Meeting Lee Taemin

Dance for your life


Chapter 3:

******Minho’s P.O.V******

“Stop pacing.  We practiced A LOT we’ll do fine.”

“Yay a Sure” that’s not why I’m pacing.  It’s Mi-chan … I hope that she comes.  I invited her to watch us dance.  I know she likes to dance and maybe if she see’s all the dancers here today she will come join our school.


“the next group is called Shinnee, they will be dancing and singing Lucifer ”

Onew looked around at everyone. “ready guys?” the chorused yes’s and ya’s we bright and cheerful like always. “1, 2, 3, FIGHTING!”


******No ones point of view ******

The figure stood alone in a corner as she was a shadow that looked rather uncertain of what to do. To any passerby the figure looked like a lost girl. The people who noticed her wondered if she was ok , yet no one stopped to actually ask. To anyone it looked like she was doing nothing but staring at the ground looking like she knew she shouldn’t be here and was ready to bolt but also like she wanted ever so badly to go in. The girl coming to a decision pulled her hood lower, turned and quickly melted into the spectators coming to the show.


****** Mi-chan’s (Sang Hee) P.O.V ******

My thoughts are jumbled running through my head. I know what I should do.I should turn around and walk out the door like I was never here. Because people like me should have friends, people like me stay hidden forever just doing what they are told when they are told. That’s what my Father thinks. I’ve never thought so, I think everyone should have friends right?

“Shut up brain!” my harsh whisper to myself lost in the noise of the passing people.  I shouldn’t be here, What if my father finds out? He’ll kill me! BUT I reallyMinho wanted me…. NO Lily wanted me to come..ya Lily practically begged me to come watch them dance. 

Pulling my hood lower and the scarf higher over my mouth, I walked into the flow of people, and headed to find my seat.

B1… B1….. found it! God why did he have to freaken reserve a seat! And in the second row! Now I can’t ing leave!

Sitting down in the seat, I pulled out the bottle of water I bought and waited for the show to start. 


The shows were truly amazing.  The ages ranged from grade 6 to 12, and every single student was so talented.  I sat quietly in my seat waiting for my friends turn.


As the show ended, I stood up and raced through the crowd as I headed backstage.  Minho ha danced with his hyungs, Onew the leader of their group who had a strange obsession with chicken, Key the fashionista and umma of the group, Jonghyun the player, and taemin he looks happy and hyper and innocent all at the same time and also the best dancer of the group .  I wonder were Lily and all the others are?  I mean she wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to come, now she's not even here.  WTF?

Waving my hands over my head like a maniac to get their attention. “Guys that was AMAZING!”  


“Ne! It was so good that I’ll treat you to a meal.” I can’t help but smile and laugh at how cute and innocent Taemin was.“Ga ja! Where do you want to go?”

 We decided that we were going to go to a small restaurant a few blocks away.

Looking around at everyone they were all laughing, talking and eating raman, everyone was having a good time. I realized that they probably do this kind of thing all the time.   “Any want anything else?”  everyone said they were full. I excused myself from the table and walk over to the Ahjumma who ran the store. “An yong ha se yo Ahjumma, I’ll pay for that group of people over there.” I pointed to everyone still sitting and laughing. “You’re going to pay for all of them?” Her voice was questioning.  I gave a little laugh, she’s probably wondering how I can have enough money for that. “Ne.” I handed her my credit card. I don’t have to worry about my dad noticing how much I spent because I do all of my own financial organizing. It’s a good thing too.  


“Sang hee were gonna go to karaoke.  Do you want to come?” 

“I really should be getting back” my voice was quiet. I really didn’t want to go home, there’s nothing their but training and work.

“Come on. The guys wanna show you a good time.”  It was only him and me at the table now.  He was giving me his Aegyo look. “ugh fine I’ll come.”



Minho had gotten us lost on the way to the karaoke house, the other guys were already here and had been having fun.

It was 10:00 pm by the time he found the karaoke house. The kind Ahjumma told us what room to go to.  I could hear guys voices singing.  We walked into the room, minho joined the other laughing and singing.  I just stayed at the edge of the room, drinking my bottle of soju. I should have just gone home

Grabbing my bag I closed the door quietly behind me.  I stood outside of the Karaoke building looking at my phone I noticed that Galinda had phoned me 4 times in the last hour.

“Well its not my fault she didn’t notice I left.” I kept mumbling to myself as I sent a quick email telling her I’m fine.

“Why are you out here alone?”  I looked up into the unsmiling face of Lee Taemin.  The poor lighting mixed with his long shaggy hair gave him a darker aura.  Which was kinda scary because when he was with his hyungs he was all innocent and happy.


“I was checking my phone, if you didn’t notice.”

“what I ment was why did you leave without saying bye to Minho Hyung.” His eyes were hard as he looked at me from under his hair. 


I just looked at him not sure what I should say. Before I could even figure out what to say words were coming out of my mouth.

 “I didn’t really think about that. This is the first time I’ve gone out of the house alone, the first time meeting random guys that my father hasn’t wanted me to marry, threaten, destroy their family or kill somone.  This is the first time people haven’t looked at me with scared eye or wondered who’s the next target.  And you know what its scary being treated like that.” I hadn’t realized that a few tears had started rolling down my face.  Great, now he’s gonna think I’m some crazy . Watch he’s gonna make an excuse to leave and never come back


“Forget I ever said that.  Actually forget you ever met me.” I walk away, not even paying attention. I just kept walking and turning onto different streets and allies.   I stopped and leaned against the ally wall, I couldn’t walk anymore.  All the pain, disgust, loneliness, and every other emotion I had held in for all these years were pouring out.


I slid down the wall and sat on the ground.

“Hey babe.  What’cha doing all alone?” The way he coed at me sent a shiver down my back. ing creep.  “I’m alone because I want to be.  Got a problem with that?” I was now casually leaning against the wall, eyeing the guy as he walked closer to me.  This is not your lucky day my friend.  I smirked at him.

“lets have some fun then since your alone.” One hand s around my waist, the other behind my neck.  His lips trailed down my neck, down to my shoulder.

“That’s enough.” My voice was chilling even to myself. I quickly pushed him away but he came right back at me.  I punched his jaw, did a swift kick to his stomach.  He fell to the ground.

Sitting on top of him, I’m mad that this guy has no fight.  I wanted a good fight. “Ya bastard! That’s all you got! What kind of tard can’t fight!”  I punch him again and again, as I yelled and swore at him.  I’ve gone crazy. Someone stop me before I kill him.


Strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me away from the now unconscious guy.  I elbow the person holding me.

“Ow ! It’s me Taemin!” I stop trying to hurt him. Taemin… I just tried to hurt taemin. I’m a monster!    “…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…”  everything fades to black.



******Taemins P.O.V******


“I didn’t really think about that. This is the first time I’ve gone out of the house alone, the first time meeting random guys that my father hasn’t wanted me to marry, threaten, destroy or kill.  This is the first time people haven’t looked at me with scared eye or wondered who’s the next target.  And you know what its scary being treated like that.” I watch her walk away, heading in to a random ally. If she gets hurt I’m gonna feel bad.  Walking about 200 meters behind her, I follow silently.


Turning right, I don’t see her. What the .  I saw her go this way.  Ah there she is.   Who’s she talking to?

The guy wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. Get your hands off of her! Bastard! Wait, why am I mad? Maybe they planed to meet As he starts to kiss her,I turn and head back toward the karaoke place.


 “Ya bastard! That’s all you got! What kind of tard can’t fight!”  Her voice is loud, but theirs something else in her voice.  What is it?  Turning I cant help but stand and stare. What the is going on? Then I see.  She’s beating the out of the guy. Is she going to stop?


I’m right behind her now, pulling her away from the guy before she kills him.  Ow she just ing elbowed me! Arggg! She is so gonna pay for that later.

“Ow ! Its me Taemin!” I yell. 


She stops moving. Oh my god did she faint?

“ I don’t even know where you live. How can you faint on me? I yell at her.



Hey guys I know that I haven't updated in a really long time.  SORRY! Anyway tell me what you think about this story.  Please comment below or on my wall.  Thanks guys! ^.^


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