
Let's Break Up

(Jessica POV)

“Are you sure to be okay?” Krystal asked me again and again.


“I am fine. I will be fine. Korea is small, so the entertainment industry. It will happen in time, maybe it’s time already.” I carefully replied to her.


“I am okay now, Krys. Past is past. I have moved on.” I added and looked at her in the eyes.


“You could still back out. You have a choice. I am worried, Unnie.” She stared back at me.


“Krys, if it is bound for me to meet her, to work with her, then so be it.” I tried very hard to be sounded normal and cheerful for her, though my insides were in turmoil.


It was not a long time since I heard and saw Yuri. I felt it was only yesterday. Thinking of meeting her already brought disorder in my mentality how much more of actual meeting her. I also did not understand myself why I had accepted the project. I had to do photo shoot with her for our common friend who’s launching fashion magazine. A favor was common in the entertainment industries, I was just doing a favor. But knowing that I would be partnering with her, it was too late to back out as I agreed without knowing the concept and everything which I usually does, but made an exception for a friend.


“Krys, be with me on the photo shoot if it will make you feel comfortable and okay.” I said while I mentally crossed my fingers for her to accompany me on the shoot.


“Of course, I will be there, whether you ask me or not.” She replied while hugging me. “I am just here, Unnie.”


“I know, Krys”, and I just hugged her back.


“Take a little side on your left, Ms Jessica. Ms. Yuri, show me more your right side profile of your face. Okay. Good. More. Good.” Our photographer kept on giving instruction while kept on clicking his camera. We were casual and professional as we greeted each other earlier. We met at the office of our common friend before we proceeded on the studio to start immediately the pictorial.


“Yuri, can we talk in private?” I asked her as soon our photographer announced that we were done.


“Sure.” She replied after a while of staring of contest with me. There were different emotions in her eyes and I was more confused as to what to discuss with her.


“How are you?” I started when the waiter left with our order. We were in a private dining area and decided to have a small meal while we talk.


“I am good. You?” she asked back.


“I am not okay.” I frankly answered her and she was taken aback with my frankness. I looked at her deeply and she was about to say something when I hushed her.


“But, I am not here to force you to be with me, nor to stay with me. I just want closure. I love you, Yuri. And, I am letting you go. Let’s break up. Have a proper break up.” I honestly added.


“I had thought a lot about this break up and our situations. Maybe giving it a rest will be good for both of us. Our relationship became toxic and burden. I guessed our love is not enough to conquer the adversities, difficulties and trials of a relationship. Maybe one day, if we are meant to be then so be it.” I added more. She looked warmly at me and nodded after.


“Thank you, Sica or Jessica?” She jokingly asked me.


“Well, thank you. First, congratulations and good luck on your international career. If anything, I am still be here. If you need someone to eat ice cream with you, or have late Tteok-bokki, or swimming on winter, you still have my number, right?” She sincerely stated. I took her hands and she held mine equally squeezing them. I felt somehow happy and contented with our little talk so far.


“Expect a late call from me then.” I said while I hugged her.


“Always take care of yourself. Don’t skip your meal. I will be calling to check on you.” She sniffed and hugged me tighter.


“Thank you, Yuri.” I tear-up. Having a closure somehow gave me peace within.


“Thank you too, Sica.” She wholeheartedly stated. And, we both cried and finally felt letting go the once beautiful relationship we had.


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Chapter 1: oh Jess sigh
Chapter 1: I'm back XD
Chapter 1: hi XD
Chapter 5: I read this for the nth time ?
I'm back ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: Releido
Chapter 5: Love this ^^ thankyou authornim :))
Chapter 5: Oh gosh i miss yulsic so much! Thank you for this
vhelzzz #8
Chapter 5: welllllllllllll