
Slightly Warm


Once we had finished making the sweet bread, Chanyeol ordered pizza for us all and let Hyun choose a film for us to watch while we ate. Hyun sat to my left, eating his cheese pizza, only leaving the crusts on his plastic blue plate, settling his little head on my shoulder and soon drifting off to sleep. Chanyeol left the couch to grab a blanket and placed the soft throw over Hyun and me, and sat next to Hyun- arm behind us resting on the back of the couch. The combination of a full stomach and the warmth, I slowly felt my eyes growing heavy- soon losing control and falling asleep. Unsure of how much time had gone by, I felt a gush of cold air hit my left arm. I opened my weary eyes, seeing a blurred figure taking Hyun away through a door frame that was filled with light. No matter how much I wanted to open my eyes, they remanded heavy- I gave up, ultimately falling asleep on the couch once again.

As I opened my now weightless eyes, I was unaware of my surroundings, the cool air and the emerging fragrance comforted me. I lay on probably the most comfortable bed I have been on, softer than a soft cloud- hugging every limb and every strand of hair. I consider whether or not I am still dreaming as I sit up, seeing the shafts of light burst through the cream curtains hanging from their pole. I bring my fists to my eyes and rub vigorously- feeling awake, more awake than I have ever been. I drag my feet off the bed, stretch my arms above my head and yawn, watching my legs dangle above the maple flooring. I stand and walk towards the covered window, grabbing a hold of the curtains and pull them back. What I saw took my breath away! The ground was so far away from my feet, tiny figures walked below, birds flew passed and the tops of treetops could be seen. I walked towards the door of the room and left, gently shutting it behind me. Once I shut the door I was able to single out the smell, pancakes! I slowly made my way through the plain white corridor, walking past a few closed doors- aside from one room, which I assumed it being Chanyeol's considering the size of it. His room was the lightest shade of ash grey with white accents, furniture black and his bed probably a super queen- whatever it is it's huge!

I continued walking through the corridor until I came to the top of the step. I placed my hand on the bannister and took one step at a time, slowly watching my step as my sock covered feet began to slip a little on the wooden levels. The soothing smell warmed me as I got closer and closer to the bottom, hearing giggles coming from the kitchen. I slowly padded my way closer towards the laughter. I peered in seeing Chanyeol at the stove and Hyun sat at the island eating away at his pancakes. Hyun turned in my direction and screamed. "LADY!" I jumped. I walked in towards Hyun, "Good morning Hyun, enjoying yourself?" He nodded and smiled waving his arms around cheeks full with pancakes. "Areum," Chanyeol turned around with a tower of pancakes, "Good morning! Did you sleep well?" I moved to Hyun's right side, taking the empty seat next to him. "I did thank you, yourself?" I moved my hair out of my face, feeling a little embarrassed. Chanyeol placed the plate full of pancakes in the centre of the island, grabbed a few beverages from the fridge and sat down opposite me. I placed my arm on the back of Hyun's chair, with my hand on his head, gently patting it. He seemed to love all that was going on around him, I gathered because his smile was the biggest I've seen yet. "Daddy carried you to bed last night." My eyes widened in complete embarrassment, I could feel my face get warmer and warmer by the second. I looked over a Chanyeol, who was just placing pancakes on two separate plates. "You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you." He handed over the second plate, "You didn't have to do that, you could have just woken me up and I could have got a taxi home, instead of having me cause so much trouble." He shook his head, his left cheek full- "It was no trouble at all, It was late by the time the film ended and I didn't want to wake you." I thanked him for letting me stay and ate the pancakes he lovingly prepared for us all.

"Areum, do you have any plans today?" I slightly turned around suds on my forearm from washing the pan and plates that were used for breakfast. "Aside from studying today, no." A grin appeared on his lips. "Excellent, you can do that here, I have to take a few calls from a few possible investors, as well as tidying up a few projects. Is that okay?" I grabbed a towel and began drying the plates and putting them away. "Chanyeol of course, this is the whole reason I'm here- I'll take Hyun to the park as soon as he's finished napping if that's okay." "You're an absolute star. Please do whatever you want, as long as the two of you are safe that's all I care about. Oh yeah," Chanyeol reached into his back pocket, bringing out his wallet. "Take this, just in case either of you sees something you want or get hungry." Chanyeol handed me his credit card, I looked at it, unsure I was ever able to take it. He walked towards me and grabbed my hand placing the card in my hand. "It's fine, get whatever the two of you want." He smiled and gave me half a hug and thanked me. A few hours had passed, Chanyeol was in his office and Hyun was still sleeping. I was sat on the floor with all my English exam books, reading and taking notes. A few times Chanyeol had left his office while on the phone with, I'm assuming, the investors- just to grab some bottled water, and would go back to his office, throwing me a smile that I would quickly shoot back at him, but I would get right back into studying, being sure to finish all the work that was needed of me for the day.

Around 1 pm, I heard Hyun move around in his room. I got up as quick as possible and quietly ran up the stairs, trying to get to him before he had the chance to interrupt chanyeol or cry out for him. I got to his door and opened it ever so slightly, seeing Hyun one the floor, using a teddy bear as a pillow. His eyes fluttered open and sat up holding his arms out open. I walked closer to him and gently picked him up. Hyun instantly rubbed his eyes on my upper arm and quietly whined. I his back and shushed him, bopping him left and right. "Did you sleep well?" Whispering, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere. He just nodded, continuing to rub his face on me. I walked both of us to the en suite and let him use the potty, I helped wash his hands and comb his hair. I decided that I would change him into some warmer clothes, helping him once again by putting him in a clean pair of trousers and a clean shirt. Putting a pair of on, one sock at a time, then followed by some plain black trainers. I picked Hyun off his bed, placing him back on my hip, walking down into the living room- and sitting him on the sofa while I left to grab his coat that hung next to mine. I walked back into the living room and saw that Hyun was not where I left him, he was gone. I walked towards the couch confused, stopping just by the side of it. I heard a thump in the kitchen, quickly dropping his coat on the sofa and speedily walking into the kitchen. I saw Hyun sat in front of the fridge hands on his face, then he started crying. I ran towards him picking him up and patted him trying to soothe him. “What were you trying to do Hyun?” He sniffed, I grabbed some kitchen towel and made him blow his nose. “Chocolate milk.” I chuckled and brought him closer to my chest, shushing him, letting him let his tears free. I felt a large hand on the small of my back, I turned slightly to the left seeing Chanyeol close behind me. “Is everything okay?” I nodded, Hyun’s head still buried. “I went to get Hyun’s coat, while he was sat on the sofa and he must have run off into the kitchen and tried to open the fridge for some milk, but he must have fallen on his bottom and hurt himself.” Chanyeol got closer to me and calmed Hyun down. I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose, my breath hitched. Hyun lifted his head, Chanyeol and I smiled. I carried Hyun into the living room, placing him on the sofa and I began to put his coat on. “Is work going okay?” I turned to Chanyeol, he watched as I zipped the coat up. “Yes, I’ve finished all my conference calls and I was hoping I’d catch you up, I could do with some fresh air.” Hyun started waving his arms around and began to giggle. “Daddy coming with us!” Chanyeol shot me a look and raised his brow. “Only if you want me to go with you?” I stood up and buttoned my coat up then picking Hyun up. “Of course, why wouldn’t I want you to join us!”


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I just wanted to say that I am sorry for having not posted in forever. I've been dealing with a lot of personal things and frankly, I had a block but it's okay now, I'm going to get back on track with this! I won't be updating on a certain day, It will just be whenever I have time!


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Chapter 7: aaaa finally update XD
uwu uwu uwu
Chapter 7: I'm excited for the next chapter (≧▽≦)
Chapter 7: Chanyeol is so sweet amd thoughtful omg
Chapter 6: Dear author.. All the best for the new chapter
Chapter 6: I like how Chanyeol and Areum are knowing things about each other.

Hyun is a cute kid.

I am looking forward to the next chapter!
Have a great day.
rinkochii #6
Chapter 6: Waaaaa its finally happening
Cant wait to see how their relationship grows
And hyun is just too cuteeee
Chapter 6: AWWWW :3
i miss this story so much

its so uwu
finally areum x yeol moments :3
Chapter 5: Very nice introduction to characters. I'm rather entranced by Chanyeol's mannerisms already. Hyun is very sweet much wiser than we imagine at this point. Areum really has no clue what's to come so it's fun to read her responses. Looking forward to the relationship growth.
Chapter 5: Aaaaaaagh really looking forward to more chapters! Hyun is adorable.
Chapter 5: eh what ? its already finish ??
i need more chapters bcs this is so cute i love this story so so much!!!! <3