
Trickling Red


Changmin sighed. He had not been eating as much as he did usually. He placed his hand on his abdomen and pursed his lips. Something was wrong, he figured. The moment when his eyes met food, he turned his head away. Patting his stomach, he exhaled deeply for the umpteen time.
"I bought spicy rice cakes!" sang Junsu, swinging a lunch box before him.
Changmin's gaze flitted from the food to Junsu and then, back to his desk. Junsu's wide grin disappeared instantly and was replaced by a somber expression. He had thought that something of a strong flavour might make Changmin gain back his appetite.
"Maybe not..." Changmin said, eyes staring vacantly back at Junsu's.
Junsu passed the package to Yoochun. Seeing that this did not even cause Changmin to react, Yoochun's lips formed a tight line.
"Changmin, maybe you should go for a check-up," suggested Yoochun.
Immediately, Changmin's head shot up and his face was drained of its colour. He shook his head furiously, "No."
"Well, Changmin-ssi, I think it's safe to go for a check-up," the chief added on.
Jaejoong was beside him and he was not in a good mood. Although he was trying his best to conceal his unhappiness, it was very obvious to his team mates that something was wrong.
Changmin shivered.
"I'll give you a half day off," said the chief.
"Who knows, it might be some terminal illness and it would be too late if you don't go to the doctor's now," Junsu joked.
Changmin glared at him and warned, "Stop scaring me, or else..."
"Whatever you're going to do would not hurt me in the slightest bit. A weak and empty-stomached Changmin is absolutely nothing to be afraid of," gloated Junsu in an attempt to make Changmin be relented about going to the hospital for a check-up.
"You!" Changmin yelled but it did not sound as frightening as it always was.
"You should go," Jaejoong interrupted. "We need you to give your all to solve this case."
Changmin kept quiet for a second before nodding meekly. After packing up, he left.
Yoochun slung his arm over Jaejoong's shoulder after the chief went back to his office.
"What's wrong?" asked Yoochun.
Yoochun could almost see a dark cloud above his friend's head. A lightning zigzag-ed down from it along with countless heavy droplets of imaginary rain.
"The proposal that we came out together was rejected. Chief said that there's a budget and we can't exceed it even though the citizens' lives are at risk... I suppose we've to take matters in our own hands," sighed Jaejoong.
I shouldn't have come after all, Changmin thought. He stood up and was ready to leave the waiting area.
"Shim Changmin-ssi," a nurse called.
Painstakingly slow, he turned towards the voice. The lady gestured for him to proceed to the door on his right. Changmin gulped.
I shouldn't have.
The light that was hanging just in front of the door flickered. The cop's throat constricted. He seemed to be bursting with a pressure from within. He swallowed a lump in his throat. His throat was parched again even after drinking his fifth cup of water from the water dispenser.
He hesitated before knocking on the door. With shaky hands, he turned the knob.
"G-Good a-afternoon, Doctor," greeted Changmin.
"Mr Shim, please come in and have a seat," smiled the doctor.
The doctor's eyes met Changmin's, his eyes agleam with meaning. Instantly, Changmin could feel that the doctor had a good vibe and he relaxed his shoulders.
Upon setting down, the doctor gave him a genuine gaze and he knew that it was a cue for him to tell me what was wrong.
"I feel lethargic... I haven't sleep well for the past few days... I-I lost my appetite... Doctor—" Changmin took a glance at the name tag. "Doctor Kim Kibum-ssi, have I... perhaps... gotten a case of some strange illness?"
Kibum chuckled, "There's nothing to worry about, my patient. Isn't it just a little stress from work?"
Kibum mimed a gun.
"Bam, you're a cop, aren't you? I saw the form that you filled up at the counter," Kibum said softly, showing a piece of paper to Changmin.
Changmin laughed uneasily, "Yeah..."
"I'll check your heart rate and blood pressure in make sure that you're all right."
Pressing the stethoscope on Changmin's chest, the doctor listened attentively. 
"It's a little bit fast. Breathe," said Kibum. "Ok, turn around."
After Kibum was done measuring his blood pressure, Changmin began, "I've a phobia for doctors... And this... is the first time I didn't faint during the consultation..."
"I'm honoured. Deeply honoured," Kibum grinned, holding up a lollipop.
"Doctor, do not treat me like a child. But, it would be a waste if you put it back to the jar that's already full of sweets. I reckon that the lollipop would be more satisfied if it was able to fully serve its purpose as a source of food by filling a small fraction of my stomach. Don't you think so?" Changmin beamed, taking the treat from the doctor.
His gaze landed on the skin over his jugular. Luckily for Changmin, Kibum was able to have fresh provisions of blood before. Kibum shook his head gently and blinked a few times.
"Well, since you're already here, how about a blood test? You haven't eaten anything yet, have you?"
"B-blood B-blood t-test?" stuttered Changmin.
Kibum's eyes looked right into the patient's. His pupils changed from black to scarlet while Changmin's ones turned into a light shade of grey. 
"I haven't eaten yet and I would like to do a blood test," drawled Changmin.
Humming away, Kibum wiped the crease on the arm with antiseptic. Carefully, he inserted the needle and drew out blood. The mild fragrant drifted to his nostrils and he thought, must be sweet.
Pressing a cotton bud to the wound, the doctor passed Changmin a plaster.
"I suggest that you do not eat junk food. Eat more of the complex carbohydrates so that you would have more energy. Try to sleep more and if you really can't, take the prescribed sleeping pills. The report will most probably be out in the next 3 to 5 days. The hospital will inform you when to come back." said Kibum.
"W-what report?" questioned Changmin.
"The blood test, Mr Shim," answered Kibum. "Have a nice day."
"You too, Doctor," Changmin said.
Somewhat appalled and lost, he exited the room wondering if the drawing of blood did happen.
Hi! Was I late? Hahaha. Anyways, I changed the part after ~.~.~.~ in the previous chap due to hyesung's feedback. (thanks again!) So, pls do go back and read!
Also, updates may be slow in the next 2-3 weeks. Well, that's all.
See ya!
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薔薇色の事件's title is changed to Trickling Red. Pls take note if u see it in ur updated subscription section. Tks!


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Chapter 3: I love the story
Chapter 22: oh my...cliffhanger..nice story and I like your writing styles too..
but I hope there is more romance between Yunho and Jaejoong ^^
oconxs #3
Chapter 22: why yunho why you must leave Jaejoong?! stupid yunho >_<
Jaejoong listen to me, if yunho really come back, please smack his head...hard. lol
there must be a reason, why only Jaejoong and maybe Changmin who remember Yunho, Kibum, Soojin, and why Yunho must leave ooh why~~ #singing_heart_mind_and_soul
OMG! there's sequel and another story from you Junyoshi! sub right away *_*
MissEztie #4
Chapter 22: Argh I can't wait to read sequel. Thank you for the story
MissEztie #5
Chapter 5: well I'm new here and I want to read this story again. This is make me anxious
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 22: Interesting story, I will waiting for the sequel.
nunmuri08 #7
Chapter 22: ill wait for the sequel!!!!
mizuki_s #8
Chapter 22: :O that was awesome omg <3 will be reading the sequel!~
XDoubleComboX #9
Chapter 22: Wow can't wait for the sequel!!! It's gonna be great for sure!! Can't wait to see what happens when Yunho comes back!!!!! ^_^