
How To Love, by Jeon Jung Kook.

We have our scars. No matter how deep it is, it's inappropriate to say yours or someone's else more painful. You can't say "i'm hurt too. I have more pains than you", because you don't know how big the amount of pain his heart can take. It's unfair.
Ji Min has no sins.

It was all he should think as an angel.

He shouldn't have a sin at all. He is an angel, right?

His parent's mouths moved, kept telling him that. All his followers were repeating the same to his hearing. He had no sins. He was innocent. Pure. He shouldn't and had no rights to do sins.

He took a deep breathe repeating it again.

I have no sin.

The words that were told to him everytime, telling him that he is the 'angel', and he isn't supposed to play with demon, the devil itself. He should be protected. He should be safe. And he always needed to think 'he is higher than the demon'. That was what people said to him.

But, the matter was, Taehyung is demon.

Why would he, Taehyung's only twin, avoid him? Why would he keep his distance with his half?

"You are not his half, Ji Min. You are whole by yourself." that was what his mother told him when he asked about it.

But he always thought how incomplete he is with being a whole.

Why taehyung is alone?
Why he can't accompany me to the meeting?
Why he got beaten up?
Why the demons are with him?

All the question left unanswered by his parents. He always heard a muffled cry inside Taehyung's room, and somehow, Ji Min could feel his heart constricted. He shouldn't be feeling about it when he did nothing wrong, right?

He grew up, he was still separated from Taehyung. He never knew why. And for more years, nothing exchanged between them, except the longing they had shared when they were accidently met. And Ji Min shouldn't be feeling guilty when he caught a glimpse of sadness swirling in Taehyung's eyes. He shouldn't be sorry if he did nothing wrong. But what if he did...?

He grew up, and he tried to reach out his hand to Taehyung for the first time. He met his twin, his half, in back yard of their parent's castle when he was lost in his thought.

"Kim Taehyung?" He blurted out without his consent, mouth worked faster to say it.

The man, who was picking out some flowers, turned back.

And Ji Min gasped.

He is beautiful.

He couldn't remember the last time he ever looked at his twin this close, but he already guessed his brother would be so beautiful. He just didn't expect it that even the every surface he looked at his brother only screamed one thing. 'Perfection'.

Taehyung's eyelashes fluttered a bit. He was taken back a bit when he realized it was Ji Min caliing him.

"Hello, Park Ji Min."

"W-what are you doing here?" He stuttered when he didn't know what to say. Too many years had passed, and he didn't know where to start, what to talk.

"Gathering flowers."

"Uhm...? Yeah i know, you are gathering flowers." He seemed lost for a minute. A demon? Gathering flowers? It was not related at all. Then he asked to make sure. "It's, it's not so you...?"

"Why not so me?" Taehyung chuckled, hands busy wrapping the last work he had to do. "Because i'm a demon?"

Ji Min bit down his tongue inside, knowing it was inappropriate for him to comment on Taehyung's identity. It was still a mystery though, why he was here in heaven, why he was a demon, and how could a demon be his twin. If it wasn't for an elder healer who slipped out his words back then, his memories probably wouldn't ever know and remember the fact that they were twin.

"Wanna come to help me picking wild flowers? The gardeners are at picking flowers, i know a place that has pretty and blossoming flowers even in winter." Taehyung asked.

"Uhm, yeah? Why not?" Ji Min replied, after being lost in his thought. Taehyung's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Wow i thought you'd refuse," Taehyung laughed, his smile got wider. "Hope you don't have class?"

"Ah, it's got delayed, the elder angel just get an invitation to come to a ballroom so he just left me. I was wandering before i came here."

"Good! You probably don't want to miss the sunset from the edge of the sky!" Taehyung squealed happily.

"Eh, huh?"

They walked after secretly took their way out from the castle area, whether it was their agreement or not, they came to a conclusion that it was a bad idea to let their parents know about this.

Maybe it was for at how their parents hated it everytimes Ji Min stared too long at Taehyung's room in a secluded tower, at how every sentinels wouldn't let him come near him, at how never Taehyung got invited to their dinner, at how strangely their parents also didn't mind to take Taehyung everywhere they go.

"Park Ji Min, why are you so slow, come on!" Taehyung yelled at him for being slow, too friendly for a stranger that just meet, but this was his twin so he didn't know what was on Taehyung's mind.

He also didn't know why Taehyung brought him there after gathering some pretty flowers. He should admit it was really an unknown place. Maybe several angels had came there, for them finding some withered flower crowns scattered here and there, but again, there were more beautiful places in the main palace that angels prefer to come.

So he was surprised when Taehyung picked him to go to the border. It was a place where an angel like him shouldn't even touch. It was full of lusts to come down to the earth. And an angel shouldn't have the feeling of lust.

"Taehyung-sshi, w-what are we-"he asked nervously. If he got caught by the border-line guardians, he was sure he'd get a punishment.

"Sshhh-" Taehyung shutted him. "Do you know this is the nearest place to go down to human's world?"

Ji Min gulped, he nodded slightly. He heard them often from sentinels, and some maids. That there was a specific place that was near to the earth. Several elderly even asked to close it, but by how untouched and dangerous height, and literally no angel had the courage to disobey the rules, the matter was left unsolved.

"Oh! He's coming!" The taller one seemed more excited. But Ji Min could not hear him, for his mind not working properly and anxiety filling his body. It was until a hand suddenly grabbed his, and he was dragged into the very edge of the border, a bit down from the cliff.

"Wow there is a place like this?"

"Eh, yeah." Taehyung's face flushed. "I was, you know, i heard this place. So i came here months ago to fall down when i stepped the bush there. Gladly i didn't fall, or else i would be landing on the earth that time. Though, yeah, i wish i could."

The conversation stopped there, hanging a bit thickly. Too many questions, but Ji Min had no courage to ask them.

Will it hurt?

"Stay hidden here, the fog will cover us. No one will see us." Taehyung suddenly said, when he pulled Ji Min down to sit.

Someone was singing.

He was not sure who it was, since he had no sharp eyes and good sense like Taehyung do. He could only know from Taehyung that there was a boy who climbs up at tree every twice in a week, and he has an angelic voice when he sings. Ji Min enjoyed his voice that much, that he even forgot the feeling of getting caught before he came here.

"I want to meet him. And thank him, Ji Min." Taehyung suddenly said, his legs curled and wrapped in his arms. His long finger was busy tapping.

"For what?"

"For making me, warm-"Taehyung choked, "especially when i have no one around..."

Again, the feeling of guilt filling his heart, this time was like a punch. He shutted his eyes, the feeling was too much for him to handle.


"Nah! He will be leaving later, we should go now. Your parents will be searching on you, right? Dinner is going to come soon. You should prepare yourself-"Taehyung cut in happily, again, grabbing Ji Min's tiny wrist to take him away from the border.

It was their first secret they ever shared. Later, things kept happening, closing the gap that was way too far inch by inch, and it held the promise of their future. To believe their path, and to protect each other.
Part 2.

I envy you. But i care you a lot. Loving isn't only talking about smile, giving love and kisses. It's about trusting and completing each other. When people called you as my half, you are the only one who can complete me as whole. I know your scars, like you do know mine.
Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him.

Taehyung took a deep breathe, guiding Ji Min down to their usual place. Ji Min was too soft and innocent. Taehyung bet he would never get out from his room if he was told to. Even though, by how many they had their conversations, Taehyung would be sure Ji Min was way to smart. His logic knew what's wrong and what's right, but his feeling was too pure to be hurt that Taehyung's malice and mischief lost in the moment they met.

Protect him because he's your whole life, Taehyung.

Taehyung gave him a small hug before lifting him down. He made sure Ji Min wore the best outfit to keep him from scratch, made sure nothing will ever dare to land anything on Ji Min.

"Are you okay?"

Ji Min giggled, arms still locking around Taehyung's neck.

"You are worrying too much. I've been coming here like since two months ago. You don't know everytime you have schedule and i'm lonely, i always come to this place by my-"

"What? Hei, i told you to not to!"

Ji Min giggled again. Smiling, he locked his eyes on Taehyung.

"You did this. Also the boy has the most beautiful voice- will he know there's a pair of twins listening to him every time he sings?"

Twin. He called me as his twin.

Taehyung hugged him tighter, squeezing Ji Min a bit.

"He probably knows myths - i guess he's a myth too. Ghost, spirit, dragon? Perhaps night fairy. Or vampire? Frakenstein?"

"Impossible. You are annoying. I regret my life's decision to hear the myths you have learned from the lucifers." Ji Min pouted, hands pinching Taehyung's cheeks. "Like, why dad doesn't let me to have those classes too so i don't look so dumb about them. Anyway, let's just get there."

Taehyung smiled, he couldn't bring it even wider. As they reached the place, light from the sun bathe them carefully.

The place was beautiful. There were hidden rocks popping out from the earth here and there. Taehyung found the hidden place when he got nothing to do, decided to escape from his house. When he fell down, he thought that he'd be die and forgot he was an immortal creature. He had stayed there back then, imagining things he wanted to do until one day he heard the boy's singing.

He often found himself imagining what's happening on the earth, how the boy looks like, and everything after that. He only needed to jump down from the 'thing' that human always called as 'clouds', and as he passed the border, he'd be safe from this pains.

But he wasn't going to do that. He still needed Ji Min with all of his heart. He promised to protect Ji Min, and he wouldn't leave him alone.

"I heard you have to attend a banquet today?" Taehyung asked, while waiting for the boy's arrival.

"Yes..." Ji Min said bitterly. He plopped himself, taking a seat for himself beside Taehyung. "It's boring tho. I should've bring you to every meetings and banquet and i'm sure i wouldn't mind attending every events."

"You can't bring me, you know that."

"Why can't i?"

"You have no sin." Taehyung said. He smiled, "don't make things hard Ji Min. You are happy and i'm happy too."

Silence passed for a minute. They were deeply in their own promises of future, and facing the reality. The boy hadn't showed up for half an hour, but they were thankfully fine that this time meant so much for them.

"Why... don't you go to Hell? And live happily with other demons? Why should those lucifers who taught you?"Ji Min said lowly, hand grasping his silk clothes. "I heard lucifer is worse than demons. I mean- they once was an angel too..."

"Ji Min,"Taehyung said softly. "There were lots of reasons you can't explain... lucifer is an angel that is committed sins and got caught. They were sent to the world as their punishment and they lost their wings. And, compared to demons, their kindness was much bigger than demons. So who does more wrong actually? It doesn't matter. You can't blame anyone for their fate."

Ji Min smiled, but head hung down. He still couldn't get why Taehyung was different. Why people treated him differently too. He was that kind. At least for Ji Min.

"Hey, angel,"Taehyung said again, softer. His hand reached out to caress Ji Min's cheek, turning his head to face Taehyung. "I'm fine. I can hear your emotions simmering here. Please stop worrying. I'm fine."

Ji Min sighed and nuzzled to his hand. Content of his feeling, Taehyung was surprised that for once in his life, his heart was so warm and full.

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Bear with my english v: i'll start uploading the new *and old* chapters*. Haha.


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Chapter 1: uhmm what happened? Are you rewriting the story?
fujimotoasuka #2
Chapter 12: omgee~! Damn! That's just plain cruel~! Can't belive their parentswere cold blooded murder for try to kill their own child.. Anyway, I hope these vmin deserve a better place with JK's pack~
Chapter 7: ohhh Jungkook you are such a reponsable person.... I'm intrigued about what happened to them for Taehyung to be in that state... and their surprise when they realise that the boy they used to spy is Jungkook... or at least I think is Jungkook... I'm still confused about Vmin relationship because They are twin brothers but I get the feeling that what they feel one another is no brotherly love... but Great chapter!!
Chapter 5: Awesome!!!
RedRoses96 #5
Chapter 3: oh wow this is great
I love it