A New House

We Got Married......In Real Life?

“A baby to be exact.” The PD responded calmly.

“B-b-but We Got Married never involved a child in the family before!” Melisa stuttered.

“Well don’t you think it’ll be boring for the show? I mean, 2 persons who barely know each other met, having romantic things, get their wedding ceremony and BAM! They divorce. Those always happen to every couple on WGM and we want something different. Again, the point we do this is to boost the rating!” The PD explained.

“But hyung, we...don’t have a house.” Jinyoung tried not to freak out.

“Ah right!” The PD clapped his hands.

“So that’s why you two will get one next week! On the next filming, you two will be looking for a house with a realtor from a real estate agency. Don’t worry, I’ve set up the whole thing. And for the baby, well we haven’t found one but I’m sure we’ll get one by the end of the week.”

“But hy-“ Jinyoung tried to say something but the PD cut him off.

“No buts! Okay I think that’s it for today’s filming. Btw Melisa, you did awesome on your concert!”

“Oh...thanks.” Melisa weakly replied.

“I’ll go first! See you next week!” Then the PD left with the whole crews.


“Whoa that’s crazy.” Kaitlin commented after Melisa told her members about the shocking news.

“I know right?” Melisa sigh as she leaned back in their car.

“But what making you worried?” Minyoung asked her suspiciously.

“Yeah, unnie. I guess it’s okay. I mean, it’s just raising a baby.” Yunhwa joined the conversation.

“It’s just that...I’m not ready?” Melisa seems unsure with her own answer.

“But all you gotta do is taking care of the baby.” Minyoung says. Melisa just sigh once again and went into her own little world.

‘Right...I shouldn’t be worry of anything, right? I mean it’s just raising a baby like everyone did on Hello Baby. Then why should I be worry about this? Aish.’


“OHOHO YOU WILL BE A FATHER SOON!” Gongchan jump up and down after hearing the news.

“Yeah...” Jinyoung weakly responded.

“Hyung! Why are you look...........uh weak?” Sandeul asked him all of a sudden.

“Nothing.” Jinyoung slightly replied.

“Shouldn’t you be happy? You love kids, right?” Baro asked him.

“I am. But it’s just that Melisa seems worry about this.”

“Why?” CNU asked.

“I don’t know I haven’t asked her why.”

“Don’t worry bro, everything will be fine.” CNU patted Jinyoung’s back coolly before leaving to the kitchen to eat.


As what the PD said last week, the couple went to looking for houses with a realtor from a real estate agency.

“This is the house! It’s small, though because I think it’s perfect for a small family.” The realtor, Cho Hyunsik says as he smiled widely. The house is smaller than the Khuntoria’s house but it’s bigger than the Teukso’s house.

“I like the house.” Melisa says as she examining the whole house.

“Yeah, I like it too.” Jinyoung says.

“Alright, so I think two of you should sign the contract then the house is all yours.” Hyunsik says as he handed the papers for them to sign.

“Most of the newlywed wrote both of their names on the paper.” He added.

“Should we do that too?” Jinyoung asked Melisa who just nodded beside him. Both of them quickly sign the contract and Melisa took a quick tour around the house once again.

“So the house is ours right away?” Melisa asked the realtor.

“Yes, it’s yours.”

“Great! We have our own house!” Melisa clapped her hands as she jumping up and down. The realtor quickly left the house because well....the PD told him too.

“But it’s too empty here...” Jinyoung says after the realtor left.

“Then we should buy the furnitures!” Melisa says excitedly.

“Ooooh I always want to buy furnitures since I was little!” She added as she following Jinyoung to exit their brand new house.


“PD-nim is too qruel!” Melisa whining as both of them went to the nearest furniture store. The PD didn’t let them to take car to go there even though it’s freezing outside. Melisa has to keep blowing her hands even though she already wore gloves on her hands.

“Are you cold?” Jinyoung asked her after seeing her blowing her hands non-stop.

“Yeah...” Jinyoung unexpectedly put both of her hands on his pocket to keep them warm. Melisa’s eyes widened after seeing his action but then she blushed right away.

“Aish where’s the store??” She quickly asked to distract Jinyoung from teasing her.

“There! It’s not that far anymore.”


“Oppa, let’s take this couch!” Melisa strongly pointed at a simple couch with colorful cushions on it.

“Isn’t that too big for our house?” Jinyoung still feel awkward when saying ‘our house’ since well, it’s just awkward.

“But it’s too cute!” Melisa pouted.

“But it’s too big.” Jinyoung replied.

“But I can’t help it, it’s toooo cute!”

“But it will take much space.”

“Okay how about this, I choose the couch and you choose the dining table?” Melisa gave him a suggestion.

“Fine...” Jinyoung agreed even though he still thinksthe couch wouldn’t fit their house. Theywent looking around the store to find their dining table.

“That one looks good.” Jinyoung pointed at a simple glass dining table with 2 seats on it.

“Oppa, shouldn’t we get a bigger dining table? I mean, your members and my members will come to visit us, right?” Melisa showing her disagree because she think the table is too small.

“But when they visit us, the can sit on the couch. It’s pretty big right?” Jinyoung says the matter of factly.

“But then...how about the....baby?” Melisa desperately asked him.

“How old is the baby?” Jinyoung asked the PD who stand near the camera.

“The baby is 4 years old.” The PD replied.

“Can we have 3 seats for the table?” Jinyoung asked the female worker beside him and she nodded.

“We’ll take this then.”

“But oppa! The table is t-“

“You chose the couch so it’s time for me to chose the dining table.” Jinyoung put his hand on Melisa’s mouth to shut her up.

“So what else do we need?” He asked her.

“Uh.....the bed.”


The most awkward moment will be arrives soon. They went to the bed section and searching for the right beds.

“Uh...I don’t know which bed I should choose....” Melisa says awkwardly.

“Me too....” Jinyoung says as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“PD-nim! Please choose the bed for us!” Melisa dragged the PD as the PD awkwardly scanning the beds.

“I like that bed.” The PD pointed at a bed near Jinyoung. Both Jinyoung and Melisa nodded and told the worker they take the bed. They quickly went to the cashier to pay for their furniture. Jinyoung already holding his card to pay but Melisa stopped him.

“Let me pay.” Melisa says as she handed the cashier her card.

“No way! I’m your husband!” He took Melisa’s card before the cashier took it from her hand and handed his card.

“But you debuted last year! You haven’t made that much money and I know that.” Melisa gave the cashier her card back.

“But I can pay for the furnitures!” Jinyoung told her once again. The PD shook his head and finally came up with a suggestion.

“How about 50-50? That will be fair.”

“Fine...” Both of them said in unison as the cashier took both of their cards. Their furnitures will be send by tomorrow so the immediately leave the place and went to the utensil store. On the way to get there, Jinyoung keep thinking on his own mind.

‘This is gonna be a long day of arguing.’

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hyo-ji #1
Chapter 15: It really good!!!! Please write more!!!!
mangotaengoo #2
@SujuXLove nope they name them lee, teuk, so and ra kkkk-_-
Fishes........ XD Did they name it Donghae? kekekeke I need to watch.dang it. kekeke it always couples arguing about who to pay
mangotaengoo #5
@SujuXLove yeah they have fishes lol XD
Ooooh. A baby? UPDATE SOON~
wat? Wait..I haven't watch TeukSo for a while now.....(coz Donghae *coughs*) A PET??
lalalalala #8
a kid??
CAnt wait...
Yeah...their song was daebak!!! kekeke...author ssi, fighting!! XD
aigo!!! I cant wait!~~ Palli!!