"I can wait for you until you come back"

I Can't Forget Your Love



« So you two are dating, or what ?

- Yeah. Well, no. Not really. I mean, it's kinda complicated. He's an idol and everything, so it's a bit hard. And it's only been a week, so... »

Yu Hae sighed. Her sister looked at her not finding her words, amused.

« Stop asking stupid questions like that. »

The girls laughed while Yu Hae got up and went to her room.

She still couldn't believe what was happening. She liked Lee Jun Ho from 2PM. And Lee Jun Ho from 2PM liked her. It was almost too good to be true. But it felt too good not to be real.




Later that day, the girls met the boys on the shooting site for the last scenes.

« Jun Ho kissed you ? »

Yu Hae was talking with Taec Yeon while getting ready for theit next scene together.

« Yep. Twice.

- Nice ! Guess my plan worked after all. No need to thank me, it was my pleasure. »

He winked at her. She sighed, shooking her head.

« I'm just kidding. Though I wouldn't be reluctant to kiss you, but you rejected me.

- Oppa ! she yelled, embarassed.

- You kissed Taec Yeon too ? »

Yu Hae turned to see Young Min and Soo Ji, who had finished shooting, walking towards her, interested by the turn of the conversation.

« No ! she immediatly replied, giving Taec Yeon a black look.

- Only Jun Ho did, that lucky guy, he said. I guess he took that bet seriously after all. »

The girls gave him a questioning look, while he cursed his mouth.

« What ? What bet ? 

- Oops...

- Ok Taec Yeon. What did you do ? »




« She's cute, huh ? »

Jun Ho simply nodded. No need to ask who he was talking about.

« You like her.

- Come on, who doesn't ? She's a great artist, pretty, funny and smart. And she's not a crazy fan girl. »

Taec Yeon softly laughed at the end of his sentence.

« And she seems to like me, he continued. It's not like I have much competition anyway, but I'd like to make things more interesting...

- What do you mean ? »

Jun Ho looked at her with a questionning look.

« I know you, Jun Ho. I know you like her too, and I can't really blame you. »

Jun Ho didn't even try to deny it.

« I look forward to see who will make the first move... »

He frowned : what did his Hyung have in mind ?

« I bet I will before you. What do you think ? »

Jun Ho smiled, though he looked serious.

« Even if you do, I'll catch up with you. And she'll choose me.

- You wanna bet ? »




« I hate you. »

Since they were ready and they still had time before shooting, Taec Yeon and Yu Hae had gone away from the shooting site to talk seriously, just the two of them, after making sure no one was after them.

« Yu Hae, stop being so dramatic.

- Shut up ! This is all your fault. What were you thinking ? »

He could sense how irritated she was.

« I was just trying to help you.

- Well, who asked you to ? »

Yu Hae felt hurt and betrayed. It was all just a lie ? It was just about winning ? Everything Jun Ho had told her... He didn't mean any of it ?

« It's not that bad. He even kissed you.

- Only because his pride told him to.

- No ! Listen to me, you have to relax, he...

- Stop telling me what to do. And mind your own business, for once ! »

That was too much. Why did everyone have to interfere with her love life ?

« Yu Hae, I... I'm sorry, I...

- No, that's enough. »

On the verge of tears, she went back to the shooting site, leaving Taec Yeon sad and confused.

The rest of the day went very slowly. The shooting was very hard for her, espcially since she was with Taec Yeon, and he was the last person she wanted to see at the moment. How could she focus on her work when she had learned this ? But she had to. It was the only way to forget her worries for a while.




« Yu Hae-yah. »

No answer. Not even a look.

« Yu Hae-yah~ »

She turned her back at him, pretending to be absorbed in her song-writing.

« Yah, Kwang Yu Hae. You can't ignore me forever.

- I'm not talking to you, Ok Taec Yeon.

- Hum... You are. » he softly laughed.

She held back a smile.

« Well... Not anymore. »

He sighed, moving closer to her.

« Please~ »

She turned to him while he was trying to act cute. She rolled her eyes.

« How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry ?

- Until you realise that what you've done was wrong, and it hurt me.

- I do, I really do. I never meant to do you wrong, you know that. »

She sighed and nodded.

« But it helped you and Jun Ho getting together, and I'm not sorry for that. »

She gave him a black look.

« I know Jun Ho, and he's not like that. He kissed you because he wanted to. He felt threatened, he couldn't stand seeing you close to me. He was jealous, that's why he kissed you. Because he like you, not because of a stupid bet. »

How could she believe that, coming from him ?

« He's sincere, believe me. »

She looked at him with a serious look.

« No, it's too easy. He didn't tell me anything, so I won't forgive him so easily.

- Yu Hae, he...

- Stop it. I don't wanna hear anything else from you. »

He was about to say something, but she stopped him with a simple look. She turned and walked away without a further word.




All that happiness had just been crushed by what Taec Yeon had told her. Just a few words had been enough to make it all collapse. She had lost all confidence. She was fed up with lies. And she was afraid she would hurt Jun Ho... She never thought it could have been the other way around.

But there she was, down in the dumps in the middle of the girls dorm's living-room. They had all decided to go out, but she had refused, prefering to stay alone. She decided to go take a shower to clear her mind. As she stood up, she heard a knock on the door. Puzzled, she walked towards the hall and opened the door.

« Hey. »

Jun Ho was standing in front of her, smiling. Cuter as ever, unfortunately for her.

How could she have thought he would ever leave her mind ?

She didn't answer and simply moved aside to let him in. He closed the door behind him and followed her in the living-room.

« What do you want, Jun Ho ?

- Wow, I have a whole sentence tonight. Lucky me. »

She didn't answer, but looked down.

She had been indeed avoiding him all week. Though they hadn't seen each other very often because of their different schedule, everytime they had had the occasion, she had just pretended to be busy or doing something else.

« I want you to tell me what's going on. »

She shrugged.

« I mean, aren't we...

- What ? Aren't we what ?

- Together ? »

She laughed, though she was in a bad mood. She really didn't want to have this conversation at the moment.

« Oh, are we ? »

He looked at her, frowning.

« What is that supposed to mean ?

- You heard me.

- No, tell me what you really think, Yu Hae.

- Aren't you the one who has something to tell me ? »

He gave her a questioning look.

« I did something wrong, is that why you're upset ?

- Why do you care anyway ? You've won your bet. Congratulations, Jun Ho. »

She tried to hold back the tears that were coming

Jun Ho quickly understood, and looked down.

« Hyung told you ?

- Yeah. Why didn't you ?

- Because it wasn't important. I had almost forgot-

- It wasn't important to tell me the real reason you kissed me ? »

Jun Ho cursed between his teeth.

« Listen to me, I-

- I don't want to.

- But...

- Leave me alone, Jun Ho. »

He was unable of saying anything, too shocked by what he had just heard. This wasn't real, right ? This could only be a nightmare.

« Get out. »

She turned around and walked away towards the bedrooms, without even looking at him. Jun Ho stayed without moving for a few minutes, before finally making up his mind and leaving the dorm.

He should not have listened to her. He should have caught up with her, and tried to explain himself. But would she even have listened to him ? He had never meant to hurt her, but he had seen how sad she was. He had kissed her because he wanted it. And now that he couldn't do it anymore, it realised how heartbroken it made him feel.




However, what he didn't know was that at the same time, locked in her room, Yu Hae had let her tears flow. She kept telling herself that it was for the best, that he would soon get over it. But she missed him already. She had never been so sad, and she had never regretted something so much in her whole life.

That bet had come up at a perfect time. It had been a good excuse to end their relationship before she got too attached. Before it was too late. Even if at the bottom of her heart, she knew it already was.

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nuneodevotion #1
this story gave me so much feels.. thankyou for sharing this story author nim! daebak!
Cillaries #2
Chapter 23: So much crying T.T
awwwwww i cried... sorta..... really good ^^v
ahh~ i'm sad it ended!
but i'm so happy at how it ended tho
i LOVED following your story
it was deff something refreshing compared to many stories on here :)
i'll deff read what you come up with next!
Yeah~ Finally I have time to read this... XD
I love the ending...so sweet and also I feel touched... T_T
Fighting for your next story!! ^^
2487 streak #6
This has been an amazing story, and I'm so glad to see that everything worked out for Yu Hae and Junho. :D Yu Hae has such supportive members and the 2PM boys were also extremely loyal, which I loved. ^-^ I'll be looking out for more of your stories! Continue writing! You're a great author! :)
oh man.
made me a little teary eyed reading this chapter
cause it felt like a forecast to a very depressing future
where she didn't make it through the surgery
Update soon.....
dudi2pm #9
really beauty

dont end this story please...make it longer..and make the couple face the pain together