Meeting Thunder

Assistant to MBLAQ?.... Noooo problem....

                  I slowly opened my eyes and noticed briefly that there was a warm cover wrapped around my shoulders right before the stark smell of burning reached my nose. I shot up and raced out of the room just as I heard the clatter of pans and a childish scream that was too deep for a child if that makes sense, coming from the kitchen. I flew out of bed and tumbled over my own feet as I raced down the stairs.

                  As soon as I saw the kitchen I sighed and shook my head as I raced in. There was one pot with fire spewing out of it, there was a burning oven mitten on the counter and another pot had the fire so high under it that it was steaming up a storm. I the sink water and threw the oven mitten inside cursing as the flames bit at my fingers. Then, I turned the fire off under the steaming pot that smelled like some kind of broth.


                  "So not eating that . . ." I mumbled under my breath. Now the pan on fire was going to be the most difficult and was definitely going to burn me if I didn’t do this correctly. I pushed up my sleeves and picked up the top of the pan from the floor. I nearly dropped it, seeing as it hadn't cooled and the heat was burning my skin a little.


                  ‘Now I see how the oven mitten caught on fire,’ I thought. ‘But seriously, who catches an oven mitten on fire?’ I grabbed the handle of the burning pan and swore that my skin began to sizzle as I in a sharp breath, placed the pan on the tile floor and covered it. Finally, I turned off the last burner. I slid to the floor with my back against the counter and looked at my hands which were starting to sting and began looking red and shiny. ‘Well toothpaste won't help much’, I thought as I sighed and looked up

                  Aegyo . . . is not enough to explain the look on the intruder's face, I think in my time alone that I had forgotten what being a maknae (visual or not) was all about. It was all about the facial expressions and personality. His face and furrowed eyebrows (along with slightly pouted lips) showed regret, worry, and even a hint of guilt as he was staring straight at me, causing me to blush and look down.


                  ‘Are all maknaes somehow related because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that look on Lilly at least once or twice . . .’ I thought with a mental sigh. I didn't see the evil glint in his eye as he got an idea. Note to self, a maknae with an idea is just as bad as putting a grenade in a room full of gunpowder. Let's just say that nothing good comes out of it.

                  He slowly came towards me walking on his knees, and he quickly grabbed my hand, alerting my attention and began to bring it up to his lips. I saw his intentions seconds before my hand met his lips and wretched my hand out of his grip. I frantically crawled away; Of course, he gave chase on his knees.


                  "C'mon Noona let me kiss it or I’ll feel bad about hurting you~!" He was laughing as we did a circle around the dining table, the pain in my hands was getting worst as we did so. Also, did he just call me Noona?


                  "I'm not your Noona" I realized that those were the first words that I had spoken to him and felt kind of bad after saying it but he react. He just continued laughing and chasing me around the table making kissing noises. Despite myself I also smiled a little. I mean, when was the last time I crawled around while being chased in good humor? Finally, I broke the endless cycle of circling the table and crawled to the fridge, opened it and pulled a bottle of banana milk out and turned to press it to his advancing and puckered lips. For a few seconds I let it be a relief to my aching hands but then I dropped it on the floor in front of him and headed towards the stairs smiling triumphantly.


                  "If you want to help, get ready for your radio interview or whatever." I turned and climbed the stairs, deciding to take a shower before I got dressed. I decided on a pair of skinny jeans with red shirt that had the face of Marilyn Monroe on it in black and a black leather jacket with some red and black high top sneakers. I looked in the mirror and sighed at my reflection, pretty satisfied with my outfit. Then I bandaged my hands after putting some toothpaste on it (though it didn't help much) and reminded myself to buy some burn ointment later on. I headed out my room humming an MBLAQ song that I ironically found and liked. It was called 'Y' and was kind of catchy. Anyways, I was walking down the stairs humming, when I noticed that the house was extremely quiet like when I was alone.


                  "Um, Th-Thunder?" I'm a huge scaredy cat; I can’t even watch scary movies by myself and just barely when I was with people. But there was no answer from the maknae "Thunder?” I proceeded slowly down the stairs and to my surprise he didn't jump out at me. I kept my back to the wall and headed towards the living room when I saw his feet hanging off the couch. "Hey, Thunder." I said as I rounded the couch "Why- oh . . ." His eyes were closed and he was breathing softly as he slept. I looked at the time under the TV and it read 11:30am.


                  ‘Maybe I should let him sleep in the car so he doesn't have to wake up until we get to the radio station at least’, I thought before heading up to my room for the car keys, my phone, and my iPod. ‘Which reminds me’, I thought while heading back down the stairs ‘I need to call Lilly before she gets all worked up again’ I squatted down in front of Thunder, he looked so cute sleeping there.


                  "Too bad you’re not my type . . ." I mumbled as I began to shake him. "Thunder, wake up . . . Let's bring you to the car so that you can sleep there 'kay?" I felt so embarrassed to be talking like this but this was all I knew how to do since the only person I did this with was Lilly. I couldn't help talking in a cute motherly voice. Thunder half opened his eyes and closed them again "Thunder, come on!"

                  I finally got him to sit up and he sat there with his eyes closed for a few seconds before I helped him to stand, walk and put on his shoes all while he was still half asleep. He already had a leather jacket and a scarf on and I was planning on bringing a hat and some gloves but knew that if I left Thunder in the alcove then he would fall right back asleep. So instead I walked him to the car and laid him down inside before going back for the rest of my things . . .


1 Hour later


                  I pulled up in front of the back door of ‘Kiss the Radio’ radio station and elbowed Thunder softly who had slept (surprisingly) quietly throughout the entire ride. He opened his eyes and jumped up looking around frantically. I laughed softly as he began to notice where we were and I started to get out of the car.


                  "Showtime..." I mumbled as I began to hear the first shrill screams of the fans . . .


Miki here again~ This one took me a while to update. I was a) lazy and b) piled up with school :[ And Bunny’s gonna kill me when she sees this . . . I LOVE YOU BUNNY! :D Btw, I just finished school so it’s Easter Vacation. And that means: STORY WRITING FRENZY!!!! >;D

bunny here finally... im not going to respond to little miss lateness up dere lolx >.<.... but hiii subscribers.. hope yur enjoying my story so farr :D

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yozent #1
Ehh Joon could be a e n I'll still
Love him lol ...but anyways do update~
I like it update soon LOL Joon looked like a e xD
monokalisto #3
It's amazing~ >~<
Please update soon~ ^^
loving it ... please update again soon!
omg omg omg so cuuuuute!! please update soon!!!
Aww... ^ ^ i can see england and japan! I love japan TTvTT" ... But your story is really interesting i would really love to read more! Nyaaaa! >v<
Yay! :D
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please! :3