A month of getting ignored...

I'm In Love With A Bad Boy

Your P.O.V

It's been a month already. All awkward, and filled with ignorance. Taemin kept on ignoring me no matter how hard I try. He won't forgive me. The only thing I have in my mind right now is... leaving.. Yes, leaving, I want to go to California and start a new life, but I somehow don't want to leave Taemin...

I walked downstairs. Taemin wasn't in sight, He's at the bar like always.. I sighed and walked towards the kitchen. I made myself coffee and sat on the table. Just thinking to myself.. *Should I leave? If I would, how will I say it to Kiseop? How will I say it to Taemin? And Key, Jonghyun, Minoh, and Onew? This is really hard to decide...... but........ I guess I should go and only tell Kiseop.

I took out my phone and dialed Kiseop's number. 

"Yobeseyo?" he asnwered. "Kiseop oppa.. meet me at the park?" I asked. I hung up after. I got dressed. I sighed and walked out of the door. *I shouldn't worry, it's not like Taemin would care if I leave anyways..* I walked to the park and saw Kiseop sitting on the bench playing on his phone. I sat next to him, my eyes were already getting teary just looking at him. He jumped and patted my head," What's wrong? What happened?" I sighed and faced him.

"Kiseop oppa..... I think.... I should be moving to California.." I said softly. 

"It's your idea, I'm not blocking you, but are you sure it's the right thing to do? Expecially when Taemin is really caring about you?" Kiseop asked. I nodded my head. "Bye oppa.." I wispered. I got up holding two hands on my bag and start tearing up when I walked towards SHINee's house. *What should I do??* 


~A Month Later~

I got into my room. I took out my luggage and packed everything in it. I finally took the picture of Taemin.. a really big one... 

"You messed up my life.. you won't talk to me no more!! ..I..I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed and cried at the picture. I tore the picture up and threw it in my luggage. I knew that wasn't true, I know I love him.. But it's best to go..  I grabbed my luggage and walked downstairs.Luckily, no one was here. I walked out the door and sniffed the air once more. I rolled my luggage and walked towards the airport nearby.


Kiseop's P.O.V


HOLY SHOES!! Today is the day when Senhyeon is going. AISHHHH I scratch and pulled my hair. I stopped out of our dorm and slammed the door. I finally remembered that Senhyeon will do anything for Taemin. I ran into SHINee's dorm."WHERE'S TAEMIN?!!?!?" I yelled through the door. Taemin opened up the door. His eyes were bright red and he had tear stains on his cheek. I dragged Taemin's arm and took him outside and slamed the door.

"DID YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID!?!?!" I yelled, pissed.

"Yeah, I ignored Senhyeon what about it? It's not going to affect her anyways.." He replied.


Taemin's expression got shocked. Without saying a word, he ran towards the airport. 


Taemin's P.O.V


Without saying a word, I ran towards the airport. It took about 30 minutes. There was soo many people.Lots of security gaurds. I squished through peopl just to look for Senhyeon. OMG!!! This is hard.... I ran up and down the stairs just to look for her.

"SENHYEON!!! SENHYEON AH!!!" I screamed.

"Plane to California will be boarding in 30 minutes," the women on the speaker said.

After that, I knew what to do..


Your P.O.V 

"Plane to California will be boarding in 30 minutes," I sighed and got off my chair. I walked towards the thing that takes me to the plane. People looked angry at me because I was walking too slow. I looked down and tears started to drool down. I turned back around to have one last look of Seoul. I started walking slowly again, after the thrid step...

"SENHYEON AH!!! I LOVE YOU!! SARANGHAE!! DON'T LEAVE!! PLEASEE!! LOOK BACK!!" I heard the loud speaker. I stopped walked and turned around. Taemin was right behind me.

"Senhyeon ah.. I love you.. d-dont go.." he wispered while in tears. I looked down. Suddenly, he dragged me into a kiss.. A romantic kiss.

He broke the kiss and hugged me," I dont want you to leave, please stay with me.. Your Mine.. My Senhyeon.." he wispered. I started crying. *Taemin does love me..*

I kissed him once more.. He held my hand and we walked to get a taxi.. 

"Don't leave my again.." He wispered. I nodded and smiled. He leaned in and kissed my cheek

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Chapter 22: awww was nice story!!!
Sakura_24 #2
Chapter 22: Love it lov it love it love it❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️<*333333333333333
shanaxyuuji #4
oh so sweet saranghae taemin oppa
So sweet :)
Awwww! ~