Impossible love


you still unconcious and dont have any idea what is going on. 

on the same time, your uncle were back from meeting his friend and like always, he will screaming and yelling, do not mention his attitude by throwing every single object infont of him.

"kraaaaaaannnnnnnggggggg" your auntie precious Royal Albert plate form into million pieces as they met with cold floor

"OH MY GOD! MY PLATEEEE~~~~~~~~" your auntie kneeled looking at her not Royal Albert plate anymore but just a useless glass, and sudden she turn her head and faced her husband who is rolling a cigaratte and ready to it with poker face as a protest.

"HONEY! THAT WAS MINE AND ONLY ONE EXPENSIVE PLATE AND NOW WHO IS GONNA WRAP THIS MESS?" she pretend like she was okay by biting her bottom lips but anger clearly on her face as she talking with his wide open. actually she scared of her husband as well.

"heeyoung will clean all these, who else?" he blow the smoke 

"who? heeyoung? that brat still unconcious since evening." your auntie explain 

"WHAT?!" your uncle stand all of sudden with his cigarette not longer at his finger .

"and  a young handsome guys send her home"

"WHAT AGAIN?!" his fist form into punch and ready to knock people including her wife who is infont of him if he cannot control his temper.

"Honey relax, and control your voice, you will wake her up. i mad as well as i see her in that guy arm back then, before you do some action, please make some plan before she awake" your auntie talking while whispering.

"what? relax? how dare she being a without our knowing" Mr.Seungri ruffled his hair.

"I WILL MAKE HER REAL RIGHT AWAY" your uncle smirk, with that, he take out a phone and dial unknown number,

 "Hello, Robert, i told you that i will give my niece as a trade, and my debt automaticly paid, right? right.......right...... and i will give you her instant, no need to wait one more week, if you don't mind, you can take her out tonight yeah.......yeah.... okay i will  wait foryour people"

“what did he say?” you auntie asked her husnband with a pair eyes of hope

“No more debt, no more trouble maker” he smirk


“tuk...tuk....tukkk” the voice of knocking filled in the air

“honey! That would be them, heeyoung still catch a cold and unconcious as well. This is a great time if they take her without her knowing

“i’ve thinking about this long time ago, but you realize my plan just now?”

“ugh whatever, please speed it up, i don’t want our plan fly away just like that”

“hey omma, appa, whataya doin’? what plan?’? Daehyun popped from nowhere suddenly asked his parent

“OH MY GOSHHHH, you're shocked me! SHHHHHHH” you mom shhh-ed him with her index finger press again lips

“oh okayy” he make a confussed face and leave  them alone.

Your uncle open the door and a few guys with tan skin and muscular arm wall-ing his sight.

“oh hi, she at her room, honey can you guide them to her room?”

“yes sure, come follow me” your auntie beamed a smile

A three guy followed your auntie toward your room,  they found you still lying, unconcious.

Three of them faced each other and nodded unison.

One of them pushed your auntie softly in order to back-ed her off. Your auntie gave him a fire glare.

In other hand, two of them near toward you and smirk. A black shirt guy with big muscle  bend his body a bit to underneath his hand under you back of your body and slowly lift you and left , followed by two other guy and instanly disappear

They meet  your uncle as they arrived at downstair, they bring you out of the house without any doubt and instantly they jumped you into the car. The other two disappear as they get in into car as well. While a guy with white shirt with tas skin walk toward your uncle and handed a pieces of paper.  The guy left, With that a black car has dissapear.

Your uncle unfold the paper


He wrinkled the paper and throw it away.


“i got blackmailed by him again!” your uncle screaming until his lung out from the place they used to be.


Its morning, and the light of sun burnt your’skin. You gently open your eyes, you thought of school but you just remember today is Saturday but sudden your eyes wide open as you see unfamiliar atmosphere surrounding you. You sit all of sudden from lying position and scanned every single place. You’re not in your room nor your uncle room but stranger.the only thing you see is disgusting room with a few bottle of alcohol, a broken vase, smoke of cigarette and mess comforter.

“this is not right, this is definitely, wrong” you shook your head and bad feeling attacked you.

"WELL WELL WELL, look at her, she's cute right? thanks to Seungri" a male voice shocked me.



Daehyun is Heeyoung's COUSIN! but i love Zelo more!!

sorry, i'm late again. i will change attitude of mine to better one okay? oh my god, your comment so hilarious.

Crazybanana : he will appear soon, dont worry :D

chibixchibi : OH MY GOD PERDON MY LANGUAGE! you're still under age and i manage wrote this kind of story which contain a lot of swearing and whatsoever. Warning, dont read. you might vomit.

rmdn18 : LOLOLOLOLO hey new reader! thank you so much for reading my story! yeshhhhh that was heeyoung's aunt role. being y and queen control.


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Chapter 5: Omg!!!! Continue pweasheeeeee i am sooo wanting more updates pwesgegegegddhnff
Chapter 5: New reader... Please update soon^^
sleepingdreamer96 #3
Chapter 5: Please update soon..I definitely hate her aunt n uncle.
Can I kill them??huhu
Chapter 5: Update please. I wait your next chapter.. ^.^
kai_chanyeol #5
Also a new reader... Update please...
Update please~
wifeygyu #7
Pleeeassseee update I begging youuuu please..
Hi...I'm your new reader...I love it so far...please update soon okay...I'll be waiting
Kyahh!! Update please!! I love it so far ^_^
Wonder what's gonna happen to her...o.O