Chapter 1 : Stalking Routine ~

Stalking Changminnie~

* Stalker Mode : On *

Time : 0645 .

Place : Changmin's Veranda .


Like always , Food Monster oppa didn't lock his veranda . This makes it easier for me to break into his room . Before I get in , I checked for sound of snoring .... and there it is *smirks* I wonder If I got to have a conversation with him today . Food Monster oppa likes to sleep talking so , I won't get suprise if got to talk with him . 

Today we talk about what does  oppa want for breakfast and he said he wanted a blueberry pancake . Oh ! better inform it to Lewd Kitty later . Hmmm... talk about him , I wonder if he and erted Bear is already up . Just as I was thinking about them , the door to Food Monster oppa was opened . I was shocked at first but then calms down as I see it was Lewd Kitty a.k.a Food Monster oppa 'omma' .


Lewd Kitty : Yah !! you should be grateful that it was me the one that opens the door , what if it was somebody else ? You need to be more cautious ! *sighs*

erted Stalker : Hehehehehe~ sowrie~ I'll be careful next time . OH ! by the way ~ Food Monster oppa wants Blueberry Pancake for todays breakfast !

Lewd Kitty : Yahh!!! you still used those weird code name to describe us ? What was my name again ?

erted stalker : You're Lewd Kitty and your beloved hubby is erted Bear . Basically , I call you guys the S&M couple .

Lewd Kitty : Aisshh!!! what's wrong with your head ? Why is my name Lewd Kitty anyway ? Don't you have anymore decent name ?

erted Stalker : Sorry Lewd Kitty . Actually the name I got for you is the result after having a conversation with erted Bear . Looks like me & him got the same thinking and had a lot in common anyway . We got you that name and named ourselves erted . He's erted Bear & I'm erted Stalker . 

Lewd Kitty : Damn you ! If I've known this , I won't introduce you both !

erted Stalker : Too late Kitty ~

Lewd Kitty : Now I felt like beating that husband of mine >:(

erted Stalker : Oh ! OMO !! Food Monster oppa is getting up ! See you later Lewd Kitty ~~~ I'm off towards the Weird Couple home ~

Lewd Kitty : Yahh!!! don't tell my husband about how i teach you how to stalk people okay ?

erted Stalker : Roger that Lewd Kitty ~



So , I'm off towards the Weird Couple house because my secret camera controller that I used to install in Food Monster oppa room is broken . This is all because of that Starcraft Bastard . In all games he wanted to play wrestling with Food Monster oppa in his room last week . Accidently , he kicked the wardrobe were I applied their freaking wire that enable me to control the movement of the camera . Because of that my controller had not been function 100% right . The image is blurry and sometimes I can't even see anything >:(

I've applied new camera today though but the model is different from the previous one so , I don't know how to channel the controller towards the monitor in my room . So , I need to get able Duckbutt for this kind of thing . He sure are good at this thing though I bet people won't even thought that such innocent looking guy like him knows such a complicated thing . Oh hell , what the hell am I talking about ! He & Lewd Kitty were once ( and still ) the greatest stalker I've ever met . They're my mentor .

Lewd Kitty for his sneakinest on stalking erted Bear and able Duckbutt for his knowledge on electronic appliance that he had used once ( and still ) to stalk his husband Greasy ChunFace . I'm so lucky meeting them =u= And here I am . Uh-oh ! What is that sound ? 


" ChunnieEE!! Fast ! AHH!!!! FASTER!!!! Ha..HA ! HARDER !!!! "

" AHH!!!! Su~ urghh!!! You're SO~ Tight!!!!! "


Omo~ I come just a bit late for their 'private show' . Oh well , i got my cam recording them at their window ;) I wonder if Lewd Kitty and erted Bear had been doing it this morning ~ Hmm... better check my laptop later ~ Aigoo ... looks like they are going to do another round . *sighs* Looks like I have to come back later for the camera controller -__- OFF TO SCHOOL TO STALK FOOD MONSTER OPPA !!!!!! XP

After stalking Food Monster oppa all the way to school ( and manage to scare away those bit- girls around him AWAY ) , the school bell rings TT^TT I had to go to my class~ I'll miss you oppa~


* Stalker Mode : Off *


Taemin : Anyeong Yeonnie~ let's go to our classroom together ^_^

YeonKi : Hehehehe sure ^u^ so , Taeminnie ah !

Taemin : Deh~ Yeonnie .

YeonKi : Heard that you've got a date with Minho hyung today =u=

Taemin : yYa~ O//////O it's not a date ~ He just say that he wanted to buy me a present for my hardwork and ask me to choose the present with him ~

YeonKi : Hmmm... sounds like a date to me~ uh-oh ! Amber noona!!! Let's go to class together >3<

Amber : Ya~ I'm just 2 months older from you >:O Oh ! Hi ! Taeminnie ~ heard that you got a date today~

Taemin : Not you too~ TTATT

YeonKi : Ahahahaha XDD Why not ? I never had a noona ~

Amber : Liars ! You have ur Jae noona and Junsu noona don't you ?

Taemin : That's right ! and Amber is a bit TOO masculine to be called a noona~ XP

Amber : Shut up you girly boy ! 

Taemin : Yah~ *pouts*

YeonKi : Oh ! but you're right Taeminnie~ maybe I should have called you hyung !

Amber : Yah !!!! WTH R U TALKING ABOUT !!?? >:0


YeonKi : Taeminnie ! You can't call her hyung ! Call her oppa `kay ?


Taemin : Yaaahhhh!!!!!!!! >////< I'm NO girl !!

YeonKi : Yeah right ! says the guiy who admitted to be Key noona's DAUGHTER MWAHAAHAHAHAHA XDDD



YeonKi : Aigoo~don't be like this Taeminnie~ please don't cry . It'll make U look more girly ...pffttt !!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH XDDD

Taemin : .......... >:( 

Amber : Okay ! Okay ! that's enough ~ ya~ let's just go to our class 'kay ?

YeonKi : Sure , hyunggie~



To be Continued~

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wait for a second, who is the stalker dude??
Lol the code names r so funny!!!
i'd attracted to the foreword, so, i keep Forward for the update^^, oh, i'd subscribed