasting from one of the cars. 

“Hey Minho! Brought a new toy? Ha ha ha.”   The boy looked tall but not skinny weirdly  he looked tall but would be able to beat the crap out of someone.  I glared at him for his comment.  “I am not a toy! Now put me down!”

“chill out.  I just thought you might want to dance.”  Minho threw/dropped me off of his shoulder, catching me bridal style and laying me gently on the hood of a black car.

“thank you.”


I spent the next four hours talking, dancing, and befriending everyone.

“So what’s your name?”  Lily asked me.  I had almost forgotten that I had not told anyone my name yet. I cant tell them my real name.  “Sang Hee”  I fluently lied.  It was a name that I had always liked.

“Give me your phone.” Lily sang as she jumped around.  I looked at Minho and rolled my eyes as I handed her my phone.  She proceeded to text herself, Minho, and everyone else. 

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