The Real Reason

Fighting on Valentine's


They are having their lunch after the lunch game. “Hana missed all the fun.” Changmin commented.

“She can’t play too if she’s here.” Jaekyung said.

“Why? Is it because of her sprained arm?” Hongki asked.

“She’s having a high fever at the moment too.” Juri added.

“Then why did the PDnim said that she have and urgent meeting with your president?” Tony asked G.Na.

“She really does have an urgent meeting. It was actually scheduled last week but she can’t go, so now, it’s urgent.” G.Na explained.

“Hana’s immune system is too week. She was sick for almost two weeks, so the Beast boys are always at their dorm, taking care of her.” Kikwang said.

“Hana was sick?” Minho asked, totally clueless.

“Hmm…” Kikwang nods. “Last week, she just stayed home.”

“Yah, Choi Minho. Don’t you read newspaper, watch TV, or even read articles online? Hana was rushed in the hospital Thursday afternoon. She just got home yesterday. I wonder why she went to work already.” Min pushed him lightly.

“I thought you guys were friends?” Kikwang asked. “The day you called, she was asleep because her fever was too high. I thought you called to check on her condition. The six of us [BEAST] were roaming around the place doing chores and looking for medicine. I was in-charge of taking her temperature every hour.”

“I thought she was just at home.” Minho remembered that Hana told him that she just stayed home all day.

“Yes she was. The doctor said that she have fever so she advised plenty of rest. But she’s always at the practice room, dancing or at the studio, singing. There was one time we thought she was sleeping on the couch, it turns out that she’s wide awake because she has migraine attack.”

“Everyone that time panicked because she was one of the favorite maknaes in Cube.” G.Na supplements.

Eunso suddenly butts in. “Let’s continue eating. We still have to finish filming.”

G.Na looks at her. “You don’t like her, do you? Well, it’s not my business anyway.” She shrugs it off.


“She needs to release herself from stress.” The doctor says. There’s a dextrose hanging from Hana’s bed all the way down at the back of her palm. “Did you know that the patient also has a heart problem? If she’ll continue on carrying heavy feelings, there’s a high possibility of heart attack.”


After the shoot, G.Na and Kikwang left the set in a hurry, not attending the dinner party.

Minho decided to apologize to her so he went to Hana’s dorm. Before he could even ring the doorbell, the door opens.

“Why are you here?” Yujin asked, stepping out.

“Is Hana inside?”

“She’s not here.” It was Heerin. She went out with a luggage.

“Where is she?”

“Why are you even bothering to ask?” Mina went out of their dorm, asking Minho.

“Oppa…” Hyemi wanted to tell him but…

“Hyemi, let’s go.” Mina grabs Hyemi by the wrist, leaving Minho there.

He went back to their dorm to find only the managers in there. “Where are the others?” Minho asked.

He heard the door being unlocked. “We’re home!” Taemin called.

“Where have you guys been?” Minho asked.

“I can’t tell you anything, hyung.” Taemin said and sat beside him.

“Do you know where Hana is?” He finally asked.

“Why would we know? She's your girlfriend, not ours.” Jonghyun said.

“Since we can't tell you, watch tv, browse the internet.” Onew advised.

“Hyung!” Key exclaimed.

“C'mon, give them some break. I don't want to see our brother here looking like a total idiot because he doesn't even know what's happening to his own girlfriend.” Onew said explaining further and went to his room.

“I think you should go see her.” Jonghyun taps his arm.

Taemin, fortunately was watching the news.

“Now we move to entertainment news. Idol star Hwang Hana was rushed into the hospital earlier this afternoon. A representative from Cube Entertainment said that Hwang will be on indefinite hiatus for now. However, Cube Entertainment kept 'no comment' on her condition.”

Worry was written all over Minho's face when he saw the news with Hana’s blurred picture being rushed in the emergency room. He was unable to say anything because of shock. He looks at Taemin. Taemin who pities him sighed. “What are you standing there for? Seoul hospital, room 327. Go!”

Minho left as quick as possible after Taemin gave him her exact location.


“How long has she been sleeping?” Heerin asked.

Their manager looks at his watch. “Ten hours more or less.”

“Why isn't she waking up?” Hyemi asked.

“She has a lot in her mind so they gave her a sleeping pill.”


Minho was driven to the hospital by their road manager. The moment the car stopped, he opened the door and ran inside not bothering on the lined up ambulances on the emergency room entrance, not bothering on taking the elevator but he was running on the stairs. Upon opening the door, he breathes deeply.


“Oppa, I talked with the president earlier.” Yujin told their manager.

“What did he say?”

“He told me we'll take Hana back to Incheon for some time since all her activities are halted.”


“Yes, now. An ambulance is waiting for us.”

Their coordinator went inside the room with 3 nurses.

“We're leaving.” she said.


Minho composed himself before opening the door. When he did, his face fell. No Hana. No sight of Hana. No traces of Hana.

“Excuse me, where's the patient here?” Minho asked when a nurse passed by.

“Ah, Ms. Hwang was transferred to another hospital. However, no one knows where because they're trying to keep Ms. Hwang away from the media because her condition is very sensitive.”


Hana woke up after 23 hours of sleeping.

“Eh? Why is everybody here?” She asked. Hyemi and Heerin were playing with the camera. Yujin and Mina were watching TV.

“Hey sweetheart. How's your sleep?” Mina asked turning to her.

“How long was I asleep?” Hana asked, her eyes wandering. “This wasn't the room I was in yesterday.”

“I thought hospital patients are delirious? The president said you need a vacation. So, you're home.” Yujin grins.

“Oh? Really? Do I get to go home too?” Hana giggled.

“Of course, but you need some time here in the hospital. Just enjoy your vacation and don't think about Minho.” Mina said.

Hana's expressions were mixed with longings and jealousy.

“Yujin, take Mina out.” Heerin whispered.

“I'm hungry!” Yujin whined then took Mina by the wrist leaving the room. “C'mon Mina, let's look for manager oppa.”

Hana, Hyemi, and Heerin were left in the room.

“You miss him don't you?” Heerin asked.

“Of course.” Hana sulked.

“Then why are you acting like that?” Hyemi lets Heerin do the talking.

“I miss him, yes I do. I love him, yes I do. But...” Tears started to fall. “I'm getting tired of a relationship where there is no trust and full of arguments.” She sniffs.

Hyemi gave her a box of tissue. “Calm down. The doctors said you can't be stressed.”

“I don't understand him sometimes. He said I was lying but I don't know what he is talking about.”

“All i know is that he really loves you.” Hyemi was on Minho's side.

“I love him too, but I don't think this relationship is taking the right path.”

“Woah, slow down. Don’t make rush decisions. Think it through. The root of the problem is jealousy right? You are jealous of So Eunso.” Heerin said.

“Of course not, don't say that.” Hana retorts.

“Admit it. You were jealous so the two of you had a fight. Which now already is a big issue.”

Hana was unable to respond at Heerin's statement.

“He came at the dorm yesterday looking for you.”

“Don't talk nonsense. He won't do that.” Hana replied knowing Minho too well.

“Ask Hyemi if you want.”

Hana turned to Hyemi and Hyemi just nodded.

“Your prideful boyfriend just came looking for you. We all know he wouldn't do that. But he just did. Give yourselves some break, then talk things out once you saw each other again. Don't mind what Mina said. She has been an anti-Minho after you came home riding a cab.” Heerin chuckled.

Hana's sobs were turned into laughs. “Mina eonni used to chase him out of the company whenever he is around.”

“Right now, only the four of us, manager oppa, coordi eonni, and your parents know that you are here. And... Here’s your phone. It has been ringing all day.”

“Though I like Minho oppa for you, sometimes he gets really annoying.” Hyemi commented.

“Hyemi, don't tell Taemin where Hana is, okay?” Heerin asked Hyemi.

“I'll be sure not to tell him anything.” Hyemi winks. The three of them laughs.

“Is everybody hungry?” Yujin came inside the room bringing boxes of chicken. She looks at Mina who is behind her. “Learn when to shut up.”


“C'mon. I know that you know where she is.” Minho has been bugging Taemin all day.

“Hyung, if I know where Hana noona is I could've told you the first time you asked me.”

“I'm sure Hyemi told you.”

“I asked Hyemi and she doesn't want to tell me where noona is.”

“Minho!” Onew called. “Stop asking Taemin about it. He doesn't really know.”


Hana was enjoying her time in the hospital and Minho's hundred calls every day.

She has been staying there for a week now.

Her phone beeps. She received mms from Key. A smile ran across her face. It's a picture of Minho sitting on the couch, his phone on his ear. He's in his sweatpants and shirt. Then her phone started ringing again.

“Yes?” She answered.

“Finally! I've been calling you for days! How are you? Where are you? Are you okay now?” Minho asked non-stop.

“I'm okay. Please don't call me now, I need to think. This will be the last time I would be answering your call. Bye!”

“Hana wait–” The call ended.

Hana was laughing after that all by herself while Minho was in the dorm, groaning in frustration.

“Yah!” Yujin came. “Why are you laughing?”

“Nothing much eonni. How are you?” She asked brightly.

“Fine. I finished schedule early so I went to visit and I don't have work tomorrow. You know... While we were in Mucore broadcast, SHINee boys were there in the waiting room. Taemin wasn't the only one who troubles Hyemi in asking where you are. Onew asked me thrice that day. Minho even went to Doojoon oppa to ask where you were. Too bad Doojoon oppa doesn't know anything. Key on the other hand was enjoying Minho's misery.” Yujin sat beside her. “He really misses you.”

“I know!” Hana grins.

“How?” Yujin asks.

“Well, he calls about a hundred times a day but I don't answer any his calls.” Hana grimaced.

“Bad girl.” Yujin ruffles Hana's hair.


“You look better than when you two were not talking.” Yujin teased. “Ei~ you just want him to show how much he worries and miss you, don't you?” Hana nods. “I heard from Jonghyun that he's not going to appear in the next episodes of Oh! My School.”

“Oh, wae?” Hana asked.

“I don't know the reason though.”


Later that night, when Heerin, Yujin, Mina, and Hyemi went to eat dinner, Hana was left in her room alone. She was watching drama re-runs when she received a picture. It was from Minho. It was a picture of him with a sticky note stuck on his forehead down to his eyes saying. 'I'M SORRY... WILL YOU FORGIVE ME?'

“Of course I will.” Hana said, whispering while staring at his picture.


The next day, Hana was discharged from the hospital. The girls took her to her parents house and went back to Seoul.

Hana's mom went inside her room to check on her. “Honey, Heerin told me to give this to you.”

“Thanks mom.”

“No problem, call me if you need anything, okay?”

“Hmm..” Hana nods.


Hana opened the box and another box lies there with a note on the top saying: 'Key asked me if I could give this to you. Don't smile too much while looking at them.' -Heerin.

Hana opened the box and they were Polaroid pictures. One was Minho sleeping with Hana's framed picture in his hands. Another one is Minho with his laptop watching Hana's guesting on Strong Heart. Smile never left Hana's face while looking at different pictures until she reached the last picture which made her eyes teary while smiling. Its Minho's picture, smiling widely pointing at his statement shirt with big bold red fonts which reads:


At that instant, she received another mms, it was the same as last night except that it has different message and his lips perked. 'ARE YOU HURT? I'LL KISS THE PAIN AWAY...' Another one came. It's a teddy bear with a speech bubble stick to its arm.


“Soon... real soon.” Hana whispered.



Two weeks went by fast. Minho still didn't know where Hana is. He sends her sms and mms every day. Hana did send him mms once. It's her medicines in a tray with a glass of water. He called her that time and she answered, except that she didn't talk. “Be good and take your medicines. Take good care of yourself while I'm not around.” Then there was silence. “Okay...” Hana replied.

Minho on the other line, smiled. “I hope to see you soon.”


“Okay, I'm boarding the plane now. I'll be in Japan for a week, I'll be back soon. I love you.”

Hana was hesitating to reply. Minho heard her breathing deeply. “Hmm.”

“Okay, bye.” Minho was happy even with her hmm's as a reply.


Flight from Japan landed in Korea for about 10mins. Key and Onew were talking.

“I'm going to the office.” Onew said.

“Me too.” Jonghyun, Key, and Taemin responded.

“Why? Is something there?” Minho asked.

“Nothing.” Key said.

“Then I'm heading to the dorm first.”

“Don't you want to come to the office first?” Jonghyun asked.

“No. I'm sleeping in; I'll go there later this afternoon.”

Key nods at Jonghyun. “Okay.”


When Minho reaches their dorm, he fixed his things first and takes his coat off. After few minutes before changing into his comfy clothes, he received an mms from Hana; it's a picture of SME's practice room. Then comes another one. It's the whiteboard written 'I MISS YOU... WHERE ARE YOU? WOULD YOU COME SEE ME?' After reading that, he threw his clothes on the bed and wears his coat again and left.


He arrived at the office. He runs while greeting everyone he sees on his way.

When he opened the door to the practice room, he hugged her from the back, as he was facing her back.

A smile appeared from Hana's face. “Did you miss me?” She asked while grinning.

“Of course, more than ever.” He faced her and kisses her forehead. “Don't do that to me again. Where are you all this time?”

“Home.” Hana answered.

“Why didn't you tell me?”

Hana frowns and sulked. “It's been three weeks since we last saw each other are we going to fight again?”

“No.” Minho quickly answered. “Sorry.” He was looking down but he looked up to see her again. She was still frowning. “I love you.” Minho said.

Hana's frown turned into a smile. “I love you too.” Minho hugs her. “Don't do that again.”

“What? Hiding?” Hana laughs. “Why? It's fun.”

“You made me call every minute but you didn't answer my calls.”

“Are you complaining?”

“Of course not.” Minho answered. “You made me worry so much.”

“That just proves you love me.” Hana pokes his cheeks.

“Of course. Come, let's meet the angels who let you inside.” They walk with hands intertwined.


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so cute :D
cutiekoala #2
what will happen now?
why didn't kikwang told hana that minho called?
can't wait for the next chapter!
update soon:)))))
YAH PABO MINHO STOP BEING SUSPICIOUS AND ACTUALLY STOP AND THINK FOR A BIT, maybe then you will realize your girlfriend went to the HOSPITAL!!!
Update soon
Why didn't kikwang tell her that minho call her?
i hope hana will be okay:)))
when will minho visit her?:((((
excited for the next chapter
update soon!
cutiekoala #7
I hope Hana will be okay... :)
Update soon!