Anyways, I'm Just An Old Woman. What Do I Know?


Irene slows down as she approaches the small woman, and grabs her gently by the arm, “Hey, you.”


The woman turns around, revealing her face to in fact be that of the fortune teller’s. She squints up at Irene, “Oh, it’s you.” Irene is surprised the woman recognizes her. “Listen, kid. I can’t change you back so don’t ask.” She waves for Irene to leave her.


“Wait, I have other questions. Like these lines on my arm, and if this body belongs to someone else, and what exactly I have to do to get my body back, and why you aren’t in that shop anymore.”


The woman sighs, drags Irene to an empty isle, then begins explaining everything, “The magic chooses what you become based on your situation. I once had a client turn into a flamingo. Everything worked out for them, and now they have a hit song called Flamingo and are fairly famous, actually. The magic decided you needed to become a man to fix your problem. Think of it as if you shape shifted, that body has never belonged to anyone else, and your body is still inside you, it’s not being used by anyone else. You are lucky enough to have a calendar of sorts on your body, not everyone gets that lucky. The lines are how many days you have to fix your problem, before you’re stuck in this body forever, that is the sacrifice for the opportunity. I was only in that location because ‘the Universe’, you could say, was leading me there specifically to help you. Now that I have casted the spell on you, I am no longer needed, the spell will take care of itself. So I’m off to help the next person.”


Seulgi arrives behind them, but looks at products on the wall as to seem not like she’s listening.


“Listen to me closely, young one, I will give you this one clue to help you. You can fix things, do not doubt yourself. However, you are not the only one to blame if things cannot be fixed. We all have our secrets.” Irene catches the woman’s eyes flick over to Seulgi, and back to her. “You seem to think that falling in love with her will fix this, but I don’t think that’s what you need to do. Anyways, I’m just an old woman. What do I know? You will not see me again, so I wish you the best of luck.” The woman turns, and leaves hastily.


Irene stands feet planted in the ground, unable to move. Her brain whirring in her head trying to figure out what that clue meant, what secrets she was talking about, what she has to do if it’s not falling in love. Irene was happy she saw her again, having her explain all those things, and confirm that she can change back eased Irene’s mind.


Seulgi walks up to Irene, and stands beside her, “Was that the fortune teller?”


Irene nods, “Yeah. Did you get the paints you wanted?”


Seulgi holds up her basket full of an assortment of colors that look like they were taken from the sunset, and bottled. “Let’s get out of here.”



Irene drops onto the couch with a plop, and puts her feet up. She turns on a show she doesn’t care about, and watches Seulgi make dinner. Seulgi is wearing only a sports bra, and sweat pants. Irene watches the muscles in Seulgi’s arm tense and relax under her skin as she cooks. Every detail was entrancing when it came to Seulgi. Anyone could get stuck staring at her without realizing it.


Irene has seen movies where stuff like this happens. Like Beauty and the Beast. She wonders if what’s happening to her will be as cliché as having True Love’s First Kiss change her back, or if the fortune teller’s words were true, and she needs to do something else. Irene isn’t sure if she should try really hard to fix this, or hope that the magic will just fix it on its own. She can’t see how this is going to play out.


Seulgi catches Irene’s stares, “Hey, ert! Wanna come help me make dinner?”


Irene shakes her head, trying to shake off the trance she was in. Irene walks over to Seulgi, and Seulgi hands her a knife, and a head of lettuce. “Your job is simple. Chop this lettuce for salad.”


Irene begins chopping, and hears Seulgi humming behind her. “Are you ever going to show me that song you and Wendy wrote?”


“Yeah, I’ll play it for you later.”


They continue in silence. Irene wants to ask Seulgi why she was crying, but is too afraid to bring it up.


“Okay, it’s done,” Irene throws all of the lettuce into a bowl.


“Thanks, that’s all I needed. You can go back to staring at me from the living room if you want.”


Irene doesn’t really have the energy to reciprocate her teasing, so she just goes back to the couch.



They eat dinner together in silence. Irene can feel awkwardness in the air. Irene can tell it’s because she’s in the body of a guy. Irene knows that Seulgi said she’d still love her even if she was a guy forever, but she knows Seulgi only said that to keep her from freaking out. Especially since she still makes Irene sleep on the couch, and hasn’t touched her much the way she usually does. Irene doesn’t blame her, she doesn’t like guys either. Seulgi kissed her while they were at Yeri’s, but she could feel the Seulgi was uncomfortable doing it. She put on a brave face though, Irene thinks to herself.


Irene stays up until midnight to see if the line darkens in real time. She stares at her wrist, and watches the second line slowly appear. “Eighteen days left, huh?” Irene mumbles to herself. She adjusts herself on the couch, trying to get comfortable, and finally falls asleep with her mind completely blank from exhaustion.


* * *


Two weeks have passed, and nothing has changed. Seulgi treats her like a platonic roommate, and still makes Irene sleep on the couch. Irene doesn’t have work or school so every day she tried picking up a new hobby. She tried volleyball, yoga, drawing, writing, swimming, sewing, the list goes on. Nothing struck her as something she could become passionate about. Today, she was going to finally try photography again. She used to love the sky so much, so she thinks maybe taking pictures of it will help her regain that passion.


Irene is getting ready to leave when she hears Wendy enter the living room. She finishes getting dressed, grabs her camera, and walks out of the bedroom. Seulgi and Wendy are laughing in the kitchen. “What are you guys up to today?” Irene asks, a twinge of jealousy in her heart from seeing the way Seulgi is looking at Wendy.


“We’re going to write another song,” Seulgi answers, not looking at Irene.


“You didn’t bring your guitar, Wendy.” Irene says accusingly.


“We’re working on lyrics today,” Seulgi quickly answers for Wendy.


Wendy just smiles in Irene’s direction. Seulgi told Wendy after the first week that Ren is Irene. Joy found out after the third day. Irene is a big part of all of their lives, it’s too noticeable when she’s gone. Wendy didn’t really seem shocked, but Joy freaked out for a couple days. Joy asked some really weird questions. Irene thinks she was probably scared to ask a real guy those questions, so she took this opportunity and ran with it.


Irene tries to not let Seulgi’s tone upset her. “Alright, well, I’m off to Yeri’s.”


“Have fun!” Seulgi calls out after her.



Halfway to Yeri’s house Irene realizes she forgot her good lens. “Crap. Should I turn around? Ugh, yeah, I probably should,” Irene talks out loud to herself. This decision seems a lot heavier to Irene than it should. Her stomach feels like it’s filled with stones, and the lines on her wrist start to burn slightly.


The walk back to her house takes ten minutes. She opens the door, and sees no one in the living room or kitchen. Irene assumes they went out for lunch. She looks around for her lens, then remembers she left it on the bed when she was getting dressed. She walks into the bedroom, and sees a half- Seulgi and Wendy passionately kissing. She also sees her camera lens on the floor, shattered. They haven’t noticed her yet, so she silently tries to pick up the lens, but a piece falls off, and makes a noise when it hits the ground. Both of the girls on the bed look up.


Irene watches Seulgi’s face go dark, “Irene. Irene, I can explain.”


“You know, I really don’t want to hear it,” Irene chokes on the feeling of tears welling in .


“Irene, wait. Please let me explain.”


“It’s not Seulgi’s fault, it’s mine.” Wendy butts in.


“Stop with that bull, okay?” The tears finally start falling. “Just stop.”


Irene hears Seulgi’s continuous pleas to hear her out, but Irene doesn’t turn back.





“ dude, I’m so sorry.” Yeri takes Irene into a hug, letting Irene sob into her shoulder.


Joy is also there, holding Irene’s hand.


“You know,” Irene’s words are muffled against Yeri’s shoulder, “I was feeling so stuck for so long. I felt like me, and everything around me were dying. You know that feeling when it’s like time and life are moving so quickly around you, but you’re not going anywhere? I’ve been going to college for a medical degree for years, but I don’t want to be a doctor. That’s my parents dream, not mine. I wanted to be a dancer. It’s too late now. Too many student loans are behind this path, I can’t change it now. I’m stuck. I’ve honestly felt this way for a couple years, but never told anyone. I think I started losing my passions because I hated myself. I hated myself for not choosing my own path in life. I hated myself so I started hating everything I loved, too. I don’t think I fell out of love with Seulgi, or my passions. I think I fell out of love with myself. I couldn’t love anything, because I was too busy hating myself. If I didn’t love Seulgi, I wouldn’t be in so much pain right now.” Irene starts sobbing again.


Yeri rubs her back, and starts crying, too. “Irene, I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling like this. I’m your best friend, and I couldn’t see that you were hurting so much all this time. I’m so sorry.”


Joy doesn’t say anything, but she wraps her arms around Irene, and starts crying too.


They sit crying like this for a while. Irene’s phone starts ringing, and when she pulls it out of her pocket, she sees that it’s Seulgi. “Should I talk to her?” Irene asks Yeri.


“Yes, but not right now. You guys have lived together for so long so you need to talk out this situation like adults. In case one of you has to find a new place to live, you know. But let’s not think about that right now, okay? You won’t be able to make sound decisions with your emotions all flared up like this.”


Irene just nods, and continues hugging Yeri, leaving the phone to ring.



That night, they eat pizza, and popcorn, watch the new Spider-Man movie, and play card games until Irene gets tired. Which was pretty early since she wore herself out crying.


Irene is surprised when Yeri says she’s sleeping with Yeri and Joy. Yeri says she doesn’t want Irene to sleep alone tonight. They pull her to their bed, and Irene sleeps between Joy, and Yeri. Irene falls asleep grateful she has amazing friends.




Irene wakes up before the other girls, but knows getting up will wake them, so she lays there staring at the ceiling. Irene goes to look at the new line on her arm, a flare of panic rising inside her when she remembers she only has three days left.


Irene looks at the small, lineless arm in front of her, and screams.


Yeri, and Joy jump awake in confusion. The confusion only thickens when they see a small girl where a large man once was.


“Irene?!” Yeri and Joy shout in unison.


Irene is speechless, and has a dumb smile on her face.


Yeri, and Joy hug her, glad to finally have their small friend Irene back.


“Why did you change back?” Joy asks.


“I honestly, don’t know. Buy oh my God, am I glad to be back!” Irene’s voice raises four octaves in excitement.


“We should celebrate!” Yeri jumps out of bed, pumping her fist into the air.


The girls all freak out for a little while longer, as they get ready. Irene puts on some of Yeri’s clothes, and sits on the bed once she’s ready.


The sadness from yesterday starts to engulf her heart again, the happiness from turning back disappearing fast.


“I forgot to tell you guys. When I saw the fortune teller again, she told me that falling in love with Seulgi wasn’t what was supposed to change me back. Originally, she said this spell she put on me is supposed to help me love again, but maybe she meant love myself. I mean, I wouldn’t say I love myself any more than I did yesterday, but I realized what the problem was, right? So, maybe that’s why I’m back now.”


“You said ‘the magic’ chose to turn you into a guy, right? That the fortune teller didn’t specifically do it? The only reason I could see you turning into a guy helping you realize you need to love yourself, is that you were meant to have Seulgi cheat on you. I mean, maybe she wouldn’t have if you were still a girl,” Yeri throws her theory out to Irene.


Irene’s heart drops into her stomach at the words “cheat on you”, but she thinks Yeri is right.


“So should I call up Seulgi, and thank her for cheating on me?” Irene jokes.


“You’re sick,” Yeri teases, “But no, maybe you needed her to break your heart to realize that. We can easily get so caught up in false thoughts about ourselves without realizing it. You thought this whole time that maybe something was just wrong with you, or that you’re too cynical, or aren’t meant to be in love. You even said you thought you might be cursed, when really, that’s not what was going on. After she broke your heart, you realized that you did in fact love her, and that fact may have just opened your eyes to your real feelings since they weren’t blocked by your false ideas of yourself anymore.”


Irene lays back on the bed, “I think you’re probably right.”


“Well, I usually am,” Yeri laughs.


“Alright Aristotle, and Socrates, where are we headed?” Joy asks, smirking at her own joke.


“Oh, you think you’re clever don’t you?” Yeri scoffs, but promptly returns to laughing, “Does donuts sound good to you guys? I could go for a chocolate glazed donut.”


Joy, and Irene nod in agreement, and the girls leave for the local bakery.

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Chapter 6: I just regret that there wasn’t as much angst. Sigh. Oh well. Nice story.
Chapter 6: Thank goodness all of them end up being happy. Good job on the story authornim
Chapter 6: Oh wow I enjoyed reading this, it did feel a bit rushed here and there but in the end it was nice to have Seulrene end up together and handle it like adults! Thanks for writing this :)
Chapter 6: At first, i was hesitant to read this fanfic and everytime I saw this fanfic, I'll just let it slide. I have to admit that im quite stupid for doing so becus this hella one good fanfic snsjiqbdiajqujskqijddwksiaiduss
Chapter 6: can u hear me crying at the distance
Chapter 6: i had fun reading this author, im gonna miss your updates. anyway, i am glad that finally seulrene got back, also seuldy's friendship. and i really love how irene and yeri's friendship here uwu. and finally irene finding herself and loving herself is more important. thank you so much author. :D
Chapter 6: How's the contemplation going? That is a major shift from chemistry to music, hey? In any case, good luck with that because I know that decision-process carries a lot of stress with it. You are right about something, though. Loving ourselves is important ... in fact, we have to love ourselves first before we can love someone else.

I liked and appreciated you had Seulrene be together as endgame. It would have been too sad otherwise! The reasons why Seulgi cheated on Irene was very plausible and Seulgi being given a second chance was not outside the realm of possibility. She seemed contrite and took the sensitive steps of packing her bags and cleaning up their apartment, in preparation for being booted out on her and this somehow made her more endearing. So yeah, I'm glad Irene gave her a second chance because that old adage of 'once a cheater, always a cheater' obviously does not apply to everyone.

Thanks for this story. I really liked it!
Chapter 5: Poor Irene. She’s such a kind soul...
hugeboyxxi #9
I actually believed your comments saying there's nothing going on with Wendy and Seulgi hhhhhh but anyways, this story is insane with all its rollercoasters. I actually really don't know what will happen next! The unpredictability of this really makes me wanna scream. This is just awesome. I haven't had a story that made me want to rip all my hair out or bite all my nails or weep in my bedroom for a long time. This is really really really great. Gods, what will happen next? I'm really excited to watch how this masterpiece unfolds. I just can't stress it enough how great this fic is and how really incredible you are for making us want to clench our seats in excitement and nerves because we actually don't have a clue what will happen next. Well, for this chapter, let me just say that I kinda really want to slap the out of Seulgi but I guess everything that happens in this happens for a reason so... Let everything that should happen, happen. This is really getting a bit too long... Anyways, you really did a good job author, I'm excited to know what happens next. Also, thank you for updating daily! That's really awesome!
Chodinglainee #10
Chapter 5: Oh oh ohhh that escalated fast. Cheater seul