running into her


“How’s Canada going Wan?” Seulgi’s voice was the only sound heard throughout the empty apartment. She was currently sitting on the bedroom floor, arms around her legs and her phone on speaker resting on her knee.

“It’s going fine, baby are you ok? You sound sick.” She was sick. So sick in fact she couldn’t even bare to look at her wives face as they spoke over the phone, making up some lie that the connection was poor or something. Wendy had, of course, not even doubted her wife, expressing her happiness for being able to just talk to her.

“Yeah Wan, I’m fine.” Seulgi had mumbled as her eyes moved to the ring sitting on the floor in front of her. “When are you coming back?” She had asked receiving a small hum from the woman on the other end.

“I still have to stay another week, although I’m trying to wrap things up here as quickly as I can.” Wendy explained before adding. “I miss you Seul.” A pang of guilt shot through Seulgi making her purse her lips.

“Wendy I have to tell you some-“

“Damn! Listen I have to go handle something real quick! Love you baby bye!” Soon beeping sounds replaced Wendy’s voice and Seulgi found herself closing her eyes and leaning back on the bed, resting her head on the soft mattress and letting out a sigh. It had been a week since her fight with Irene; she still had to apologize to the other woman for her words. She had spent the majority of her week in her apartment with her lights turned off and her brain running a hundred miles an hour. She knew Byul was right; she had to make a decision. That didn’t mean it was an easy one to make. Letting her head rest on her knees Seulgi wrapped her arms around herself. It was her own fault for even being in this predicament. She had done this to herself, she had no one to blame. The cat eyed woman had a week to make up her mind and the time seemed to only put more pressure on her. With a sigh she closed her eyes again.



That week had dragged on forever in Seulgi’s mind. She had made up her mind to tell Wendy everything, she really had, but when her wife had come back home with a radiant smile on her face and tight hug the cheating party couldn’t bring up the courage to confess. And so after dinner they had went to bed. Seulgi never thought she’d be happy her partner would be too tired after a long trip to do anything frisky. The sun was the first thing that greeted the married couple the next morning, peaking through the curtains Seulgi had drawn up tight in an attempt to make her apartment as light deprived and perfect for sulking as possible, which she had explained to Wendy by saying she was barely home so she didn’t really notice the closed curtains which was a total lie. Wendy didn’t question it, she never did. Seulgi groaned as she got out of bed at the ungodly hour, for the usually hibernating bear, of 9 am, the guilt having left her sleep deprived. She quietly made her way to the shower, and after she spent all of the hot water in her building, got out and went to the kitchen checking the cabinets there.

“No way…”Seulgi groaned as she opened the last canister of Pringles on her kitchen only to find it empty. Everything really was against her. Wendy had joined her just a few moments after, chuckling at the look of despair in her wife’s eyes.

“Hey, how about we go grocery shopping after breakfast, the fridge really needs to be restocked.” Wendy had suggested as she made them a simple breakfast consisting of fruit and pancakes. After getting dressed in simple brown slacks and cream dress shirt for Seulgi and dark ripped jeans and white shirt for Wendy the duo made their way to the apartment complex’s parking lot. Seulgi had thanked Byul for keeping true to her word and bringing her beloved car back to her, the cat eyed woman really not knowing how she would have explained having her car keys in another woman’s house. After driving to the nearest supermarket the duo started their shopping trip, grabbing vegetables, which Seulgi glared at, and different meats. Before long, Seulgi had dragged Wendy to the chips section, grabbing about a dozen Pringles canisters and placing them in her cart and eyeing the rest of the junk-food section next. She really had let go without Wendy there to feed her. A small smile came to her features at the memories coming back to her. Wendy had caught her a few times trying to cook, eventually Seulgi would just give up and just set the table while her wife cooked, however she had always been so very patient with Seulgi, not once getting frustrated as she tried to teach her how to cook anything beyond fast-food. Wendy really was the perfect wife. Seulgi’s musings were cut short when she turned to talk to Wendy, or rather rant to her, about the superiority of Pringles over other chips only to find her talking to two women. Her heart sunk at the view.

“Joy, it’s been so long!” Wendy had said with a huge grin plastered on her face as she hugged the taller woman in front of her. “Ah sorry! I got a bit carried away! Hi, my name is Son Seungwan but you can just call me Wendy, that’s what my friends call me anyways!” Wendy said with a smile as she turned to the tall woman’s companion.”And this…” she added sneaking an arm around Seulgi’s waist. “…is my wife Seulgi.”

“Irene. Pleasure to meet you both.”

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: 🤍
Chapter 7: With everyone talking about how the story ended and how they hated it, they should know or understand that the author wanted it to end this way. Instead of talking bad about it, why not thank the author for this story.
dukongie #3
Chapter 7: Even though Seulrene is my #1 ship, I hate the fact that they are together at the end...
Chapter 7: i don't like seulrene here.
really heartless for Seungwan.
man… such a sad
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 7: Wow... I'm happy that everyone's happy, albeit it being a twisted one in my eyes for Seulgi, and even Wendy actually. Thank you for this story.
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 5: Irene... Wow. She's so understanding, to the point if I were Seulgi I would feel guilty to the extent I would hide myself from both Irene and Wendy.
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 1: Dang Seulgi, how can you do this to your wife.
Chapter 7: What is going on with these fanfics at the moment where Seulgi is being an and is cheating on Wendy osksksk
But still, this was a good read. Thank you~
jasonds #9
Chapter 7: finally seulreneeeee
its_just_me_boi #10
Chapter 7: well... wendy... you deserve better ;-;
a sequel for her happy ending please ;-;
anyway this story was beautiful;-;