Chapter IX, Deities

Hearts for Dinner, Souls for Dessert

Turns out, Yeri wasn’t the only appealing witch to deities. Seulgi did indeed have a similar gauntlet type item. While Yeri’s was a ring that had ebbed it’s way around her wrist, Seulgi’s was more a bracelet. It wrapped around her wrist and forearm, rather than her hand. Though, identical to Yeri’s, it seemed to be melted into her skin.

“I have never seen anything quite like this,” Joy mused. It was so incredibly rare to see one of these deities in this realm, and yet, here they were, with two in the same room. The chances of that were less likely than ending up with a white aura.

“Well, I can understand why I’m appealing to it, with my white aura and all, but what about Seulgi?” Yeri pointed out.

“What do you mean, exactly?” Seulgi seemed confused.

“Well, the deity likes power, so it chooses its victims— er, hosts, carefully. It makes sense that Yeri was chosen, seeing as she has a white aura, but why did your deity choose you?” Joy explained.

“First of all, white aura? How can you have a white aura, I thought that was magically impotent?” Seulgi asked. That was when Joy realized she would have to explain everything all over again.

After Joy had explained Yeri’s situation, and hers for that matter, to Sulgi, they focussed on the real problem at hand; the deities. Joy had told the girls that if they could find out why Seulgi had been chosen, then they might get closer to finding a way to remove them. Unfortunately, Seulgi’s guess was as good as any of theirs. Seulgi was sure she wasn’t special in any way shape or form. According to Joy, her aura was orange, which wasn’t anything special either.

“How about this, how did you obtain it?” Irene asked Seulgi.

“I’ve had it for a long time, since I was nine or so, maybe younger. I think it happened on my birthday, because that was the only time I was allowed out into the town; I was shopping around looking for something interesting, when I stumbled upon a strange jewelry shop I’d never seen before. It was pretty, and it didn’t look anything like the other shops around it. Naturally, I was drawn to it. If I had thought the outside looked odd, nothing prepared me for what was inside.” Seulgi started. “At first, it looked almost sweet, like a cake shop or an ice cream parlour. Everything was a pastel colour, and there were sparkling jewels and jewelry all around. There didn’t seem to be anyone in the shop though, so I just decided to look around at all the jewelry. There were settings that my mother would never have even dreamed, and it was quite fascinating. Until a specific piece at the back caught my attention— a bracelet; this one. It wasn’t anything special, it was just a golden band, but somehow it drew me in, mesmerized me.” Everyone was caught up in her story, and Seulgi seemed to pale a bit as sherelived the memory.

“I had looked at the piece for quite a while when a woman emerged from behind some beaded curtain I hadn't noticed earlier. She was young and quite pretty, like our headmistress. She asked me if I was interested in the bracelet, and told me it was a special piece, one of a kind. Of course, those words to child; I had to have it. When I asked how much it costed, that’s when it started getting weird. Rather than answering me, she removed the bracelet from the display case and offered to let me try it on. Again, naive child, so I did just that. Boy was I in for a surprise. As soon as it was on my wrist, it was like someone punched me really hard in the stomach, and I out for a second, but when my vision cleared, everything was different. The sweet, pastel coloured shop had become nightmare-like. Everything was dark, and there were cobwebs and damage everywhere. It looked like a mansion that had been uninhabited for the past three hundred years. That wasn’t even the worst part, though. All the jewelry had changed to weapons and shards of bones. The worst part, to me, was that the woman that had been helping me, was just a skeleton suspended from the ceiling. At that point I was so scared that I completely forgot about the bracelet, I just high-tailed out of there. I didn’t remember the bracelet until later that night when I woke up to a burning sensation on my wrist, only to find that it had melded to my skin and twisted around my arm.”

“Wow, that must’ve been quite traumatizing,” Yeri said, letting Seulgi’s story sink in. Irene looked ashen, like the story made her feel worse than the person that’d experienced it.

“Well, we know now that these things can completely alter reality to the chosen host.” Wendy pointed out.

“I suppose mine wasn’t altered since the test already alters your surroundings.” Yeri mused.

“Isn’t it curious that Seulgi was never physically near the item before it possessed her? That would mean that either the deity has an incredibly large search radius, or it had known from the beginning that Seulgi was its target.” Joy said.

“Now that you say that, if mine had been in this school this whole time, why only appear to me?” Yeri asked.

“I suppose the deity knows its target from the beginning then? That means you two were targets from the time of birth.” Wendy added.

“Again, with Yeri that makes sense. It can probably predict auras from that time, so it would know right away that Yeri was special, but what about Seulgi?” Joy raised her eyebrow.

“What if we put it like this,” Irene started. “What if it’s not a reason related to her magical capacity?”

“What do you mean?” Seulgi asked Irene.

“For example, is it possible that there is something peculiar passed down through your family? Maybe it’s even something more physical.” Irene explained.

“Oh, I’ve heard of things like that; cases of certain abilities that have been passed through bloodlines.” Joy nodded.

“Unless nagging counts as a special trait, neither of my parents are special.” Seulgi grumbled. Wendy giggled.

Irene just rolled her eyes. “I don’t think that counts.” Joy shook her head and laughed.

Seulgi tried to keep her straight face but ended up laughing anyways. “That’s fair,”

Through the girls’ fit of laughter the lights out bell could be heard. Even for thirty minutes after getting in bed, they almost got scolded for giggling.


Here's the next chapter~ This chapter may be a little less exciting but there's a lot of explanation behind that plot twist! 

Anyways, feedback is always welcome! Also, I've been in the process of making some red velvet stickers, so if you guys are interested I may give previews here~

Thank you all for the support and comments, I really enjoy it, and it makes me so happy whenever I recieve the notifications!!



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Chapter 12: Lmfao yes nagging is a talent. And I love OT5 together
DaNyts #2
Chapter 12: lol, same at the nagging part. this bracelet and ring thing is making me curious...
Chapter 12: wow insane
DaNyts #4
Chapter 11: im shook... Seulgi has one too?! I love how she's so casual about it
Kpop_fan21 #5
Chapter 11: Lmao with Seulgi "oh you have one too"
Chapter 11: what the
Chapter 10: Wendy with a resting face is a new concept
Chapter 10: Amazing, can't wait for the next chapter!
VampireAlice #9
Chapter 10: Amazing
VampireAlice #10
Chapter 10: Omg ❤️❤️❤️