chapter 3

The Shade Of Goodbye

Jaejoong sat on the chair beside Sunhae's bed. He stared at her pale face and held her hand tightly, he entwined their fingers slowly. As if she afraid to break her into pieces.



How could he not notice her pale face, her cheeks and lips lost its natural pink color, her eyes lost its twinkle.



How could he fail to recognize them?



He knew something's off about her. But...



He shook his head furiously. This was not the time to blame his stupidity.



All he needed just for his sunshine to wake up and then he could make sure that she is fine within his reach.



For as long as he could remember, Sunhae was the only girl in his life. Well, beside his mother but his mother is a woman already.



And Sunhae was just a girl, a fragile girl who needed his protection which he already promised to give to her. 



For he could, he would always protect her.



Even with his life on the line.



That's what he promised to himself when he first saw her crying because she stumbled by a tiny rock.



He could not help but to chuckled by the memory.



She had been an adorable self ever since she was a baby. And she still is until now.



Jaejoong brushed away her bangs from her face and slipped her hair which stuck to her face to the back of her ear. 



Then he slowly carressed her cheek. 



"Wake up sunshine." He gently whispered to her ear. "The sun is trying to steal your spot up there, you know?" He joked and laughed lowly at his silly remarks. But his laughter cut down as fast as it came when he realize that he laughing all by himself.



"It feels so weird to laugh about my jokes alone." He kissed her hair before added. "You've been too nice, eh? You always laugh at whatever stupid jokes I made. Then you have to wake up and laugh at my jokes again, Sunhae-ya..." He buried his face to the pillow she used, just beside her head, into her hair. He breathe in her scent deeply.



Sunhae moved her finger which was being hold by him. Jaejoong straightened her back abruptly and looked at her eyes that fluttered open.



"Sunshine?" He said happily.



Sunhae moaned in annoyance as her eyes opened. The light blinded her eyes. Jaejoong immediately use his free hand to block the beam.



"Hmm... oppa?" Her voice cracked.






"water?" She pouted at him.



Jaejoong slightly kissed her cheek before got the glass filled with water and fed her. She chugged down the water hungrily and Jaejoong cradled her head when she finished.



"You okay?" He said as he gently massaged her forehead.



"Not sure. Where's mom and dad, oppa?"



"They're with the doctor. Sleep more okay?" He placed her head on the pillow again and massaged her head with one hand as his other hand found hers.



She nodded childishly as her eyes fluttered close once again.











































"What happen to her, Doctor?" Her mom asked angrily a the doctor.



"Yeobo." Her husband held her hand to calm her down. Mrs. Cho looked at her husband and sighed before she nodded.



"Sunhae is fine." The doctor started. "It's just a little trauma from her earlier age come again and make her slightly panicked. As long as she did not too stressed by something, she would be fine." The doctor took a recipe note and scribbled some medicine names. "But I will give her a prescription just to be safe. You still remember how to give her a shot, right?"



Her mother nodded her head and cried. "My poor daughter. She's so...." She choked. "My baby."



Mr. Cho pulled her wife into his arms. "She's fine. She went through it once and she's younger back then. She will be fine now as well. She's a strong girl."







































The Cho couple walked to their daughter's room to let her and Jaejoong know that they will be going home for a change and quick wash up.



As soon as they opened the door, a sight caught their eyes and brought a smile to their lips.



Their girl was sleeping soundly on the bed as Jaejoong slept beside her with his lower body on the chair and his head on the pillow beside her head. 


Their forehead touched and they gripped on each other's hands as if too scared to let go and lost each other.



"They make a cute couple." Her mother said giddily. 



Her husband nodded. "Yes! We have to let the Kims know about it."








yaaay! another update.


to make up for my late update LOL!


tell me what do you think, kay?


I love you, you

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JTHY36 #2
Yesss! I was so excited when I saw that it was updated! I can't wait for new updates! Haha. (:
Kyaaaa ~~ they're so sweet :3 thougjt it sad later on D;
anyway, thanks for posting on my wall w/o that I willl forget tp rread thos fic :))
Lookinh forward to your update! <3
Emerald_Lee #4
aigoo that chappie was as sweet as cotton candy love it
lol the storm! XD

omg this chapter is full with sweetness everywhere.
i think i got a diabetic too reading this chapter XD
jae you moron. wae you let her tortured at the end? ;~~~~~;

@aishcullen @gofanfic yaaa! Don't remind me with the storm That will come sonner or later. Let's just enjoy the fluff while we still can.....

See you next chappy~
awwww so sweet of their past!
but yeah, i do agree with @aishcullen.
it will be sad later :C
update moreeeeee~
aishcullen #8
waaaa.......sweeettttt.......huhuuhuhuhu.... though i know the'll be sad later
wae you updated so late? D:
i'm dying for it!
what happened to sunhae? curious curious~ lol
aishcullen #10
dont torture meee.... update soon