"You know that I need your love"

I Can't Forget Your Love


Days then weeks went by. The shooting for the 'Reach Out' cover was finally over. It was posted on the girl's Youtube channel. They were really proud of their first music video, and excited to show it to the world. It had been a real pleasure to work with 2PM, and the result was much better than what they had expected. They were glad to see how good the feedbacks and comments were. Many people congratulated them for their work, saying they were very talented for rookies, and that it was nice to see a gret rock band working with K-Pop idols. Everyone was looking forward to discovering their own music style and songs.

For JYP's part, he was happy to see he hadn't made the wrong choice by choosing them. Things had turned out much better than what he thought. They didn't have to prove their talent anymore, and the audience already liked them. The media were also slowly getting interested, and it wouldn't be long before they were on TV or in a magazine. NoiZ was the new hit in the K-Music industry.

Thus the girls had a lot of work, getting ready for their official debut, which was getting closer and closer. They were rehearsing almost ten hours a day, and their spare time was dwindling. The way to their debut was long, winding and tough, but they knew they had to be strong enough, because the pain was worth it.

Meanwhile, the girls started to post videos regularly : dance and singing performances, their daily life at the dorm, their friendship with 2PM, the preperation of their debut backstage (photoshoot, shooting, recprding), messages to their fans, funny moments... It was all going pretty fast, and the girls were a little disoriented. They weren't used to all this attention. But they were living their dream, and nothing could make them happier.




Every day, Yu Hae was reading the messages from the fans. It was giving her joy and support, and that was everything she needed to erase doubt. E-mails, letters, comments, they were all full of sweet words that eased her heart. 'NoiZ Unnis are very pretty ! ^.^', 'I love Yu Hae Unni, she's a great leader ♥', 'NoiZ and 2PM look good together', 'I'm looking forward to NoiZ activities', '2PM & NoiZ should work together more !', '2PM & NoiZ fighting~', 'NoiZ is really talented', 'It's nothing like I've ever heard before, I lke it', 'Keep up the good work~', 'I love NoiZ ! ♥'. Yu Hae was always smiling reading that, even crying sometimes. These tears of joy were helping her holding on, helping her so she kept making progress and going on.

She closed her laptop and walked to the kitchen to get her food. Everyone was at the boys' dorm to unwind and enjoy some spare tim together. But Yu Hae had decided to stay here, pretending she still had a lot of work. In reality, she was just trying to avoid thinking about a cetain person. They didn't talk to each other anymore, only when it was absolutely necessary. For the nth time, she repeated herself she had made the right decision. But why did it have to hurt so much ?

"Yu Hae-yah."

The leader looked up and saw So Ra walking towards her.

"Unni. You're not at the boys' dorm ?

- I wanted to check on you."

Yu Hae gave her a questioning look.

"Are you okay ?" So Ra asked, serious.

Yu Hae sighed, then nodded with a smile.

"I'm fine, why do you ask ?

- You've been working very hard lately, much more than us. You're taking care of everything alone, you never ask for help or get some rest. I'm just worried. How do you feel ?

- Good. Tired, but good, she answered seriously.

- Great. But please, tell me if anything goes wrong, okay ?

- I will, I promise. Stop worrying." she tried to reassure her Unni.

So Ra smiled at her, then came closer to hug Yu Hae.

"I can't, you're my best friend. That's my job."

Yu Hae softly laughed, thanking her.

"Since you're tired, why don't you know come at the boys' dorm with me ? Everyone misses you.

- That's sweet, but I think I'll just stay here and go to sleep." Yu Hae answered with a forced smile.

So Ra frowned, crossing her arms on her chest.

"It's because of Jun Ho, isn't it ?"

Yu Hae stopped as she was walking towards her room. Argh, why did So Ra know her so well ? She turned around and sighed, knowing it was useless to deny.

"I know it's hard for you, I can see it.

- Unni, I don't wanna talk about this.

- Well, I do. Why did you break up with him ? You two were finally together, and you...

- We can't be together.

- Is this about this stupid bet ? You know it's not important, Jun Ho really cares about you, so why-

- I'm ill, So Ra. I can't make him happy, all I can do is hurt him."

So Ra saw a tear rolling down her friend's cheek. That was answering her questions.

"So you used the bet as an excuse to break up with him."

Yu Hae sighed.

"At first, I was really mad at him, and I still am. But then... I thought it would be best for both of us.

- But it's not. Why can't you do what you really want for once, and listen to your heart ?"

Yu Hae laughed cynically.

"I can't trust my heart."

So Ra sighed, irritated.

"You'll regret this, Yu Hae."

She already did.

"I can't be with him, Unni. I don't have the right to."

So Ra cursed between her teeth. He was useless to get angry at her, she would only do as she pleased.

"Well, congratulations. You hurt Jun Ho and yourself. Are you happy now ?"

No, she was far from happy. But that was the only way to protect him. And herself.

So Ra sighed, shooking her head. She muttered a vague 'Good night', walked away and got out of the dorm, leaving Yu Hae alone, crying in the middle of the living-room.




She didn't leave his mind. He was always thinking about her, even more when she wasn't there. Why was she doing ? What was she thinking about ? Was she smiling ? What song was inside her head ? Everyone had noticed he wasn't as usual, but no one asked questions, and that was fine with him.

He knew they were here if he wanted to talk. He tried to forget it and be well, but it was too hard. He missed her. He just wanted to be with her. Why had she rejected him that way ? He couldn't help but thinking something fishy was going on. Yu Hae wasn't the type to make such a fuss over a stupid bet. Of course she had the right to be upset, but she would have forgiven him eventually. He thought he had showed her his feelings many times, so why hadn't she given him another chance ? At the bottom of his heart, he knew something was wrong. He knew she hadn't told him everything. And he needed to know what was hiding behind her lies.

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nuneodevotion #1
this story gave me so much feels.. thankyou for sharing this story author nim! daebak!
Cillaries #2
Chapter 23: So much crying T.T
awwwwww i cried... sorta..... really good ^^v
ahh~ i'm sad it ended!
but i'm so happy at how it ended tho
i LOVED following your story
it was deff something refreshing compared to many stories on here :)
i'll deff read what you come up with next!
Yeah~ Finally I have time to read this... XD
I love the ending...so sweet and also I feel touched... T_T
Fighting for your next story!! ^^
2496 streak #6
This has been an amazing story, and I'm so glad to see that everything worked out for Yu Hae and Junho. :D Yu Hae has such supportive members and the 2PM boys were also extremely loyal, which I loved. ^-^ I'll be looking out for more of your stories! Continue writing! You're a great author! :)
oh man.
made me a little teary eyed reading this chapter
cause it felt like a forecast to a very depressing future
where she didn't make it through the surgery
Update soon.....
dudi2pm #9
really beauty

dont end this story please...make it longer..and make the couple face the pain together