A Wolf's Mate

A Wolf's Mate

Chapter 7 


The sun was finally setting on the most restless day Yunho had known in centuries even though his beast no longer rages inside of him demanding life's blood that would make him one of the damned. 


Finally, both Yunho and his beast knew a sense of peace and solidarity; he and his beast alike wanted their mate more than they had ever wanted life's blood. This was the most at peace Yunho had been since he had been a young pup when nothing had burdened him before his beast has stirred when he had known the innocence and happiness only a young child could experience. 


Now the greatest burden upon his soul was his worry for the fate of his people. There was hope now, hope for himself and his people in Yuri, in everything she stood for but protecting her, protecting the first spark of hope his people had known in nearly a thousand years could mean doing things that went against the protective caring ways of the wolf mate. 


All day Yunho had pace restlessly through his manor. As exhausted as he was after chasing after Yuri all night, sleep had eluded him; he was too restless, his mind too preoccupied with his mate and her escapades this night. Yuri belongs by his side and his beast couldn't understand or tolerate why she refuses to accept him. Then he had pace because of what had been left behind when the last of his fury had faded, no mate could stay angry at his mate, his salvation, for long. 


Now what really made him restless was his worry and dread of what was coming. He didn't know what was coming but he could feel something ominous looming on the horizon like black storm clouds that threaten to unleash a terrible wrath upon his people and what terrified him the most was that the upheaval was all focus on and around Yuri. 


The moon goddess had given him a mate he was rapidly coming to care deeply for, to cherish above all else that he possess but at the same time, the moon goddess had given his people reason to hope. The question was, was Yuri the only one of her kind, the only mortal able to be mated with an immortal or was she the first of a new kind that could give a future to both the immortal races? Whatever the case, Yuri was in grave danger, for now, all the focus of the immortals was on her and the damned would soon be coming for her. His mate was now the most coveted being in all the immortal world and she was his to keep safe but even with the renewed hope his mate brought to all immortal kind, were his people ready for whatever was to come? There was no doubt in Yunho's mind that this may very well include a vicious and brutal war that could bring about the spilling of rivers of immortal blood. Every year that pass the number of immortals decrease while the number of damned increase. They could very well be gravely outnumbered when it came time for battle. 


On top of that, Yunho worried for his mate and her place in his world. Yuri had been correct when she had said that she didn't belong in the immortal world; even being here in his manor place her in grave danger. Fighting, aggression, and competition were an embedded part of the Lycan race, just as it was with the mortal wolf kind in the wild. There were fights between his kind for various reasons from playful competitiveness to full out blood-shredding battle. He himself had to fight on occasion, it was his duty. He, at times, had to assert his authority or answer a challenge. He was alpha, part of that meant that he had to defend his title in battle. It was the way of the Lycan and even though it was highly unlikely that any would even dare to think of challenging his mate, just being in the manor expose Yuri to it and it would be all too easy for her to be hurt even as she stood on the sidelines. When Lycan kind battle, they had to give themselves completely over to their instincts and animalist nature, logic and thought became secondary. Others could get hurt unintentionally just by being in the vicinity and unlike the immortal kind who heal quickly or could shift to heal themselves if the wound was serious enough, Yuri couldn't do such thing. Too easily she could be accidentally taken from him forever. 


What's more, it took an exceptionally strong and wilful female to merely exist in his world of male dominance, although Yunho doubted that the moon goddess would have given him a mate who wasn't able to exist in his world, he had yet to see it in his mate. Yes, he had seen brief moments and flickers of fierce strength, bravery, and force of will but how enduring was will? 


It was these thoughts that lead him back to his own chamber where his mate rested peacefully in his bed. Yunho stood in the dimming shadows of twilight beside his bed watching her sleep. She looks just as before, serene in her slumber. She was so petite, so fragile but swallowed by the thick fluffy covers of the bed she appears as tiny as a child. This was his destined wolf mate, the one he had been waiting nearly a millennium for. He had known it with all certainty right down into his very core the very first time he had really look at her after he had saved her life. This creature, so small and delicate, was his salvation, the one who calm and tamed his beast with her very existence. They were one now, even though they had yet to solidify the bond that bound immortal mates. If she dies then so would he. He couldn't be without her now, not for anything. He would fight and die for her without as much as a single hesitation. He would give her anything and everything that she needed or ask for; he would stand resolutely between her and all the evils and danger of the world. She would never again have reason to weep, to feel lonely or afraid. 


This tiny mortal woman had every power over him and she didn't even know it. 


Yunho wishes that it wasn't so hard for her to accept him. It had been centuries since he had known doubt in himself but he had to wonder exactly what it was about him that she found so hard to accept; was it the situation, the immortal world that she hadn't known existed until a week ago or was it he himself that she had such trouble accepting? It was true that he wasn't as talented at displaying what he felt as Donghae was and he lacks the smooth easy-going sense of humor Changmin possess that women seem to find irresistible. Nor did he possess a gift with words to shower her with but surely he did have qualities worth offering. He was loyal to no end to those he loves and he fought to keep all his people, his charges, safe. He would provide for her without any thought of himself and he would sooner end his own life than do anything that would cause her any harm. He would keep her safe and protected and he would dote upon her for as long as they both live. What more could he offer? What more could she want from him? 


He had fought to protect her, he had chase after her when she had run from him and he had delivered no consequences down upon her for it. He had been furious with her but still, he hadn't harm nor threaten her beyond that of restraining her for her own good. He didn't have the words but surely she could see the devotion express through his actions? 


Now Yunho had to try and remain calm, something that should have been effortless with all his centuries of practice control but nothing with her was ever easy, so he could explain the importance of her remaining under his care. 


Yunho wasn't accustomed to having to convince someone of anything. He was alpha and the Lycan prince; he was accustomed to being obeyed without question at all. He would let her sleep for as long as she needed but when she woke he would have to make her see sense, one way or another. 


While Yunho had been standing motionless, silently staring down at his mate, the last of the daylight had faded into night and the grey shadows of twilight had become the black deep curtain of night. Without a single sound, Yunho sat down on the bed beside her and turn so he could stare down into her radiant angelic sleeping face. There was a faint hint of a smile on her lips and Yunho found himself wondering what she was dreaming of. Dare he hopes that it was him? 


He wasn't a fool; she hadn't hidden it from him. She may still be unwilling to accept him as her mate but her body recognizes him for what he was. She was attracted to him; there was undeniable between them. Last night when he had pinned her against the wall of the nightclub she had reacted to him just as powerfully as he had to her. He had caught the scent of her arousal, he had felt her skin flush with heat, he had heard the frantic beat of her heart even beneath the pounding music and he had seen the dilation of her eyes. She desires him, hunger for him as he did for her. 


Maybe that was the key to getting her to trust him, to accept that he was trying to take care of her. Women, mortal and immortal alike, felt an attachment to the men whose bed they share. Women made love with their hearts as surely as they did with their bodies. Maybe instead of being a gentleman and keeping his distance while she settles and accepts him, he should be staging a seduction. 


Was he being too indulgent of her? It was his duty to keep her safe and as long as she kept running from him she was only putting herself in more and more danger and making his job that much harder. He didn't want to be anything but gentle with her but she might soon force his hand into far more drastic action she wouldn't like but it would be for her own good but Yunho didn't want their life together to start off that way. Like some adolescent with his first crust, Yunho feebly hopes that one day Yuri might love him as he was coming to love her. 


For centuries Yunho had believed himself to be incapable of loving anyone who wasn't family to him but low and beholds the fool his mate had made of him. He had lived long enough to know what he was feeling and what he was feeling was growing loved for Yuri, his wolf mate. It was love that hadn't come from the knowledge that she was his mate but rather love for the woman he had witnessed these past weeks. 


In his eyes, Yuri was the most perfect, most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon. She was kind and true-hearted, she was spirited and strong-willed and she shows no hesitation in going head to head with him, the Lycan warrior alpha prince who was the most fear warrior of the immortal world. 


Yes, Yuri didn't, couldn't know that but she wasn't naïve in concerns to him. Yunho knew that Yuri could see him for what he was, a dangerous creature who had blood on his hands but still she refused to submit before him in the least. 


Yunho could see that Yuri knew he was dangerous but she just didn't care; she knew he would never hurt her and she trusted in her instincts as he did. 


It seems his sister was right; he had met his match in his mate and he was endlessly grateful to the moon goddess for it. 


Yuri dream of running through a deep lush green forest. The green grass beneath her feet was soft and cool beneath her bare feet, the warm brown tree trunks and branches flew harmlessly pass, the rich green leaves occasionally brush her skin as gentle as a lover's touch. The deep musky scent of nature consumed her senses and the golden rays of the sun that streak through the canopy above felt like warm silk. 


In this paradise, Yuri felt free and more alive and happy then she could ever remember being. She felt safe and at peace here, as if this was where she had been born to be, to run free through the trees. All was right in the world, she was free and safe but suddenly the sunlight faded into shadows and the golden sun became the full silver moon and Yuri knew she was no longer alone. In truth she had never been alone, there had always been someone there, watching her from a distance and she wasn't afraid. Even as day became night, Yuri still felt safe, still felt happy as she continues to run through the trees, no longer alone. 


At her side, keeping effortless pace with her was a large sheer black wolf with brown eyes that gleam with joy and love for her. His coat was so black that the golden sunlight created streaks of dark blue along his back and shoulder. She felt no fear; instead, she felt safe like nothing bad in the world would ever be able to touch her. Yuri knew with all the certainty of her soul that she loves this black wolf so much that she could only be safe, only be happy in his presence. This wolf was a part of her, had always been a part of her and she wanted nothing more than to remain with him for the rest of her life, to feel his love and to love him in return. 


Without him, her glorious wolf, there was nothing but despairing empty darkness and then, with the suddenness that could only exist in dreams, just that came to be. The black wolf was gone and there were only hollow darkness and soul-wrenching misery. Nothing matter, nothing shine, there was nothing. 


Yuri woke screaming


All Yuri could think of was that the wolf was gone, that she was all alone, left alone without him and all she could feel was the agony, despair, and emptiness that it left behind, tearing her heart apart like a shattered mirror. It was a crushing weight that was crushing down over her entire being, trapping her, crushing her. 


There was something there, she wasn't alone but she couldn't see him. All she could see was the black darkness of the empty void the wolf's absence had left her trap in. 


"Yuri. Wake up. It's alright. You are safe. Just open your eyes." 


Something was calling her name, whispering soothingly to her, someone so close that she could hear him breathing but she still couldn't see him. She couldn't see him but she felt as if she should know the voice that was calling to her but whom did it belong too? She couldn't remember. 


Steel vices close around her wrist and pin them to the soft surface she lay upon and Yuri's eyes flare open and the first thing she saw was the deep brown eyes of the black wolf that had left her alone. 


Nothing made sense. How could her wolf be here if he had left her alone? She knew he had left, she had felt him leave her forever, had felt the terror and emptiness and then it all came rushing back to her in a flurry of image and emotions. She remembers Yunho and the mansion, the shape-shifting immortals and her attempts to escape back into her world. She remembers running, three times, and each time being caught by Yunho, the Lycan alpha prince with the black wolf's soulful eyes. She remembers that that said prince, the arrogant jerk, had brought her back to the mansion and lock her in his bedroom. 


Yuri breathed in relief. It had all been a dream; a dream that had seem so real that there was a part of her mind that refuse to let the dream go, to accept that it hadn't been real. 


Yuri lay still for a long moment, her mind slowly readjusting. She could feel her anger for him returning as her dream slowly slip away as dreams did and her mind returns to the real world fully. The dream had been intense and vivid but it wasn't real. She wasn't in love with the black wolf with piercing brown eyes and she could live without him. 


What was real was that she was the jerk's prisoner again and the weight that had been crushing her was in actuality Yunho lying over her supporting only half his weight on his elbow while using the remaining of his weight to pin her to the bed. 


Yuri knew it was a futile effort but she struggles against him anyway, pulling her wrist in an attempt to slip free of his hold or fight her way out from beneath him. Between his iron but gentle grip and the heavy blanket covering all but the top third of her body, she was pinned. 


With a deep irritated sigh, Yuri looks up into his eyes as she still, submitting to him, for the moment at least. His brown eyes were twinkling with amusement as he patiently waited for her to be still. 


It seems like the jerk wasn't through with his domineering habit of manhandling her when it struck his fancy. He was bigger and so much stronger than she was and he loves reminding her of that fact. 


"Are you calm?" Yunho ask her, his amusement evident in his tone like water was in the ocean, "Are you fully awake now?" 


Yuri could think of several much nicer ways in which she could have woken up, waking to find that she was being eaten alive by rabid dogs for example. Or maybe waking up inside a nest of flesh-eating fire ants. Anything would have been better than waking to find him not only watching her while she slept again but touching her like she was his to do so at his leisure and now he had her at his mercy pin to his bed. 


"You can let go of me now." 


Yunho knew he should do as she asks and let her go but he was finding their current position so enjoyable. She was at his mercy, he could do anything to her and there would be nothing she could do about it and she knew it. There was something so delightfully amusing about the situation when she was forced to submit to him. He found it was worth enraging her just for the fight that would inevitably end with her sweet surrender to him. 


Instead of replying or releasing her as she had asked, Yunho stares down into her dark brown eyes that were just as focused on him. He could hear her heartbeat in his ear, racing frantically from either the exertion of her attempt to be free of him or maybe it was because he aroused her so when he was near, maybe it was a bit of both. He could feel her pulse beneath his fingers, pounding rhythmically beneath her soft tan skin. He discreetly inhales a deep whiff through his nose, taking in her intoxicating scent that tasted of everything pure and coveted in the world. She was a delight to each and every one of his senses. He could spend the rest of eternity basking in her. 


The moon goddess had truly been generous in the mate she had chosen for him. 


Yunho locks his gaze on her inviting lips that were parted ever-so-slightly. 


Yuri had stopped breathing. He was going to kiss her; she could see his intent in his bedroom eyes and she knew she should scream high heaven or resume her struggles or something that would stop his advance but she couldn't. She was entranced by his intense penetrating gaze that held so much emotion within them as he slowly closes the distance between their lips. His eyes twinkle with burning desire, his hold, his touch on her wrist was secure but painless and his scent was of everything forbidden like the mysterious dark warrior of the night that he was. It had to be forbidden to want him, everything about this dangerous predator should warn her away but everything she felt was the opposite. Everything about him drew her closer and she was helpless to fight against it. 


In his eyes, he betrays dark promises of forbidden sinful pleasure and delight while at the same time they bewitch her with promises of devotion and protection. His touch made her skin tingle and his male woodsy scent made her head spin. His scent made her think of, made her want carnal wild things that belong deep in the untamed wilderness. 


Her heart was beating so rapidly against her ribcage that it was almost painful, her breathing was rapid and shallow and she felt light-headed. Her skin burns so hot that it felt like she was on fire and her s felt heavy and tight, aching for his touch. 


There was no question about it, everything about him reinforces the promise that he could give her pleasure beyond that she had ever known, that he could take her so high that she had had a bird's eye view of heaven. 


A faint faraway voice within her warns her that this was wrong, that she was his prisoner and that this shouldn't happen. If she allows him to kiss her there would be no going back. She would never be able to stop at one kiss, not with him. He was too overpowering, too good at arousing her before long she will be stripping for him here in his bed in the same bedroom he continues to keep her imprison within but oh god. Yuri wanted him, she burns for him; the wanting only grew more intense with every passing moment that he loomed over her, his weight covering most of her body and pressing her into the soft mattress. All the while he was looking at her as if he were seeing straight through her, deep into her heart and soul. She wanted to know his intimate touch, his taste. 


Oh god. She wanted the pleasure he silently promises. She wanted to forget and just feel. For the first time in a long time, she wanted to live. 


Until this very moment, Yuri hadn't realized just how close off she had been since her parents had died. She had shut herself down, had switched off her own needs and desire until all that had been important in her life was her friends, brother, and study. She wanted to let Yunho bring her to life again, to feel what he would undoubtedly make her feel. She wanted the pleasure and freedom of not worrying about anything but that said pleasure, if only for one night. She wanted to lose herself in him and remember what it was like to live, to take something she wanted and damn the consequences. 


What would it be like? To give herself over to him so completely and shut her mind down and focus only on her body and the pleasure he would give her? 


Yunho must have read her thoughts in her eyes because suddenly he wasn't slow or tentative anymore. Still holding her wrist trap above her head that rested on the pillow, he claims her lips with carnal hunger and demanding passion. He molded her lips to his as he conquers , kissing her so hungrily, so passionately that all Yuri could do was close her eyes and moan with abandon longing. He was all intense fierce passion and hard warm strength; she struggles to keep pace with him and in the end gave up trying, letting him set the pace and take what he wanted from her. 


His taste was far more intoxicating than she could have ever imagined, she had been and still was in no way prepare for it, for him. He tasted of the forbidden. He was everything that a good girl shouldn't want but dream of in her naughty secret dreams. He was all dark primitive carnal hunger, demanding more and everything of her, demanding that she submit completely to him without holding anything of herself back from him. He was the unrelenting unyielding all-consuming force that she had known was in him. He demanded without apology, he didn't give her the option of not giving him what he demanded. He took it and then demanded more. His hunger was insatiable, ravenous, his lust was all untamed animalism and he was all hard demanding dominant male. He commanded he fought and protected, he kills and did the things that no other could. 


Yuri arched beneath him, her back fighting against the heavy cover and the weight of his body on top of her, helplessly seeking more contact. She wanted to scream, she wanted to grind herself against him, she wanted to burst free of her skin and fly but most of all she wanted more and she never wanted it to stop. She wanted to give him everything that he was demanding and then keep on giving until there was nothing left of her. Until there was only this, this kiss, this pleasure, this deliciously burning fire that had consumed her entire being. 


Yunho must have read her body's need for more because his tongue penetrated her lips without taking the time to ask permission for entrance and just like that his tongue was probing , sliding against her own and demanding that her own tongue join his in the mating dance that was as old as the human race itself. 


Never had Yuri felt so alive, never had she felt so much. His kiss was like jumping into a pool of hot water; she was drowning in his kiss, his essence and in everything he was making her feel. Her body screams in burning anguish for more, so much more, for far more intimate touches, to feel him deep inside of her, deeper than anyone had ever been before. She wanted him where she tingles and burns hottest, the pleasurable tormenting orb of rapture electricity that was building like an impending supernova low in her belly. She wanted to feel him penetrated her with something other than his tongue, to feel him stretching her and bringing her to with all his animalistic carnal passion. 


Yuri wanted to touch him, to feel his hard warm muscle flesh beneath her fingertips, to pull him closer to her, to wordlessly invite his full weight down on top of her to crush her into the soft bed beneath her but he still had her hands shackle on the pillow by her head. 


That was when Yuri realize that she was so lost to the sensation he was creating in her body that she hadn't realized that she was writhing against him like a crazed wild animal and she didn't care. His hold was tight but he wasn't hurting her, his lips were hard and fierce against hers as if he couldn't get enough of her so he was trying to eat her alive. His lips were hard, hungry and demanding but she felt no pain. All she could feel was the pleasure and burning lust for more but what she felt most was the feeling of rightness, that this is what she had been born for, to be in his arms, to taste his kisses, to writhe beneath him. 


To be his. She felt as she had in the dream she had only moments ago woken up from. 


Yunho had known hell, in all its various form; he had fought in wars and kill in countless bloody battles, he had buried his kin and linger in the lasting darkness but never had he known such heaven and he wanted more; he wanted it all. 


She tasted like strawberries and sunlight, her scent was of vanilla and amber and feminine arousal and her touch...She felt like fine heated silk beneath him, all warmth and softness. He wanted more so he took more but no matter how much he deepens their kiss, how deeply he drew in her taste, her scent, it wasn't enough. He wanted more; he wanted her wet, willing and spread beneath him. He wanted to feel her slick tight warmth around him. He wanted to be buried so deeply inside her that he branded her as his for all of time. He wanted to spill his seed inside of her and maybe even one day create new life within her small tight body. He wanted to feel her shudder and spasm beneath him, to feel her hot sweaty flesh beneath his, he wanted to feel her come around him as he drove himself deep into her. He wanted to hear pleasure madden cries and moans in his ear and feel her fingernails dig deep into the flesh of his back in silent demand for more. 


She was his mate; they had been born to be together, to come together as one in the flesh. She was his mate, his piece of serenity in the world. He would die for her, live for her, kill for her, without thought or remorse. He would conquer the world just to lay it at her feet if it was her wish. He would worship her every moment of their lives as he would any offspring she bless him. She was his mate and it fell to him to protect and provide for her and in this instant, more than any of that, Yunho wanted to mark her as his mate and lay his kill at her feet, to act out the most ancient of wolf mate rites. 


Yuri's wondering soft warm hand digging her long sharp fingernails into his chest instantly brought Yunho's full focus back to his mate. 


Even though she was so much smaller and physically weaker than he was, she gave as well as she received; to say that she had come alive in his arm would be a great injustice. She had more than came to life, she had become the sun, in that she not only live but she gave life to all else. 


When Yuri arched and had moan into his mouth it had been all Yunho could do to keep himself from literally shredding her clothing from her body and ing into her before she even had time to even cry out but he held himself back. It was an excruciating torment but in the morning he wouldn't have his mate accusing him of rushing her to do something she hadn't been ready for. Sure, she had turned to liquid fire in his arm with a kiss, that was anything even close to simple but he wasn't going to take advantage of her when she had become lost to the passion. She wasn't part of his world, not yet at least. If she had been Lycan, he wouldn't have hesitated to mate because she would have understood her purpose to her mate, would have accepted and relish in their union. Yuri was mortal and at the mercy of his greater immortal superhuman strength, it would be too easy for him to seduce her into something she wasn't ready for. She was his mate, it was his duty to protect her from all harm and that included that which he himself could inflict. 


So Yunho kept himself from going any further, forcing himself to keep his hands where they were holding hers on the pillow but he couldn't make himself stop or soften the kiss. It took all the self-control he had just to prevent himself from going any further; he had nothing left to stop or even slow himself down. 


Yuri was everything addictive in the world roll into one and he was helpless against her. His beast howl in both triumph at finally tasting her and fury at not going any further to claim her, to mark her as his mate forever more. His beast hammer to take her now, to bind her to him so irrevocably that not even she would ever be able to dispute that she was his. 


It wasn't often that an immortal held back when they found their mate. The urge, the compulsion, to mate in the flesh, to bind together as one was overpowering. It grew stronger with every interaction with one's mate. Had he not been so practice, Yunho never would have been able to hold his beast back from taking her fully. 


However, the need to touch her was powerful. He wanted to feel the weight of her in his hand, to feel her pebbled against his palm. He wanted to feel the heat of her against him, he wanted to watch her as she lost control against the pleasure of it as she rode him and he wanted to see her desire for him in her lust soften eyes. Oh, by the goddess, how he wanted her. 


Yuri was becoming really dizzy at a startling rate and she realizes, simultaneously with noticing the tight burning in her chest, that it was from the lack of oxygen. How long had they been kissing? How long had she been forgetting to breathe? 


She didn't know but she did know that if he didn't release soon, she was going to pass out from the lack of oxygen. 


Reluctantly, Yuri cried out into his mouth but the words came out as a muffled moan. Desperate for breath, Yuri still , instantly she considers reconsidering, how important was oxygen anyway and tried to turn her head away from his mouth but his assertive demanding kisses made it difficult. 


It took him a moment but Yunho seems to realize that something was wrong because he releases and began kissing his way along her jaw line towards her ear. 


Yuri drew in deep breaths, drawing cool much-needed oxygen into her air-depraved lungs and for a brief moment focus only on breathing but not for long. Yunho was trailing a path along her jawline to her ear where he the delicate fleshy lobe into his mouth and carefully bit down on the sensitive flesh. Pain and pleasure zing through her so ally that it made her cry out, her breathing more ragged now than when she had been air-deprived and then he was on the throbbing flesh in an effort to soothe the sting and her eyes roll back into her head. 


Yuri was helpless against anything he wanted to do to her and not because he was restraining her wrist. She physically wasn't capable of doing anything but what was necessary for her to have more; she was frenzied with pleasure, passion and wanting. She would and was welcoming anything and everything he wanted to do to her. She wanted more, she wanted him to bite her ear again and she wanted to feel his hard sweaty flesh against her own. 


Without any warning, the doors burst open and Jessica, Donghae, Changwook and Changmin hastily and silently but gracefully enter the bedroom. 


In a blur of black, the warm hard weight that was Yunho was gone and she was left feeling confuse, cold and daze alone on the bed. 


Yunho was furious with them and with himself for not hearing or sensing their approach but mainly he was furious with them for disturbing him, for entering the room unannounced and interrupting them. They had been in the middle of something which had quickly been leading to something else, despite his conscious but yet-to-be-put-into action decision to stop before they went too far for which he was the smallest bit grateful to them. Taking his mate in the flesh now wasn't the best choice at this point in time. 


However, he was the alpha and his dominance needed to be asserted. This was his private chamber; even his family had to knock before entering. 


Yunho snarl furiously at them, the sound feral, irate and loud in the silence of the room. He bares his teeth as deadly fire flash in his eyes and he found himself tense and crouch slightly, battle-ready to protect his mate. His beast was too close to the surface from tasting his mate so heatedly and Yunho was too raw to reattain complete control over his animal side. 


They froze at his ferocious and blatant demonstration of dominance and the three males instantly step back and bow their heads in submission to him so not to further antagonize their alpha. Jessica shows no fear; she only met his eyes with steady patience. She knew no matter how enraged or rule by his beast Yunho was, he would never harm her. She was a female; it was deeply engraved instinct in the Lycan male kind to protect females, especially those under their own charge, just as female Lycans were program to protect their young, there was nothing more lethal in the immortal world than a female protecting her young, one mate protecting the other was a close second however. 


Yunho would no sooner harm Jessica than he would his mate. 


"How dare you!" 


Yuri flinches at Yunho's enrage roar as feared ripple through her, momentarily pushing back the confusion and recent embarrassment at what they had been caught doing. She knew Yunho wouldn't hurt her but right now he was piss to the extreme and he looks ready to kill his own men. 


Jessica looks beyond her brother at his mortal mate and instantly realize just how serious things had nearly become between the two before the beta's and herself had entered without taking the moment to first assess the circumstances beyond the door of her brother's chamber. His mate lay daze and flush on her brother's bed that her brother, until a moment ago, had also been occupying. Jessica assessed the young mortal with a woman's eye and notice that the initiation of the little interaction they had just interrupted hadn't been Yuri's idea but judging by the way Yuri remain on the bed where she was deep in thought it was obvious that she hadn't been an unwilling participant. 


Jessica could empathize; the Lycan kind was passionate and impulsive creatures, control was a learned skill. Control wasn't in the nature of the Lycan kind and even Yunho, one of the strongest-willed of their kind was at the mercy of his own nature, particularly around his mate. 


Jessica resolve to offer words of womanly wisdom to the young mortal when she next had the chance. The young mortal needed guidance from one of the world she had been unwillingly brought into. 


"Yunho Oppa!" Jessica snaps in her most authoritative warning tone, that she had learned from their mom, turning her attention back to her brother. She knew her tone held warning in it that told him that she knew very well what they had interrupted and that she in no way approve but she left it at that for now. There were much more important matters at hand at this precise moment, "The vampire mansion has been attacked by an army of damned. Yonghwa-ssi has lost more than thirteen of his number defending his walls." 


Yunho instantly straightens his stance, all else forgotten, his anger dismisses in light of the news that one of the two most formidable and protected mansion of the immortals on the continent had been attacked by a force great enough to kill such a number in one strike. 


The other mansion was this very manor, his manor. 


It had been more than a hundred years since a Lycan or vampire stronghold had been attacked by the damned, not since before the peace treaty between the Lycan and vampire kind had been signed; mainly because that was when the two immortal races had stopped fighting each other and had join forces in their battle against the damned but to lose a number as great as thirteen; the sheer force and number of the damned attack had to number that which hadn't existed in centuries. The damned tended to run in smaller number as it drew less attention from both their enemy and the mortals. 


Like Yunho's own kind were gathering, so to have the damned and there was only one reason for why the damned would gather here now. 


Yuri and there was only one capable of gathering an army of damned. 


Yoochun. He obviously had heard of Yuri and he was gathering forces for some plan that he had concocted for his own ominous purposes. 


One of the main reason why Yoochun had yet to launch a major strike against them was that Yunho had never underestimated him. He knew what Yoochun was capable of and had always gone to great lengths to cut him off at the pass. Over the last five hundred years, Yoochun had narrowly escape Yunho several times; choosing to flee rather than face him and in those five hundred years Yoochun had grown stronger, both himself physically and his power, the damned saw Yoochun now as their leader, their prince yet to take his rightful place as king of all damned and immortal kind. 


Yoochun had been biding his time and it seemed that time had finally come. He now had something that would make the damned forces of the earth willingly serve him out of something other than fear. 


Yuri. A prize unlike any before seen in the immortal world. 


Everything was focus around her, Yunho was sure of it and he would face, fight and overcome anything that Yoochun could throw at him. He would keep his mate safe and far from Yoochun's sadistic hands. 


Yunho returns his gaze to Yuri, his sweet delicate mortal mate. She was sitting up in bed staring at him with emotional and worried eyes. It seems that she had picked up on that something was gravely wrong. 


Yunho wanted to go to her, to calm the alarm in her beautiful angelic eyes but right now he couldn't spare the time to offer her that comfort. He had no time to spare; Yuri had to be kept safe and with the news of the attack on the vampire mansion Yunho had much to do. 


Again the option of sending Yuri to North Korea to his parents and the impeccable protection they could provide made its way into his thought but it went against the grain to send her away from him, especially now. They weren't bonded and he was certain that she would still run the first chance she had. He wasn't a naïve pup, even though she had responded so eagerly to him and his kiss, she was still a flight risk. It would take much more than a passionate kiss and the ual attraction between them to get her to stay; to make her want to stay. Yuri still didn't understand the grave danger she was in and he wasn't about to tell her any more than he already had he didn't want her to be afraid. 


As her mate, Yunho had to protect her from more than physical harm. 


Less than a fleeting moment had passed since Jessica had told him her urgent news and already Yunho knew what he was going to do, what he had to do. 


Returning his attention back to his sister and his betas and seeing their worry and restless need to act, Yunho became the prince he had been born to be, "We must go to the vampire mansion and offer what aid we can. No matter how dire the situation, we can't abandon our allies when they need us most." 


Yunho shifted his focus to Donghae, his eyes hard with authority, "Donghae, you will stay and protect the manor. I want everyone on high alert. I also need you to call upon every Lycan in the country for support; we will need as many as we can gather." Yunho lowers his voice to a whisper so Yuri couldn't hear, "The vampire has been attacked, ours is coming. We need to be ready for it and I don't want the defense of our walls to cost as many lives as thirteen." 


Donghae bows his head, "Consider it done, my brother." 


With that Yunho turn his gaze to his sister, for her he had chosen Donghae, the best of his beta's, to remain with her and the manor. To separate a mated couple in such a dangerous times could cause great harm; each would worry about the other to the point of distraction and in such dangerous times, distraction could cost lives. 


"Jessica." Yunho soften his tone slightly while addressing his sister, "Assemble all who we don't want here during a battle, the young and those with child and send them away as safely as possible, to North Korea if need be. Whoever is organizing this most likely won't care about the women and children we are sending away but send them with those few we can spare and send them by means of the safest route." 


Jessica nodded once in understanding; she knew without asking that Yunho's mate wouldn't be among those she instructed to go, "Should I contact father and request for more numbers?" 


Yunho nodded his head once, not needing to speak the words that they would need everyone his dad could spare. There were more of the Lycan kind here in his territory now at the spreading word of his mortal mate than there had ever been but he still needed greater numbers if he was going to defend his territory and protect his precious mate. Damn his pride that had been bred deeply into him with the life of a crown prince, he would ask for as many men to aid him as he could gather. 


"Changwook, Changmin, choose eight of our number to accompany us to the vampire mansion," Yunho order them, knowing that they wouldn't dare to say it aloud that eighteen bodyguards might just be overdoing it as the mortals would say. 


The two beta's bow to him and swiftly left the room to do as they had been commanded. Donghae took a step towards the door but turn back to his mate upon realizing that she wasn't following him. 


Yunho averted his gaze as the two communicated through their mental link, not wanting to impose on their intimate moment. He had envied the two only a matter of days ago, that they were so obviously in love and at peace but now he only yearns for that kind of relationship with his own mate. 


Unfortunately, because Yuri was mortal, their bond may never have the depth and strength that allow bonded mates to communicate telepathically. 


If that was the case then Yunho would accept it and move past it; he was grateful to the moon goddess for his mate, mortal or not and he would spend the rest of their days thanking the goddess for the mate he had been blessed with. 


To distract himself, Yunho returns his gaze to his mate, his expression soften from that of authority that he uses when addressing his beta's. It hadn't even entered his mind to leave her here without him, he had already witnessed what she was capable of when she was out of his presence and he wouldn't let her run again, it was too dangerous now so she would come with him to the vampire mansion. He in no way like the idea of taking her out of the safety of his manor and into the company of the vampire coven but he wouldn't leave her behind and Yonghwa had sworn to protect her; he trusted Yonghwa to keep his word. 


No vampire would betray Yonghwa; they admire and respected him far too much. He was a kind and mighty prince who the vampire would one day, the goddess willing, see as their king. 


"We will be traveling to the vampire mansion." Yunho told his silent and still mate; he wishes he knew what was going on in that beautifully stubborn head of hers but they had yet to get to know each other to such an intimate depth, "Dress. You need to be ready in thirty minutes. Pack an overnight bag if you must. We may need to remain for the day." And without another word, Yunho turn and left Yuri and Jessica staring after him. Whatever had been said in their telepathic conversation had Donghae leaving his mate alone with Yuri. 


Yuri watches wordlessly as the door close behind Yunho and Donghae and she was left alone once again with his sister. 


The atmosphere in the room was a little awkward; now that everything was calm Yuri was once again embarrassed, partly at surrendering so easily to Yunho and his kisses and partly being caught making out like a pair of a rowdy teenager on their first real date and caught by his sister no less. 


The sound of rustling fabric pull Yuri from her thought and drew her attention to the open door of the walk-in wardrobe where Jessica stood looking through the clothing within, both her own clothing that Yunho had retrieve from her dorm room and the clothing that he had brought for her. 


"What would you like to wear, Yuri?" Jessica asks her in a friendly voice, as she looks through what was there. She had spoken with the warmth and ease of friends who had known each other for years, "I would recommend something dressy since the vampire tend to always dress like they are going to some fancy royal ball." 


The last thing Yuri care about was her wardrobe. What she did care about was how fast things were progressing between her and Yunho. Just last night Yunho had her all but begging for him and this time he had made her come part with nothing but a kiss, a passionate fire-starting one at that but still a kiss. How much longer was she going to be able to maintain any semblance of resistance against him? How long before he had her begging him to take her for real? 


Now that Yuri thought about it, she had never had a serious relationship. The fact that she was still a had never bothered her before. Ever since her parents had died she had had a one track mind, ignoring everything except for her studies, goal and those she loves. She hadn't really dated at all and so she had no idea how to deal with someone as full on and intense as Yunho was and an even less idea how to resist him. It wasn't like she had the practice. She wasn't that innocent or naïve that she didn't know how it works or was unable to recognize what she felt for him. 


What was she going to do? Yes, her body wanted him but did she want to sleep with him? That was where all this was heading and she felt powerless to stop it. 


"The vampire also like their black and dark colors. It's so stereotypical, don't you think so? Like some mortal movie but that's how they like it I guess." Jessica was saying as she continues to rummage through the clothing in the walk-in wardrobe, oblivious to Yuri's preoccupation. 


"What about this?" 


Yuri blink, realizing at last that now Jessica was talking directly to her and she quickly tried to get her mind back on track. She raises her gaze to see Jessica looking at her, a little impatiently and holding up a black Bebe mock neck ruffle hem dress. 


Yuri forces a smile, "Oh, it's nice." 


Jessica lowers the dress and stares at her for a long moment with inquisitive eyes and a thoughtful expression; it seems that the Lycan princess had finally realized that Yuri hadn't been paying attention to her or even thinking about what she should wear to the vampire manor. 


"It's going to be alright," Jessica assure her in a soothing tone, as she walks over to her and fluidly sat beside her on the bed like the lady and princess that she was, most of the time. 


Yuri watches her with mild envy. Everything about her was perfect; her flawless beauty, her grace, and ladylike mannerisms. When she walks, she flows; when she spoke it was with authority and confidence. 


"Oppa isn't going to let anything bad happen." Jessica told her, with confidence in her words and soft caring eyes, "He's too proud and protective for that." 


Yuri blink, confused at first but then she realizes that Jessica thought she was worried about getting hurt at the vampire mansion and she really should have been, she was going into a mansion fill with vampires but strangely she wasn't. She felt embarrassed, insecure and awkward like the teenage girl she hadn't long ago been. 


To Jessica, all Yuri could do to respond was nod in acknowledgment. So much had changed with one kiss, no, that wasn't right. To describe what had just happened between her and Yunho as just a kiss was like calling the ocean a puddle. She was still reeling and a kind of numbness had settled over her mind making it hard to think clearly. 


Meanwhile, Yuri's body still felt overly sensitive and tingly to her, the heat low in her belly still hadn't completely faded and she felt moist between her legs. It scares her that her body was so ready for Yunho, so eagerly responsive. She didn't know what to do and most of all she didn't know if she could refuse Yunho if he came to her bed again, she didn't even know anymore if she even wanted too. 


Jessica felt sorry for the young mortal who hadn't only been drawn into the world of the immortal night dwellers but now was in the dead center of a war that she had no idea about. Not to mention the added stress of having her brother, with all his dominant, overprotective, overbearing, pigheadedness, keep her prisoner on top of everything else but there was nothing Jessica could do to help her now other than to help her dress and get ready for the journey to the vampire mansion. Jessica did wish that she could accompany the young mortal to offer her physical and emotional support but she had responsibilities here at the manor to see too, such as the precious innocence she had to get to safety. 


Less than thirty minutes later, Yuri found herself sliding into Yunho's black stretch limousine as Changwook held the door open for her. Yunho had entered before her and was already settle on the seat beside her. 


Jessica had helped her get ready; it had taken only fifteen minutes for Jessica to not only help her put on the dress she had picked out for her. She had a navy double-ed fit and flare coat with her but since it was a warm day she had yet to put it on. On her feet, she wore a black Vince Camuto beach block heel sandal. 


In her ear, Yuri wore a sterling silver 5-6mm cultured freshwater pearl dangling earrings and around her wrist she wore a rose gold ava teardrop and round cut CZ line bracelet. That was all, Jessica had wanted to do something with makeup but Yuri hadn't wanted to spare anymore fuss over her appearance. 


It was a testament to her solemn mood that she hadn't even objected or care when Jessica had started to pack her overnight bag. Yuri didn't know what had been pack but she trusted the princess to pack everything she will need. Besides, if she needed something she didn't have Yuri had every confidence that Yunho would obtain it for her as quickly as possible. 


Yuri had no idea how she should feel about being so trusting of Yunho to provide for her every need and whim but after a few minutes of trying to work it out she had just shrug and dismiss the thought. She had a greater problem to worry about right now and even more things to try to work out in her own mind. 


As they left the grounds of the manor, Yuri realizes that they were practically a convoy. In front of them, leading the way was one of those black suvs with the tinted window that Yunho had left in not fifteen minutes before her escape. Behind them was another black SUV's with tinted window in which she had seen Changmin slide into the passenger seat of while Changwook was up front in the limo sitting in the passenger seat, constantly scanning the surroundings as they flash by and to make the situation all the more surreal, a man whom Yuri didn't know as she had yet to even see his face as he wore a helmet with a tinted visor that she couldn't see through was riding a black motorbike. He constantly changes his position in the convoy, weaving between the three vehicles, back and forth. At times he was in the lead, at others riding between the three vehicles or following closely behind. 


It was all for her protection, Yuri knew. She was the mortal amongst immortal werewolves known as Lycans; creatures with superhuman strength, speed, and abilities. One of which was the ability to turn into a wolf the size of a car with pointed teeth longer than her hand and sharp claws that were even longer and thicker. 


Yuri knew they were all armed with that she didn't know; did guns have any effect on the damned vampires and evil derange Lycans? 


"You are gorgeous." 


Yuri whirl her head, moving her gaze from the scenery beyond the darkly tinted window to Yunho, startled at the complementary statement; he hadn't spoken a word to her since he had all but order her to dress in his chamber after receiving the news that there had been an attack on the vampire mansion. 


Yuri found herself staring into his gentle gaze as he watches her. 


Yuri opens to thank him but the words froze on her tongue as he gently, slowly, took hold of her hand and raise it to his mouth. He stares into her eyes as he laid a gentle tender kiss on the back of her hand, caring filling his eyes. 


Yuri couldn't speak, not even if her life depended on it. Yunho was so captivating, holding her hand so gently that his hold was barely more than a caress on her skin; as if he were afraid to hurt her because he thought her to be made of the most delicate and fragile crystal that would shatter under the slightest pressure. 


In that moment, Yuri found it impossible not to believe that he cherishes her, that was how he was touching and looking at her now; as if she were the most important and precious thing in his world. 


As if he would die if he ever lost her. 


Sometime during the last few seconds, Yuri had stopped breathing. All there was in her world was him, his touch and those penetrating eyes that were filled with such hope and contentment when he looks at her. Every time he looks at her, whether she was consciously aware of it at the time or not, there was this heart-wrenching hope in his eyes that made the man who was a force of nature appear vulnerable. As if that weren't enough to squeeze her heart, she also senses a loneliness in him that he had carried with him for so long that it had long ago become a part of him. 


That was how he looks at her, like she was the cure to all his problem, to his loneliness and sadness. Like she was his only reason to hope, to exist. 


So many times she had been told and not just by him that she was his mate, the one born to be with him. If that was true and she left him, abandon him, he would lose everything he was; she could see it in his eyes as clear as anything else. 


Could she live a life like that? Forget about everything else, the immortal beings that live in the safety of the night, the war, and enemies? Could she live being one person's air, sun, and moon? His entire world, his life? Because that's what she saw in him, in his eyes and his driving fierce will to protect her at any cost. That's what she will be to him if she stays. 


If she stays, if she became everything to him then how would it be possible that he wouldn't become the same to her with all that he was? Already she had witnessed that this was a dangerous world with deadly enemies, what if she lost him? It would kill her but worse than that was what if she came to love him and he lost her? He had suffered torment that hell itself would be beyond capable of giving him. 


A love, a need like that was destined for tragedy. If she stays, she risks everything, not just everything she was but her entire world, life, heart, and soul. Everything she had to gain by loving him was everything that she risks losing, "Such sorrow in your gorgeous eyes." Yunho whisper emotionally, holding her hand gently in his hand while his other rose to gently caress her cheek with his fingertips in the barest of touches, "From a mere compliment upon your beauty that graces my eyes?" 


He didn't understand, couldn't understand what had made her so sad and serious before his eyes. 


Yuri frown at his words. He had done it again; he had spoken in a way that was far before the present time. When he spoke liked that it was so much easier to remember, to believe that he had live through times that had long since past; that he was immortal, hundreds upon hundreds of years old. 


That was something else that bothers her. She was no one special, she was an ordinary human, an ordinary girl and he was so much more that it boggled her mind. It was intimidating and awe-inspiring. 


How could he understand what she was feeling? He was a Lycan prince and an immortal warrior, he had never been normal in his life, how could he understand how overwhelmed she felt? 


He couldn't. No matter how much Yunho tried he would always be who he was; a supernatural force of nature who had been raised from the cradle to lead and protect. What did he know of wanting a normal life and feeling insecure? 


Yuri closes her eyes and pulls away from him. She pulls her hand from his and leans back in her seat, physically withdrawing from him as well as mentally. 


Nothing had changed, Yuri couldn't let it. She had to get away from him and back to her normal life. Somehow. Maybe after whatever was happening in Yunho's world was finish she would be safe enough to return to her world and maybe, just maybe, she would find a way to make it feel like her world again, make herself ignore her heartache at leaving Yunho. 


Yunho didn't allow his hurt and dismay at her retreat from him to show. She had carefully pulled herself out of his arm and had slid across the seat until she was as far away from him as she could be while remaining on the seat inside the limited space of the stretch limousine. 


What was it that made her pull away from him, that continue to keep her at a distance from him? He was sure that it was the same thing that kept her fighting him. There had been sadness and uncertainty in her dark brown eyes but he couldn't figure out just what it was that she was so uncertain and afraid of. 


So many times he had sworn to protect her, to never harm her for as long as she, they live, surely she wasn't afraid of him. Yunho had kept the violence of his kind well away from her eyes, he had issued the order that there were to be no dispute or fighting on the manor's ground. The woods that surrounded the manor were vast; his pack had ample space beyond the manors wall. Lycan kind was aggressive and competitive by nature, there had yet to be a day that had pass since the manor's construction that there hadn't been some form of combat there. 


He himself had participated in most of them; before his mate had come to him. 


So Yunho was certain that she hadn't become uncomfortable in the manor. The only violence she had witnessed had been well beyond his gates. 


Yuri wasn't fearful of him or his manor or his pack, she had shown no wariness or discomfort when she had walked through the halls and out the front door. 


So what was it? What was it that made her hesitate, that made her pull away from him when he gave her no cause too? Whatever it was, Yunho was going to have to overcome it before she would accept him and what he was offering her but no matter what it was, no matter how long it took, he would overcome it and he would have her. He would never let her go, never stop waiting for her. 


He had waited near a millennium for her, what was a few days or months more? 


Comparing the vampire mansion to the Lycan manor was the equivalent of comparing a mud hut to a medieval castle. Yuri couldn't find it in her to take her eyes off of the mansion for even the brief moment it took to blink. While Yunho's manor was large and spacious, resembling the grand manor of English noble with simple but stunning polish and varnish wooden furniture and snug dark rugs on the hardwood floor, the vampire mansion was the size of a grand castle. It was easily five times the size of the manor and it was vastly different in appearance. She had yet to even step out of the limo but already Yuri knew that this Yonghwa of the vampire like the ridiculously extravagant and grand. The mansion had to be at least eight stories high and stretch across the thickly tall tree landscape. 


The mansion stood, Yuri silently counted the rows of window, nine stories high plus with room in the ceiling for the mother of all attics and was and she silently counted the column window, thirty-six evenly space window across and these weren't regular size window either, all but a few were arched window that was the size of double French doors, standing at least eight feet high. The structure itself was shaped as three sides of a rectangle with the driveway arching into it with a grand fountain in the dead center of what Yuri would call a courtyard. The fountain's bowl was the size of her dorm room and near a full meter deep and in the center was a solid stone statue of a faceless woman with long flowing hair. She had her face tilted upward and her arm slightly outstretch with her palm facing upward. Her stance was that of a woman who was basking serenely in the light of the sun. Or the moon but the evidence of the attack that had destroyed the stone woman's serenity was unmissable, even in the dim moonlight. Deep long gouges had scared the perfectly manicured lawn, scattered clumps of earth and grass littered even the driveway. Some of the picturesque trees were missing limbs, had large chunks missing from their trunks and one tree near the gate was even broken almost in half and there were dark patches here and there that Yuri didn't want to look twice at. The evidence of the bloody superhuman battle that had taken place was extensive but still Yuri gasp into wonder at the beauty of the vampire mansion; the destruction caused by the battle did very little to subtract from the mansion's impressive grandeur. 


Yunho found Yuri's wide-eyed fascination amusing and adorable, very childlike. While Yonghwa and his own fortunes did stand almost toe to toe, the vampire likes ridiculously expensive things and finery. Yonghwa spent his fortune on the finest of things like jewels and gold. The vampire likes to live in the best and most lavish comforts while Lycan kind not-so-much. 


His own kind prefers to run through the woods in the deep of the night, to eat in a comfortably loud and well-lit dining room rather than in a dim vast and grand dining hall as the vampire had in their mansion. 


The vampire and Lycan kind were as abundant in their differences as they were their similarities; mainly, the vampire was civilized and sophisticated while his Lycan kind was wildly free-spirited, passionate and spontaneous. 


To a new eye, the vampire had all the grandeur and money. 


Yunho chuckled under his breath as his mate continue to stare in awe and wonder despite the fresh sign of recent brutal battle, "The vampire will be pleased. They do love to impress one with their glamour." 


"It's huge!" Yuri exclaim, knowing she was all but plastered against the glass of the tinted window. 


"Indeed." Yunho chuckled slyly, "Compensating so, wouldn't you say?" 


Yuri had to think about that for a moment but when the double-meaning hit her, Yuri glance over her shoulder with an eyebrow raise in skeptical disbelief even as her cheeks flush with heat. Yunho was an immortal Lycan prince but he had just proven beyond all doubt that he was as egoistically male as any and every other guy she had ever known. 


How many times had she heard variations of the phrase, 'he's overcompensating' from a male's mouth in her lifetime? 


More times than she could ever hope to count. 


Yuri, however, chose not to comment as she knew perfectly well that Yunho had nothing to overcompensate for as only an hour ago she had felt the reason for that against her belly. She could personally guarantee that Yunho had no need for a fast flashy car. 


There was no mistaking the heated interest that flash in his mate's eyes; Yunho saw it as clearly as he could see the color filling her cheeks and neck. She wanted him, possibly as much as he burns for her. It seems that his idea of seducing her into accepting her place with him wasn't out of the realm of possibility but now wasn't the time. He was about to introduce Yuri to a mansion full of vampires; he in no way wanted her off-balance or aroused. He was prince Yunho of the Lycan kind who had just found his mate, competition for her mate's attention was something that he wouldn't tolerate by any measure. 


With Yuri's face still plastered to the window in wide-eyed awe, the limousine pulls to a stop with the back door position only a few feet from the mansion's grand front double thick hardwood door where a small crowd of people she didn't know waited patiently on the wide cement staircase. 


Yuri had never seen any of them before but she didn't need to be introduced to know they were all vampires and it wasn't just because this was the vampire mansion. They were pale, still and had that look about them; Yuri was quickly learning to spot not only the vampire kind but Lycan kind as well. Immortal kind move differently than ordinary humans did, they were more graceful, stealthier and the confident, cocky and capable air around them was impossible to miss. 


Yunho didn't wait for his door to be open for him which was a demonstration of his authority and royal status as he usually did, although he never did have to wait for more than a moment or two usually. Instead, he opens his own door and with his Lycan speed reach Yuri's door a single heartbeat later and was already opening it for her, reaching in for her hand to assist her out. 


Deeply embedded instincts from centuries of war with the vampire made Yunho's beast howl in protest at having Yuri surrounded by so many vampires in their own territory. Even though Yunho knew Yonghwa would take his oath seriously that no harm would come to Yuri, he had no intention of letting her out of his sight or far from his side, not outside of his territory. 


No immortal took any chances or risk when it came to his mate. 


Too insecure and unsure to worry about everything that was chaotic and unresolved between her and Yunho to pull her hand from his, she needed the comfort his over-protectiveness gave her now, Yuri looks up at the vampire greeting party. Yuri was sure that Yunho would understand her anxiety, her only contact so far with the vampire, other than the vampire guards around the manor that were careful never to come near her, were damned vampire who on both occasions had attack her. 


They were pale as vampires were, although not as pale as the damned vampires who had attack her had been and they were all wearing dark colors as Jessica had mentioned but unlike what she had expected, there wasn't much black between them. 


There were four men and two women standing behind the fifth man who was standing squarely in front of them all. He was the one who had caught and held Yuri's gaze. He stood tall and proud, just as Yunho did but while Yunho had brown eyes and black hair, this man had short dark red hair and dark brown eyes that surprisingly held gentle warm kindness. 


Yuri could feel the eyes of them all upon her and for the second time in as many minutes, Yuri found herself grateful for the protective presence of Yunho closely by her side. He didn't have his arm around her but he held her hand in his opposite hand while he had his other hand resting on the small of her back keeping her in the safe circle of his arm. If she were in any danger Yunho never would have allowed her to come here but if danger did arise, Yunho would have her in his protective and possessive hold in less than a heartbeat. 


Yunho was an overprotective, possessive and dominant jerk but right now he was a sturdy presence of warmth and safety around her. 


Yuri couldn't help but marvel in disbelieving incredulity that in the short time they had known each other she had somehow come to trust him with her safety, physical safety anyway and that he had protected her no matter what. It was her heart's safety she distrusted in his hands. 


"Yunho, my friend." The vampire with dark red hair and dark brown eyes greeted Yunho, with genuine warm hospitality and friendliness before he turns his attention to her with his gentle dark brown eyes that Yuri instinctively knew miss nothing, "You came bearing a jewel for the eyes to treasure." 


Charming. The dark red-haired vampire smiling kindly down at her was definitely charming and it wasn't just his words that made him charming; it was the way in which he so carelessly offers a compliment and meant it with such natural easy-going sincerity. 


"I came to offer aid, my friend, in any form you require." Yunho resisted the urge to pull Yuri closer to him; she was in little danger here but still to have her in vampire presence whom not so long ago for an immortal he had call enemy. His beast within was cagey and restlessly agitated. 


Yunho ignores his beast; Yonghwa had sworn to protect Yuri and he would keep that vow or he would die by it by Yunho's own hand. A mate mattered above all, even friendship. 


"Yuri, this is Yonghwa, the crown prince of the vampire people, my dear friend and trusted ally." 


Yonghwa held his hand out in a friendly welcoming gesture that asks for her hand in greeting but Yuri hesitated. Should she? Yonghwa seems kind and non-threatening but he was a vampire and friend of Yunho's or not, Yunho was possessive of her. 


Uncertainty, Yuri look up into Yunho's face, reading his expression. Instead of irritation or jealousy, Yuri found herself staring into a calm expression with a gentle smile on his lips, reassuring her that there was no danger in taking the vampire prince's offer hand. 


Yunho carefully maintains his calm expression while his insides were rejoicing and singing with triumphant glory. His mate had looked to him; her stance was a little too tense and there was a trace of fear in her scent that all immortals present could smell. She was hesitant and uncertain about Yonghwa and in her moment of tentative distress, she had looked to him for reassurance. Yunho saw the act for what it was; she had come to trust him with her safety and trusted in his judgment of whether or not she was at risk. 


It was a huge step forward; for the last few days, Yunho had been greatly worried that he wasn't making any progress with his mate but that one little look had changed things between them; he was making so much more progress than he had hoped for. 


Reassure by Yunho's calm composure, Yuri turns her gaze back to Yonghwa and tentatively placed her hand in Yonghwa's outstretched hand. 


Yonghwa gave her a gentle look and lower his thick lips to her hand where he planted a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, "Yuri-ssi, it truly is an honor and a pleasure to finally meet you. You are far more enchanting than even I could have prepared myself for." 


Heat flooded her cheeks and Yuri pulls her hand from the gentle cold hand of the vampire prince. His compliment was charming and embarrassing; his smooth gentle tone had betrayed that he meant every word and wasn't merely offering her hollow words to win her favor. 


Despite the fact that Yonghwa was a vampire, Yuri found herself feeling quite confident in her intuition that she would like Yonghwa. He was handsome, charming and kind and there was something soothing about him now that Yuri knew that she had nothing to fear. 


"You much be exhausted from your journey." Yonghwa steps back and extended his arm towards the door that would take them inside. 


Yuri looks up at him with a quizzical eye. Exhausted? They had been on the road for less than an hour. 


Yonghwa smiles down at her once again, "Please come inside. Miss Yuri, welcome to the vampire mansion. My coven and I welcome you and vow that you will be as safe inside these walls that you are within the Lycan manor itself." 


Yuri look passes Yonghwa and into the vampire mansion but all she saw was darkness. With all eyes on her and Yunho firmly position at her back, Yuri swallow and step into the dark vampire mansion. 


Yuri had never thought it possible. Here she was, in the castle-size mansion of the crown prince of the vampire, the good vampires, sitting beside her Lycan may-just-one-day-be her mate and she was bored out of her mind. 


It had been three hours since they had arrived at Yonghwa's mansion and after being lead to the largest library slash study Yuri had ever seen and seated in the overstuff expensive couches by the fireplace that was large enough to comfortably hold a basketball team, Yonghwa, Yunho, Changwook, Changmin and the four vampire who had been introduce to her as the equivalent of Yunho's beta's, had been talking business. The first half an hour had been thrilling; they had discussed the attack on the mansion. Yunho had offer all the resources and such that he could spare, including a promise to aid him in the hunt of those who had fled with their lives after the dreadful costly attack but then the conversation had turned in the direction of strategies that they could utilise to hunt down the surviving offenders that had attack the vampire mansion and how to better enhance the security of both the vampire and Lycan territories. 


From there the two princes had progressed to successful strategies of the past, they were immortal and had live long, there had been many, to general issues and finally, for the last hour, they had turned to other, more boring, business and political issues of the pack and coven. 


Yuri had learned from where their fortunes had come from, it turns out that the royal families secretly own and ran dozens of multinational multimillion-dollar business, companies, and organizations; a few had greatly surprised her and that it took a lot of work to keep those business and company's running profitably. 


At first, when Yuri had lost interest, she had studied the details of the room and the titles of the books she could make out from where she sat, most of which weren't in English. She found herself somewhat content to sit still and quiet while the men discuss their business; this wasn't her home and she wanted to be polite but she was long since past caring about that anymore. There was only so much boredom a girl could take. 


Yuri was literally seconds away from either exploding loudly or stalking out of the room to find something to do when both Yunho and Yonghwa abruptly broke off from their conversation and turn their attention completely to her with identical alarm expression of someone who had forgotten something they really shouldn't have and then all eyes of the room were on her. 


Yuri blink, startled and baffled. What? She hadn't moved, huff or anything but suddenly they were staring at her as if they knew exactly what she had been planning to do. 


How had they known? 


For a horrified moment, Yuri felt fall open and before she could think twice about it, she blurted out horrified, "You can't read my thoughts, can you?!" 


Amusement became the universal expression of the room and Yuri once again felt her cheeks flood with heat at her embarrassment. There was no scorn or spite, only the fond amusement one often saw when an adorable little child did something humorous. 


Yunho gently patted her knee with his hand like she was that said child, "No, sweetheart. We can't read your thoughts." 


Out of the corner of her eye, Yuri notices the meaningful look Yonghwa was giving Yunho but she held her tongue. There was something there, something Yonghwa found amusing in Yunho's words, she had the suspicion that Yunho hadn't told her the complete truth just now and she intended to find out about it. 




With a warm, amused expression and smile on his oval-shaped face, Yonghwa rose to his feet and look down at her. 


"Forgive my rudeness." Yonghwa said, with a slight bow of his upper body, "It seems that we have been unintentionally ignoring you. It is inexcusable, even with how urgent our initial business was." He straightens his stance, standing tall and proud, the same way Yunho did. 


Oh, the pride of a prince. 


"Are you hungry?" Yonghwa asks her. 


Yuri felt all of the colors drain out of her face. She was in the house of a coven of vampires and she knew for a fact that vampires drank blood, she herself had fed one. Was he offering her blood? Did he want her blood? Yonghwa seems to read her line of thought in her expression and he gave her a wide smile that was downright entertaining. Even though she knew Yonghwa was a vampire who could kill her with the flex of his pinkie finger, he seems less-threatening than Yunho, not so overbearing. 


"We often have Lycan kind and the occasional mortal guest grace our humble home." Yonghwa told her, who sounded suspiciously like he was trying to keep from laughing aloud, "We have a fully stock kitchen, at receiving news of your impending arrival I had our mortal housekeeper prepare a light meal for those who aren't on our liquid diet." 


Yuri couldn't help it. A beaming smile lit up her face as she rose enthusiastically to her feet. Not only would she be eating, she was really hungry, she would be eating with people instead of eating alone lock away in Yunho's bedroom. 


Surprisingly, Yuri was finding the vampire much more pleasant than Yunho and his pack. 


What Yonghwa had called a light meal turn out to be more food than she could have consumed in a month. 


After asking if she was hungry, Yonghwa had led them to a dining hall on the ground floor that had almost had her jaw landing on the floor like something out of a cartoon. The room was three stories high and longer than the biggest bowling alley Yuri had ever seen; long enough to fit one long table that could easily seat one hundred people, with plenty of elbow room and then there was room to spare. From the ceiling above hung half a dozen enormous evenly spaces crystal chandeliers that twinkle gloriously enough to make the stars envious and if that wasn't enough, wall lights ran along the walls. On the walls hung what look like medieval artwork and tapestries, along with decorative swords and other medieval weapons such as spears, crossbows and even those solid metal spiky ball things that hung on a chain from a pole, she had no idea what they were called and then there was the feast that took up one fifth of the long table. The hot steaming food was presented uniquely, each dish looks more like a work of art than a dish made to be eaten. The tantalizing aroma wafting from the table had watering. 


"Are you going to stare at it all evening, my sweet? Or are you actually going to eat?" 


Yuri didn't even take the time to look up at Yunho who had succeeded in snapping her back to her senses; instead she walks straight to the table and without argument, sat in the heavy darkly polish wooden chair, the backrest of the chair was taller than she was by twofold, Yunho held out for her. She was two places down from the head of the table and was already putting pieces of sweet crispy chicken and kimchi pancake onto her plate when Yunho took the seat beside her and Yonghwa took his place at the head of the table. 


As she was serving herself a generous serving of spicy radish salad, she had never eaten such fine food in her life, she notices that Changmin had taken the seat on her other side with Changwook on Changmin's other side. While on the other side of the table the vampires beta's sat and engage in conversation without prejudice. In fact, everyone at the table conversed like they had been friends for years or more likely in the case of the immortals, centuries. Yuri notice that the vampires weren't touching the food but were drinking from cups for which she was thankful wasn't transparent. She didn't need to ask to know they weren't drinking red wine but she refuses to think about it. No way was she going to ruin her appetite now. 


With the third helping clear from her plate, Yuri sat back in the surprisingly comfortable chair with both hands resting on her full stomach. She had eaten three servings, the size of which she refused to even think about for fear of seeing that food again and she was stuff full. She couldn't eat another bite if she tried. 


Even though only Yuri, Yunho and the beta's had eaten, the others who had come with them, their guard, Yuri hadn't seen since they had been escorted into the study slash library after arriving, the conversation had been light-humor and enjoyable. Yuri had found herself participating without thought to the fact that she was seated at a table with immortal Lycans and blood-drinking vampires. 


That they were most likely drinking blood at the table where she was eating hadn't even bothered her. 


The food had been fabulous while the conversation had been enjoyable. At times there had been several conversations involving only a few of the table's occupants while at other times the conversation had involved everyone at the table. The topics discuss had ranged from battle techniques and abilities, immortal or not, Yuri strongly suspected that even immortal men often exaggerated their abilities, the friends they had in common, to significant events long since past to modern technology and culture. 


Yuri had actually burst into uncontrollable laughter with a mouthful of perfectly sweet and spicy shrimp when she had heard Changmin tell one of Yonghwa's beta's who sat across the table rather compellingly that the new series of running man was absolutely brilliant. 


It was just such a normal thing for an immortal Lycan to say. 


Needless to say, when she had been laughing like a mad hyena all eyes in the room had been on her. Again. 


Now that dinner was finished, all of the dishes cleared away, Yuri had politely declined an after-dinner wine, Yuri was content to just sit and listen. Now that everyone's hunger was sated, everyone had quietened down and was content with after-dinner quiet light conversation. 


Yuri was finding that even though most of them had been born centuries before her grandparents, they were very much in touch with modern times, hearing Changmin talk about running man had proven that. 


Immortals had longer lifespans and were physically more able understatement but they were still people. They love and hated and knew joy and sorrow. They lost those they love and relish in a new life being born. They had problems and limitations, they could lie and they could die and they could love. They love each other and their own; they fought and were willing to die for each other. They were more than mortal kind as they really did appreciate what they had. Not the money but love and family, blood family and the pack or coven. They fought and kill those who had once been their own to keep mortal kind and their own safe. 


Yuri was really beginning to see that just because they weren't mortal didn't mean that they weren't human. 


"And what brings a frown to my table, young Yuri? Did you not enjoy your meal?" 


A gently inquisitive voice pull Yuri from her thoughts and brought her head around to see that Yunho was no longer sitting beside her; the chair was empty and Yonghwa was looking at her from the head of the table. 


Yuri look around for Yunho. 


"He had to excuse himself for a moment." Yonghwa explains, with a wave of his hand in the direction of the door, "He had a call from the manor." 


Yuri follows Yonghwa's hand to see that Yunho was standing just outside the doorway with a Samsung galaxy s4 to his ear. His expression was one of irritation but not concerned; it obviously wasn't anything serious. 


Yuri sat back in her chair and turn back to Yonghwa, recalling as she did that he had asked her a question. She gave him a small sated smile, "The food was delicious. I was just thinking." 


"Ah." Yonghwa slumps back against his chair, relaxing as he continues to smile kindly at her. After a moment he glances back at Yunho and then gave her a meaningful smile, "Did you know that Lycan kind, much like the wolf kind of nature, love the chase and hunt? It is in their nature and blood; the greater the chase the greater the glory and cherishment when they catch their prey." 


Why did Yuri have the feeling that he wasn't talking about deer when he said prey? 


"Not every hunter is worthy of the prey they catch." 


"Very true, very wise." Yonghwa said, with a slow nod of his head in agreement, "But I notice you don't disagree with the assumption that the prey will inevitably be caught." 


Yuri look over her shoulder just in time to see Yunho lower his cell phone from his ear and draw in a deep breath as if ridding himself of his irritation before continuing, "It depends on the hunter and his willingness to let his prey go if he deems unworthy." 


Yonghwa gave no response as Yunho was returning to his seat but he sent Yuri a wide grin before Yunho engage Yuri in conversation, apologizing for his brief absence. Yonghwa was coming to like the tiny mortal woman; she had inner strength and courage that she had proven in these past few hours. In the presence of powerful immortals, she had become comfortable and sociable; such Yonghwa rarely saw in mortal kind so quickly. 


Yonghwa was confident that they would talk alone again; he had more to say to this young treasure that had yet to be called Yunho's own by her own choosing. Yunho may have had the young Yuri under his roof but he had yet to gain her favor. 


It was refreshing to see a female unwilling to swoon before the handsome Lycan prince, even his own had been ardent in being bedded by the Lycan prince. In the days of old, bedding one of the other immortal race had been one step short of forbidden but now with the peace treaty and females becoming fewer, cross-bedding wasn't unheard of. 


Yonghwa himself had bedded a Lycan female a time or two in the past eight hundred years and it had in no form been an unpleasant experience. 


In fact, Lycan females tasted unlike anything he had ever tasted before; Lycan blood was much better than mortal blood but not as good as vampire blood but by a mere hairs difference. 


Yonghwa covers his mouth with his hand in an effort to conceal the sinful grin on his face that had come to his lips with the treasured memories and was grateful for the distraction when the smell of peanut butter, hot choco, and fresh fruit fill his nose. 


"Ah, and here's dessert now." 


At the word, Yuri sat up straight in her chair and spun around in time to see the kitchen staff, three of them, enter carrying two large dishes each. 


With the overwhelming desire to cry, all Yuri could think about was the wistful wish that she hadn't eaten so much at dinner. 


It had taken a full hour for Yuri's stomach to settle from its determined effort to return all the food Yuri had stuffed her stomach full of. She had never eaten so much in her life; not on any Christmas or Thanksgiving and for a full hour she had been deeply regretful that she had. 


The desserts had been set in front of her and she had been so close to tears; she had sat there for a full five minutes battling with herself and with her stomach's insistence that it couldn't take anymore but in the end, the food had won. Yuri was a little embarrassed at what she had done but she didn't regret it, at least not now that the sickly feeling has passed. She had picked up a spoon and had taken a spoonful of nearly every dessert on her plate, nothing more than a taste, really and with a promise to her conscience that she will do some extra exercise over the next few weeks, she had emptied her plate. 


After dessert, during which even the vampires had been greatly amused and just a little envious of her reaction to the salted caramel pretzel milkshake, Yuri had taken one sip of plain milk to wash a little of the sugar from and she had followed them, slowly, to a comfortable sitting room on the eighth floor. 


Yuri was definitely not ashamed that Yunho had to carry her up seven of the eight flight of stairs and he had done so with such ease she might as well have been a pillow. 


There had been several large overstuff couches and armchairs that surrounded an open fireplace, situated in the middle of the room. Yunho, Yonghwa, Changmin, Changwook and those who had joined them for dinner occupied most of the sitting area, talking quietly amongst themselves about various things but the air had been too warm and Yuri had needed some fresh air, not to mention that she would rather be outside if her dinner decided to make another appearance so she had stepped out onto the balcony attach to the comfortable sitting room. 


Its view was quite breathtaking. The beautiful moonlit landscape had clearly been designed for those of the night. The flowers were in bloom in the moonlight and the fountain gleam beneath the silvery light of the moon giving the stone woman the appearance of glowing; even the shadows of the garden had been carefully considered and sculpted as they had been cleverly sculpted so that in the moonlight they cast shadows of recognizable shapes. Yuri so far had spotted a shadow silhouette of a woman in a pose of singing, a galloping unicorn complete with wild mane, two cross swords like she had seen in so many coat-of-arms and a sleek car. 


All the while that she stood on the edge of the balcony looking over the landscape and gardens below, Yuri could feel Yunho's watchful gaze on her back. It was becoming easier and easier to sense when Yunho was near or watching her; not only did her skin constantly tingle with that heated ual awareness but she felt safe and calm when she knew he was watching over her which was practically all the time. 


Yuri knew what was happening; she was becoming comfortable and at home in this world of immortals but the cost of that was that she could feel herself being drawn further and further away from the life she had left behind. Was it too late for her to go back to that life? If it wasn't, it soon would be but did she even want to go back? Yuri felt so confused, so conflicted. She didn't know what to do. She was trying to figure that out but there was a difference between what she wanted to do and what was the right thing to do and then there was the proper thing to do. She knew what the proper thing to do was and that was to go back to her ordinary life and leave all of this behind. She hadn't been born into this world, she wasn't one of them. She didn't belong in the world of immortals. So why was everything else telling her the exact opposite? She didn't know what the right thing to do was or even what she wanted anymore. She felt trap between two different lives, two different destinies and she had no idea how to choose between them. She was standing at the cusp of two different paths, two different lives and she knew she had to pick one, she just didn't know how too and what about Yunho? She felt just as conflicted about him as everything else. On one hand, he was irritating, arrogant, possessive and obsessive. There was no telling him that he was wrong and there was no negotiating with him but on the other hand he was risking everything, his life, his pack to keep her safe. She had no doubt that he would die for her and that scares her beyond words. 


If anything happens to Yunho, especially because of her, Yuri didn't know what she will do. It might even kill her. Could she live carrying the crushing burden of Yunho's death? Could she...? 


"Such beauty, my lady." 


Yuri whirl around, startled out of her thoughts by the softly spoken words to see Yonghwa standing behind her, watching her with warm compassionate eyes. 


It was difficult to remember that he was a vampire when Yonghwa had such gentle eyes. There was a gentleness about him that made her forget that he could ripe out before she even knew it was happening. 


Yuri places her hand over her racing heart and drew in deep breaths but couldn't keep the smile from her reddish pink color lips, "Jesus. You immortals don't make any sound at all when you move, do you? All of you seem to enjoy sneaking up on me and startling the daylights out of me." 


"Shall I whistle or hum next time?" 


Yuri always seems to be amusing him but there were more fondness and humor in his tone and eyes now than amusement. 


Yeah, she was definitely starting to like Yonghwa. He was so helplessly likable, funny and charming, so different from Yunho but at the same time Yuri sense that the two were alike as they were different. 


They had that vibe about them, the authoritative dangerous aura of power and soul-gripping echo of despair that Yuri couldn't figure out if it was caused by their duties and responsibilities as princes or that they had both been alone and sad for so long. 


Yuri knew without the telling that Yonghwa hadn't yet found his mate; he had that same look about him she had seen in Changwook and Changmin's eyes, the heart-shattering soul-deep sadness and despair. 


Only Yonghwa seem to be more apt at either dealing with it or hiding it from others. 


Yuri knew her thoughts must have been reflected in her expression because his expression also softens sadly. 


"You are a gift upon our entire world." Yonghwa said softly, with sadness in his half-whisper tone as he walks to stand by the balcony railing beside her, politely respecting her personal space but close enough so she could hear his softly spoken words, "You don't yet know the beacon of hope you have become in the darkness that has for too long been our world." 


As Yonghwa stare out over the scenery, his eyes unseeing and distant, betraying that he was, in fact, miles away, Yuri couldn't help but feel for sorry him. 


In only a few hours Yuri had come to see Yonghwa for what he was and understand him more than she even did her own brother. Yonghwa was strong and put on a brave resilient face for his people because he was the crown prince of his people, his race and he needed to be strong in these dark times but inside Yonghwa was struggling just as tirelessly as any other immortal who had lived long without his mate. 


Yuri hadn't been in this world of the night for long and for most of it she had been lock away but she had seen enough to recognize the difference in those who were mated to those who weren't. It wasn't too hard; those who were mated all but glow with love and joy while those who were without their mate were depressed and linger too close to the darkness all damned had been consumed by. 


Hope for those without a mate was fragile and fleeting. In Yonghwa, it was obvious. The yearning and failing hope in Yonghwa's eyes wrap around her heart and squeeze with the need to ease his suffering and just like that, Yonghwa wasn't a vampire or a prince to her anymore, he was a man, immortal or mortal suddenly made no difference to her, who was lonely and burden by his long and empty life of battle and duty. He was forced to be strong for others and he ignores everything he wanted for himself because he was responsible for an entire race. 


Yuri turns her head and looks sadly at Yunho where he sat in the sitting room, talking quietly to Changwook and one of Yonghwa's betas. 


Yonghwa was so like Yunho. Both knew the burdens of the crown they wore and protected and love their people without any thought of themselves. 


"What if I'm not?" Yuri asks Yonghwa, as she turns back to him to find him patiently watching her with his kind eyes. 


For the first time, Yuri allows herself to truly consider what she had been avoiding. What if she wasn't all that Yunho and all the other immortals believe she was? What if she wasn't the salvation of the immortal races but the end of all hope? She wasn't stupid, she knew enough from what she had been told that if she dies then so would Yunho and she knew Yunho was crucial to the survival and hope of the Lycan race. 


What would become of the Lycan kind if Yunho fell? And would the vampire race soon follow the Lycan race into extinction? 


"What if Yunho is wrong?" 


"Then the end of the Lycan and vampire kind will come sooner but regardless." Yonghwa explains sincerely, solemnly "We have been dying slowly for well over a thousand years. Some say it was brought about by the moon goddess's displeasure of the war between the Lycan and vampire kind but maybe our destruction is inevitable." He sighs heavily and bows his head in his long suffer sadness, "If we have put more hope in you than is wise then the result will be that our end will come sooner but you will not be the cause. Unless something changes, one way or another, we have reached our final days and will leave this world to its oldest but careless race." 


Yonghwa look into her eyes with a sad smile, "The mortal race was the first race but in so many ways your race is so young, you still have so much to learn. In our many years, we learn the wisdom that mortals, with their precious brief time upon this earth, are mostly unable to attain. That's what we were in the beginning, the guardians and guides of the mortal race." 


"What happen?" Yuri was helpless against her curiosity, "What change?" 


"It is told in many forms but the truth of the matter is that our ancestors began to lose faith in the mortal race. In the beginning, working together, mortal and immortals created a time of prosperity but eventually, that gave birth to greed, jealousy, and pride that spread throughout the mortal race like a plague. Destruction and war follow, raging across the planet like an unstoppable force that couldn't be overcome." Yonghwa told her, heart-wrenching sadness in his tone and eyes, "Our ancestors tried to overcome it but it was a futile effort, the time hadn't yet come that the mortal race could look upon what they had become with all-seeing eyes. So the immortal races faded into the night, not wanting to become corrupted themselves or use as weapons and it was in the darkness that we too found our demise. Without the light, the constant unwavering faith in the good of mankind, both immortal races discover dark things within themselves and so was born the first of the damned, those who couldn't stand it all anymore." 


"So, it was the darkness that has driven the damned insane and evil?" Yuri asks, genuinely intrigued. 


"It's not so much as the darkness as it is the lack of hope and positive things to draw strength from. While the immortals are just that, immortal and powerful, our hope and faith came from the best and pure of the mortal race, of those we protected and guided. Without that, without that purpose to relieve the burden of eternity and war, we forgot the goodness in ourselves. This continues until that side of us morphed into something more, something almost sentient. We came to know this by a name, the Lycan kind call it their beast while we vampires call it our darkness. It is everything inside of us that is apart from ourselves; the animal inside of us born after a long-lasting life of bloodshed, war, and loneliness. The savageness result from the lives we live." 


Yuri was struggling to understand exactly what he was telling her, "So the beast is made up of all the bad things?" "Not quite. While it is almost our animalistic side, the predator within each and every immortal, it is also made up of all the burdens we must bear and what we need to survive. You see, while we protected and guided the mortal race, the mortal race gave us purpose and hope." Yonghwa turns and looks pointedly at Yunho who was still conversing by the fire in the middle of the room, "Take Yunho, like all the Lycan kind, it is said they are descended from the mighty wolf. Most mortals look at the wolf and see sharp teeth and bloodlust, believing that the wolf kills without reason but in truth, the wolf is the noblest creature there is. Unless threaten the wolf is a gentle, loving and protective creature. A wolf is the symbol of." 


"Loyalty and devotion." Yuri finishes for him, recalling what she had learned when she had done some online research on wolves and Lycans, "Of family." 


"Yes. The wolf takes a mate for life and he is loving, protective and devoted to her. He protects his family, the young, old and the between and all that he is and must be is for his family and pack. He protects his pack." Yonghwa brought his gaze back to her, "But when his family is threatened the wolf becomes the most fearsome and determined creature in existence. One who would fight and die for his family without any thought for himself." Yonghwa pause, mainly to allow his words to sink in but also for effect, "In Yunho there is the fiercely protective warrior who has fought too long and too hard for those he must protect and in doing so he carries great burdens and has been forced to do things that others are unable and unwilling to do but in him there is also the loving and devoted man who protects, loves his family and mate. There is nothing he wouldn't do for that he loves." Yuri couldn't have pulled her gaze from Yunho if her life had depended upon it; she felt so sad for him. So much so she long to hold him close and soothe away his loneliness and all his crushing burdens. For so long he had been alone against and in the darkness but he had never stopped fighting for his family, never stop doing what needed to be done. 


"An immortal's mate is his light and hope in the darkness, his only." Yonghwa went on, his tone less haunting than it had been the moment before, "And like the mortal wolves, they show their affections much better than they speak them." 


Yuri could hardly breathe; the crushing sympathy for Yunho was so great, "How long has Yunho been alone?" "From the moment he was old enough to understand the meaning and importance of a mate." Yonghwa answer, "He has waited for you longer than you can comprehend." 


"And if I really didn't want to be with him?" 


"He would let you go." There was no doubt in Yonghwa's tone. He was absolutely positive in the truth of his words, "He would watch over you for every moment of the rest of your life, keeping you safe always until you pass on and then he would follow you. This isn't intended to burden you with guilt, it is only the truth." 


Yonghwa became silent and Yuri couldn't stop herself from asking the question that had plagued her for days now. Maybe it was because he was an independent source who spoke the truth with such open honesty, "How do I know that it's really me he cares for? I mean, does he care for me just because I'm his mate or does he want me for me?" Yonghwa shrugs his broad shoulders, "You don't know. Isn't that what love is, taking a chance? Risking your heart and having faith?" 


Yuri was silent for a long moment before she turns back to Yonghwa with a sad compassion in her emotional dark brown eyes, "Do you yearn for your mate?" 


Sadness deeper than any Yuri had ever seen before surface in his dark brown eyes, "More than anything in all my long existence but if I want to survive, to hold on for her, I have to keep strong in the faith that one day I will find her. If I lose faith I will fall into damnation and in doing so it will not just be me that I condemn but her as well for she will be forced to live without me, even though she won't know it." 


Yonghwa looks deeper into her eyes, needing to communicate the weight of his words, "Any would die for their mate, just as any mate would die without the other. Mates are one, one life, one heart, one soul. With a mate, you can never be alone, never be without. You are the strength of your mate as he is yours. There is nothing stronger than the loving trusting bond between mates. Nothing. Mates are either each other's salvation or damnation, gift or curse." 


Yuri closes her eyes and brought her hand to rest on her chest over her heart as if to physically shield her heart from the emotional pain the truth of Yunho's long-lasting suffering cause within her. She wanted to cry from the pain, she wanted to cry for the pain Yunho had been forced to endure for so long and she wanted to cry because still, even now knowing how much Yunho needed her in his life, she couldn't bring herself to go to him. 


Out of the corner of his eye, Yunho continues to watch Yuri and Yonghwa as they converse on the balcony. He was worried at the sadness and seriousness on his mate's face and the troubling conflict in her deep eyes that betray that she was thinking hard about whatever it was that they were discussing. 


Even with his superhuman senses, Yunho couldn't hear what they were saying. They were far enough away and speaking in hush whisper tones that were buried beneath the louder din of the busy mansion; the vampire mostly slumbers during the day so the hours of the night were when the mansion came alive with activity. 


Yunho wanted to go to her, to comfort her and take away the sorrow in Yuri's eyes but there was something he couldn't explain that was holding him back, something that was telling him that maybe a serious conversation with Yonghwa would be beneficial in the long run. 


At the same time though, he was taking a great risk, what if Yonghwa was warning her away from him and the immortal world? Yunho doubted that Yonghwa would stab him in the back like that but the nagging doubt was still there, born of his insecure hold on his mate. 


That Yuri was so obviously comfortable in Yonghwa's presence since meeting him and that she clearly like him was a two-sided coin. On one side, Yunho was delighted that his mate was becoming so comfortable in his world, that she like one of his best friends and his most trusted outside of his own pack but on the other side of the coin was his jealousy and envy at just how much she seems to like Yonghwa and how comfortable she was with another male. 


Yuri was his mate; she should be that comfortable with him. She should like him. She was his and he would risk losing her to no other male. 


A younger, more impulsive immortal would have intervened and possibly started a brutal fight with Yonghwa for dominance and to assert his claim over Yuri but his control was much more practiced than that. 


Besides, Yonghwa had proven his loyalty to Yunho long ago. Yonghwa wouldn't dare even think of taking his mate from him, no matter how unique and beautiful she was. Yonghwa knew that Yunho would tear him to shreds in a wild killing frenzy and the vampire considers themselves above such primal unsophisticated behavior. 


Most of the time anyway. 


Sensing the air stir around him, Yunho look up to see Yonghwa take a seat on the couch beside him, watching him with curious eyes waiting for Yunho's reaction to him speaking with Yunho's mate but Yunho saw more than that in Yonghwa's eyes, beneath the nonchalant surface dwell shadows of sadness and yearning. Yunho knew the look well; he had carried it in his eyes for centuries before he had found hope in his mortal mate only the week before. 


Despite that though, Yunho knew that his vampire friend was determined to focus on the lighter side of the situation, to be happy for him, his friend, "She is spirited and strong-willed, a perfect match for you, my friend." Yunho nodded in agreement. If Yonghwa didn't want to discuss the emotions clearly on display in his eyes then that was ok by him, "She is a string of never-ending trouble and refuses to listen to me in the least." 


Yonghwa chuckled with genuine fond amusement, "What would you rather? A feeble obedient mate or one whose will is strong and who is able to stand on her own? If she truly is your mate then she will be the first real spark of life your people have known in centuries, the newest member of the Lycan royal family and being a woman is hard enough amongst your people, being a queen I imagine would be even harder. She needs to be strong just to live in your world." He gave Yunho a pointed look, one that was almost reprimanding, "You have to remember Yunho, she is human. She wasn't born into our world. She was born into a world where she is taught to be strong and not bow before the will of men. She was born into a world of equality. You bring her, against her will, into a world where men are dominant simply by nature's way and you ask her to bow to your word? You ask too much of her." 


"My only will is to keep her safe," Yunho told him seriously, keeping his voice low so they wouldn't be overheard. Yuri still stood upon the balcony and he intended that she didn't hear any word of this conversation. It may just destroy all the recent progress he had made, "She doesn't understand the danger she is in just by being revealed as my mate. She is human; she is completely unable to defend herself. Even the women of my race are able to fight, to shift. In our world, she is but a defenseless child." 


Yonghwa chuckled again, his eyes twinkling with knowing, "Don't believe it for a moment, my friend. Strength or abilities she may not have but cunning and a sharp mind she does. Don't underestimate her and don't forget what you are asking of her. Think about all she has lost in the last week; her world, family, and friends, not to mention her freedom, safety and her way in the world. She can never go back to that world again. She is trapped in our world now but not by her will or her own doing." 


"To stay by her own choosing is what I'm trying to change but she isn't making it easy." Yunho turn his head to watch her out of the corner of his eye. She was still standing on the edge of the balcony looking out over the nightly landscape. 


"Would she hold your interest if she did?" Yonghwa asks, not expecting an answer. He was truly happy for his Lycan friend that he had found such a precious gift as his mate but he couldn't help but be constantly reminded that he himself hadn't. 


Thanks to Yuri though, he and the rest of the immortal kind now had new hope in that area and it was that hope that Yonghwa use to keep the crushing weight of his own darkness within at bay; his thirst had long since become a burning demanding force within him that constantly will be to control and contain. 


Yunho watch as his mate shifted her weight and cover with her hand as she yawns exhaustedly. She had a long day and she didn't have the endurance and stamina of his immortal kind; while Yunho himself could go near a week without sleep, he knew mortals needed nightly rest for their health and well-being. 


Yunho made a decision he had been prepared to make before they had even left the manor. He turns his full attention back to Yonghwa, knowing the answer he would receive before he even asks. 


"By your will, my friend, we will return to the manor at midday, it's the safest time for Yuri to be in transit." The damned rarely attack during daylight hours and he wouldn't take any further risk with her that wasn't absolutely necessary, "She will need a bed for the night; she requires rest." 


"Of course." Yonghwa said, with a single slight bow of his head, "Accommodations have already been prepare for all of you." 


Yunho rose to his feet and return his eyes to his mate, "Only Yuri will be resting tonight. The rest of us will not be sleeping." 


Yonghwa didn't need to ask what his Lycan guests would be doing this night instead of sleeping. All of them, Yunho included, would be awake and alert to protect the cherish jewel standing on the balcony. 


Yuri would be the only one to slumber inside of the mansion's walls this night. 


Near a mile away, crouch low on a round bolder, a shadow watch the lone female figure on the balcony of the vampire mansion with sharp black almond-shaped eyes. He could see her every feature clearly, despite the distance or the darkness of night. 


He could even make out the dark brown color of her tired eyes and had the commotion within the mansion not been so persistent, he would have been able to even hear her delicate heartbeat. 


He hadn't moved at all in the last three hours, only his brown hair and clothing in the cool night breeze gave testament that he wasn't of stone. 


Soon. Soon she would be his and with her would come the moment he had been waiting for. With her, he would have all the power and influence he would ever need to become king of all immortals. 




Piece by piece, finally, everything was coming together.

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This looks interesting to read. Just realized there’s ChangWook and Yoona too in this story
marinelee #2
Chapter 16: Beautiful!! So detailed and captivating! A well written story about one of my favorite!
Chapter 16: Can you please make spin off for the other couples? especially yoona and changwook
divinecomedy85 #4
Chapter 16: It took 3 days to finish your story and I loved everything
Thanks for your hard work! I appreciate very much!
I'm an extremely silent reader 100% of the time.
I wish this story gets more love.
Loads of good energy for keep going on with the awesomeness.
Keep up the great work.
Kennyf #5
Chapter 16: I'm going to miss this story soooo much :c
Thanks for everything you both have done dear authors :3 <3 luv ya
Chapter 16: Hope you get better soon sista...
And Good job for you, mmm what should I call you by the way? Butterflylover's sibling...??
Maybe you two should collaborate again soon... Hehe
sy5280 #7
Chapter 16: Thank you both authornims ... hopeful the original writer will get well soon ... really loved to read how Seohyun convinced Yonghwa to bite her ... hahaha ... agree will be good to read their side story since the Vampires are so different from the Wolves!
Kennyf #8
Chapter 15: Last chapter? Noo, may I ask for a little epilogue? I wanna see the story of the others couples, I need my yongseo's story at least :(
Chapter 15: What??? Last chapter already?
Hopefully you can give me some yongseo moments please...
raindrop_panda #10
Chapter 15: can you please make side story for the other couples too? your story is so great btw