
Past Love

So Hun sigh as her hand slowly reach for the handphone on the table. Get it! She search a certain name on the contact phone number and calling while biting her nail.

"Hello, my Bae. Can you give me a ride to the cafe? You're nearby right? Okay, I'm waiting." She hung up. Bae Jinyoung is her friend. They become closer since they work at the same cafe. She doesn't tell him about her injured feet that cause him to overreact when he arrived.

"YAH! What happen with your leg!!" Before she can say anything, Jinyoung continued. "Tell me who did this to you. I will beat him till death!" She gigle hearing his word. "Yah, I'm serious, you carrot."

"You can't even protect yourself. Huh." She replied before showing her own tongue. "Aigoo so childish, you clumsy girl." Jinyoung caressed her hair roughly causing it to be very messy. "Yah!!"

"Trust me, you look very pretty like that,you rockhead." Jinyoung laugh before he sped to his car followed by her. "Yah, wait! My feet's hurt idiot! Who's childish actually?!"


"Noona, what's with your feet?" Another man furrowed his eyebrow seeing how she walked. "Nothing, Lai Lai. It's okay, it will heal in a few days." She knows that kid will ask her that. She give him a light pat on the shoulder. "What? Want me to massage you?" He asked and pulled a chair nearby. "Yah, no need to." She chuckled when he force her to take a sit.

"It's still early. Relax, We still have half an hour before opening this cafe." Guanlin smiled before slowly massaging her feet. "Yah! It's hurt!" She groaned. "I'm doing it very slowly,right hyung?" Guanlin asked Jinyoung while he nodded. "I think your feet is serious. Yah, take the day off." Her eyes widened.

"No way." She pouted and give Guanlin a sign to continue massage. "Yah, can't you at least hide your stubborness. You look like an idiot." Jinyoung try playing mind. "You're the idiot one." She replied.

"No. Or I'm the one dragging you. Now!" Jinyoug threatened. "No need." She said and rolled her eyes, lazy to fight with him. "Yah big baby, help me drag her." Jinyoung give sign to Guanlin to hold her hand and help her stand up. "Yah!"

"Heez! Okay, I will. I will. Now, let me go." She raised her hands, defeated. "Good girl." Jinyoung smirked while Guanlin chuckled. "Just a while okey and I will returned." She said and tie her hair. "Fine. As long you go checkup." Jinyoung sigh.

"Do you know a clinic nearby?" She asked. "Ong hyung's clinic is about 125m I guess." Guanlin said while nodding. "Ah right. How can I forget." She slapped her forehead before bidding a bye.

"That kids...." She mutter under her breath and chuckled. She don't have any clue why do they so protective over her. Well Guanlin's already actknowledge her as his sister while Jinyoung.... Twin? Because they are the same age with each other.

"Cute man." She chuckled before stepping her feet in the clinic. "Can I see your boss?" She smiled lightly to the nurse in front.

"Sure you can, Miss Kim So Hun sshi. Your Ong is here already." Suddenly a familiar voice can be heard from behind. "Yah Ong! How are you? You look very steady now." She smirk and give him a smack on the back. "Yah! It's hurt!" Seong Woo rubbed his back.

"By the way, what are you doing here? Are you missing me?" Seong Woo smirk." Don't smirk like that. You can't defeat me with that anymore." She shook his head and follow him. "Yah,your feet." Seong Woo finally realised why she's walking very slow like a snail.

"Why don't you tell me earlier. I could have bring a wheelchair." Seong Woo continue before carefully help her to walk properly. "Wheelchair?Yah,it's not that my feet's broken anyway." She chuckled."How you know. You didn't check it yet.It can be broken or-"

"Yah! Watch your mouth."She smack him again. "Okey okey. Well, let's get you examined first." Seong Woo opened the door and revealed the room. "Let me sell you to the nurse for awhile and then I'm gonna buy you back." She laugh with his lame joke. "Okey but, it doesn't take a long time right? I have work today."

"No way. I'm going to give you emergency leaves even if your feet aren't serious. No excuse and no work." Seong Woo give a warning before leaving her with a nurse.

"That little. I asked him different things while he nagged another different things." She pouted at the nurse before getting in.


"Kim So Hun-shii."

She get up hearing her name and slowly walked into his room. So Hun furrowed her eybrow seeing his serious face. "How is it."She asked. Seong Woo turned his head before starting his lecture that day.

"Yah!W hat did you do?! Did a car crash you or did you fall of the stair?!" Seong Woo asked while pointing to the x-ray picture before continued. "If you want to know, yes your feet's broken. You are so messy So Hun-ah!"

"What? It's broken? No way. You saw I walk just right now right?" She scratch her forehead. "Yeah and that's why you make me worry. You can't feel the pain?" Seong Woo lowered his voice and become rasional.

"Of course. It's hurt like crazy. But.... it's broken? No way. I don't trust you." She hugged herself and leaned on the chair. "Tell me what happen." Seong Woo changed his seat position. But seeing her become quiet make he sigh.

"I think...I can guess...




Met him right?"


The room become silent for awhile. Till finally she opened . "You're still a fortune teller. Your words are all true. I defeat." She chuckles awkwardly.

She spend 15 minutes telling all the story at the beach.  "You're telling me that he did this to you?I'm gonna kill him!" So Hun quickly stopped him when he's about to stand up. "Yah, don't overreact. Only you know the whole story. So,just shut up."

"But!" Seong Woo breath heavily while trying to calm down. "You don't have any relationship with him right? Even a friend?"Seong Woo leaned back. "Yup." She said simply.Seong Woo silent for awhile. "Yah,explain me the details of my feet."

"What a very good question. You trip over a big rock at the beach while running from him. You know that the rock at the beach are all sharp and hard. Your feet is actually injured but not that serious but since you force yourself to keep running, your... your feet did broken in certain place. But it will heal in 2 weeks I guess. Your case is special. MC for 2 weeks! No compromy." Seong Woo threathened her at the end.

"But Ong-ah. It's bored in that house and you know that." She pouted. "I-"

"Yah Ong Seong Woo!!" Seong Woo get up hearing someone screaming. "What's the fuss?" She asked and blinked. "Heez that kid Sung Woon. Yah,you're dismissed. Bye." Seong Woo wore his white coat and get out of the room.

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