Chapter 2

The painter's house - Taegi

The moonlight was shining through Jin's window.The numerous trees were being blown rhythmically from the night's wind.Jin was happily sleeping his tiredness off, dreaming about a unicorn which gave him a colorful cake as a welcoming-gift.He was going to have a bite of this wonderful -and definitely tasty- thing until-


Jin quickly shot up in his bed,frightened that someone had broken into their house and was about to hurt Jungkook.He hastily got up from his precious bed and rushed downstairs.He surely wasn't ready to fight the burglar or even deal with him,but he somehow had to protect the younger.And himself.

When he finally made it downstairs (it literally seemed to Jin like he had taken ten years to get there) he didn't expect to be met with a untouched house and a seemingly safe Jungkook.No one exept Jungkook could be seen, making him wonder who the had caused all this not-needed noise.He was so ready to tell the younger off and then go back to his warm bed.Besides,that cake was waiting for him.

But he felt like his precious sleeping time was now pointless judged by the look on Jungkook's face.The only word that could describe the look on the younger's face was shock.Utter shock.

"What happened?Did someone broke in?Did you break anything on your way to get something?I told you so many times,Jungkook,it's okay if you turn on the lights!No need to wander in the dark-", Jin suddenly stopped babbling as he noticed that Jungkook wasn't answering him.He usually got really annoyed by the numerous questions Jin asked,but this time it seemed like he wasn't really paying attention to him.Like he wasn't really listening.

"The owner was lying",were the first words Jungkook said since Jin found him in the middle of the living room.He was staring off into nothing from what Jin could see.His gaze was undoubtedly empty and vacant.

"Why did we move here?Why didn't we think better about this decision?", Jungkook continued, not bothering to explain to Jin what he had just seen.

"What are you talking about?Weren't you the one who immediately liked this house?", Jin was still confused with the younger's sudden change in behavior.

"I'm just saying that the myth maybe isn't as fake as the owner assured us it is", Jungkook said,finally turning to look at Jin.On the contrary,Jin was still trying to process what Jungkook had just told him.But to be honest,he wasn't really the one to believe in myths.They didn't seem too reliable (sarcasm intended) and even though they kinda left him thinking about their plausibility,Jin usually didn't go too far as to actually get scared.

"Oh come on,Jungkook,i thought something serious had happened here",Jin replied sighing.

"Wha-Don't tell me you don't believe me!" 

"No,it's not this.. it's just..don't you think its a bit too much to believe in myths?"

"I literally saw a ing ghost Jin!"

"Language!" Jin replied back,kinda annoyed.Just as he was going to try and calm Jungkook down,he heard someone on the door knocking.

Jungkook huffed,going to sit on the couch.He couldn't believe that Jin didn't take this matter seriously,when he took seriously the film's script which they had seen earlier that night.

"Ah great,now the few neighbours that we have are going to complain about us making noise.How coo-", Jin was interrupted from what he just saw at their door's step.

A tall,handsome man was standing there at their door with his hand still raised up as if he was going to knock again.He immediately blushed while smiling,clearly showing his cute dimples.Jin swore he was going to faint right there,but he had to play cool,damnit.

"Uhm,sorry for bothering you this late at night", the cute man said,seeming a bit awkward.Jin though,was waiting for him to continue.Not that he felt like he lost his voice,no.

"I heard noises,and i thought i had to come and see if everything is okay.You know,at first i thought it was our talented painter again,but then i remember you guys moved in earlier today", the guy continued babbling,clearly shy. "So i don't think it was Taehyung again.Was it?",the tall man quickly asked,seeming a bit concerned.

"Uhm are you listening to what i said?", the man asked Jin.Jin luckily,quickly recovered from his initial shock and tried to answer the handsome man.

"Yes,ehm,.. i don't think a Taehyung lives here.By the way,i live here with my best friend Jungkook.I think you got mistaken." Just as he replied,Jungkook rose from the couch and approached the two men at the door.

"Were you talking about the ghost?Taehyung,huh?" 

The man quickly nodded at Jungkook. "So,you were the one who had the chance to see him?Most of the time,he appears at night just to mourn his lost love.You see,he is feeling guilty about his death", the man said,kind of melancholic.

"Oh,so that's who Yoongi is.." , Jungkook said,remembering the odd unfamiliar name he heard earlier that night.

"Yes,he was so in love with this man..But no need to scream,our painter is completely harmless!" the man replied,with a small laugh.

"Oh,by the way my name is Namjoon,i live across from this street", the handsome man -Namjoon- announced while initiating a handshake with the boys.

Jin unfroze just in time to shake Namjoon's hand. "Seokjin,Kim Seokjin.And this is my friend Jungkook", the oldest answered while mentioning to the youngest in the room.

"Welcome guys in the neighbourhood! I really hope Taehyung didn't discourage you from leaving.Many of the previous owners did,but i don't see the reason why," Namjoon said smiling,showing his cute dimples.

"Oh so there is a ghost,huh.." Jin exclaimed,thinking back to some minutes ago where he didn't believe Jungkook.

"I wasn't screaming for nothing,hyung..", Jungkook answered,seeming kinda annoyed.He didn't really understand why all of this happened when he wasn't at fault.

"But what did really happen to.. eh.. Ta-" 

"Taehyung!Well,he died many years ago,i think it was 1965.He apparently killed himself,not being able to stand his lover's death.Ever since,the rumor has it that our painter still exists in this house,roaming at night.He usually screams his name while blaming himself for what happened", Namjoon replied,clearly not bothered by all of this happening just a few meters from his own home.

"He was a well-known painter in his years,and i might as well say,a really talented one", the man continued.

The room fell in silence.Jungkook and Jin didn't really know what to say,as they tried to process all of this information.Living in a haunted house?No,it wasn't really their cup of tea,but as they were informed the ghost wasn't harmless.And Jin definitely couldn't handle another moving.A few days waiting or even a month wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Oh,its 4 am already.I think i should be leaving,i'm glad you were okay!And if Taehyung appears again,don't get too scared.I was trying to sleep,you know", Namjoon joked,laughing.

"But won't you tell us his story?", Jungkook suddenly asked,seeming really interested in learning about the ghost's past.Jin swore he was going to fight with the boy later.But he couldn't say anything,as he somehow got drawn to learning the story too.What an unexplained and weird feeling.. he felt like Taehyung went through too much so as to eventually die.. he couldn't help but want to know the story.And from Namjoon,too.A few minutes or hours spent with this man wouldn't harm him.

"Well,from what i remember the story is too long to tell you now.As i said,it's late and tomorrow i have to wake up early.You should go to sleep too.But i can assure you that whenever i'm free from work i will be sure to come here and explain the back story to you.Besides,you seem like you'd make a good company!" Namjoon told them,beaming.He was too happy that an owner of this house was finally interested in learning the story.The tragic story,i might add.He was one of the few people of this area that actually paid attention to what had happened to this famous couple.Namjoon always was so mesmerized from their love story,finally learning that love won't always lead to happy memories or endings.

Having waved goodbye to the two boys,he left to his own house.He couldn't wait until he got to tell them the story.Jin was too pretty.


Next chapter we will learn some of the story between taegi.I hope you stick around to read it!
Until then,comments are much appreciated!So are feedbacks.You know it's my first fanfic^^

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