"I just wanna be with you"

I Can't Forget Your Love


Once the two maknaes had come back from their shopping, Yu Hae had gone to the kitchen to make dinner while the others were setting the table and chatting. She liked it because she could still see them, hear them and take part in the conversations.

"You're sure you don't want any help ?

- I'm fine, Oppa, thanks, she answered to Woo Young.

- It smells really good.

- Of course. Yu Hae Unni is an incredible cook."

The leader smiled at Chan Sung and Mi Hyun.

She didn't even notice that Jun Ho was gazing at her the whole time. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her. Ever since he had seen her in the music room, she hadn't left his mind. Her long brown hair, her big blue eyes, her bright smile... She sure wasn't like anyone he had seen before. Something about her attracted him irresistibly.

Besides, the boys were all thinking the same thing : these five girls were really cute, and the way they dressed just made them look even prettier. As a rock band, they had their own style, certainly quite unique, but it suited them well. And the boys liked it very much.

"We were wondering..., Nichkhun started.

- Are you fans ?

- Of course. We love JYPE's artists, Young Min answered to Jun Su. Especially this new rock band, what's its name again ?

- Oh, you mean these five hot girls whose music is just awesome ?" Soo Ji said with a smile.

The girls couldn't hold their proud smile.

"You didn't even debut yet. Who said your music was awesome ?

- Yah, Teac Yeon Oppa. Don't be jealous, Soo Ji replied, sticking her tongue out at him.

- No need to say it, we just know, So Ra said.

- I guess we'll have to check this.

- Anytime, Oppa." Youg Min answered to Woo Young.

They boys smiled. They wanted to see the girls perform as soon as possible.

"But seriously... Just tell us.

- Why, are you guys idols too ? No way ! Young Min joked.

- Jun Su, you remember what they said about our song, right ? Nichkhun laughed.

- Unni, Mi Hyun finally said, I think we can tell them now."

They smiled at the sight of the six boys waiting for their confession with a curious look. They weren't disappointed of the answer : Mi Hyun, Young Min and Soo Ji started to dance and sing to a medley of "10 out of 10", "Again & Again", "Heartbeat" and "Without U". The boys couldn't believe their eyes : they expected anything but this.

"We're huge fans.

- We love your music.

- 2PM saranghae~" Mi Hyun ended, raising her arms to form a heart.

They all bursted out laughing and applaused.

"You guys are crazy.

- Chincha daebak !"

Yu Hae sighed while her members were smiling at their six favorite idols.

"Thanks girls, that was... fun, Jun Su laughed.

- What about So Ra Noona ? Chan Sung asked.

- I really like your music. You are great performers and great singers, she answered with a smile.

- Thanks. What about you, Yu Hae ?"

The person concerned suddenly pretended to throw herself in cooking.

"I'll give you a clue : she has a tee-shirt with 'Proud to be a Hottest' on it, Soo Ji laughed.

- Chincha ?

- Yah, Kwang Soo Ji, the leader sreamed, trying hard not to blush. How did you find that tee-shirt anyway ? I told you I'd kill you if you rummage in my stuff."

She gave her sister a black look. Now she had to admit she was a huge fan too. But hell no, she won't dance and sing.

"Okay fine, she finally said. 2PM Hwaiting~"

She was so cute, the boys immediatly smiled warmly at her and thanked her.

"Guys, dinner's ready !"




"Your mother is French ?

- Your Korean is very good for a half-korean girl.

- Komawo, Oppa, Yu Hae replied to Taec Yeon and Jun Su.

- That explains a lot. I guess your eyes and hair color is natural then.

- Keurae, she answered Jun Ho.

- So that's why you and Soo Ji don't look alike very much. But JYP told us you were sisters.

- Stepsisters, Soo Ji replied. Same father."

Yu Hae was indeed quite of unique. Half-French, half-Korean, you could hardly miss her big blue eyes slightly slanting. This west side of hers was very attractive.

"So you speak French fluently ? Taec Yeon asked.

- Ne.

- Tell us something in French, Jun Su suggested.

- Oh yeah, Unni, jebal ! I love it when you speak French, Mi Hyun said, smiling.

- What do you want me to say ?

- Anything. We won't understand anyway, laughed Taec Yeon.

- Just introduce yourself, Unni."

She breathed in, then started her little speech. When she stopped, she looked at the boys with a smile. They applaused, impressed.

"I didn't understand anything, Taec Yeon said, except your name and 'NoiZ'.

- It seems so hard... But it's beautiful when you speak, Yu Hae."

She smiled at Jun Su and thanked him.

"I'll learn French someday..., whispered Taec Yeon. Will you be my tutor, Yu Hae ?

- Learn Korean first, Hyung !"

They all laughed at Woo Young's words. Then they started to talk about Nichkhun's thai origins, then about when the girls stayed in the US.




Once the dinner was over, the boys thanked them and promised that they would invite the girls next time. Young Min suggested to take the boys home to see where their dorm was. Yu Hae and Soo Ji decided to go with her.

"Does your mother live in Korea ?"

While Soo Ji and Young Min were talking and laughing with the rest of 2PM, Jun Ho had come closer to the leader.

"Aniya, Yu Hae answered. She met my father here but they went to France just before my birth, and after they seperated, my mother stayed there whereas my father came back to Korea."

Though she loved South Korea, and had settled here, she really missed her native country and her mother. She had refused several times to return to her daughter, saying she prefered to stay in France.

"It must be hard to be so far way from home.

- It is, even if I love being here. But I can't complain, I'm not the only one who's away from her family, she added.

- Ah, the price of success !"

Yu Hae softly laughed, then lifted her head towards Jun Ho. He was so cute. His smiling eyes, his smile... The kind of smile who made her feel terribly good.

"Who would have thought you liked 2PM ?

- No one. Not even me, she laughed.

- I'm kinda proud. The leader of a rock band, a fan of us...

- You'd be surprised.

- Why is that ? he smiled.

- I love k-pop. I listen to all kind of music actually. So keep your clichés about rockstars for yourself, will you ?

- Yes, m'am !" he laughed.

Yu Hae smiled back at him. She found herself enjoying talking to him.

"So who's your favorite ? he suddenly asked him.

- You mean among 2PM ? I don't know.

- Come on.

- Really, I don't know. You're all great, it's too hard to choose.

- I'm sure you do have a favorite, but you don't wanna tell me.

- No, I just..."

She couldn't finish her sentence. Damn, he was good. Her mind had just gone blank. What was wrong with her ? He was just smiling at her but that was enough to make her lose her words.

"Fine, then I'll guess. Just give me a week, and I'll find out."

Wasn't it obvious ? She sighed. Seriously, guys could be so stupid sometimes. And they didn't even do it on purpose.

"What do I get if I win ? he asked her with a smile.

- Mwo ?

- Let's bet. If I win, you do something for me.

- Yah, Lee Jun Ho. Who do you think I am ? I don't bet with guys.

- Wae ?

- You can't trust them."

He laughed.

"You can trust me.

- I don't know yet, she said, giving him a suspicious look.

- Come on, look at me. Don't I seem like the most reliable person you've ever met ?"

She looked at him : he was making a puppy face. So damn cute.

"You can't fool me, she joked.

- You'll trust me soon. You'll see.

- And what makes you think you're gonna win anyway ?

- You girls are so easy to find out.

- Then I'll make it even more difficult for you, she said with a proud smile.

- So you wanna bet ?

- Yeah, let's do this.

- If I win, you cook French dishes for all six of us. No catch, safe bet. You see ? Nothing to lose. I'm a trustworthy person.

- You're right. I can still put poison in the food anyway. But instead, let's just say that if I win, you'll have to introduce us to all JYPE's artists. And don't forget to mention that we're totally hot and cool."

He laughed again.

"Okay. Deal."

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nuneodevotion #1
this story gave me so much feels.. thankyou for sharing this story author nim! daebak!
Cillaries #2
Chapter 23: So much crying T.T
awwwwww i cried... sorta..... really good ^^v
ahh~ i'm sad it ended!
but i'm so happy at how it ended tho
i LOVED following your story
it was deff something refreshing compared to many stories on here :)
i'll deff read what you come up with next!
Yeah~ Finally I have time to read this... XD
I love the ending...so sweet and also I feel touched... T_T
Fighting for your next story!! ^^
2487 streak #6
This has been an amazing story, and I'm so glad to see that everything worked out for Yu Hae and Junho. :D Yu Hae has such supportive members and the 2PM boys were also extremely loyal, which I loved. ^-^ I'll be looking out for more of your stories! Continue writing! You're a great author! :)
oh man.
made me a little teary eyed reading this chapter
cause it felt like a forecast to a very depressing future
where she didn't make it through the surgery
Update soon.....
dudi2pm #9
really beauty

dont end this story please...make it longer..and make the couple face the pain together