A cup of coffee

Summer, K.sy ❀

3 days later.

- You have a text from Soonyoung -
Minjae-ssi, what will you be up to from next tuesday? I'll be going on a trip with my best buds and i wanna ask if you would like to join us?
We booked a summer villa, it'll be fun! Please say yes ^v^

You: My interview is on monday, and i guess i'll nothing on the few days after!
So... i wouldn't mind! But it will be awkward around your friends. Are they nice? 

Soonyoung: Great! I'll let you know of the details but i'll be there to pick you up on the day itself. Nah, they're real fun!
Do you consider me nice? If yes, they are too. We've known each other since forever. 

You: Well then... alright! Update me again :) 

Soonyoung: Will do Minjae-ssi, have a great weekend, and i do hope your interview will go very well. 

You: Thank you Soonyoung-ssi. I'll see you soon. 

Soonyoung: :D 


I've spend the last few days being busy with my work, and i'm proud to say i am finally productive. I'm already 3/4 done with my track, titled - 45.7 CM. A song written about potential love. 

One cup of coffee’s okay
A glass of bear at night isn’t okay
Occasional phone calls are okay
Video calls are no thanks

To be honest, while writing certain parts; i had Soonyoung in mind - naturally. It kind of fits our current situation. But that's only on my part. If i pass this interview, i will be signed, and will also become an official songwriter/producer. I'm getting even more anxious as the days go, i hope my hard work will pay off.

As i was getting hungry, i left home and went to the convenience store nearby. "Aigoo Minjae-ah!! You look better and brighter than you were. What have you been up to?" the ahjumma said to me with excitement in her tone. "Nothing much, songwriting and stuff. Oh, and i've made a new friend. A nice and decent one." i replied her, while picking out ramyeon flavours. "Namja??" funny how the first thing she thought about was the gender. "Ne ahjumma, namja. But that's it." she couldn't rid the smirk off her face. "Minjae-ah, it might progress into something else. It could be the start to something great.. you already look better." feeling embarrassed, i quickly paid and ran away. "Annyeong ahjumma! I'll see you again soon!" 

Slurping my ramyeon soup felt like heaven. I am watching a music channel on tv, and they were showing Seventeen. I like how their songs are always written and produced so well, the words are all so pretty. The songwriter is unknown for some reason, maybe he/she wants to stay anonymous. I want to meet him/her in person someday. After dinner, it's time to use up some brain juice and finish up my song. 



"Thank you Min Jae. Please wait outside while we discuss with the directors." This is so nerve wrecking. The other candidates looked like they did pretty well during the interview because they're grinning from ear to ear. I questioned myself if i did anywhere near 'well'. Watching the announcer come out the door made my heart drop. "All of you did great back there, but we were really impressed by one. Her song was written beautifully. About love, but it wasn't cliche." He took a step towards me - "We look forward to working with you, Kwon Min Jae. Welcome to the team." My head is about to burst. What just happened? They picked me. I shook the announcer's hand and thanked him 10000 times. 

I walked out of Pledis feeling extremely accomplished, i called Soonyoung. 

"Yeobosaeyo Minjae-ssi, i'm surprised to get a call from you"
"I GOT IN! I GOT IN PLEDIS!" i screamed from the other end of the phone.
"JJINJA?! This calls for a celebration! We can do it tomorrow~ I'm excited. I'll come pick you at 8 AM in the morning okay? We should check in early then rest after"
"Anything's fine Soongyoung-ssi! Anything's fine! See you tomorrow, bye!!" 

I ended the call. My hands dialed Soonyoung's number first and that's something i will only worry about why, later. Gotta get home quickly and pack my bag for the trip, i can't contain this happiness. This summer is going to be dope! 


- end of chapter -

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This is my first story, but i hope it wouldn't be too disappointing. I apologise for bad grammar, a bad plot even. But i will do my best. Thank you ^_^


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