"I stay up all night thinking of you"

I Can't Forget Your Love


"Omo, Bi Oppa !" Soo Ji exclaimed.

It was Jun Ho, of course.

"Wait a minute. Bi Oppa is taller. And older. And cuter, Soo Ji corrected.

The person concerned laughed, followed by the other members.

"I take that back. You're cuter, Jun Ho-ssi." Soo Ji said with a seductive smile.

Yu Hae sighed. God, it was so like her sister to hit on every cute guy she met, even it if was just ten seconds ago. She hit her in the back of her head.

"Stop it, she whispered, then turned towards the boys with an embarassed look.

- It's okay." Jun Ho laughed.

The girls then realized they were facing all 2PM six members. And Yu Hae had to admit it : they were all handsome. Especially the one who had just spoken, with his beautiful smiling eyes.

The boys were excited to finally meet all NoiZ members. They weren't wrong : they were very pretty, and quite funny. And they seemed like very interesting girls indeed.

The five girls bowed.

"Annyeong haseyo, we're NoiZ.

- Annyeong haseyo, we're 2PM." the boys said, bowing back.

Yu Hae then went towards them.

"Sorry, we were just about to leave.

- No, it's okay, Jun Su said. It's just that...

- We didn't expect to see you here, Taec Yeon continued. We thought you'd be at the singing room.

- Well, we've finished anyway." Young Min said.

Wait a minute. This may be their only chance to see what they worthed at dancing, they couldn't miss it.

"Why are they here anyway ? It's not like they can dance or anything. They'd better go practice their singing." Taec Yeon said, loud enough so the girls can hear him.

Young Min stopped and turned round.

"What did you just say ?"

Yu Hae saw immediatly she was getting irritated.

"Yah ! You...

- Enough, Young Min-ah."

She stopped and glanced at her leader with a questioning look.

That was it : their plan was working. As Yu Hae turned towards them, Taec Yeon tried to hide his smile of satisfaction.

"I see what's going on here.

- And what's that ?

- You think that because we're a rock band, we can't dance."

The girls gathered around their leader and stared at the boys with a mysterious smile.

"Why don't you sow us what you've got." Taec Yeon said in a provocative tone.

That was too easy. The girls laughed before taking their position with a proud smile and a challenge look while Yu Hae turned the music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAXGO6_luwc) on.

Though JYP had warned them, the boys couldn't hold back their surprise. These girls could dance. They could perfectly dance. From classical to hip hop, they seemed to master everything. The way they moved was amazing. They seemed to dance with disconcerting ease and such an agility, it was almost unbelievable.

"You did well, Hyung, Chan Sung said to Taec Yeon with a smile.

- Yeah, we didn't expect that, Jun Ho confirmed. These girls are really something.

- I'll never doubt JYP's instinct anymore, Jun Su agreed.

- I can't wait to see them on stage", Nichkhun said.

The music stopped, and the girls took their bottles and their towels, relieved. They had showed what they wanted to show them.

"Oh but, of course, we can't dance, Soo Ji said, sarcastic.

- Sorry to disappoint you guys.", Yu Hae concluded with a smile of triumph.

They left the room while the boys were looking at them, amused.




Few days later, Yu Hae was in her room, thinking about what she called "the dancing room episode". She couldn't understand : had they done that in purpose ? Had they provocated them because they wanted the girls to prove them someting ? She could hardly believe they were naturally mean, especially after her meeting with Jun Ho in the music room. Anyway, she was glad they had showed them what they worthed.

She was so deep on her thoughts she didn't hear the doorbell ring.

"I got it." screamed Mi Hyun.

She opened the door and faced Chan Sung, Jun Su and Woo Young. Surprised, she kept quiet for a few seconds.

"Yah. You don't invite us in ?

- That's not a way to treat your Oppas."

Mi Hyun shook her head.

"Mianhae. It's just that I never thought there'll be 2PM at my door someday. Maybe I'm dreaming...

- Please, come in." Soo Ji finally screamed from the living-room.

They all greeted each other.

"I hope we don't disturb you.

- Not at all, said So Ra.

- The other members will come later.

- You mean there'll be six of the cutest guys in South Korea in our appartment ?" said Soo Ji.

The boys laughed.

"If it's too much for you, we can...

- It's absolutly fine, trust me. You couldn't make her happier." Young Min said.

Soo Ji nodded with a big smile.

"Yu Hae-yah ! called So Ra.

- Ne ? the leader answered from her room.

- Come here, we have guests."

Puzzled, Yu Hae got up and went to the living-room.

"Oh, it's you. Annyeong haseyo, she said bowing.

- Ne, annyeong." they answered.

What were they doing here ?

"We came to apologize.

- About the dancing room episode.

- We kinda did that on purpose. Sorry."

All three of them bowed. The girls smiled.

"It's okay, we knew it, said So Ra.

- I guess we passed the test, continued Soo Ji.

- At least now you know you don't wanna mess with NoiZ, laughed Young Min.

- Totally. And I hope you didn't get us wrong. We're sorry we were mean, we're not like that, said Jun Su.

- Don't worry. It was kinda fun, actually.

- Mi Hyun's right, agreed Yu Hae.

- So we're cool ?

- Of course."

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang again. Yu Hae opened the door, surprised.

"Annyeong haseyo, she said bowing.

- Annyeong !" Jun Ho, Taec Yeon and Nichkhun answered.

She invited them in, and after greeting the other members, they all apologized again.

The boys were really handsome, it was hard to resist.

"Let's forget about it, okay ? said Young Min.

They all agreed with a smile, then they decided to all have dinner together.

"Unni, we don't have enough in our fridge to feed eleven people.

- Twelve. Chan Sung counts for two.

- Hyung !

- Soo Ji's right, laughed Young Min, some of us should go shopping.

- I'll go, Unni, said Mi Hyun with a smile.

- Me too.

- Okay then, Chan Sung-ssi and Mi Hyun go shopping." Yu Hae said, giving the maknaes some money before they leave.

As Yu Hae was heading towards the kitchen to get some drinks, she heard her sister's voice.

"Jun Ho-ssi, you're much cuter than Rain when you smile. I thought it was impossible

- No way, Bi Oppa is the best : he has the iest voice in the world, Young Min said.

- Stop it, Min-ah, you're gonna hurt his feelings."

Jun Ho laughed. Honestly, these girls were made him laugh a lot.

"Yah." screamed Yu Hae from where whe was.

Soo Ji shrugged with a smile, while her sister gave Jun Ho a sorry look.

"You only gets compliments, Jun Ho.

- Don't be jealous, you're all...

- Kwang Soo Ji. I'm holding a glass full of water, and I'm ready to use it.

- You're gonna scare them, Unni."

Yu Hae gave her sister a black look while everyone was watching the scene, amused.

"Aish, chincha. How can you be so disrespectful towards your seniors ? the leader sighed. Apologize immediatly.

- Unni, why do you always have to be so dramatic ? It was just for fun, even if...


- What ? You know, Unni, they're really gonna believe you're...

- Enough, Soo Ji." So Ra said calmly.

The young girl sighed while Yu Hae, embarassed, bowed and whispered apologies before Jun Su spoke to the leader.

"I don't want to make things worse, but I kinda agree with Soo Ji. You're in the JYPE now, you're part of the family, so forget the manners and the formal language, okay ?"

Yu Hae lifted her head and saw Jun Su's smiling face. He was so cute, how could she say no ?

"Ne, arasseo.

- Thanks for making her understand, Jun Su Oppa."

Yu Hae gave her a black look.

"Don't push it, Soo Ji."

So Ra came closer to Yu Hae with a conforting smile.

"Unni, what are we gonna do with her ?" the leader complained.

So Ra laughed, soon followed by Yu Hae. Now that the ice was broken, they could all enjoy their evening.

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nuneodevotion #1
this story gave me so much feels.. thankyou for sharing this story author nim! daebak!
Cillaries #2
Chapter 23: So much crying T.T
awwwwww i cried... sorta..... really good ^^v
ahh~ i'm sad it ended!
but i'm so happy at how it ended tho
i LOVED following your story
it was deff something refreshing compared to many stories on here :)
i'll deff read what you come up with next!
Yeah~ Finally I have time to read this... XD
I love the ending...so sweet and also I feel touched... T_T
Fighting for your next story!! ^^
2487 streak #6
This has been an amazing story, and I'm so glad to see that everything worked out for Yu Hae and Junho. :D Yu Hae has such supportive members and the 2PM boys were also extremely loyal, which I loved. ^-^ I'll be looking out for more of your stories! Continue writing! You're a great author! :)
oh man.
made me a little teary eyed reading this chapter
cause it felt like a forecast to a very depressing future
where she didn't make it through the surgery
Update soon.....
dudi2pm #9
really beauty

dont end this story please...make it longer..and make the couple face the pain together