Chapter IV: Disturbing Nightmare (Part Two)

Spring's Melody

After being in the kitchen for nearly two hours, seated upon one of the chairs there, drinking her third glass of milk, and just gathering her thoughts together on what could have caused her nightmare, she saw that she was getting absolutely nowhere with trying to figure that out and just decided to give up and go back to bed. 

When she returned to bed, she laid down and just closed her eyes, cuddling up to the sheets and waiting to fall asleep. Her wait wasn’t long and this time, she slept without dreaming anything. 

On the other hand, Mah Yi, back in her Mansion like home, in her room, on the bed, curled up into the covers that were placed over her, was trembling and whimpering in her own sleep. She was having a nightmare, just like La Na was not too much earlier. What a coincidence. 

************************************ Mah Yi’s Dream ************************************

“Please don’t leave me! Please! Momma, don’t go!” Mah Yi kept screaming out with her little hand reached out towards a strange woman. It was not her own mother but rather La Na’s mother, which was walking in the opposite direction of her, leaving, or so it seemed. 

Just as she was about to get to the other side of the street, a car came, towards the woman that Mah Yi called ‘momma’ and crashed right into her, killing her on the spot in front of Mah Yi’s eyes. This caused Mah Yi to scream, both in the dream, and in reality, and wake up.

***************************************** End *****************************************

Mah Yi was seated up, sweating, and crying uncontrollably in her bed. There were maids in her room, gathered around her bed and watching her with concern in their eyes for her. “Ni hao ma, Xiaojie?” They asked her as soon as she woke up. She nodded but kept crying. 

The reason they did not wish to wake her up was that they were too scared of being yelled at for waking her up so they decided to let her sleep even if she was having a nightmare. “Just a nightmare, nothing more…” Mah Yi said, turning to the maids and ordering them to bring her some water, sleeping pills, and a bottled milk in case she needed it and they did as were instructed and left her by herself then, seeing that she had falling back to sleep already in the meantime. 

This time, Mah Yi did not dream of anything but merely slept peacefully.

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