Chapter II: The Awkward Introduction

Spring's Melody

Up until then, the owner had never seen La Na in person since she wasn’t hired directly by him and he was never around when she worked usually so he was quite shocked to see her. Mah Yi and La Na, on the other hand, did not seem so surprised. Instead of being surprised, they were horrified and completely speechless--not to mention that La Na actually chocked on her own spit and began coughing. Thankfully, La Na’s coughing made the other two snap out of their surprised and terrified looks and help her calm herself. 

“Xie xie ni.” La Na said out loud to the two. Her voice was soft and feminine but it was a bit rough for a lady so it sort of startled Mah Yi. “No problem, I’m Liang Mah Yi, nice to meet you” she said, regardless of how startled she was and extended a hand towards La Na to greet her. La Na tightly and firmly grasped that hand and shook it while a smile was beginning to replace her terrified expression. 

The tense atmosphere was now gone and replaced with a warm and welcoming one. “I’m Ren La Na” she said in reply to Mah Yi, “and I’m Fu Ai Jiang” interrupted the owner of the company La Na worked at, introducing himself as well but his introduction more towards La Na then Mah Yi since he already knew Mah Yi.

“It’s nice to meet you two. I work as a designer here so if there’s anything I can help you guys with, let me know.” La Na said, completely unaware of exactly who she was talking to, considering Mah Yi was a model at the biggest company in Taipei and the successor of her father whom owned and ran that company and Jiang was the owner of the company La Na worked at. Her carelessness caused both Mah Yi and Jiang to smirk and proudly tell her exactly who they are. 

As soon as La Na heard who they actually were, she blushed in embarrassment and bowed while apologizing. “Dui bu qi, I didn’t know!” After apologizing, she straightened herself again, shot them a smile and restated her statement from before in a different way. “Well, like I said, nice to meet you and I hope you two have fun eating lunch. Jiayou!” As soon as she said that, she turned around and ran off into the storage room where all the fabric for making clothes and stuff like that was kept. She locked herself there for a few moments to attempt to calm herself down. “Jiayou? What are they, competing against each other? And what am I doing? Rooting for them?! Aiyo, Ren La Na, you completely lost conscience of what your were saying out there!” She scolded herself while making a face of defeat and embarrassment, showing that she was scared of them finding her weird with that random “Jiayou” that she blurted out at the end of her sentence before running off and hiding like a coward. Well, she couldn’t help it because when faced with embarrassment and nervousness, she becomes completely unaware of what she says until it is already said.

It wasn’t long before she got out of the storage room and went back to work acting all nonchalant and like everything was fine when inside she was actually dying of embarrassment still.

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