Lullaby for Minimini

When I See The Back Of Mr. Lee Sungmin

“umm.. what kind of song do you want?”

“anything.. that can make me feel sleepy..” Sungmin said softly

“That’s not free too..” I pretended to be cold but I smiled behind his back.


"It's never free. You owe me , don't forget to pay all of these." I grinned to him.

I watched his back and heard him mumbling something. 

“Fine!” he laid on his bed .”I’ll pay everythings later. Now Singing, if you can’t make me sleep, I’ll punish you!” He said with cute exasperation.

"Uhumm.." I cleared my throat and started to open my mouth to sing.

"sing it nice!" >//<

sighed.. "I will"



"Full from your heart!"

"Yah! If you dont stop talking, how can I sing?" I was pouting my lips.

"Okay, Go on.." he said calmly but his hand moved mostly more like ordered to me.

'Yah.. this little rascal.. how can he act like that after all I've done to him..?''

I started to sing with full of my heart. I chose this song because I like this song, besides for me he's really meaningful in my life for these years. 


*) Why did I recognize you?

 Why did I move toward you?

I can’t leave now.
Even though I leave you behind as I walk ahead,
All I see is you.


Those painful words you once said to me,
“If we hadn’t met each other,
it might have been less painful.”


Are crying, holding it in.
You are raising your head, smiling painfully.
Your smile, which is the color of the sunset, is coloring the whole world.


I turned my head to look at him.


He already slept in peace, his back was facing me. “Sungmin-ah..?” I asked him softly. He didn’t answer me. Hm.. he’s easily fall to sleep. Our Lee Sungmin ssi must be very tired huh? I turned off my compie and came closer to his bed.



I miss you,  I want to embrace you.
I want to be by your side even though it hurts.
I want to fall asleep by your side.

From the first day,you took a step back.
From the first day, I thought of separation.
Even though I wanted you
I couldn’t ignore
Those hopeless and cold calculations of the world 




I sat on his bed next to his body and  leaned my body to peek his face that facing the other side.

I saw his back moved slowly synchronized with his soft breath. He even forgot to use blanket,  this night is very cold how come he didn't concerned about his own heath? 

“You must be very tired, Sungmin-ah..” I took his blanket to covered his body . I watched his back and patted it soflty so he wouldn't wake up. 


You are cool, Lee Sungmin..



However careful I tried to be,

However much I tried to pretend it wasn’t, and push away

I was already

In love with you.



We have been roomate for years and you’re the best friend of mine. You never failed me of anythings. You know, I’m the most mischievous one among others. But you never feel tired to pay attention to me. You know me the best, you know exactly what I want, how to treat me and spoil me in front of other hyungs. You are nice hyung and always take a good care of us, the youngers. Yeah, I know you’re also the first child in family, so you know how to treat us well. I see you always pay attention to your dongsaeng, Sungjin. You use to call him everyweek just to ask him if he’s alright with his study and healty. You always joke around with him and give him advices.

I’m jealous...

yes, I’m jealous with Sungjin. He’s really lucky to have hyung like you. Ya, Lee Sungmin ssi, your Sungjin is really loves you. He asked me to take good care of you for him. What am I? you're boyfriend? Why did sungjin ask if I'm your boyfriend? He took your figure to be a good example for him. He study hard and work hard to show you that he's your brother. He wants to be like you. I envy both of you.. Oh, I still love my Ahra noona of course, but I want brother too. how does it feel to have blood  brother like you?  I want to be inside your mind, I want you to call me if I have my lunch or not. I want you to call me that I must get healthy and I’m not allow to get ill. I want to chit chat with you everyday...


I miss you, I run to you.

I knock, you give a surprised smile.

Your round smile caresses the whole world.



I only hear and obey what you said to me. Remember hyung when I was busy debuting Super Junior M?

I couldn't sleep until late of night, mm.. nope.. exactly I didn't wanna sleep at all before I finished my game. and No one can ordered me to sleep. No one.. not even Hankyung hyung and Zhoumi gege. Siwon hyung almost pissed off. Donghae hyung guided the sleepy Henry Mochie to his bedroom. Ryewook hyung left me with death glare and followed Donghae hyung behind. Yap, all of them failed to make me go to sleep. Finally Hankyung hyung had to call you from Taiwan just to ask you scolded me and make me go to sleep. 




"Ne.. hyung.."

"I heard you're not behave well. What was that? You don't wanna get sleep?" I heard sungmin hyung said calmly on the phone.

"I can't and I don't want to." I insisted. "Not yet after I finish my game!"

"Don't play too much, kyunnie.. You won't feel fresh tomorrow. I'm not allow you to get ill. And I won't take good care of you if you get sick. Now listen to me, stop playing your game. when you come home, I'll accompany you playing that game. deal..?"


"Really! deal deal deal?" I heard his cute voice. 

"mmm..." I a little

"huff.. fine If you still don't want to listen.. I'll move to Eunhyuk room.. Oh, maybe have roomate withTeukie hyung is interesting. He always be nice hyung to me. We can arrange the room tomorrow, and I think it's not a problem to switch our roomate since we have been a roomate for years. Teukie hyung would love my aegyo so much. Hmm.. too bad you won't see it again before you sleep."

Wait.. I think he really meant it.. 

"Heh? w-wa-wait. you can't do that?! You all have to ask our permission, Donghae hyung, Siwon hyung and Ryewook hyung still in here with me. Heechul hyung won't allow Hankyung hyung move to another room!"

"Why not? Nothing is imposibble for if Teukie hyung. He always listen to me, and I can make him switch the room. Okay, let's lgnore our Heechul hyung and Hankyung Hyung. Let them still roomate. Maybe I only want to switch you, kyu.."

"Really..?? no no-no you can't!"


"hhh.. fine..just don't cast me out...” I said pitiful

“No I won’t, I’ll move..”

“I don’t want you move out!” I almost screamed. “Okay.. you win, I’m gonna sleep now”

“Nice Kyuhyunie,” He spoke cheerfully on my ear. “ Go to sleep dear kyuhyunnie and have a nice dream. Don’t make me change my decision again”

“Uhum.. alright, hyung. By-“

“Hey” he cut my word

“Hmm? “


“Uh..?” I blushed at that time.”Ne hyung.. Saranghae. MMMuuuaah!” I kissed the phone joking around as if we are a lovers. And I heard he laughed, and It was nice to hear him laugh. I always love to make him laugh. “Bye, Minimini. Have a nice dream. Don’t dream bunny, dream of me tonight!”

“Hahaha.. Arraseo.. bye Kyuhyunnie~”

End of Flashback

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minniemgee #1
Chapter 3: beautiful.... chuu~^^
Chapter 3: can you read minds author? Hehehe
its just like you can read kyu mind
nice work
little-dreamer #3
Chapter 3: Awwwww it's feel so real! I love it~
Chapter 3: I want those three words to come out on this fic...please..
I want more.....
how can it be a fail or boring if it's you...never...hehehh
I always enjoy reading your fics...

please a sequel :))))))
Aww... sho shweet!!!!

loveSungmin #6
Sweet ~~~
sequel please
cyyQM137 #7
awww so cuteee...

can you make a sequel???
kyu0306 #8
Awww sweet! Love it so much >.<
Will you write the one from sungmin POV? Wanna know what's in his mind :-D

Update soon.... (:
KimMiinah #10
I like it, it's nice to read about the more brotherly bond they have :)