You Have Ten- No, Twenty Minutes!!

Assistant to MBLAQ?.... Noooo problem....

The house was in complete disarray.


               The living room hamper was on its side and clothes were strewn all over the place. Even from the door I could see that there were dishes and things scattered on the counter. The youngest-looking boy was wrestling with an older guy for the remote to the blaring TV while Thunder was looking on and laughing. I could spot another person rummaging through the fridge and the last guy was sitting on the floor laughing hysterically at the TV.

               None of them noticed me until I walked around the couch, grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. Everything was silent and all eyes turned to me

               "Yah! It's you!" The guy who was on the floor laughing suddenly jumped up and pointed at me. I recognized him as the guy who was in manager Oppa’s office on my first day here. I also remembered his wink and I gave him a slightly disgusted look without answering him. Finally the guy who was fighting with the youngest-looking one spoke up.

               "Wow, she's pretty." I fought a blush and the urge to run away as I tried to look expressionlessly at him. I raised an eyebrow while crossing my arms


               "Yah! Don't talk about my dongsaeng like that hyung!" Thunder states in his most serious tone almost causing me to smile but I caught a glimpse of underwear on the couch and grimaced again. Before anymore chatter could start I raised my hand calmly and everything got silent again as I struggled to hold my posture.

               "You all have 10- No," I cut myself short as I surveyed the mess again. "20 minutes. I want this house spotless because that is how a place where you live should be treated. In the event that you ignore me and leave the mess as it is, you will all sleep outside in only the clothes on your back. That is all."

               I scurried away to my room quickly, leaving them staring wide eyed at my retreating figure as I began to lose my courage. Well, you were cool I thought to myself as I opened the door to my room.

               I made sure to slam the door behind me before I went to sit on my bed, exhausted. It was only 7:05pm and I was planning to make good on my promise; a little part of me even looking forward to throwing them out in the cold. I knew the cruel treatment well and shuddered as I remembered the feeling of the punishment being acted out but in this situation the ends would justify the means. Plus, I was letting them keep their clothes, a courtesy I never had. Either way, they would avoid trying to be in this situation ever again.

               I pulled out my phone suddenly excited and decided to call my dongsaeng to give her the good news.



               "Lilly! Guess what?"

               "Hiii Unnie! What is it? Did you meet somebody famous yet?!" I laughed a little at that. This airheaded pixie . . .

               "The people I’m working for are already famous silly~ And nope, it’s even better"

               "Well, what is it? Tell me already!"

               "You get to come be with me!!"

               "What?! Really?! How?!" I laughed again at her barrage of questions

               "Yeah, the manager is gonna call the headmaster cause I asked him for you as a traveling companion and he agreed!" I held the phone away from my ear as Lilly squealed and I could almost imagine her jumping around in excitement.

               "So, when can I go Unnie?" Lilly asked after her episode, an excited tone still laced into her voice.

               "I don’t know yet but I’ll call you when I do"

               "Okay . . . Anyways, how is it over there Unnie? How is MBlaq treating you?"

               "Not too bad. I mean the boys are complete slobs and obviously can’t maintain a proper living space. So I threaten to throw them outside if they don’t clean in the next," I glanced at the clock. "Ten minutes."

               "Unnie, you are so mean!!"

               "No I’m just being practical. I refuse to live in shabby conditions"

               "Well I feel sorry for them since they probably think you're joking. Anyway what are they like?"

               "Well I’ve only really been around Thunder but I can guarantee you the one of them is a complete pabo" I said referring the guy who was on the floor laughing. "Other than that I wouldn’t know. Mind if I speak in English?"

"Nope go ahead~"

[English will be in italics. Miki~]


               "Okay well yeah things are only getting started here. How are things over there?"

               "The usual but even more boring without you here. Tyler keeps me company so I’ll live until we're together again!"

"Well don’t get too close to that kid or any other boy for that matter!!"

               "Unniieeeeee . . ." I let out a little giggle since I could almost imagine her red face. I believe that she has no feelings for Tyler whatsoever but she never was good with teasing concerning the opposite gender in a romantic way.

               "Don’t Unnie m-, Oh shoot!" I glanced at the clock that read 7:24pm. "Lilly I gotta go collect on my threat~"

               "Go get 'em Unnie~! Fiiii~ghtinnnnng~!" I laughed at her cute cheer.


               "You bet. Love you. Bye."


               "Bye! Bye!" I hung up and left my room at exactly 7:25pm and headed down with the knot in my stomach becoming present again.


Yay for updating quickly~! <3 Right, right? ~^^~ Bunnybooboo you better be grateful! I worked on the chapter after I came from the zoo (with is two train rides to get there and two more to get back) with two kids (one is a 4 year old the other is 3) who wanted to see ALL animals, eat at McDonalds (at the last minute), and play on a playground (also at the last minute). Then they had to be bathed and put to bed. And guess what. I WAS BY MYSELF. TT^TT Aish seriously putting the baby in charge of two more babies . . . TT^TT Their dad (my cousin) better love me tomorrow. PS: The babies hate walking so guess who had to carry them TT^TT My poor feet . . .


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yozent #1
Ehh Joon could be a e n I'll still
Love him lol ...but anyways do update~
I like it update soon LOL Joon looked like a e xD
monokalisto #3
It's amazing~ >~<
Please update soon~ ^^
loving it ... please update again soon!
omg omg omg so cuuuuute!! please update soon!!!
Aww... ^ ^ i can see england and japan! I love japan TTvTT" ... But your story is really interesting i would really love to read more! Nyaaaa! >v<
Yay! :D
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please! :3