Ideal Girl

Fighting on Valentine's


“Don’t tell him I’m here.” Taemin visited her in the hospital together with Key and Onew.

“Don’t tell him? If you just know Hana, you’re all over the news.” Key said. “That’s where we first knew that you are here and then Hyemi called Taemin.”

“So…… Jonghyun was right after all. How long has this been going?” Onew asked. Hana raised four fingers. “Weeks?” Hana nodded.

“No wonder he’s been flirting around like some loose mental patient.” Key murmured.

“I don’t even know why I did say yes the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend.” Heerin and Yujin were taking Hana’s temperature. “I don’t want to see him. After all, I’m going home later. And promise me, if he didn’t receive any news about me being here in the hospital, don’t tell him.”

“Hana…” The manager came in. “I called about your recording tomorrow–.”

“Ani oppa, I’m going recording tomorrow. I think I spent too much time lying on a hospital bed.” Hana cuts him off before their manager can tell her that he's going to be cancelling her appearance.

“Are you sure? Since its Valent– no, I mean since its February 14 tomorrow. Aren’t you going somewhere?” Manager oppa said.

“Somewhere? Yea. I’m going recording for a variety show.” She insisted.

“Okay then, if you say so, if I confirmed this with the station, you can’t back out okay?” Hana nodded.

“Okay, since you’re checking out of the hospital later, we’re going ahead. We have schedules to tend to.” Onew told her.

“Araso oppa. Thanks for the visit, and just don’t mind us.” Hana grinned at him.


“No wonder Minho fell for her. She’s such a nice person.” Onew said. They were in the car going home to get their things and pick Jonghyun and Minho.

“Are you pertaining to Hana?” Their manager asked.

“Yea. How did you know?” Onew asked.

“Well, about four weeks ago; every week, Minho would come to me and ask me about the girls’ schedule.” Pertaining to Hana’s group. “So, every Sunday, I call Hana’s manager to ask about their schedule. Did the two fight?”

“Obviously hyung, and I don’t know if Minho knows that Hana is in the hospital.” It was Key.

“I was planning to tell him last night but a few minutes after we left the network, he was dead asleep.”

“And that was Hana noona was asking from us. If Minho hyung doesn’t know anything about her being hospitalized, then no one will tell him.” Taemin told their manager.


“Oppa, where are we going to film? When I fell asleep, we were on the road. I woke up and we’re still on the road?” Hana asked putting her hoodie and mask on.

“Just another turn and we’re there.”

Hana peeked through the window. She saw the school driveway, and in an instant, she knows what she’s going to film. “Manager oppa…” Hana whined. “Why didn’t you tell me it’s 'Oh My School'?”

“You didn’t ask. And in the first place, I told you to stay home and rest but you insisted on working.”

“You could’ve at least told me.” Hana wraps her scarf around her.

“Okay. Not gonna happen again.” The manager said and parked the car at the entrance. “Now get out first, wait in the door for me. We’re running late.”


“Now I’m not surprised that coordi eonni made me wear these.” She mumbled while taking her jacket off. She waits for their manager in the door wearing what looks like a school blazer over a striped long-sleeve shirt up to her hip bones and black leather-like skinny jeans paired with black pumps.

 “Let’s go in or your cold will get worse.” Her manager takes her jacket in her arm.


“Filming will start in ten minutes, who is the 6th female guest?” Jaekyung asked.

Knocks on the door were heard and Hana came in bowing 90 degress. “Annyeonghaseyo.” She greets.

“Hana~” Min went up to her.

“Min eonni. Oh! G.Na eonni is here too?” They were all friends way back their trainee years.

“Yah, I heard you were hospitalized.” G.Na said.

“It was nothing so don’t worry about it, eonni.” Hana assured her.

“Yah, Junhyung said it was pretty serious.”

“Ei~ Junhyung oppa is exaggerating. I just got flu and a simple sprain on my arm too. The doctor said that it was because of stress too, but I was fine all in all. Don’t worry too much.” Hana grins at them.

“Let’s get into the classroom.” Eunso said walking pass her. “New guest stays outside.” She said sternly and went out of the dressing room.

“She doesn’t like me, does she? Did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Hana asked.

“Well, she usually doesn’t talk much so never really know.” Juri answered.

“Just don’t mind her.” Jaegyeong waived. “We’re starting soon, so stay here first until someone calls you guys.”


G.Na and Hana were left in the waiting room. “It’s Valentine’s Day today. Don’t you have a date?” G.Na asked while looking in the mirror.

“I do. It’s in the hospital though. With the doctors and the nurses, I have a check-up later.” Then a scriptwriter came in to tell them that they are going to start soon.


Hana’s P.O.V

G.Na eonni and I went out of the room talking about schedules and such. There were two guys who were standing in front of the classroom where the show is being filmed. A tall one and a short one. Even if you don’t tell me, I know that the short guy is Kikwang oppa, just by the height and body built. And the other one is…

END of P.O.V.

“Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim.” Hana and G.Na bowed.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” It was Choikang Changmin of TVXQ.

Hana felt uneasy. Minho once told her that Changmin wanted to meet her since Minho and Changmin are like brothers, Minho had told him about Hana.

“Okay, let’s pair you up. Kikwang and G.Na will be partners, then Hana is paired up with Changmin.” The head scriptwriter says.


Minho’s P.O.V.

I wonder how she is. They must’ve been really busy. Even manager hyung can’t contact their manager. Usually she would call at this time.

END of P.O.V.

“Are you okay?” Eunso asked.

“Yes. I guess I’m just tired from all the schedules.” Minho replied.

Eunso was about to talk again until the hosts starts the show.

“Let’s meet our guest for Valentine’s Day!” Tony announced.

Kikwang came in, then G.Na, followed by Hana and Changmin. The moment Hana came in, Minho’s eyes were glued on her, and she introduced herself and settles down on her seat.


“Earlier, we had the boys write the physical and personal qualities of their ideal type. So now, we’ll have the boys sit on the right side and the girls on the left. For example, if this is Hongki’s list, for every trait that I will say, the remaining boys will raise the name of the girl they think best describes the trait.” Park Kyoung Lim explained. “First, we’ll have the list of BEAST's Kikwang. Number one, the girl must be petite.”

“Then only one girl is applicable, and that is Min.” Simon D butts in which made everyone laughs. All five boys raises Min’s name.

“Yes, Min’s height lies at 160cm while the rest of the girls are 170cm.” Park Myung Soo commented which causes louder laughs to surface the room.

“There’s no use in reading Kikwang’s list.” Hongki said.


“He mentioned on a show that his ideal girl is Min.”


“Our last list belongs to SHINee’s Minho.”

Everyone yelled ‘it’s just Eunso’ ‘we know who it is already’ except for G.Na and Kikwang who doesn’t know anything and a smirking Changmin who knows everything. Kyoung Lim hushed them up.

“If you read the list and look closely at the girls, you’ll be confused.” She told the guests.

“I read it three times.” Tony paused for a second. “After reading a trait, I looked at the girls and Minho seems to be pertaining to two girls. He describe a trait too much most of the time. We’ll start. Number one, the girl should be at least 165cm tall.”

Hongki, Simon D, and Seokhun voted for Eunso while Changmin and Kikwang voted for Hana.

“Before we proceed to the next one, boys; look the girls’ eyes.” After they did, Tony showed them trait number two. ‘She must have expressive eyes that I can see right through her.’ Hongki and Simon D voted for Eunso while the rest voted for Hana.

It went on and the only girls being voted are either Hana or Eunso. “Yah, Minho is sick. You really can’t tell who it is if; she’s here or not here.” Seokhun commented after the eight.

“We’re down on the last one and I’ll let the boys read it.”  ‘If a girl is older, I should be comfortable with her; if she’s younger we should know each other first.’

“Minho is born 1991. Hana are you the same age as Minho?” Changmin asked.

“No. I was born 1992.” Hana answered.

“But you’re friends right?” Min asked Minho about his friendship with Hana.

“Yea. We met about…” Minho looks at Hana. “Five years ago?”

“No. Four years ago, well… almost five.” Hana nods. She didn’t look at Minho in the eyes for she knows that Minho will see right through her. She doesn’t want him to know that she miss him.

“Oh? That long?” Jaekyung asked.

Minho nodded. “Yes, we’re from the same hometown.”

“So Hana is from Incheon? So does Eunso.” Tony said. “Eunso, how far do you live from Minho’s?” They discussed what village and town they live.”

“About twenty minutes of drive.” Eunso replied.

“Hana.” Kyoung Lim caught her attention. “How about you? How far do you live from Minho’s?”

“Not that far. Five minutes maximum if you’re riding a bicycle.”

“We’re from the same village. She lives about two blocks away.” Minho explained.

“You met in Incheon?” Tony asked.

“No. We met during trainee years, here in Seoul.” Minho answered.

“Do you have each other’s number?” Hongki curiously asked.

“They do!” Kikwang yelled out.

“Of course, we’re friends.” Hana casually answered.

“Do you call each other?” Juri joined in totally curious about the two.

“Yea, at times. When we were trainees, we usually call each other during breaks.” Minho said.

“So basically, they know each other from head to toe.” Park Kyoung Lim concluded. “Let’s vote.”

“Hana!” All five boys yelled out.


When he was writing that list, he was thinking of her. With every word he writes, it’s her face appearing in his mind. But Minho still remembers the time he called Hana but it was Kikwang who picked up the phone.


“Hey are you okay?” Changmin asked Hana. They were walking out of the classroom to have some break and eat lunch afterwards.

“Just fine, sunbae. Maybe a bit tired.” Hana timidly replied.

“I heard from Onew that you just got discharged from the hospital yesterday.” Hana nods. “Then... shouldn't you be at home, resting?”

“If I only knew ahead of time that I’ll be filming for this show, then maybe I didn’t insist on working.” She mumbled and looked at him.

Changmin chuckled. “I’ll be sure not to tell him about what you said.”

Hana sighed. “Either he knows or he doesn’t… I don’t care anymore. He thinks what he wants to think anyways.” Hana pouts and went straightly to the dressing room.

Changmin stood there, amused that a girl doesn’t care about what her boyfriend thinks about her.

Hyung!” Minho called. He was walking with Eunso out of the classroom. Eunso walks straightly to the waiting room.

“Yes?” Changmin asked him with a smile.

“How are you?” Minho asked him glancing at the girls’ waiting room.

“I know that you’re really not asking about me since we just saw each other at the office yesterday. Well, she’s fine; she just said fine, maybe a bit tired.”


“If you want to know more, why don’t you swallow that ing pride of yours and talk to her.” Changmin smirked.

“Me? I’ll be the one talking to her first? Like I would do that.”

“Suit yourself then.” Changmin left Minho standing at the doorway. When he was about to go inside their waitng room, Kikwang walks out calling Hana’s name.


Hanaa~~~ Hanaaa!” Kikwang came in the girls’ waiting room to find the girls chatting and Hana lying on the bed with the manager taking her temperature. “How is she?”

“Not good. I think I need to confine her again in the hospital.”

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me too much. I’m already 19; I can take care of myself.” Hana sat up holding onto her head. “Ahh–”

“Well obviously though you are 19, you are the maknae here, so you need to follow orders.” G.Na messed up with Hana’s hair.


“You’re quiet today. Is there something wrong?” Simon D asked Minho sitting beside Hongki while Minho change into his P.E. clothes in front of them.

“You’re usually happy and you talk a lot too.” Seokhun commented sitting on Hongki’s other side.

“Nothing. Maybe it’s just the weather.”

Changmin chuckled hearing his dongsaeng’s lame excuse. “The weather is great, what’s wrong with it?”

Minho slightly glared at him when clearly, Changmin doesn’t care. “Stop it; I’m not in the mood.”

“Does it have anything to do with girls?” Hongki asked Changmin.

“I don’t know. Ask him.” Changmin shrugged.

Hongki turns to Minho. “Does it have anything to do with girls? A specific girl? Since it’s Valentine’s…” He trailed off.

Before Minho could respond, Kikwang came in and changed into his P.E clothes. Minho glanced at Kikwang then back at Hongki. “I’m fine.” He smiled forcefully.

“Are we having games for lunch?” Kikwang asked suddenly.

“Yes.” Tony answered.

“Really?” Tony nods. “Changmin hyung, Hana can’t play games.”

“Why? Is she more of an academic person?” Changmin asked.

“No. She sprained her arm about a month ago and it’s still in recovery.” Kikwang told Changmin.

Changmin shot Minho a ‘why-does-Kikwang-know-more-about-your-girlfriend’ look. Minho shrugs when Changmin looked at him. But Changmin remembered what the SHINee boys had told him.

‘Minho hyung didn’t know that Hana noona was rushed into the hospital. So Hana noona asked us not to tell him anything, so don’t tell Minho hyung’. Taemin’s voice rang through his ears. He put his arms around Minho’s shoulder, tapping it while looking at Kikwang. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that she won’t get hurt. He was somehow talking to both Minho and Kikwang.

“Thanks hyung!” Kikwang said and left again.

Changmin turns to Minho. “Don’t worry. She won’t move a muscle." He taps Minho’s shoulder again.


Hana was drinking her water sitting in front of the mirror. “Are you okay now?” G.Na asked.

“Hmm…” Hana nods. “I told you I’ll be fine, you worry too much about me.”

“That’s because your temperature is too high.” Min retorted.

““Really?” Hana asked. “But I don’t feel anything.” Hana breathes deeply.

“Hana!” The manager called. “Phone call.” He handed Hana her phone.

“I’m going out first.” Hana said and stood up when she saw who was calling.”


Minho was leaning on a pillow, body flat on the bed, one hand on his head and the other one busy holding the phone on his ear. All the other male guest was out of their waiting room.

“Wait a second.” She told him the first time she answered the call. He didn’t answer but waited for her instead. “Hello?

“Where are you?” He asked sitting up.

“Aren’t we on the same place?” She asked sarcastically which made him smile.

“I know. But you’re not on the girls’ waiting room.” He knows because Kikwang was looking for Hana and Minho heard him ask the other guest ‘where is Hana?’

“It would be rude to answer a call there. I’m the maknae.”

“And so am I.” Minho retorts.

Hana sighed. “Are you going to start again? If you are then I’m going to hang up.”

“I’m just asking where you are.”

“I’m outside, near the stairs. Happy now?” She asked.

Minho stood up, walking towards the windows to find her back facing him. He heard Hana’s sighs.

“This is new.” Hana commented. “Why’d you call?” Usually, it’s Hana who calls because Minho’s schedule is too tight, he can’t even send a text message. A SHINee member’s schedule would be busier than a rookie group’s schedule.

“Why? Can’t I call?” Minho asked defensively.

“You can.” Hana was quick to answer.

“How have you been? I haven’t seen you in MuCore.” It’s when Hana was in the hospital.

“I went home.” She lied. “Mom was sick so I went to visit her.”

“I see. Where were you last Thursday?” Minho asked still remembering that day.

“At the dorm, I wasn’t feeling well so I stayed home while the girls went to their schedules.” Hana who is out of excuses decided to tell the truth.

“You were left alone?” Minho was boiling inside but he’s holding back.

“Yea…” Hana is a bit unsure of her answer for she doesn’t remember most of the things that happened that day. “I was just asleep the whole day.” Her fever was too high that she barely remembers anything.

“You know…” Minho sighed in frustration. “I was planning to say sorry. But hearing you lie, I don’t know if I should.”

“What?” Hana asked in disbelief. “I am for sure not lying.” She argued, tears now falling from her eyes, not even bothering to wipe them away.

“You were alone? Yea right. Why won’t you make your alibis straight?”

“I was sick!” Hana yelled, it’s the first time ever. “I don’t even know what happened that day.” Tears kept falling, however, her sobs were not audible.

“What? Were you too engrossed into him that you forgot what happened?”

“Who’s him? Stop it, Minho. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” Hana’s sobs were know audible but Minho is too angry he can’t hear his girlfriend crying.

“You’re doing a great job denying it. Keep it up.” Minho hangs up. It breaks his heart to talk to her like that. Yes, they do argue but he has a soft spot for her that when she started tearing up, he’ll always say sorry right away. “Please look up.” He whispered looking at her through the window.

“Hana!” Minho’s eyes shifted at Kikwang who called Hana. The moment he took his eyes off of Hana, she looks at her side and wipes her tears away. If Minho was looking at her, he would’ve known how deep she’s hurt. If only.

“Oppa.” Hana looks at Kikwang, smiling.

“Let’s go inside, it’s too cold out here.” He puts his arm around Hana and they went inside. Minho kicked the wall at the sight of Kikwang and Hana together.


Hana thanked the waterproof mascara and eyeliner that nobody noticed she cried. “You shouldn’t have gone outside; your fever is getting worse.” Kikwang left her with the manager.

Hana looked up to say something. “Oppa…” She tugged on her manager’s cuffs. “Can we go now? I don’t feel well.”

He nods. “I’m just waiting for you to ask. I already told the PDnim that you have an urgent meeting with the CEO. C’mon, let’s go.” He helped Hana stand up and they left, bringing their things with them.

Hana quickly fell asleep after leaving. Her manager drove to the hospital.

Meanwhile, the filming is about to start. Minho, who is in between Min and Eunso can’t find Hana. “Where’s Hana?” He asked Min.

“She already left.” Min replied shortly.

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so cute :D
cutiekoala #2
what will happen now?
why didn't kikwang told hana that minho called?
can't wait for the next chapter!
update soon:)))))
YAH PABO MINHO STOP BEING SUSPICIOUS AND ACTUALLY STOP AND THINK FOR A BIT, maybe then you will realize your girlfriend went to the HOSPITAL!!!
Update soon
Why didn't kikwang tell her that minho call her?
i hope hana will be okay:)))
when will minho visit her?:((((
excited for the next chapter
update soon!
cutiekoala #7
I hope Hana will be okay... :)
Update soon!