5. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Jamais deux sans trois
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5. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun


++sudden rush of affection for seulrene++



"Are you sure you're not mad?"


"Yes, I'm sure Taeyong just please get in the car," Seulgi said after sighing for the third time in 2 minutes.

"I won't find a letter on my desk saying that my presence won't be needed anymore Monday, right?" Taeyong asked again to make sure.

"No I'm not going to fire you, enough with this."


"You look like you would though."


"I look like this because we've been talking for over four minutes in the cold since you don't want to get in the damn car," Seulgi let him know before shivering again. She had left her coat inside, thinking sending off Taeyong would only take a minute but she was certainly wrong. "The taxi has been waiting since forever and he's gonna make me pay extra fees for making him wait Taeyong, please just get in."


Seulgi had decided to make Taeyong go home after the little incident with Sehun but it wasn't because she was mad or anything, she wasn't even disappointed. She was happy to have gone along with the plan and made Taeyong accompany her to this party. It just that she felt his job here was done.


"You were amazing, don't worry," she said before patting his shoulder with a warm smile when she realized he really wouldn't budge.


"If I did a great job then why are you sending me home while you're staying? Plus, I wanted more cookies," he said with a frown.


His last comment garnered a laugh from her. Unconsciously, Seulgi found Taeyong quite adorable.


"I'm only staying because Wendy is still here," she answered. "And it's not like those type of boring parties amuse you."


"They do," Taeyong shrugged. "When I get to diss rich people."


Seulgi sighed when she remembered Sehun's expression. He did look pretty hurt by Taeyong's words, especially after being compared to Jongin.


Nevertheless, she quickly dismissed the thought after she received another glare from the taxi driver.


Seulgi opened the door, gave a last pat on Taeyong's back and pushed him inside the car. She had carefully closed the door on him before he could protest but still asked him to roll down the window.


"Don't worry too much and enjoy your Sunday," Seulgi said with a grin when she saw how nervous he was about losing his job.


"And you don't forget who you are and your worth," Taeyong said after regaining his composure. "Don't let them do whatever they want with you, okay?"


"You sound more and more like Wendy," Seulgi chuckled.


"I'm serious," Taeyong said. "Are you okay?"


Seulgi was taken aback by his genuine concern considering that they barely knew each other. Heck, she only knew she was in charge of a Lee Taeyong two days ago as she usually let Ten take care of the interns and she almost felt bad for always overlooking him every time she passed by his desk at work.

"Yes I'm fine," she answered after a little delay.


"So you think you can handle your exes without me?" Taeyong said with a raised eyebrow as he returned back to his playful ways.

"Don't get too cocky," Seulgi scoffed with an eye roll. "And you're back to calling me Director Kang at work unless you want to write me a resignation letter."


"Yes, Seulgi."

"Just say you don't need your job anymore at this point Taeyong."

"You said at work, which means Monday," he reminded her.


"Whatever," Seulgi tiredly dismissed before paying the taxi driver for Taeyong's ride. "Please bring him home safely and keep the change," she whispered as she apologized for the wait.

In no time, the taxi was out of sight and Seulgi was on her way back inside to the party.

As she entered the lobby of the apartment building, Seulgi noticed a lady with long dark hair waiting in front the elevator which was also where she was heading. She positioned herself next to the woman and realized that she was on a phone call. They both waited until the elevator's doors opened and Seulgi, as polite as ever, urged the woman to board in first. She slightly bowed to say thanks and finally turned around to face Seulgi.

Bae Joohyun.

"Sorry just a second," Joohyun said to whoever she was talking to on the phone before shushing the sound with her hand. "Aren't you coming in?" she asked Seulgi who stayed frozen.




Joohyun continued to talk quietly on the phone as the elevator continued to go up.


She suddenly terminated her phone call and turned to Seulgi to look at her. The latter became self-conscious in a matter of seconds and hoped Joohyun wouldn't notice the awkwardness that was emanating from her.

Fortunately for Seulgi, Joohyun turned back to facing the grey metallic doors of the elevator without a word until they reached the 16th floor.

What was that?


They both urged each other to pass first since they were heading back to the same place but it was becoming ridiculous.


"You go first," Seulgi said.


"No you go first," Joohyun egged.

"I'm fine, really, you can go."

"I said that you go first."


"Just go," Seulgi almost sighed.


"You already let me pass first when we got in, now it's your turn," Joohyun finished.

Seulgi got off the elevator feeling more annoyed than she would have expected from this simple interaction.

Who was she to give her orders? Plus, Seulgi very much hated the way Joohyun had looked at her from head to toes in the elevator. She had never really despised Joohyun even if she was the one Sehun had dumped her for, always blaming him more than her, but now she looked very much condescending and that annoyed Seulgi.


Both of their heels clicked on the cold marble floor in unison as they were walking at the same pace, Seulgi in front and Joohyun right behind her, both going in the same direction.

Seulgi rang the bell of Baekhyun's apartment once. Twice. And Joohyun did it the third time as they were both done waiting.


"Gosh, I'm coming!" they heard Baekhyun yell from inside.


He opened the door on them and was about to say something about ringing the bell once was enough but stopped the moment he saw the furious expression of the two ladies standing right in front of him. Baekhyun pushed himself aside to let them pass.

"There are still candies inside ladies," he said with a foolish grin to ease the atmosphere when they passed by him.


Joohyun rolled her eyes and decided to walk faster when she noticed that Seulgi was heading again to the same place as her. At least, Seulgi couldn't say that she was following her now.

Joohyun quickly hopped onto the seat Seulgi intended to sit on first right in front of the bar and almost earned a second eye roll from the latter. Seulgi opted for the one beside it but finally decided to let two more places between them to distance herself from Joohyun.


What is she? Twelve?!

As she was about to order, she heard the older woman request the bartender's attention with a charming smile.


"Two Long Island iced teas, thank you," she said elegantly. "Oh, and without alcohol for the lady over there."


Seulgi scoffed.

"I hope they're both for you because I wanted pink lemonade."

"I think that's the best thing they have here," Joohyun said with a shrug, completely dismissing Seulgi's obvious annoyed tone.


Seulgi thought about making her realize that she thought it was the best thing here and not her but let it go because she felt like a kid for going along with this kind of remark.

"A Long Island iced tea without alcohol is just iced tea, by the way," Seulgi spat in the same disinterested tone as Joohyun.


She couldn't help it.


"Aren't you going to say thanks for making sure that there wasn't any alcohol in your drink?" Joohyun asked before moving onto the next seat beside her. "I was being nice after I heard you passed out from drinking too much."


"Nobody asked you to order for me."


Joohyun laughed.


"You're quite childish for a 24 years old woman."


Now that was the best joke.


"Right back at you, a whole 28 years old midget."


"I'm still 27 loser."


"You know, I always thought you were the elegant, pretty and feminine type of woman guys always rage about but you're quite the scam," Seulgi said sassily as she turned to face Joohyun.


"Fair enough, I always thought you were the cute and innocent type of girl everyone is so fond of but I guess you're just dumb," Joohyun scoffed before pushing back her long hair.


They both looked at each other with daggers in their eyes.


"Here you go ladies," the bartender said awkwardly before putting the two tall drinks in front of each woman. "Enjoy."


"I don't think I will," Seulgi grimaced when she saw Joohyun getting onto the seat next to her with her drink in hand.


"Hi, Seulgi," Joohyun smiled after seeing Seulgi's sour expression. "So are you going to stop pretending like we're enemies yes or not?"


"And are you going to stop pretending we're close? It's like the second time I talk to you."

"We're on the same boat here, we should start getting along," Joohyun shrugged.


"Same boat?"


"Sehun's ex squad," she answered before holding up her drink. "Cheers to that!"


Seulgi sighed while watching Joohyun take a big gulp of her drink and release a satisfied and refreshing smile.


Is this a commercial now?

"Is that anything to celebrate over?" Seulgi asked before tasting her drink through a straw. A bitter tea with too much lemon and honey syrup. "Are you perhaps drunk?" she genuinely asked Joohyun as she reminded herself of the strange few minutes she had spent with her.


"It's funny that you think I need to be drunk to act like that, honestly," Joohyun said. "We really don't know each other well."




"I bet you had a real perfect image of me in your head and now I just broke it into pieces," she continued. "People always assume my personality because of the way I look."


"I don't think looking like you must be so bad," Seulgi said as she thought of all the times she called Bae Joohyun the Goddess of visuals. "Well it shouldn't be when you have everyone at your feet."


"Not everyone," Joohyun said with a warm smile. "There are some hearts that you cannot move even if you look like me."

Seulgi unconsciously chuckled at the face Joohyun made when a man in his mid-thirties tried to sit next to her with a smirk.


"And there are hearts you just don't want," she concluded while glaring at the man who was now leaving after giving her his number. "Like seriously, do men not think at all before they act or is it just me?"


Seulgi watched with amusement as Joohyun ripped the paper in half and left it for the barman to pick up.

"You're asking the wrong person if you think I'm going to say a man can have more than two thoughts at the same time."

"Two? You're generous."

They both laughed while continuing to make fun of men and exchanging about the many unsettling experiences they both had with the other gender.


"Oh I need to tell you this one too," Joohyun exclaimed as she recalled another incident. Seulgi nodded with a curious smile and sipped on her second iced tea. "I was in Italy for a photoshoot with this other Korean model, I can't remember his name but I think he is famous too, I don't know," Joohyun explained. "And everything was fine, he was nice and polite, he even translated a bit for me when the photographer started to talk Italian but then!" Joohyun dramatically paused.

Seulgi laughed at the way Joohyun told stories, making it way funnier than it actually was with her dramatic facial expressions and loud exclamations. She couldn't believe such a small lady could make so much noise and it somehow reminded her of Wendy. Except that Wendy looked like she was noisy whereas Joohyun seemed totally quiet at first.


"As we were both standing next to each other, he grabbed my hand out of nowhere," Joohyun recalled with a disgusted face. "We didn't even know each other and he decided to step into my zone just like that? As if we were friends," her eyes rolled in a sassy way.


"What did you do?" Seulgi curiously asked the older woman.


"Well it's not like I could just take it back or use it to slap him because the photographer was so happy to see us interact 'naturally' so I just stood there and continued to look pretty. Ew."


Seulgi let out a chuckle.

"I mean yes if we were close or something, but we weren't. Do you understand how traumatizing this can be Seulgi? Okay you're handsome and tall, and you look like you could afford seventeen cars but what if I was lesbian and suffered from -o-phobia, huh?"

Seulgi lost it and crashed onto the table in a laughing fit. This unnie was really funny.


"It's not something to laugh about Seulgi!" Joohyun said before nudging Seulgi with her elbow. "Imagine a guy did this to you, wouldn't you feel creeped out?"

"Yes, but at the same time it was just a hand."

"You give him your hand and then he takes your arm. You give him your phone number and he asks for your address. You let him have a kiss and then he finds his way to your bed. They're all the same."


Seulgi nodded although she remembered what Taeyong had told her about generalizing a whole gender over the actions of some men. Whatever. Joohyun was still preaching the truth.

"I couldn't look at him without thinking of smashing his pretty face for the rest of the trip, that was awkward," Joohyun said as she sipped on her tea, feeling thirsty after recalling some terrible memories.


Seulgi regained her composure and swept away the few tears that were starting to form in her eyes from laughing too much. Really, Joohyun was nothing like she had imagined her to be.

"This kind of thing must have happened often with the way you don't get surprised by it," Seulgi commented after munching on some lemon candies that were put into her glass.

"This kind of thing as in men thinking they're all that when seriously they don't impress anyone? A few times yes."


"Ok, what is a few times for you?"

"Three to four times a week I think," Joohyun pondered out loud. "It used to be worse when I was your age."


"That's too much," Seulgi said with concern. "Don't you get tired of it?"

"Definitely, but they usually back off when I tell them I have a boyfriend. Well, had a boyfriend," Joohyun correct

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I am feeling a bit emotional as this story is finally coming to an end. The next chapter will be the Grand finale. Thank you all for your support for almost a year now and thank you for reading Jamais deux sans trois. We will meet again for new stories for sure!


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Btw I reread this yesterday lol Bc I saw the trailer again on YouTube and watched it again so it brought me here to reread this again
Chapter 20: This is so fluffy 😻 and light and chill. I really liked the ending. You write very well ☺️ all the best. Will definitely try your other stories.
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 21: I love ittttt! Thank you for the story!!❤️
thehotmonkey #4
Chapter 20: loved it!
Oh my god where was this story all this time T__T I'm so glad I found it. This looks so spicy and interesting!
Coklat94 #6
I love this story so much to the point i can't even count how many times i read this story......
candypark #8
I just missed this story;__; this is officially my favorite Seulgi's fic (and maybe for everyone too). Please always stay safe and healthy, author-nim. I'm looking forward to your other works too (but don't push yourself too much either).

with love <3
Chapter 21: Huhuhuhuhu where have I been this whole timeeee!???? I'm so in love with this story


Thank you so much for the wonderful story like this is super duper greatly good like WOW!!
Chapter 20: Woah reading this story is like riding a whole roller coaster, there's up and down and YESSSS I KNEW IT THAT SEULGI GONNA GET BACK WITH ONE OF HER EX WHICH IS SEHUN, NOTHING CAN MAKE ME MORE HAPPY THAN THIS.