What Bodyguard?!

Beautiful Life

Sungmin finds himself lying on the bed in the room full of white except for the curtain that has cream color. All his body feels aching.  He tries to wake his parents up from his bed, but he can't even say a word, it is only come as a whisper. so he waits until his parents are wake up to talk to them.

Sungmin can remember few things on his head. He remembers that he's already arrived in narita airport for his holiday then realization hits him, "wait, I'm in Narita already but how come my parents are here? who give them a notice about me being hospitalized?" he said in his head with a cute pout.

Then Sungmin hears a knock on the door. It's not that hard but that's enough to wake his father up. Sungmin's dad notice that his son is awake already, he excuses himself first to open the door and will approach him and talk to him later.

"Oh, Mr. Lee, please come in." says Sungmin's dad to the person and let him in.

"Oh, hi another Mr. Lee.," he jokes, "How is sungmin's condition right now? is he awake already?" says him and let himself into the room,

"Oh, you are awake already sungmin-shi" says him a bit shock when he sees sungmin in a sitting position. He's curious about who is the person who will visit him in this hospital since he's now in Japan

"It seems that I don't have to answer your question Mr. Kim" says sungmin's dad with a smile 

They then approach sungmin and sit beside sungmin's bed. Sungmin still confuse as who is this person. He believes that he never meet this person before in Korea. Mr. Lee realize this and he says, "Hello, My name is Lee Byung-Soon, the son's father that u've saved from the gunfires", he gives his hand to handshake with sungmin

Sungmin handshake him and says, "Oh, hello Mr. Lee, nice to meet you," he smiles a bit then continue, "How is your son's condition? is he alright, sir" 

"It's a pleasure to meet you my son, and well, he's alright. It's all because of you" Mr. Lee says with a grateful eyes

"It's nothing, sir" sungmin says, "I remember of my younger brother in Korea when I was seeing your son in trouble. Oh, and btw, who is his name sir?" sungmin ask Mr. Lee with eyes full of hope to know the name of his son

"Nah, it's something sungmin-ah. You save my son's life with yours," Mr. Lee says in a serious tone, then he continue, "His name is Lee Young Jun"


It took 2 weeks for sungmin to heal. Considering he got so many injuries during the gunshot, 2 weeks are a very short time. He can do his activities again but his stomach is still hurts. so much. He barely can laugh out loud cos every single time he does, his stomach will be mad.

Sungmin and his family will fly back to korea. All the expenses will be paid by the Lee family. Sungmin and his parents are packing all their belongings when somebody's knocking at the hospital's door.

Sungmin's father reach the door then open it, he's surprise when he sees Mr. Lee is standing by the door, "OH! Mr. Lee, please come in.. I thought you are already in Korea... what bring you here?"

"Nah, I am still here in Japan, still have some things to be done, and probably will fly to Korea 2 weeks from now." Mr. Lee replied sungmin's father and go into the room with another person. It's a man, wearing a black pants and a black suits.

"Oh, I almost forget to introduce you to someone," said Mr. Lee to Sungmin's parents and of course sungmin himself, when he already sit on the sofa. "This is Lee Hyukjae, but he would prefer to be called Eunhyuk." 

"Hi everyone, nice to meet you," says eunhyuk while bowing

"and this eunhyuk guy, from now on, will be your bodyguard Lee Sungmin," says Mr. Lee to sungmin with a serious tone

"I am appriciate your kindness Mr. Lee, but seriously I don't need any." sungmin refuse Mr. Lee's offer politely

"No, since u saved my son's life, I believe those bad guys will run after you too sungmin-ah," Mr. Lee tried to explain

"Hoah, but I am no one. Besides, I believe that they didn't see my face, sir. So I guess I don't need to be guarded by him." sungmin pointed to eunhyuk and  he tries his best so that this eunhyuk person didn't guard him, "I am a black belt holder if you don't know, sir." 

sungmin's father pat sungmin's shoulder, try to calm sungmin down. He knows that his son can be stubborn sometimes. 

"I know that u have black belt sungmin-ah, your father told about this to me already. I am just being a careful daddy toward my heirs. I don't want them to get hurt and more than that, die." says Mr. Lee with his pleading eyes

"your what? heir? and... them? I thought you only have 1 kid, and it's Lee Young Jun" confusion can be seen in sungmin's face

"No, not anymore. I'm treating you as my real son now. That is why I give you eunhyuk to protect you. And I believe that young jun will be happy too if he has an older brother who is as caring as you sungmin-ah," Mr. Lee smiles to sungmin and his parents

"Yes min-ah. Mr. Lee has discussed this matter with me before. You were sleeping at that time and I didn't want to wake you up because you are still need some rest to heal your wound. So, in that discussion we came into one conclusion..." min's father sigh then continue, "you will become Mr. Lee's heir along with young jun."

"what kind of heir do you guys are talking about?" now sungmin is more confuse than ever, "oh, and please appa I don't really need this eunhyuk guy ok?!" he shouts a bit make both Mr. Lee taken aback for a moment. He really want to run from his bedroom hospital to wherever his foot takes him but he couldn't. His stomach and his heart are still aching from the gunshot before. So, he stand there and wait his parents to explain.

Both Mr. Lee take turn to give an explanation to sungmin. It's hard at first but finally they can make sungmin understand with the whole condition that he's and he'll passing. Sungmin could only sigh. He doesn't know how to say NO to both of his parents; and yes, he accept already that Mr. Lee, the guy whom he know for only 3 - 4 weeks to be his "parents"; since he knows the condition now. But still, giving him a bodyguard is not a really nice choice from his parents!

he still can't accept the fact that eunhyuk will tail him wherever he goes, and to the worst cast, bathroom? is it possible? sungmin's blushing when he think about it then shake his head violently to make the thought go away.

In the airport, sungmin keep ignoring eunhyuk while eunhyuk try his best to be friend with sungmin. He talk about everything! From his childhood to his college life. Bodyguard have a stigma that they will only tail their master, protect them, and do nothing else. But it's not happen with eunhyuk. And this is annoy sungmin so much. He really want to punch eunhyuk here and there. He feels that Mr. Lee try to insult him by giving him a bodyguard. He still think that he's a black belt holder and should not take a bodyguard to protect him. 

"I will assure u that your life will be like a living hell hyuk" sungmin promise to himself


nb: I'm sorry this take too long *bow* I hope I can update the next chap as soon as possible. Hope u guys enjoy. :D

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miniming #1
@jepaaaa to be honest I still don't know myself about hyukjae's feeling to minnie.. But I am sure with siwon's... hahaha thanks for commenting babe <3333
miniming #2
@heekitty haha yes.. but I took too long in updating this.. hope the next chap will take a short time to update :D

@jepaaaa don't worry.. min will eventually be nice with hyukie.. since hyukie is being nice to min ;)

oh! the most important thing! thanks for reading this!^^
miniming #3
@suju_elf12 thank you for reading this,, I will try to update this story soon.. kekeke ^^
suju_elf12 #4
And update soon please 
suju_elf12 #5
I can't beleive that this happened to Sungmin<br />
Poor him I hope he's still alive and also the boy who witnessed that <br />
This is such a good story<br />