Chapter three : When the past follows

Body talk

The next two days I didn’t even thought about him, Namjoon had asked for my number, and I was waiting for him to text me any time. And he did.


"Hey, do you want to go out tomorrow ? I’m going with a friend but you can bring one too."


I smiled, it wasn’t a date yet, but still a moment we could share.


"You didn’t showed up last night."


I almost swallowed my gum from the surprise of seeing his face so close to mine and I pushed him away, he sighed but did a step back.


"I’ve already kissed all of your body no need to be so difficult."

"I don’t even remember it. And no I didn’t wanted to have dinner with you, I hope you didn’t wait too long, I would have told you if you had wait for my opinion."

"I thought you would come."

"Because everything comes so easily to you doesn’t it ?"


I got on my feets and made a few steps to leave but he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, looking in my eyes.


"Why are you so angry at me ? I didn’t ask you to sleep with me, you asked."

"What ?"

"You said, and I quote "let’s go to your place "."

"I said that ?"

"Yeah you did. Do you regret it ?"

"Kind of."

"Come on, what is it that you don’t like about me ?"

"I hate you !"

"Can you please tell me why ?"

"You don’t remember me ? Kim Myunhee ? From highschool ?"


He shruged, he really had no idea.


"Well I remember you, we were in the same highschool and you made my life miserable. Honestly. Same for my friends. You were an ."

"I know I was in highschool, maybe I still am, it’s not the point."

"What’s the point then ? I asked, I don’t want to have anything do with you."

"Even for  ?"


I hit his shoulder with my bag and left. I heard his laugh but at least he didn’t followed me.


A few days later I went out with Eunae and Namjoon, his friends were nice but I mostly spend my time talking with Namjoon. He was a really nice guy. I noticed he was looking a lot at my s but I didn’t said anything, maybe it was a good sign, at least I knew he was interested.

After that we went to club again, but this time I wasn’t drunk, I only had two drinks, just enough to enjoy my night, dancing with Namjoon. Soon, a felt a guy’s hand on my waist, at first I thought it was Namjoon but then I realized it wasn’t because Namjoon went to the bar and the hand was still here. I turned around, it was a drunk guy. I pushed him away, but he kept trying to dance with me until I finally lost him in the crowd. I realized I had lost myself in the crowd and I bite my lower lip, where were my friends ?

I walked through all the people, dancing a little in the same time, afterall I was here to have fun, I would find my friends at some point.

I started dancing with a guy that was behind me, I wished Eunae was here to tell me if he was cute or not, but when he put his hand on my without even warning I knew it was a no. As cute as the guy was he couldn’t just touch me like this ! I turned to see his face and pushed him away.


"Don’t touch me !"

"Come on, you weren’t that difficult with Jay."


I looked at his face, it was Wooyoung. I didn’t really knew him beside his name and the fact that he was friend with Jay.

He grabbed my and pulled me against him, hurting my ego and my in the same time.


"No, leave me alone !"

"Come on !"


I pushed him away once more but he just wouldn’t let go, he smelled like bad mix of alcohols and sweat, I was disgusted, and a little about to cry, wishing my friends were here.


"Hey, she said let go of her."

"Come on, just share a little bro !"

"Na na, come on man, there is plenty of girls here. Just let her go ok ?"


Slowly Wooyoung let go of my and started to dance with first girl he saw. I put aside my pride and looked at Jay.


"Thank you."

"It’s not a .."


I didn’t wait for his answer, I could feel the tears coming, I had just saw Namjoon dancing a few meters from here, he lift his thumb up when he saw me. He knew where I was, he just didn’t cared.

I needed to get out of there, so I ran out of the club and sat on the first calm spot I found.

After a few minutes someone sat next to me, I didn’t had to check who it was, I could see the tattoo on his arm.


"Are you ok ?"

"Leave me alone."

"I’m just checking on you, I’m sorry, Wooyoung is drunk, he... Did he hurt you ?"

"I’m fine, I sighed looking the other way to avoid showing him my tears."

"You’re shaking."

"It’s nothing, I said hiding my hands from here, I’m fine."

"You’re not fine, here, take this..."


He put his jacket on my shoulder.


"Why are you suddenly so nice ? I’m not in the mood the sleep with you or anyone, so stop trying so hard, it’s pathetic."

"I’m not trying anything. My mom was a long time ago, so now I feel concern when I see a girl that’s having problems with guys, specially if it’s my friends that are bothering her."

"What... ? Your... "

"It’s in the past now, you learn to let go of it."


"I used to be angry at everyone, because of that, because of how my parents were, maybe I did bother you in highschool, I think I bothered a lot of people without even realizing it. So yeah, maybe I’m an , but that doesn’t mean I can’t be a nice person sometimes."

"What’s your point ?"

"You know... I don’t mind if you don’t want to sleep with me again, or even not want to talk with me, but I don’t like the fact that you are so angry at me. It’s... Bad, it feels bad to know that someone hates me that much."


I sighed, maybe we should have had that talk years ago, maybe if I had been more interested in why he was like that I could have helped him instead of just blaming him for all that was wrong in my life.


"I’m going to try."

"What ? He asked."

"To forgive you. For me, it’s unhealthy to be so angry at the past."

"Let’s drink to that."


He gave me his bottle and we both drank in it one by one, until it was empty.


"Hey let’s sleep together, I said drunk for whatever he had put in that drink."

"Nah, girl you’re drunk."



I laughed and he laughed as well, tusling my hair.


"Let’s get you home."

"I know where your home is, we should go there !"


He helped me get up, but somehow I just couldn’t stand on my feets, so he helped me sit back.


"Girl you just can’t drink can you ? Wait here I will get you a cab."


He left, but as soon as he left, some more drunk people came along and started to talk with me, I felt like one of them was trying to make me follow them, so I laughed. Jay came back and pushed the stranger.


"Myunhee let’s go, he said."


I still couldn’t really walk, so at some point he just carried me inside the taxi. I remembered trying to kiss his neck, his hand, something in me was just uncontrolable when I was drunk.

After that I don’t really know what happened.

I woke up in the same bed as the first time, in the same sheets, but this time I knew where I was.

Jay wasn’t in the bed. And I was wearing his shirt. The one I had put on the first time.

I got up and went to the living room, after a quick look I saw there was no one so I got out of the room.

The living room wasn’t empty actually, Jay was sleeping on the couch. He opened his eyes and looked at me.


"How do you feel ? He asked."

"Did we... Did I... ?"


"Oh...Really ?"



His eyes were looking straight in mine, he couldn’t be lying could he ?


"But then.. why am I here ?"

"I didn’t knew where you lived, and you kept saying you wanted to come here so here you are."

"I’m... sorry. I’m just going to take my stuff and go."

"They are here."

"Why did you took my clothes off by the way ? I suddenly asked."

"Well... You took most of them off yourself. Then you fell on the bed so I just thought you’d be more... rem, comfortable, he look away awkwardly, and I mean... It’s ok, I’ve seen your body before..."

"Yes... Sure.."


I gave him one last suspicious look before taking my clothes to the room and put them back on. As I walked to the door he stoped me, leaning on the door.


"You shouldn’t drink so much."

"I didn’t, it’s your bottle that was too much. I said."

"Still, be careful next time, I might not be around to help you."


I noded, not really sure if I should feel thankful or just think it was karma, afterall he was the one putting me in danger, some time ago.

I left his place less shaked than the first time but still unsure about how was my life lately. I send a text to Eunae and Jisoo to meet them and tell them about my night.

We met later in the day and as I told them the story I could see Jisoo was getting angry.


"You have no respect for yourself do you ? Going with him again ?"

"Did you not heard ? We didn’t slept together, I said, he even spend the night on the couch."

"So he says, but since you were drunk again how can you be sure ?"

"Why would he lie ?"

"I don’t know ! You tell me ! You’re the one sleeping with him !"


She took her bag and walked away from us.


"Jisoo ! Eunae called her but she didn’t even looked back. She really is weird lately. Maybe she is having a hard time with her family ?"

"Maybe, I said, but that doesn’t give her the right to go after me..."

"Don’t worry. She’ll calm down, it’s her temper."


I noded and sighed in the same time, I didn’t knew what to think about Jisoo’s latest attitude, about Jay, was he a monster or not ? Was he just a teenager that had grown up ?


"What about you ? I asked Eunae, did you had fun yesterday ?"

"Yes, she smiled, it was nice to be outside. And I always have fun in club."

"Maybe because of a certain security guy ?"

"Maybe, she smiled but didn’t said much more."


Eunae was always very secret about her private life, even if in the end she would tell us what was going on she would always take her time when it was something more serious, so I knew this guy wasn’t just a hook up, but maybe something serious.


"What’s his name ?"


"Ok, if he bothers you just tell me."



We laughed, it was nice to see she was happy.

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I really like this! Why is it this short;;
grthl013 #2
Chapter 7: Waaaaaaaa~ ??? Even if there's no clear ending, I still love this. Kudos, author-nim. Thanks~