A Gift of A Friend

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" Hey little brother, can both of you two date each other and take a photos for me?. I will have fun just looking at those photos."  Jin spoke up. 

" Hey,  Jin what so great about this girl anyway?"  tilted his head a little and stared straight to Jin waiting for answer.

 " Don't you think so as well, little brother?" 

​​​​​​W​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​hat if the two of them fall for the same girl?? What will Jungkook do help his brother to gained her or will he selfishly want her for himself?



Hey there, Firstly I would like to thanks my friends who's support me and always giving a courage to write this fanfic. Well this is my very first fanfic hope you guys like it, and im not that really good in english sorry if I made a mistakes, but I do hope you guys liked it and support me...

Please do leave comment so I can improved my writing skill..

My very first fanfic, please do leave comment so that I can improve.. Thank you.. 😘😘


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ichiu11 #1
Chapter 1: Omg why jeongkuk so mean.
Err. Hi darkkard im new reader.
Nice to meet youu. Let be frienddddd. .?