arguing with her


“I didn’t expect us to meet up so soon.” Irene had been the first to break the silence in the car. It wasn’t that the silence was suffocating, she preferred it over the rumbling base of the strip club she worked at however she had noticed that her lover had been deep in thought as she drove and curiosity had gotten the best of her. Seulgi usually needed to be shushed by the older woman.

“Mm, she had another business trip.” Irene hummed a response. Seulgi never really mentioned her wife by name whenever they were together. The older woman had rationalized that it was the guilt. She understood so she didn’t pry further when Seulgi changed the subject. “How was your day?”

“Boring as usual, it’s surprising how quickly you get used to bouncers kicking out old men who can’t keep their hands to themselves.” The dark haired beauty had replied nonchalantly as Seulgi made a turn and stopped the car in front of a small café. It was quite a ways way from where Irene worked and Seulgi lived. It made sense she would bring them here. “You should’ve told me you were taking me on a date Seulbear, I would’ve worn something nicer.” The pale skinned woman teased making Seulgi smile for the first time since Irene had gotten in her car.

“You always look nice Irene.” Seulgi had said with her signature crescent eyed smile making Irene cringe.

“Greaseball!” Irene had said pinching the younger woman’s nose slightly before exiting her car followed by Seulgi. They made their way towards the café and sat down, both ordering two coffee’s while Irene added a carrot cake piece to her order. “Aren’t you going to eat bear?” Irene had asked once the waitress had left with their order.

“I’m not really hungry.”Seulgi said as she looked everywhere but Irene’s eyes.

“That’s a first.” Irene comments with raised eyebrows before reaching out and placing the back of her hand on Seulgi’s forehead. “Are you sick or something Seul?” She asked making Seulgi smile slightly at the genuine look of concern in her features. She reached her hand up and took Irene’s in her own intertwining their fingers.

“I’m fine Irene, just a bit tired that’s all.” She said with a reassuring smile, their eyes meeting like they had the first time they met. Their moment was short-lived however as the waitress coughed lightly and placed their orders on the table.




It didn’t take long for the sun to come up, bathing Irene’s and Seulgi’s bodies in light as they laid on the bar tenders bed, their bodies slick with sweat and their breaths ragged. They stayed like that for a while; Irene on her back, her eyes closed and an arm above them and Seulgi on her side, her head resting on her hand as she studied the formers features.

“You’ve been staring at me for the past couple of minutes bear.” Irene had said with a chuckle as she shifted to her side looking up at the younger woman. “What are you thinking about?”

“You.” Seulgi had purred leaning in for a peck on the lips.

“Liar.” That had caused Seulgi to tense ever so slightly.

“Am I a bad person Irene?”

“Where did that come from?” Irene sat up on the bed mimicking her lovers actions and placed a hand on the younger woman’s shoulder. “Seul you’ve been out of it all night, what’s wrong?” The genuine concern in the bar tenders voice made Seulgi sigh and get out of bed, grabbing her and putting them on before putting on her pants. “Seul…” Irene called out to no avail as the younger of the two continued looking around the room as if in a hurry. “Seulgi!” That caught the younger woman’s attention making her look down at the now standing Irene whom was holding Seulgi by the arm. ”What’s wrong?” She asked again, her voice level.

“What’s wrong?!” The sudden outburst made the dark haired beauty recoil. “Everything Irene! Everything is wrong! This is wrong! What we’re doing is wrong! What I’m doing is wrong!” Seulgi was now sitting on the bed running her hand through her hair nervously. “Irene…I’m cheating on my wife!” Seulgi said quietly as Irene simply stood in front of her with a small frown. This wasn’t the first time guilt had consumed Seulgi like this. The last time she had felt like this she hadn’t talked to Irene for two months until coming back to her drunk and crying her eyes out. Usually the older woman could calm her down but this time it felt different to the bartender. “Irene what do I do? I don’t love her anymore but I don’t want to hurt her. All of this is because of me! She doesn’t even want to get into her family business! She wanted to start a bakery but because I needed to get away from my parents, because I couldn’t stick through with it for just a few years, she dropped out of culinary school in favor of providing for me.” Tears streamed down Seulgi’s face as she tried to wipe them with the back of her hand. “She’s doing everything she can to make me happy and yet here I am…” Irene sighed and kneeled in front of the crying girl with a small sigh.

“Why don’t you tell her that Seulgi?” Irene asked softly making Seulgi scowl.

“Tell her what?! ‘Oh hey you’re literally being the perfect wife and working hard just for my sake but I’m like cheating on you and don’t love you anymore. We cool?’?!” Sarcasm dripped from the younger woman’s voice making Irene match her scowl.

“No ! I’m telling you to be honest with her! Tell her your feelings, bottling them up is unhealthy for both of you two! Hell it would be healthier for you both to get a divorce!” Irritation was clear in Irene’s voice as she stood crossing her arms.

“Oh so that’s what this is about?!” Seulgi asked her tone heavy.

“What?” The older woman asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Can’t handle being the mistress so you’re trying to convince me to divorce her?! That’s low! Even for you!”

“Out!” Irene said showing the cat eyed girl towards the door. “Get out of my house right now!”






“You’re a certified idiot Seulgi.”

“Gee Byul thanks for the advice, it’s really helpful.” Seulgi muttered, her forehead resting on a coffee table with a sigh.

“You called me at 5 am to come and pick you up because your mistress refused to give you your car keys back Seul, I deserve this.” Byul, one of Seulgi’s close friends said with a shrug of her shoulders. She was the only one the cat eyed girl had told about the fact that she was having an affair, feeling comfortable with the fact that Byul was a fairly new friend, and didn’t really know Wendy that much. “Seul you know I love you but you’re clearly in the wrong here. Irene is right, you’re hurting both parties by not making a choice.” That caused Seulgi to raise her head and look at the other woman with furrowed brows. “Seul I’m the most unbiased opinion you’ll get on this, I only know Irene because of Yongsun and I only know Wendy because of you. I’ll be honest and tell you I only care about you in this situation, and you’re hurting yourself like this.” That made Seulgi sigh. She was right, of course she was. “The best thing you could do right now Seulgi is make a choice; you either stay with your wife and live a comfortable life and hope by some miracle you start to feel something for each-other again or you go with Irene and change your life completely.” Byul said as she took a relaxed sip of her coffee.

“Which one do I choose?”

“I don’t know Seulgi, you’re the one that knows you best. Take some time to think about it. Since Wendy is in Canada it would only be fair not to see Irene until you’ve made your decision. I’ll get your car keys back from her don’t worry.”

“Thank you Byul!”

“Of course Seul!”

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: 🤍
Chapter 7: With everyone talking about how the story ended and how they hated it, they should know or understand that the author wanted it to end this way. Instead of talking bad about it, why not thank the author for this story.
dukongie #3
Chapter 7: Even though Seulrene is my #1 ship, I hate the fact that they are together at the end...
Chapter 7: i don't like seulrene here.
really heartless for Seungwan.
man… such a sad
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 7: Wow... I'm happy that everyone's happy, albeit it being a twisted one in my eyes for Seulgi, and even Wendy actually. Thank you for this story.
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 5: Irene... Wow. She's so understanding, to the point if I were Seulgi I would feel guilty to the extent I would hide myself from both Irene and Wendy.
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 1: Dang Seulgi, how can you do this to your wife.
Chapter 7: What is going on with these fanfics at the moment where Seulgi is being an and is cheating on Wendy osksksk
But still, this was a good read. Thank you~
jasonds #9
Chapter 7: finally seulreneeeee
its_just_me_boi #10
Chapter 7: well... wendy... you deserve better ;-;
a sequel for her happy ending please ;-;
anyway this story was beautiful;-;