
Let see what you got

“We want ……….”

Then GD stood up and said “ we want her to be the president” while pointing at me.

And then Doojoon also said “ we want her  too. “she’s a nerd so were all can trust her when it comes to our classroom” said onew .

“ we also want her too, to shorten this conversation” said yunho.

“Alright then it settled, ______ ah will be the president of this class” said Mr.  Choi.

“ And there’s nothing she could do about it “ said yoseob, after yoseob said that all of them except the teacher and me burst out of laugh.

WTH, they only chose me as their president so that I’ll be their stupid slave and  this guys don’t know who there dealing with!!!!!, don’t worry ______ calm down  one day they will pay for treating me you like this” I said calming myself while sending death glares at them .

~~Ring ring ring~~

~~  End of P.O.V~~

When you heard the bell you heavenly sigh because you can’t wait to get out of this room but when you’re about to stand up your classmates and teacher are already outside leaving you and a messy classroom. “haiz, WHAT THE… I just perfectly arrange it an hour ago and now look at this” I said.

Because of anger you stormed out of the room and went to your locker but some girls approach you and said “ so  you’re the girl that got in 3D “ while surrounding you  “excuse me, are you talking to me” you said with sarcastic. “Yah how dare you talk to us like that and don’t you still are oppa specially jaejoong oppa or your dead” said one of the girls. ‘You better be thankful that I’m a nerd here or else you will date in the cemetery with the dead people in there ‘ you thought and really wanting to say t to her face.  “ is that all you want to say because I have more important thing to do than talk to you guys”  you said instead of what was in your mind.

“WHY YOU !!! “ the girl shouted while getting ready in slapping you but one girl catch the hand that was about to slap you.

The girl that save you said to the other girl “ Haeri ssi, you shouldn’t do that to a new student, do you want to get suspended or are you going to leave” .

The haeri  girl and the other girl shot a glare at you and leave.

You looked at the one who save you and you said “ thanks” and was about to leave but the girl that save you stopped you by calling you “______ ssi  , I’m Choi minhee, the council  president of this school” .

‘How the hell did she know my name’ I thought. You face her  “How did you know my name “ you said to her while staring at her at strange way. “ don’t you know the whole school knows about you because you’re the only girl that got in 3D and every girl in this school wants to be in your place except me “ she said.

‘GREAT, I just want to make a low profile  but look what happened’ you thought.  “ok you can go now” you said to her but she didn’t even move a muscle and just stay at her place. “ why are you still not moving I said you can go , so don’t bother me” you said to her.

“ Well  I want to be your friend that’s why I’m still here” she said  “ You what!?” you said to her shocked . “ I said I want to be your friend” she sadi again.

“ Why do you want to be my friend I’m just a nerd you will not get anything to me “ you said. “ what are you saying  I want to be your friend because your not like everyone here who are just plastic” she said.

‘ _____ you should be friend with her, she doesn’t look a bad person and for once you will get a true friend’ you said to yourself.

‘ OK, I’ll be your friend ‘ you said . “ REALLY!! Then lets start in introducing our self to each other , Hi my name is Choi Minhee” she said while smiling very big at me . “ Hi, My name is Han _______ , lets get along well ‘ you said while giving her a genuine smile.


Sorry for thelate update and short story again we're so busy because are graduation is just a mile away

We'r sorry again i hope you'll like this story and PLS. SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT =) <3

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ailisu #1
Chapter 4: nooo cliff hanger; -;
chudo-Ned- #2
yay!!! you updated! I wonder what's she gonna do? Is she going to fight back or just be the damsel in distress?
Chapter 4: Thanks for updating! BUT. Me want more chappies~!!! xD
PerplexingDamsel #4
Chapter 4: Yay...thank you for updating!...I was really happy!
PerplexingDamsel #5
UPDATEEE WOMANNN!! jkjk...but seriously last updated this....Febuary?...Its October now...
chudo-Ned- #7
you should update soon it's a wonderful story
update soon