Chapter 2 : The Wrath of Starcraft Bastard ~

Stalking Changminnie~


A/N : So , I guys yu guys might not know If I didn't mention this but , THE REAL SECOND CHAPPIE OF THIS FIC WERE GONE , and I was friggin' mad cuz I didn't have a copy of the chappie TT3TT SO , I had to write again . You guys might want to read this again cuz it will be slightly different from the previous one cuz I'll be introducing a new character or should I say stalker .




It was still early in the morning that Changmin oppa were still sleeping . Just as I was on my way to oppa's veranda , I saw the devil reincarnate friend of Changminnie oppa , the so-called EvilKyu . I changed my mind from stalking oppa today as I saw a BIG FRIGGIN AND NOT CUTE POUT on that EvilKyu's face . Oh god , please have mercy on me . That pout means something alright , it means TROUBLE . Half an hour later , I saw Changminnie oppa got out with EvilKyu trailing behind him STILL with that huge uglt pout . I wonder what happened . Cuz it looks like he'll be following Changminnie oppa all day as long as that pout is there . Looks like I'm off to go investigating what's happening to that EvilKyu .

It was after recess that I got to now the reason of the pout on that EvilKyu's face . Seriously , just because Changminnie oppa beat him in his stupid game , he doesn't need to have that pout and follow oppa all day to allow him to win . Oh well , I'm sure tomorrow every thing will be back to normal and I got to stalk Changminnie oppa .


The Next Day ...


Oh f*** this!!!! that EvilKyu still have that huge plus ugly pout on his face !!! Changminnie oppa !! Why won't you just let that crazy bastard win that stupid game of his . My question were answered with Changmin's oppa face expression . He seems to be liking to make that crazy friend of him deppressed . OH NO !!! DON'T TELL ME !!! Changminnie oppa wanted to revenge on crazy bastard EvilKyu for stealing his precious Blurberry cookies Jae umma made last week . *sighs* I should've known . God , I must do something to make EvilKyu leave oppa . Maybe I should ask Jae umma to bake him another . 


The Next Day ... 


IT WORKED !!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE EVILKYU !!! WOHOO!!!!!! Time to celebrate my vistory by *cough* stalkChangminnieoppa *cough* 

* Stalker MOde : ON *

Time : 0945 .

Place : Boy's Changing Room .


So you guys must've thought how do I even got here . Simple~ No body even knows I'm a girl XP . Oh well , though it's not appropriate for a girl to do so ... oh what was I talking about . I had literally recorded the S&M couple videos ( secretly of course ) While the weird couple ... well , I got caught in the middle of recording it but then Greasy ChunFace decided to let me record them and gave him the video later , They are the weird couple after all ~

I was standing on my feet trying my best not to get caught while applying a recording device inside oppa's showering stall . After my intense survey , I got to know which stall Food Monster oppa used the most . Though that Starcraft bastard uses it too .... Oh well , I've applied the device so , I better get out quickly to the rof top to see if it works perfectly . 


At the rooftop ...


OHMIGOSH~~ It work damn fine . I could see 'all' of Food Monster oppa from this angle . I applied the device in many angle from top to bottom . I was checking if it the movement of the device when that carzy Starcraft bastard come into the stall and BAMM!!!! I SAW IT !!! GOD MY EYES !!! MY EYES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh who am I kiddin' I've seen many of it anyways~ I was about to close my laptop when I saw something shiny on top of the showering stall's door . As I looked closer , I saw .... A CAMERA LENSE !!!????? O_O Wait the damn minute , I didn't apply THAT !!! I was deffinitely not there to even hold it !!! WHO IS THIS STALKING AMATEUR !!!??


To Be Continued ~

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wait for a second, who is the stalker dude??
Lol the code names r so funny!!!
i'd attracted to the foreword, so, i keep Forward for the update^^, oh, i'd subscribed