"I never even tried to forget you, because it was just pointless to me"

I Can't Forget Your Love


Sorry for the late update, but I was writing other stories at the same time ( http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/19910/looking-through-the-window-infinite-myungsoo-oneshot & http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/24348/i-see-you-infinite-woohyun ) and I wanted to finish them before updating here.

Thank you for waiting, I hope this chapter will make you forgive me ^^'

Please enjoy & comment~




Jun Ho slightly moved away from Yu Hae as she was opening her eyes. A little disoriented, she remained silent for a few seconds, looking at him in disbelief. What had just happened ?

"I-I'm sorry, Yu Hae, I..."

No, he was not. He was just trying to hide how good he felt.

It had been beyond his control. She was so beautiful, so close to him, he hadn't been able to resist. He had seized this opportunity, and he didn't regret it. At all.

"You shouldn't have done that, Jun Ho."

How was she supposed to get over him ? How could she forget him ? Yet, it was nothing important, he had just softly pressed his lips against hers. But it felt so good, her head was spinning around and her heart was about to break her thorax.

"But I wanted to."

He stared at her a long time before she lowered her eyes, confused and embarassed.

"Yu Hae, I...

- Unni~"

They turned their head to see a smiling Soo Ji walking towards them.

"Oh, Soo Ji-yah."

Yu Hae moved away from Jun Ho as her sister was greeting him. Soo Ji then looked at her and Yu Hae gave her an awkward smile. Her sister frowned : something seemed fishy.

"What's going on here ?

- Huh ? N-Nothing, why ?"

What a bad liar she was. Hopefully, Soo Ji didn't insist. She shook her head, whispering a 'Never mind'.

"Why are you here anyway ?

- Sorry to disturb you, but I need you, Unni. We invited the guys for dinner, and...

- ...you girls can't cook. I get it, I'm coming."

She thanked her with a smile.

"It's really urgent. Sorry, Oppa~, Soo Ji then turned towards Jun Ho.

- That's okay, we were done anyway."

He looked at Yu Hae but she avoided it. Soo Ji grabbed her sister's arm to drag her out of the dance room.

"Later, Oppa~

- Thanks for helping me out with the routine, Jun Ho."

He simply nodded with a smile. Things were getting interested, weren't they ?




Awkward. That word described perfectly the atmosphere in the girls' dorm that night. Everyone was having a good time, enjoying some rest after days of shooting, but two certain people hadn't been talking to each other the whole night. And everyone had noticed, even the guys.

"Okay, that's enough. I can't take it anymore.

- Same here. What's going on ?"

Young Min and Mi Hyun were sitting on the couch, looking at the scene taking place before their eyes with irritation and lassitude. Yu Hae was talking with Taec Yeon, but strangely stared at Jun Ho when he wasn't throwing frenetic looks in her direction.

"There's only one way to know."

With a knowing air, they looked at Soo Ji, who nodded seriously.

"Kwang Yu Hae. Girls meeting, your room, now." she suddenly screamed.

Everyone stared at her with surprise. Her sister gave her a black look.

"What ?

- Now, Unni."

Yu Hae rolled her eyes and sighed. She had no choice but to obey, or else her sister wouldn't let her get away so easily. She apologized to her guests, and followed the girls in silence.

"Sorry, guys. We'll be right back." So Ra said.

They nodded and watched the girls leave the room, wondering what was going on.




"What's going on ?"

Yu Hae was sitting on her bed, surrounded by four girls visibly upset.

"What are you talking ab-

- Oh no, no, no. Don't even try to get away with this, young lady, So Ra said in a serious tone.

- You know what we're talking about. What's going on between you and Jun Ho ? asked Young Min. You two have been acting weird all night.

- Tell us what's wrong."

Yu Hae sighed, thinking about whether she should tell them or not.

"Nothing, everything's fine."

Okay, note to herself : stop lying when you're not good at it.

"We're not letting you go until you tell us everything."

She nodded silently while sighing. She didn't really have the choice, did she ? But maybe it was better this way. She knew she could trust her band, and maybe she would feel better afterwards. She breathed in and finally told the girls what had happened these last days.

"You did WHAT ?"

Yu Hae immediatly hit her sister with a 'Sssssshhhhh !' to make her lower your voice. Soo Ji quickly calmed down and apologised.

"So let me get this straight, Young Min said. Taec Yeon is just a friend, he simply pretended to like you so you and Jun Ho realised you like each other. And Jun Ho made pretty clear he likes you. Did I miss anything ?

- Nope, that's it.

- That's quite a lot, indeed."

Yu Hae nodded, embarassed.

"I knew it, I knew it ! Mi Hyun said, excited. It was so obvious.

- And he kissed you, you lucky girl." So Ra winked at her.

Yu Hae blushed, touching her lips with a smile as she thought about what had happened.

"I understand now why it's so awkward between you two, Young Min said.

- What are you gonna do now ? So Ra asked. Did you guys talk about it ?

- No. We've been kind of interrupted..."

Yu Hae looked at her sister who quickly apologized.

"Well, how was I supposed to know ? Soo Ji defended herself.

- Anyway, you have to do something.

- I know, I know. I will, I promise. Can we go back now ? The guys must be waiting for us."

The girls nodded with a smile.

"I wish Chan Sung Oppa kissed me too." Mi Hyun suddenly sighed.

The girls stopped ans turned towards her as she put a hand on .

"You WHAT ?"




Yu Hae sighed for the nth time, hitting her forehead. Why couldn't she stop thinking about that stupid kiss ? It had just lasted a few seconds, but then it was too late. She could feel she was completely falling for him, and she hated that. She couldn't do that, not after everything that had happened. She couldn't take the risk to hurt him. To hurt her, again. But while her head was telling her one thing, her heart was saying another.

She cursed between her teeth, more confused than ever. She tried to forget her troubles for a minute and focused on what she was doing. She sat in front of the piano and started playing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7BRpmbfPk0). Closing her eyes, she slowly calmed down and cleared her mind.

When she stopped, she felt a presence close to her. She didn't even have to turn her head to know who it was. His voice confirmed her thoughts.

"It's really beautiful."

She tried to ignore how happy she was to see him, but in vain. She smiled, thinking about their kiss again.

"It's from a French composer. It brings back a lot of memories..."

Still from behind, she heard him walking closer.

"Do you miss France a lot ?

- Yeah. Sometimes, I really do."

She didn't move as he sat next to her. He remained silent for a few minutes, playing with the keys.

"Look, about what happened in the dancing room..."

Though he was looking at her, she couldn't do the same.

"I'm sorry for interfering between you and Taec Yeon Hyung, I...

- What ?"

She turned towards him with confusion.

"What are you talking about ?

- I know you like him. I kinda saw the two of you kissing in the kitchen..."

She suddenly understood what he was refering to. She softly laughed, silently cursing her so-called friend.

"Nothing happened. He tried, but I turned him down."

Surprised, he gave her a questionning look.

"I like him, but only as a friend."

Jun Ho tried hard to hide his happiness.

"And what about us ?"

Yu Hae smiled sadly. She knew she had to let him go. Better hurt him now than later, so she thought. But as she turned towards him, her mind went blank. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him. She couldn't move nor say anything. Since when had he had this power on her ?

As he was slowly leaning towards her, she felt irresistibly attracted by him. He placed his hand on her cheek and smiled at her. He knew she wouldn't be able to resist him, but she had to. Reluctantly, she looked down, trying to pull herself together.

"We're friends, Jun Ho."

His smile disappeared as he looked at her in confusion.

"Can't we be more than that ?"

Please, stop it. I can't be with you, I can't... I can't do that. I don't want to hurt you. Can't you understand it's for your own good ? I'm too attached to you to do that, Jun Ho. I'm sorry.

She could hear that little voice in her head and she knew it was right. But why does it have to be so hard ?

She gave him a sorry look, and without a word, she stood up and started walking towards the exit. He quickly caught up with her, grabbed her hand and made her face him. He looked straight into her eyes and leaned forward.


He stopped, half-smiling.

"Why ?"

She tried to avoid his look, but in vain.

"I don't want you to."

He kept smiling, and as she was trying to made him let go of her hand, he pulled her closer and sank into her eyes.


He filled the distance between their two faces and kissed her.

Caught off guards, Yu Hae was unable to move. It was too late. Fighting was useless, she knew she wouldn't resist him long. She slowly gave up and kissed him back, forgetting all her worries.

Finally. He wanted to be with her so bad, and now she was all his. It felt like a dream, and Jun Ho didn't want to wake up. Nothing could make him refrain from letting her know how he felt. And Yu Hae certainly wasn't going to complain about it.

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nuneodevotion #1
this story gave me so much feels.. thankyou for sharing this story author nim! daebak!
Cillaries #2
Chapter 23: So much crying T.T
awwwwww i cried... sorta..... really good ^^v
ahh~ i'm sad it ended!
but i'm so happy at how it ended tho
i LOVED following your story
it was deff something refreshing compared to many stories on here :)
i'll deff read what you come up with next!
Yeah~ Finally I have time to read this... XD
I love the ending...so sweet and also I feel touched... T_T
Fighting for your next story!! ^^
2488 streak #6
This has been an amazing story, and I'm so glad to see that everything worked out for Yu Hae and Junho. :D Yu Hae has such supportive members and the 2PM boys were also extremely loyal, which I loved. ^-^ I'll be looking out for more of your stories! Continue writing! You're a great author! :)
oh man.
made me a little teary eyed reading this chapter
cause it felt like a forecast to a very depressing future
where she didn't make it through the surgery
Update soon.....
dudi2pm #9
really beauty

dont end this story please...make it longer..and make the couple face the pain together