A Wolf's Mate

A Wolf's Mate

Chapter 11 


The search for Jessica had continued throughout the night and into the next day but there was no sign of her or Yoochun. In fact, since Yunho had slain the eight damned in the campus park that had dared to come after Yuri, there hadn't been a single peep from the damned. There was no sign of them, they didn't even seem to be hunting as not even a single victim or body had surfaced in over twenty-four hours. 


Yunho knew this wasn't a good sign, with more damned in the area than ever there should have been a significant rise in the number of missing and slain mortals but all was silent. 


All the damned were lying low and that only lead him to one possible conclusion. It was the silent calm before the storm. Something big was coming and Yunho knew it would happen soon; Yoochun wouldn't show patience now after Yuri had slipped through his fingers. Yoochun would want her now more than ever. Yunho had been hunting the damned king for so long, centuries and he knew Yoochun better than he like but unlike the past centuries, Yunho now had something precious to him that he couldn't survive losing. He was afraid for his mate and pack and terrified for his sister but he kept it from his eyes, choosing instead to wear the expressionless mask he had spent the majority of his life perfecting. He had been too long without a mate before he had found Yuri and near the end he had been closer to the edge than he had been willing to admit but now he could see just how close he had been to the brink, to falling into damnation and now that he was finally free of that burden, now that he finally had his salvation, the risk of losing everything was greater than ever. He wanted to get Yuri out of there, take her to someplace safe but transporting her now was too dangerous; already Yoochun had shown his capability of preventing them from running. 


The number of immortals at the manor continue to rise steadily as more and more Lycan's arrive at the call of their prince to protect Yuri, their first reason to hope in centuries. The three dozen highly train Lycan soldiers his father had sent had arrived just before dawn's light had touched the horizon, half had joined the search for Jessica while the other half remain to protect the manor and the mortal woman they had been sent to protect. 


So much had happened since Yunho had found his mate and not all of it had been bad but now because he hadn't handled things differently, he should have sent Yuri to North Korea the moment he had realize Yoochun was in the city, his own pack face a graver peril than ever before. 


Judging by the number of damned flowing into the city, the pack would be outnumber by at least two to one and Yunho had already seen the outcome of that scenario; he had lost five brave soldiers in Yoochun's ambush, three Lycan's and two of the guarding vampires whose bodies he had already return to Yonghwa with his personal and sincerest condolences. 


The only small comfort was that none of the five had been mated; no immortal females would take their own lives rather than live their hollow lives in agony as a result of the ambush but such was the way of the immortal world. To make his emotional burden even harder to bear was that all three of his betas, his brothers, were in pain. Changmin was up and about. All but his jaw and the vampire bite were completely heal. There was no sign of the bruise that had swollen Changmin's eyes shut or the deep claw marks that had streak his back. However, his jaw had been severely damaged, almost completely dislodge from his head and while he wasn't yet able to speak or eat anything that wasn't in liquid form at least his jaw no longer hung limp. It was healing; he would be able to start talking again, slurred mumbling to start with, hopefully by the end of the day but the damned vampire bite was another story, even with the assistance of the Lycan's healing saliva the bite would never completely heal. The bite wound had close enough that it was no longer bleeding but it would be at least a few weeks before the bite near completely healed, although he would carry the scar for life. Nothing but time could heal the bite from an immortal vampire; while the saliva of a Lycan heal, the venom in the saliva of a vampire kept the wound open and flowing, it aided their consumption of blood in preventing clotting and healing. 


The scar would be one of the dozens all Lycan warriors carried. 


Changwook was still recovering but this morning he had been able to move without assistance. The slashes that had marred his face were now completely gone, along with the rest of the wounds upon his flesh but his wrist and long legs still needed more time. Badly broken bones heal in a matter of days but Changwook's wrist had been shattered by a vicious vampire attack during the ambush in which he had face odds of three against one and it would be another few days before he would once again have full use of it. 


His leg, however, had been all but shredded right down to the bone that had also been shattered in near half a dozen places. Almost half of the flesh of his leg had either been shredded, damage to the point that it had needed to be removed or was completely torn away, the wound had been inflicted by the long razor sharp pointy teeth and claws of a damned Lycan. 


It was fortunate for Changwook that his artery hadn't been severed; it wasn't a common thing for an immortal to die by bleeding out but it wasn't impossible. 


It would be at least a week before Changwook would be able to walk on both legs again and even longer before he would be able to walk without a limp. 


Yunho had already made a mental note that once all of this was over that all three of his betas would be amply rewarded for all that they had done to protect their alpha's mate. Changmin and Changwook hadn't hesitated to risk their lives to protect Yuri; he would always be in their debt but while Changwook and Changmin had grave wounds from the ambush, Donghae's wounds ran much deeper. His mate had been taken and was currently in the hands of their cruelest enemy and to make matters worse for him, Yoochun was preventing him from communicating with Jessica through their mate link as they had been able to do since their wedding day, the day after Jessica had come of age. 


The two of them had been so fortunate to find each other; Jessica had never known a day since the cradle without her mate. Donghae had always been there for her, even before Jessica had hit puberty and they both had realized they were wolf mates. When Jessica had been a child, all of the beta's had been her big brothers, they had all love her, so completely taken by her from the moment she had been born but Donghae had always been her favorite big brother. 


Yunho had been slightly put off by this because Jessica had like Donghae even more than she had her own blood brother but once she had hit puberty that had dissipated as Yunho had understood just why Jessica had enjoyed Donghae's company so much. 


Before the two had come to realize that they were wolf mates, Donghae had spoil Jessica to no end but once they had realized, Donghae's indulgence of Jessica had risen to unmeasurable heights. 


For the first time since Jessica's birth, they were truly apart. 


Yunho knew the only thing that kept his first beta from going completely berserk and flattening the city to find Jessica was that he knew for certain she was still alive. Not even Yoochun's stolen technology that blocks their mental communication could sever the link of soulmates completely; Donghae could still sense echoes of her emotions. 


Yunho knew exactly what Donghae was going through; he had suffered it unbearably with him until Yuri had returned to him but just because he had his mate back in his arms didn't mean that he wasn't still suffering. Jessica might not be his mate but she was still his sister and he would die to keep her safe and if Yoochun hurt his sister then not even the moon goddess would be able to stop him from tearing Yoochun apart, piece by piece. 


His beast rose dangerously close to the surface and Yunho immediately asserted his control over his beast, silently promising his furious beast that the time was coming, for now, it had to show patience and control. 


Yunho almost heard his beast's disapproving growl, even as he felt the violent powerful force his people call their beast submit and retreat. 


Yunho looks to the daytime sky, the sun gradually sinking towards the horizon. It was near sunset; soon night would come and with it bloody battle, if not full out war. 


Last night Yunho had spent the short silent dark hours with his mate, unable to get enough of the feel of her warm soft delicate body in his arms, unable to get enough of her intoxicating heavenly scent filling his senses. He had taken her in the flesh more times in the hours of night and morning than he should have but he hadn't been able to stop himself. Her wounds had been superficial and had healed within an hour of his tongue's attention, offering her painless comfort with his healing saliva. 


Not once had Yuri complain of being sore or being too tired to welcome him into her body, not once during the night of what seems like endless lovemaking had she hesitated to accept him, even when he had woken her with his mating. She had only smile up at him with such love and devotion that it had wrapped around his heart like a warm blanket and then she had quickly endeavored to match his pace whether it had been fast and passionate or slow and gentle, savoring every moment and caress. 


Yuri had known the touch of only the man in him last night, her tender lover, not the wild unstoppable beast that had no control or restraint. 


It hadn't been until the sun had cast its glorious shades of pink and gold across the morning sky that Yunho had finally settle beside her and slept holding her in his arms as she snuggles close, the both of them completely and utterly sated and exhausted. 


That was why, even though it was nearly day's end, Yuri still slumber peacefully and deeply in his bed. She was exhausted not only from their many intimate encounters throughout the night but from her ordeal in which she had been kidnap, knockabout and then chase throughout the city during her escape. 


Yunho was grateful she hadn't suffered nightmares; she had rested still and peaceful all day without so much as a soft whimper. He wishes he could say that he had bedded her so insatiably for that reason as well as any other but he couldn't. He had been insatiable for her because he loves her and because of how close he had come to losing her forever; it had been selfish of him not to let her rest without being constantly woken by him but he would never apologize for needing her. 


Not unless Yuri asks an apology of him. In that case, he would whole-heartily and sincerely apologize on his knees until she was appeased. 


It was irrefutable now, as much as Yuri was his, he was hers. He would do anything for her, be anyone she needed him to be, do whatever she needed of him. 


Yuri fear she would become lost in his shadow if she submitted to him but the thing was that he sincerely doubted that he would ever see the day in which she did submit to him. She was far stronger and so much more stubborn than she obviously believes herself to be. She would always keep him on his toes and never let him get his way unless she allows it; in their days to come, however many there may be, in all their arguments yet to be, Yunho knew that Yuri would always win. Even if he did happen to win the occasion argument between them Yunho suspected that it was only because from time to time Yuri would let him win an argument just to keep things interesting. Yunho was looking forward to the future with great anticipation and flourishing hope; something he had never really had in his life until she had come to him. 


In less than one month, such a brief time for an immortal, his life had completely changed forever. It felt as if he had stepped into the light of the sun for the first time in his lonely hollow night-bound existence. He knew daylight now, knew the light and life of it and he could never step back into the empty cold darkness of ultimate night. He would rather die than be without the day, without Yuri, his wolf mate who had come to him at last. 


Whatever was coming, whatever Yoochun brought, Yunho would overcome it and eradicate the threat to his mate. He wouldn't give up his mate for anything. He wanted the life Yuri promise to bring him and he would fight to his last breath to keep it. 


Yoochun might have an army but Yunho had something so much more powerful and everlasting, he had a reason to win as he would be fighting with the love of his mate and the hope of their life together. 


Let Yoochun and his damned army come, Yunho would lay waste to every last threat to his mate and pack. 


"You are damaging that railing, you know." 


Yunho couldn't have kept the smile from his lips if his life had depended on it at hearing the amused melodious voice of his wolf mate. Her tone had been filled with amusement and happiness that in turn brought him joy. From the moment he had realized that Yuri was his mate, he knew he would never be happy unless she was happy and if she wasn't he would sell his soul which he might just still have after all to make her happy again. 


Yuri had woken up to find herself in bed alone; she hadn't like that at all, waking up without Yunho there. It was strange. The matter of the nights Yuri had spent sleeping in Yunho's arms could be counted on one hand but waking up beside him felt so right. She felt so safe and content; she slept soundly and even after all that had happen to her in Yunho's arms she slept without nightmares. Even in her sleep, Yunho protected her. 


It was a little strange but it wasn't surprising. Yunho held her tightly even in deep sleep, holding and protecting her in the darkness as if his very life depended on it. 


In the mortal world such a thing could be considered unhealthy and clingy but in the immortal world, it felt so natural. In so short of a time Yunho had become everything to her, so much so that she was very much looking forward to a lifetime of waking up in his arms. 


Knowing Yunho wouldn't have gone far from her under the circumstances Yuri had risen from the bed, where they had spent such a long magical night as was testament by the low ache in her belly, wrap her light pink satin robe around her that had come with all her new clothes and gone in search of her wolf mate. 


She had found him on the balcony of their bedroom, yes, their bedroom. She still couldn't quite believe it, staring out over the breathtaking view of a seemingly never-ending forest half-, dress only in a pair of black denim skinny jeans that rested low on his hips. He was so deep in thought that she knew he hadn't heard her approach which was rare since he had superhuman hearing, senses and everything else that implied. 


Whatever Yunho had been thinking about, it had consumed him. He had been gripping the balcony railing so tightly that it had actually started to crack beneath Yunho's immortal superhuman strength; strength that unlike their first time together hadn't factored into their night of passionate and tender lovemaking. 


Yunho had been so gentle that not once last night had he cause her pain; she hadn't one bruise or mark, other than the usual love marks that came from a passionate night, to show for their lovemaking this time. He hadn't even bitten her. Her body felt well used, incredibly sated and pleasantly lethargic, the only negative aspect was the ache deep inside her that had her moving carefully. 


Even her scrapes and bruises from the day before were now just a memory. 


When Yunho turn to face her, he wore a soft affectionate grin, one that reaches his eyes but didn't completely hide the worry within. He held out his arms to her, beckoning her to him. 


Yuri went to him without hesitation. It was so natural being in his embrace now that she wondered how she had lived until now without it. In his arms, she couldn't feel safer or be happier. 


"How are you feeling?" Yunho asks softly, as he wraps his arms around her and held her against his hard but warm chest. 


Yuri sank into him with all the relief that she did a warm bubble bath, "Wonderful." She answers, with a content sigh as she closes her eyes to bask in the heaven that was his loving embrace. 


"I feel pretty wonderful myself." He smiles into her hair. Yuri was so precious to him that Yunho knew he would never know a time when he wouldn't cherish and desire her. 


Nothing else needed to be said, they continue to hold each other as seconds became minutes, each basking in the other. 


Until Yuri couldn't hold the remorse or the dread at bay any longer. She felt a pang of guilt as yesterday finally return to her and with it a healthy dose of reality. Here they were, in love, together and happy while Jessica was in grave danger in the hands of their ruthless sadistic enemy. They should have been mopping around, too worried and fearful to take the time to be together or something, something that was fitting to the situation. 


Jessica had sacrificed herself for her freedom; Yuri shouldn't be entitled to this wonderful moment in her wonderful lover's arms. 


Yunho felt Yuri stiffen in his arms. He didn't need to ask what was wrong; there was so much wrong at the moment, too much. 


In her scent, Yunho could taste her fear, not for herself he knew but for Jessica, the woman who may just have sacrificed everything for her brother's mate. 


Knowing their time to forget was over Yunho reluctantly pull her out of his embrace. That was the way with moments like this; they never last, even when someone needed them too. 


"Go to the kitchen and get yourself something to eat. You need nourishment to replenish your strength, especially after all you have been through in the past few days." 


Yuri looked up at him with questioning eyes, wondering why he was sending her to the kitchen instead of having something brought up for the both of them and how he expected her to eat anything with how sick she felt now that reality had returned, along with it a healthy dose of guilt because of Jessica but on the other hand, Yuri knew that her health was a priority to Yunho; if she didn't do as he asks then she didn't doubt that he had all but force the food down . 


"Alright." Yuri breathed a submitting sigh and gave him a tiny loving smile before she turns and left him standing alone on the balcony. 


Yunho kept his eyes on Yuri as she left him on the balcony to put on some more suitable attire before she left the room. 


He was grateful to the moon goddess, for one thing, one small mercy. In the coming war, it was very likely that he wouldn't survive, the odds against them were too great but unlike immortal mated couples, Yuri wouldn't feel his death, she wouldn't suffer his death with him which meant that she would survive his death. 


No matter what Yuri was going to survive, she was going to live, even if he didn't. 


Yuri unhurriedly dresses in the first suitable clothing her hand touch which turns out to be a light blue sleeveless tie-hem top and a pair of light blue denim shorts. She also put on a pair of white patent leather sneakers; they were comfortable and so much easier to run in when running for one's life than any other shoe. She couldn't do much in the way of fighting but she could be ready to do as she was instructed when the time comes. 


While Yuri was dressing, her thoughts remain on Yunho. She loves Yunho so much and maybe she had loved him that way since the beginning. She didn't know but she knew that she loves him and now she knew why she loves him. Yunho was a great man who deserves to be love. He was selfless, courageous, strong and he carried the weight of the entire world on his shoulders. He was a prince and an alpha but instead of commanding others to do everything for him, it was he who hunted their enemy, he who risks his life on a daily basis. He protected and sacrifice while asking for nothing in return. For so long he had been alone and miserable while he fought to protect his people and the innocent and even when he had found his salvation in his mate, he had hesitated to claim her as his own for her own sake. 


When Jessica was home, safe and sound, Yuri would declare her lasting love for him and commit in words to stay with him, with no expectation of reciprocation; she knew he loves her but she wouldn't hold it against him if he couldn't say the words. 


Yunho was the strong silent type, with the steadfast will of the earth's mightiest mountains. 


By the time Yuri had finished getting dress, Yunho had disappeared from the balcony. He wasn't in the bedroom or bathroom and the door leading into the manor was within her line of sight which told Yuri that he had most likely left, as soundlessly as always, by leaping over the balcony. 


The show-off. 


With a small fond loving smile on her lips, Yuri left the bedroom to discover to her surprise that there were no guards outside her door. In fact, the entire corridor appears to be deserted. 


Yuri knew Yunho had every available man out searching for Jessica but it hadn't entered her mind that he would leave her immediately unguarded. Either Yunho finally trusted her to remain and be able to take care of her own needs, unlikely, or things were so much more serious than he was letting on. 


The entire manor was gloomy, silent and still making Yuri feel alone and anxious, even though she knew, in reality, she wasn't alone. Yunho would never leave her alone and unguarded, not completely. 


Yunho had told her to go down to the kitchen so more than likely she would find someone there. 


Now, if only she knew where the kitchen was. Common sense told her that it was likely to be on the ground floor at the back of the manor but the manor wasn't the middle-class suburban two-story home she had grown up in; it was huge. 


Finding the kitchen could easily take half an hour. 


Yuri was just coming down the first flight of stairs that took her from the fourth floor to the third floor when she finally saw a sign of life. 


Changmin, who had his back to her, was carrying what looks like a silver service food tray through the doorway eight doors down the wide corridor which was most likely a bedroom as she was on the third floor. 


Curiosity getting the better of her, Yuri slowly approaches the doors that had been left ajar and peek inside. 


It was a bedroom, not as big as Yunho's but still large enough to fit inside the entire second floor of the family home she had live in before her parents had died and everything had changed. It was dimly lit and furnished in a similar style as Yunho's, their bedroom, only this one had much darker varnish furniture, the fabric of which was a dark green rather than black. 


There wasn't a balcony attached to this room but there were two sets of arched floor to ceiling windows that show the cliffs and view of the green woods beyond that was contrasted by the sun which was hovering just above the horizon. 


On the other side of the room, directly opposite the door was a king-size bed that was draped in covers that were the exact same shade of deep dark green as the furniture. 


The room was almost Spartan with only the barest of furniture and furnishings. There were no rugs on the floor or artwork on the walls, there was only the large bed, two darkly polish chairs with the deep green coverings that stood on opposite sides of a small coffee table and a large desk complete with a matching dark deep green leather computer chair. 


Even the desk was bare of anything on it and then there was Changwook and Changmin who were staring silently and inquiringly at her while she had been inspecting the room as if they weren't even there. Changwook was sitting up in the huge bed while Changmin watches her from Changwook's bedside. 


Yuri felt her cheeks flood with heat and no doubt color. 


"I'm so sorry." Yuri apologizes quickly, embarrassed that she had just strolled into someone's, most likely Changwook's since he was the one in the bed, bedroom without even knocking, "I didn't think." 


Changwook actually smile at her which left Yuri stun; she had never seen Changwook crack a smile before. He was always so serious and gloomy as if there hadn't been hoped or joy in his life in a long time and being an immortal Lycan that 'long time' most likely stretch into centuries or at the very least decades. 


"Come in, Yuri." Changwook said, with polite casualness as he motion to her with his left hand to come forward, "We aren't as formally uptight as the vampires are, we are one family here. There isn't one place in the entire Lycan territory you aren't welcome." 


Changmin nodded in agreement with overeager enthusiasm, reminding her of an excited little boy who had just been asked if he wanted his first puppy. 


Yuri obeys, walking into the dim room and up to the bed, giving Changmin a questioning look. He seems to be keeping his mouth strangely close tight while his eyes were practically shouting his need to communicate, betraying that he did actually have much to say but for some reason couldn't. 


Changwook notices the baffled look she was giving his brother, "Changmin can't talk as of yet." He explains, with something in his tone that sounded suspiciously like delighted amusement, "It's a godsend, a gift from the moon goddess. Changmin is the most boisterous of us beta's." 


Changmin was glaring thunderously at him, his eyes saying plenty. 


Yuri quickly covers with her hand from where a giggle was threatening to escape but she could do nothing about the mirth that was no doubt reflected in her eyes. 


Changwook rolls his eyes with uncharacteristic playfulness, "Amazing. Even without that big mouth, he can make a beautiful woman laugh." 


Yuri glance back at Changmin to find that her laughter had indeed delighted Changmin. Before he launches into a merry jig, Yuri distracted them with the most prominent question leaping around in her mind, "Why isn't he able to talk?" 


Abruptly all laughter left the room as if it were a light switch that had been flick off and the two exchange a significant look that had Yuri narrowing her eyes in suspicion; they had communicated something between them that had undoubtedly left them hesitant and evasive. 


"It doesn't matter." Changwook said, with causal dismissiveness that was so obviously feigned that it was transparent, "He will be talking our ears off again in a day or so." 


As indifferent as Changwook was, Yuri instantly knew exactly how the two beta's had been injured to the point that one couldn't talk and the other was confined to his bed. 


She was completely insensitive and heartless, not to mention oblivious and self-center. 


Yuri had been in a semi-good mood that for a few moments she had completely forgotten about the day before. How could she be so selfish and inconsiderate? These men and so many others had risked their lives, had been hurt protecting her and she had callously forgotten all about it, even when the evidence of their willingness to sacrifice for her was right here in front of her. 


Yuri felt completely and utterly ashame and disgusted with herself. 


They had been injured in the ambush while protecting her. 


Unable to continue to stand there and face them in her shame, Yuri sunk down onto the bed and buried her face in her hands, unable to believe herself or face the two brave men who had nearly die for her ungrateful . 


"Hey." Changwook said gently, soothingly, calling her attention back to him but not her gaze, "Don't blame yourself, young miss. None of this is by your own doing. You didn't attack us nor did you bring it about and this isn't the worst of injuries we have ever sustained. We have been fighting wars since we were old enough to hold a sword." 


Yuri felt a large hard heavily calloused hand closed lightly around her wrist and gently pull her hands away from her face. She raises her head to see Changmin smiling warmly up at her, nodding just as enthusiastically as he had before. 


Apparently, Changmin agreed with Changwook. 


"If I never came here..." 


"Then we wouldn't have reason to hope once again after so long without in despair." Changwook interrupted, with all the conviction of a devout preaching his most adamant beliefs, "You are our alpha's mate, you are a part of this family now. What we did for you was no more or less than what we would do for any member of this family. Even if you didn't renew hope for us all, you are still the center of Yunho's existence and we would die for you just the same. It is the way of our world. It is the way of family." 


Changmin releases her wrists and took hold of her hands, squeezing them gently, silently reassuring her that he agreed with every word Changwook had said. 


A moment of silence pass before Changwook went on, "This war was raging long before you, young miss, and in all likelihood, it will continue to rage long after you are gone. As long as one damned remains, this war isn't over." Deep down Yuri realizes that she wanted to be the one to blame for everything that was happening because then she could still hold onto the illusion that she could do something about it but she couldn't help but find herself believing them. 


The hand that had been wrap around her heart since the ambush releases its grip by half; her worry and fear weren't gone but the guilt and self-loathing had dulled into something that wasn't burdening her so heavily that she wasn't able to hold her head up. 


Yuri turns and looks into Changwook's eyes, giving him a weak but grateful smile, "Thank you for fighting for me." She turns back to Changmin and gave him the same grateful smile, "For risking so much." 


Changmin turns his head and closes his eyes, waving his hand at her theatrically as if she had embarrassed him to the point that he couldn't look at her at all. 


Yuri cast Changwook a questioning look to which Changwook chuckle, "He's doing his 'ah shucks ma'am' routine." Yuri actually found herself giggling when she turns back to find Changmin gone from his spot in front of her. Instead, she found him in the middle of the room on the floor between the bed and the door and for some strange unknown reason, he was standing steadily up-side-down on his head. 


Changwook made a show of rolling his eyes as Changmin acted the clown to cheer her up. Her joyous laughter that echoes through the silent empty halls was something that the manor had been missing for far too long. 


Yunho had mix feelings at finding his mate sitting on the bed of another male laughing hilariously as Changmin and Changwook did various playful theatrics to amuse her. In the last few minutes, Changmin had done a number of summersaults and comical stunts that had successfully had Yuri helplessly trap within a hysterical laughing fit. All the while Changwook voice various comical and/or sarcastic quips and comment at Changmin's immature humorous behavior while both Yuri and Changwook pick food from the silver tray on the bedside table that included cold roasted meat, two kinds of cheese, fruit and thick fresh slices of butter homemade bread. On one hand, Yunho's beast wanted to kill because his mate was sitting on the bed of another male with the said male in it but on the other hand, he found himself relieved, even thankful at seeing Yuri fit so contentedly in with his pack. She seems so comfortable and happy in the presence of his beta's as they continue to make her laugh in such bleak times. It warms his heart that she could fit so comfortably in his pack, his family and feel that she belong there. 


Yunho, in his wolf form, had been checking the grounds himself for any sign of another intruder while at the same time checking in with those who were searching for Jessica in their wolf forms within the city to learn that there still wasn't any trace of her to be found. 


Yunho hadn't needed to issue the order that they continue the search. 


He had been on his way back into the manor, intending to go to the kitchen to assure that Yuri had obeyed him in nourishing herself when her musical laughter had stop him in his tracks. 


Laughter that hadn't been coming from the kitchen or their bedroom. 


Yunho had shifted back into his human form, taken only a few moments to clothe himself and had followed the sound of the melodious laughter to Changwook's bedchamber to find Yuri sitting on Changwook's bed while Changmin was silently putting on a show evidently intended to entertain her. 


Yunho hadn't made his presence known to any of them, not wanting to interrupt them and put an end to Yuri's entertainment and laughter. The sound of her laughter was divinely melodious to his ear and heart. For the first time, Yunho could really see Yuri being happy with him and his pack, here in the manor that had been home to Yunho for well over a century. 


That Yuri was finding an apt place in his house brought more joy to him than he could ever express. She seems comfortable and at home in the manor even after all the bad things she had endured. She really did have great inner strength; she hadn't let all the bad stuff corrupt her view of his home and family. 


Maybe his hope for making her truly happy here was within reach after all. 


First Yunho had a war to end, a sister to safely retrieve and an enemy to slay. 


Yunho worried for Jessica but not for her life. She was too valuable to Yoochun as a weapon to use against him; Yoochun wouldn't kill the only princess of the Lycan race. He may harm her but she would survive as Jessica was the strongest of the pack. Whatever Yoochun may do to her, as long as she survives, Jessica would recover. Jessica was a pamper and protected princess as she had been from the day of her birth, she had never seen any real battle even though she was trained by himself, the beta's and the best warriors of their kind but Jessica had the strength of their mother in full. She was a force to be reckoned with and it took more than what Yoochun was capable of to break her and Donghae could still sense her; she was alive and until Donghae inform him otherwise, was in good health. 


Yunho would do all in his power to get his sister back as soon as possible and despite the fact that he felt impotently powerless every moment that pass, there was nothing that he could do unless something change. Everything that could be done to find Jessica was being done and so it would remain when something changes. Hopefully, that something would be a communication from Jessica. The princess may have been young but she was as clever and cunning as any female, mortal or immortal ever born. If there was a way Jessica could get word to them or escape then she would find it but if fate proves him wrong then there would be no place for Yoochun to hide from him. Yunho would find him and inflict a slow torturous death upon him such as he had never experienced before. As it was, Yoochun was going to die no matter what but how he dies and how long it took for him to die was entirely up to Yun. 


Yunho froze in mid-thought as a wave of icy dread wash over him, sending a chill through him and down his spine. 


Cold malicious foul-tasting evil pierces through the air like a powerful shockwave and it was close. 


Real close. 


Yunho closes his eyes and concentrates, focusing on the open mental link that existed between him and his pack, his intent to send out a call to his pack to return. As alpha, he could mentally communicate with any member of his pack over a reasonable distance; it wasn't a mental bond that was anywhere near as strong as the mating link but it was more than strong enough for him to contact every member of his pack within the city and the surrounding woods but without warning he found himself slamming into a mental wall. 


What the? 


Yoochun was blocking all telepathic communication in the area. He couldn't even reach out to Changwook or Changmin's mind. 


Yunho hurried into the room, his two beta's already on their feet, Changwook only on one leg but still he stood tall and battle-ready, staring at him, awaiting their orders. 


Yuri also rose to her feet, startled and apprehensive as she stares at him, the alarmed look in her eyes telling him that she knew something terrible had happened. 


Yunho had to fight the urge to pull her into his arms and assure her that everything was going to be alright but unfortunately he didn't have the seconds to spare. Yoochun was coming and he needed every moment he had to prepare; the manor and Yuri had to be defended at any cost. 


Yunho could feel it in his bones, the war had come to the manor and his beast was hammering against his control to be freed to fight to defend what was his and kill all that threatens it. Yunho assures his beast that it would be free to spill blood soon enough. 


"Take her upstairs and stay with her," Yunho orders his beta's, his tone grimly serious and steady, his demeanor becoming that of one who had unquestioned supreme authority. Never had he been more the crown prince of his people than he was now, "No matter what, keep her safe." 


The two betas didn't like being put on the sidelines but Yunho didn't have time to explain himself to them. They were injured and at present far from their best; he didn't have the option of keeping them out of whatever was coming but he would keep them as far from the center of it as possible. He didn't have the numbers to be without them but at the same time they were injured and he wouldn't have them on the front lines to be easily slaughter. He had already lost one brother, first to damnation and then by his own hand, Yunho refuse to lose another as long as he had any choice in the matter. 


Yunho lowers his serious bleak gaze from his beta's to his mate and despite the situation, he forces down the truth of what he was feeling and allow his love for her to shine in his eyes instead, even knowing that his desperation show as well, "Stay inside. No matter what happens, please stay inside, Yuri." 


Yuri's wide eyes were already filling with heart-shattering terrified tears but she nodded once in compliance. Yunho took only a moment more to drink in the sight of his beautiful mate whom he would sacrifice his very life for and spun on his heels and was outside the manor within the minute, with all remaining personnel of the manor at his back. Behind him in a single file line stood both vampires and Lycan's, altogether totaling the number twenty-seven. 


Yunho silently and at length curse. With so many of his numbers in the city searching and with no way of calling them back in time, there was nothing to stop them from being overrun. 


In the woods, still miles away but more than close enough for Yunho to hear the thunderous rhythmic rapid pounding; an immortal army numbering in the hundreds was rapidly drawing closer and their small line of defense had no chance of stopping such an overwhelming force. 


Yunho closes his eyes and pictures Yuri's smiling face, using the image and his love for her to draw the courage and strength he needed. 


That was what he was fighting for, his mate. The woman he loves who was the hope of his people. 


"Remember what you are fighting for!" Yunho shouted at those behind him. He opens his eyes and turns to look at each one standing with him, both Lycan's and vampires, "This is our territory, our home! The damned is coming to take my mate from us, the gift to us all from the moon goddess! You all know what she means to us, to our survival, she is our very hope! She is our future! Are you going to let them take our future from us?!" 


"NO!" They all shouted in unison, throwing their arms up in the air, some of which grasp long silver swords that would soon be stain with black blood. 


"Are you going to let the fallen conquer us?!" 




"Then let this be the battle that our children's children remember!" Yunho force all of his strength, all of his determination into his voice that grew louder with each word, "Let this be the battle that lives in legend! Let us earn the gift our goddess has bestow us! We will fight and this day victory will be ours, glory will be ours!" 


Each and every warrior roar and cheer as loudly as they were able. 


Yunho once again closes his eyes and pray to the moon goddess, not for himself but for his mate and people. The moon goddess could take his life if that was her wish but please in return let Yuri and his people survive and retain their freedom. 


'Please, great moon goddess, mother of all immortals, let Yuri live and let it be so free of Yoochun's cruelty. Let the cost be my life should you demand one be paid.


From the balcony of the bedroom, she now shares with the immortal Lycan crown prince, Yuri watch as Yunho and at most thirty men gather in a straight defensive line between the manor and wall and high gates, lining up a good thirty feet back from the wall. Most had shifted into their wolf form while the vampire soldiers, maybe ten or so of the group had swords clutch tight and ready in their hands. 


Of the Lycan's kind, only Yunho remain in his human form. They had shifted just after Yunho's inspiring speech. Something terrible hadn't happened as Yuri had first feared. No, something terrible was coming. Yuri knew it with certainty from the way that Yunho and every available man but the two wounded beta's with her had gathered in a defensive line below, ready to fight to protect the manor and the coveted mortal woman within. 


Beside her, one on each side, Changwook, and Changmin watch with obvious frustration at not being down there on the battlefield with their alpha and pack. Maybe that was why they hadn't uttered a single protest when she had headed straight onto the balcony when they had reached the bedroom. 


That they didn't object to her watching told Yuri that Yunho hadn't confined her to Changwook's room to hide. It was a pointless effort to try to hide from an immortal superhuman being who could hear her heartbeat from a distance. 


"What's happening?" Yuri asks the two of them, without looking away from the scene below. 


"Yoochun is coming with an army." Changwook didn't see any point in lying to her, she would see with her own eyes soon enough. 


Yuri could barely breathe from her almost crippling fear and anxious worry for her mate and all the men gather below her. She didn't care for herself, Yoochun had made it clear that he wanted her alive, she only cares for those who were very likely about to fight to the death for her. 


When Yoochun step calmly out from the trees beyond the manor's wall, Yuri stops breathing. 


The scent of blood, death, and fear fill the air, the scent was so putrid and thick that Yunho was pull back through time to the great immortal battle of the fifteenth century between the Lycan's and damned. The battlefield had been vast and drenched in the blood of the tightly scattered limp and dismembered bodies of so many. He had led his father's army against the damned army that had gathered on the outskirts of North Korea. It was the only other time in known history that the damned had form an army of such number. 


So many Lycan's lives had so needlessly been lost that day. At the end of the day, Yunho had been left standing in a field of corpses, saturated in blood from head to toe and so exhausted that it had been a miracle that he had still been able to stand. 


This time, Yunho had so much more to lose and was facing the worst odds he had ever face. He desperately needed to call his pack back to the manor but he knew that even if Yoochun wasn't using the mortal's stolen technology to cut off all telepathic communication in the surrounding area, they still would have been severely hard-press to make it back in time for the battle. 


Yunho didn't hold doubt in the soldiers who stood with him, only the overwhelming force they were facing. Even he, one of the most skill and fear warriors of the immortal race couldn't uphold against such overwhelming numbers as those he could hear and scent approaching, their synchronized footsteps booming through the air like the pounding of the drums of war. 


Beyond the black iron gates, Yunho watches with fury, that vastly contradicted the icy feeling in the pit of his stomach as Yoochun step out of the trees, his expression maliciously triumphant but Yoochun didn't step out of the trees alone. Even as Yoochun's vast army step out from the trees a moment later, Yunho's eyes were locked on the large hunter's knife that was press into the side of Jessica's throat whom he held against him with his arm around her neck so tightly that he was almost choking her. 


Yunho struggle against his beast's furious lethal impulses to leap into action to save Jessica, killing the threat to her in the process and also his own violent desire and fearful emotions. To see his sister, the princess of the Lycan race and his own blood who was under his protection, in the hands of his greatest, most dangerous enemy had him at the very end of his self-control. 


The only relief was that Jessica was without any sign of harm, even after Jessica had help Yuri escape him Yoochun hadn't taken his rage out on her that Yunho could see. He, however, had no illusion that she had also been spared from physiological harm; Yoochun was as merciless and artistic in his ways of physiological torture as he was in physical torture. 


Yunho step forward, knowing that Yoochun would feel the need to monologue; no doubt Yoochun wanted to generously give Yunho the chance to surrender in return for Jessica's life, with Yuri handed over to him in the process, of course. 


"There is no need for bloodshed, Lycan prince!" Yoochun declares loudly, theatrically, even though Yunho was only feet away from him. 


The show was for the men of Yunho's forces, not him. 


"I'm willing to return your gorgeous beloved sister to you and leave here without the need for conflict, sparing the lives of your pack and leaving you with your territory intact!" Yoochun's voice was loud and clear like the voice of the main performer on the stage of a Broadway musical, "There is no need for war this day! I have no grudge against any of you!" 


Yunho narrows his eyes in incredulous distrust at the blatant lie that he held no grudge. Yunho knew what Yoochun would ask for in return for such an offer, that he would never in a million years keep. Yoochun was a traitorous as he was ruthless. 


Yoochun looks straight into Yunho's eyes, victory and darkly enjoyment in the black depths. 


"All you have to do is give me the mortal woman." 


Though Yunho had been expecting it, it took all of his self-control to keep himself from roaring at Yoochun in sheer rage at his audacity. He would do almost anything for Jessica but he just couldn't choose between his sister and his mate. He couldn't hand Yuri over for anything. 


In fear for his sister, Yunho felt a knife of ice plunge itself into his heart. 


Donghae would never forgive him for this. 


Yunho would never forgive himself for this. 


Yuri didn't need supernatural hearing to hear every word. Yoochun wasn't shouting but he was close enough to it; he was putting on quite a performance. 


"Yunho Oppa! Don't you even think about it!" Jessica shouted awkwardly, but quickly, gasping for breath as she struggles to breathe with Yoochun's arm all press against , "She's far more important than me and you know it!" 


Yuri was having just as much difficulty breathing as Jessica was, the pain in her chest from not only Jessica's words but also the knowledge that Jessica may die because of her had caused a squeezing ghostly hand of sheer ice to form around her heart. She couldn't do this; she couldn't watch Jessica die for her, not like this. 


Yuri open to say what she had no idea what to say, what did one say in this kind of situation, 'you have got yourself a deal, take me with you?' but before she could utter a single syllable, Yunho's hard voice pierces the air. 


"There you have it, Yoochun, from my sister's own mouth." There was a triumphant smugness in Yunho's voice that Yuri just didn't like; the kind that hinted that there was a devil's mocking grin on his lips, she couldn't be certain though as she could only see the back of his head, "My mate is too important to all." 


Yoochun's eyes flash with incredulous fury. That he hadn't expected to get what he wanted was obvious in the expression on his round-shaped face. He glares at Yunho, his expression as hard and as cold as the depths of outer space, "You would sacrifice the life of your immortal sister, the princess and only other heir to your throne for a useless mortal?" 


Silence. Silence which spoke more than any furious words or ferocious snarl ever could. Yuri wanted to break the silence that screams the answer to Yoochun's challenge that no one wanted to actually put into words. No one wanted to say that one life was worth more than another and Yuri really didn't want to hear it in any way shape or form and that included spoken with words or with silence. She wasn't worth the life of an immortal Lycan princess who was mated to the Lycan prince's second in command. 


Yuri open to say so, even knowing Yunho would be furious at her for it but when she knew without a doubt that Yunho would never harm her, there wasn't much to fear when again she was cut off before she could make a single sound. 


A ferocious snarling deafening roar exploded through the silence like the thunderous, piss off, sound of an explosion right at their feet. 


In the space of time it took to blink an eye, Changmin had lifted her and move back from the edge of the balcony. Yuri gave no objection, knowing that she couldn't have fought him and his superhuman even if she had wanted too, instead she kept her eyes and focus on what was happening below. She all but ignore Changmin standing in front of her, slightly to her right, with his arm extended halfway around her without touching her. 


The next thing Yuri knew Changwook was standing at her back, the two surrounding her in a solid hard wall of iron flesh and superhuman strength. 


Below, the two immortal armies, small armies but armies nonetheless were suddenly abuzz with open aggression and hostility as they snarl, hiss and roar, the damned in outrage and Yunho's army in what appears to be triumph. 


Something had happened and even though Yuri hadn't taken her eyes off of them for longer than the split second needed to blink, she had missed it. Whatever had happened had put the damned army in a furious outrage and Yunho's army on the defensive in a massive way. 


"What happen?" Yuri asks her guardians, her eyes glue on the commotion below. Something was wrong, missing, she just couldn't... 


Yoochun. Where was Yoochun? He wasn't where he had been standing a moment ago, holding Jessica in a chokehold in which she had barely been able to breathe. 


Changmin, unable to speak, allow Changwook to answer. 


If Yunho hadn't been so relieved that his sister was safe, he would have had to resist the urge to tear a strip from Donghae's hide. He may still. Yunho knew that there was no way to prevent a bloody war from breaking out, he had known it the moment he had sense Yoochun and his army approaching, no matter how events had played out. Even if he had handed Yuri over, Yoochun never would have kept his word, not with such an overwhelming force at his back but what his reckless first beta had done was antagonize an already hostile enemy by taking advantage of Yoochun's moment of distraction in which his attention had been focus on Yunho. 


Before Yunho's immortal all-seeing eyes, Yunho had watch as Donghae in his wolf form had burst from the woods without any warning. He had sailed through the air with his claws extended and bloodlust in his fixated eyes to land practically on top of Yoochun and Jessica. 


Yoochun had buckle beneath the massive bulky muscle weight of the colossal shimmering red wolf and Jessica had been sent rolling across the hard ground with a cry of startled pain. 


Before Yoochun or any of his damned warriors had time to react, Donghae was already once again on the move. With a burst of speed only a superhuman immortal Lycan wolf was capable of, Donghae was on his massive claw paws. He leaped off of Yoochun before Yoochun could recover enough to grab him and retaliate, to land lithely beside his wife where he had lower to haunches. 


Wasting not a moment had Jessica reach up to grasp hold of the fur of her husband's shoulder which she uses to pull herself up onto his back using her own Lycan strength and in a single impressive bound, Donghae had clear the stone wall that surrounded the manor. 


Yunho was relieved that his sister was safe inside the grounds of the manor but the manor wouldn't remain safe for very long. 


This war had begun so long ago in which so many battles had been fought; some of which had been won and some that had been lost and this day another battle was going to be fought that would determine the future of them all, a battle that could result in rivers of immortal blood flowing across the earth. 


"Get her inside!" Yunho order Donghae, having to shout over the vampires snarls, growls and shouts of enraging protest from the other side of the gates. 


Donghae turns in the direction of the manor's door but before he could take a single step towards it, Jessica slid smoothly from her husband's back to land lithely on her feet with a telling grin on her lips. 


Jessica was going to defy him. Yunho knew his sister well and just as he had known she would, Jessica shifted into her light brown wolf form and pointedly took her place beside her husband, standing as tall and proud and stubborn on four furry feet as any queen ever could on two. Her head held so high and proud that for a brief moment Yunho saw his own mother; Jessica was their mother's daughter. 


Yunho hesitated. Jessica was his sister and a young woman he had sworn with his life's blood to protect and by all rights, he should order her inside to Yuri's side but as much as he wanted it different, Jessica was needed. They were outnumbered against a ruthless enemy, they were two beta's down and they had to protect Yuri no matter the cost. So much rested on Yuri. 


Even if that cost had to be the life's blood of the Lycan princess. An unspeakable tragedy as her blood would be mix with that of her husband and brother as the only way either Yunho or Donghae would allow Jessica's blood to stain the earth was over their dead bodies. 


A fight they were going to lose but if Yunho was going to fall this day he would make damn sure that Yoochun leads the way to death. 


The violent tension in the air was so thick that it couldn't have even been able to be cut by one of the swords held by the immortal hands below. Most of the damned Yuri could see below were either tense in their anticipation or so hyped up for the coming battle that they were jittery and bouncing around like they were an eight year old on a sugar rush, impatiently awaiting their chance to fight and spill enemy blood. 


While the damned were visibly confident and even cocky in their belief that they would walk away from this battle with their victory, the immortals below, each one ready to defend their territory, were so gravely outnumbered. They were still and silent, each one tense and apprehensive as they weren't so confident in their chances of defeating their enemy. 


They were so greatly outnumbered that when Jessica had been ordered inside the mansion by her brother, Prince, and alpha and no doubt also by her mate who had so bravely and boldly saves her moments before, she had ignored the order and had taken position beside her wolf mate. 


It appalled and sicken Yuri to her very core that the Lycan princess who until just weeks ago had been the most protected female of not only the pack but of the entire immortal Lycan race was now forced to stand before the damned army that was hell-bent on destroying them all. 


All so that the damned wouldn't get their hands on the Lycan prince's coveted mortal mate. 


Self-loathing and paralyzing dread fill her stomach with an icy nauseating weight and a tight hand wrap around her heart until she could barely breathe. Yuri wraps her arms around herself as if that could give her any comfort at all, as tears sprang to her eyes in wake of the crippling agony within, tears Yuri made no attempt to fight. She couldn't stand this. Those she had greatly come to care for in the past weeks were going to die senselessly for her. How many had die for her already in the ambush and since then and at what point would it be too many before the immortals finally realize that she just wasn't worth this? In Yuri's opinion one death in her name was way too many but what number would be too high for Yunho? The entire Lycan pack was going to be wiped out and it was all her fault. 


How could she be so selfish? Was she really going to just stand there and watch a pack of Lycans whose race was on the verge of extinction, a race that had been secretly defending all mankind for millennia vainly die in her name? She wasn't worth this, nothing was. 


Jessica was safe now, at least in this brief moment before the coming battle. Jessica was where she belongs, under her brother's protection and by her bonded husband's side. There was no reason for them to fight, all Yunho had to do was surrender her, a mere mortal who in truth was nothing special at all, over to them but Yuri knew Yunho never would because he loves her. 


Was one man's, immortal or not, woman really worth the lives of so many? 


"No matter what you believe you are worth fighting and even dying for." 


Yuri blinks, momentarily at a blank as she looks over her shoulder at Changwook. Had she spoken that last thought out loud? She knew her thoughts were safe; she was mortal and not a born member of the pack so they couldn't hear her thoughts. 


Both Changwook and Changmin were staring at her with hard fierce fire in their eyes, their gazes burning into her own where Yuri knew her angst-ridden distress had to be on display for all to see. After a long moment in which Changmin silently communicated his fervent belief in Changwook's words by nodding vigorously several times, he nodded pointedly downward. 


Yuri follows his gaze and hers widen. She was gripping the outside of the railing with both hands as if she was preparing to jump right over the railing to the ground. She hadn't even realized that she had released her hold on herself then move forward out of the protective cage the betas had held her within with their own bodies and was now holding onto the railing in a manner that made it clear that she was preparing to toss herself over it. 


Changwook hadn't read her thoughts, he had read her body language. 


Without looking at either of the betas at her back, Yuri inconsolably and mournfully returns her eyes to the armies below, "No one person is worth the lives of so many." 


Below, the smallest of the gigantic wolves on the battlefield turn her head and look straight up into her eyes, the wolf's dark brown coat shimmering magnificently and she flattens her ears against her furry head and bares her sharp pointy teeth that were longer than Yuri's hand. 


Yuri couldn't hear it but she knew the Lycan princess was growling at her. Yuri may not have been able to hear Jessica but the immortal Lycan princess had evidently heard her and she was disagreeing with Yuri's spoken belief that she wasn't worth the lives of so many. 


Yuri couldn't help it, she almost smiles. Almost. Jessica was standing amongst their small Lycan army, ready to do battle with a force over three times their number and still she was the stubborn generous brave princess Yuri had come to love as a sister. 


So much had happened in such a short time; even though Yuri had known them all less than a month, a lifetime seems to have come to pass in these past few weeks. Yuri had always known her own heart and she knew she loves Yunho with all the love she had to give, that she loves Jessica as dearly as if she had known and love her all her life, even the beta's held a piece of her heart and it seems that they had come to care for her just as much as she had for them. Their actions were irrefutable testament to the truth of that. Jessica was standing on a battlefield in which the odds were so gravely stacked against them and still, she found the time to offer Yuri comfort and reassurance when she needed it. 


This was her life now. Yuri had finally found where she belongs and now it was all going to be rip away from her forever and there was nothing she could do about it. She wanted to be down there beside Jessica, fighting to protect the pack she had come to love and accept as her own but in this world, she was as helpless as an infant. An immortal child would be able to do more on the battlefield below then she ever would be able too. 


"Tell me they can win this." Yuri implored the betas at her back, even though only one was capable of answering her, "Tell me they at least have a chance." 


"They have more than that, young miss." Changwook's hard voice was tender as he stood behind her as a pillar of protection and strength, "The damned fight to have something they aren't worthy of while this pack fights with the power of renewing hope and love for a queen-to-be. You don't see it but you are worth fighting and even dying for and they all do so willingly. You are a beacon of hope none of them have known in immortal generations, hope that there is more than death and darkness in their future and none of them would give you up even to save their own lives. You falling permanently into their hands would destroy them more deeply than Yoochun or his army of unholy damned ever could hope to accomplish. I know because you are all that and more to me." 


Yuri gasp at not just the last of his words but the heartfelt meaning they carried. She snaps her head around to stare at him, her words dying on her lips beneath the fondness in his intense gaze. 


"You are my hope for the future, hope that a mate waits for me and even if she doesn't then for my people. You are the mate and love of my brother and prince, the one who has brought him more to life than he has ever been. My alpha is my liege, my brother and you are what drives him, you are what he loves most, the one thing he cannot do without. You are my queen-to-be and I live to serve and protect you. I would readily die for you without any thought or hesitation. Should your slightest whim be my life then it would be yours to have. This pack is a family and our loyalty and devotion to each other are absolute." His eyes were on fire with his conviction and fortitude, "You are part of us that none of us could ever do without." 


"A part that is going to be the death of you." Yuri whisper, forcing the words out; they damn near choke her, "Then so be it." Changwook tilted his head ever so slightly in an inquisitive gesture, "What would you have us do? You are the mate of our crown prince. You aren't replaceable." 


To that, there was nothing Yuri could say except, "No one should have to die today, for me or anyone else. I would give my life to stop this." 


Changwook gave her a faint but genuinely soft smile, "That there alone makes you worthy of dying for." 


Changmin bows his head once to her in unspoken but unwavering agreement. 


Before Yuri could reply and without warning, all hell broke loose below. An earth-shaking, ear-splitting thundering boom pierce the air with all the force of an explosion. A moment later an ever-expanding cloud of white-grey dust follows as the damned army ran through the wall surrounding the manor as if it wasn't even there. Yuri's mortal eyes hadn't even been able to see them move but all of a sudden the damned army was no longer there standing between the woods and manors walls. 


Instead, the once beautiful tranquil garden below were awash with indistinguishable chaos. Brief blurs of colour and frenzied movement were all that Yuri could distinguish on the battlefield below except for the occasional glint of a blade, the spraying of blood, both black and crimson but while her eyes were too inferior to follow the battle that was destroying the once magnificent garden of the manor grounds, her ear heard everything but there was just too much to hear that in the end there was nothing but the collective thunderous, deafening roar of battle, each sound blending into another. The cries of battle, the metallic clanging as blade met blade, the booming thunder of physical blow made by impossibly strong immortals and the ground-shaking beneath countless immortal feet but the worst part was the smell; unmistakable, stomach-turningly foul and unforgettable in that no matter this battle's outcome, it was going to haunt her nightmares for the rest of her life. 


Death. The stench of it was unlike any other. The metallic scent of blood, the foul scent of bodily fluids and waste made up the scent of death. 


Below, immortal beings were dying and to make it worse, Yuri had no idea who had die; was it the damned or was it members of the pack or was it a mixture of both? 


Oh god, was Jessica or even Yunho among those who were already dead, only a minute into the battle? Had any of the pack in the frenzied chaos below been slain? Was Donghae this very moment dying and taking Jessica with him? 


"No!" Yuri roar in sheer horror, but before she could throw her body over the railing to go to the battlefield below, she felt a pair of cool hard arms wrap around her, securing her in a sturdy iron hold that was almost too tight. Those she loved were very possibly being slaughter below and there was nothing she could do about it but watch and sob uncontrollably for those who had and still would be lost. 


They were so overrun and outnumbered by the damned forces that Yunho found himself battling three damned at once, two Lycan and one vampire damned. He had never face such overwhelming odds before and even as skill and powerful as he was Yunho knew he couldn't keep this up forever. He had been on more battlefields than he cares to remember but never had his forces been so overwhelm and never had it been on his own territory with those he needed to protect this close to the heat of the battle. 


The thought that fuels him on against the incredible force was that Yuri was inside the manor and if Changwook and Changmin became overrun then Yuri would be left defenseless against any damned that made it past him. 


So Yunho fought with all that he had to give and then gave some more. Today wouldn't be the day he lost his mate, not to Yoochun not to anyone. 


A vampire damned charge at him with his sharp fangs bare and claw hands held high, his claws extended like thin pointed daggers. Yunho duck beneath the swiping claw hand and out his sword, impaling the damned who gave a cry that sounded halfway between an enrage hiss and a grunt. 


Without taking even a second to take a breath, Yunho surge to his feet and yanked his blade free from the chest of the damned vampire who once free of his blade fell dead at Yunho's feet as he had pierced the damned vampire's heart. 


In his peripheral vision Yunho could see two of the Lycan damned crouch low, ready to attack him as one, in the pack hunting style of the Lycan kind and grin in anticipation, already knowing which of his well-practiced moves he would use, it was one he had made many times before. 


Yunho tenses his legs and crouches low, almost sitting on the ground and waited as he knew what was to come. He knew what the Lycan damned were waiting for and he wanted them to act first. 


Yunho's hold tightens on his sword. He was the crown Lycan prince; they should know better. It was almost insulting how much they continue to underestimate him. 


"Get back!" Changwook roar, and Changmin step in front of Changwook who still held Yuri prisoner in his arms against him. 


Changmin pulls his sword from its sheath at his waist in one fluid well-practiced movement just as two damned, their black eyes gleam with dark triumph, flew up through the air to land effortlessly on their feet on the balcony railing. 


Without hesitation, Changmin gracefully swept forward with his sword held high in front of him and leaped straight into battle as Changwook spun on his heel and retreated into the bedroom, removing Yuri from sight, "Changmin Oppa!" Yuri screams desperately, hysterically as Changwook swept her off and away from the balcony and danger but Changwook didn't take her from the room as she expected him too. Instead, she found herself being hurriedly but gently put on the bed she shared with their prince and Changwook turn his back to her, pulling his own sword at the same time. 


Yuri's heart was beating so frantically and loudly in her ear that she expected it to force its way through her bone at any moment. The damned were in the manor, they were on her balcony, the balcony she had stood on so many times in the past month. Now there was a beta on the balcony fighting not only for her safety but for his own life against those who wish to take her from her pack. 


Yuri could hear the closer, now distinguishable, metallic sound of sword meeting sword and the heavy stomping of battle. 


Changmin was fighting two damned on the balcony as Yuri sat numb and daze on the bed with Changwook standing tall and battle-ready in front of her. He was situated directly between her and the doorway leading onto the balcony, ready and waiting for any damned who made it pass Changmin. 


Yuri knew that the only way any damned made it to her was if both of the beta's had fallen before their enemy's sword and they wouldn't fall as long as they still breathed. 


Yuri couldn't breathe. The world was spinning around her and her chest felt so constricted and painful that it was agony just to breathe. Tears blurred her vision and her body was shaking so badly that Yuri had to fight to remain upright. Both Changmin and Changwook were both badly injured but they had no choice but to fight, even though their injuries severely diminished their chances of surviving. 


The two betas were all that stood between her and the damned but Yuri didn't care. They shouldn't be fighting in their condition. Changwook had just been in the equivalent of a hospital bed for crying out loud and Changmin couldn't even speak. How was he meant to call for help if and when he needed it? 


No. This wasn't right. This wasn't fair. It shouldn't be this way, not for her. If it wasn't for her then none of this would have happened and those who had already die in her defense would still be alive. 


One moment Yuri was staring into Changwook's back, trying to get herself under control as this was no time for her to go into hysterics and lose it, she needed to be able to do what she could if the situation continues to deteriorate, the next he was gone and she found herself staring into empty air. 


Adjusting her gaze towards the balcony doorway, Yuri gasp. Changmin was walking back into the room, all the while exchanging sword blows with three damned who were following him into the room while Changwook had taken place beside his temporarily mute beta fighting the two remaining damned. 


The two betas stood just inside the doorway, using the narrower space to try to prevent any of the damned to slip past them into the room but they were two wounded against five uninjured damned super strong and fast warrior; it wouldn't take long for at least one to find a way past her two protectors and if any made it past them then it would force at least one of them to abandon the fight and their position to come to her aid. Yuri had no illusion that she could hold one of the damned off for any length of time, no matter how brief. 


Unless the betas kill at least one each or help came for them, they were going to lose and they would die trying to protect her. 


Yuri couldn't let that happen. She had to do something but what? What could she do? She was a mortal amongst immortals, a child amongst ageless ruthless soldiers. 


All she could do was watch and wait. 


If only Yunho could call for help with his mind link thing. If only... 


Call for help? Call for help! And just like that, Yuri was on the move without any pain or dizziness. Just like that, Yuri knew what she had to do. 


It was their only chance. 


Yunho had been known as the mightiest immortal warrior for centuries, his skills in combat and his battle strategies were second to none. His strength, his unyielding force of will, his intelligence and his relentlessness had justly earned him the title but not even he, the prince and future king of all Lycan kind were invulnerable. The sheer number in which they were outnumbered by were beginning to overwhelm them; there were only so many a single warrior, no matter how skill could face at one time and as more and more immortals fell, the more damned were left to gang up on the remaining. 


Yunho continues to battle more fiercely than he ever had before, battling as many at once as he could but the strain of such overwhelming forces was beginning to take its toll on them all and he was no exception. He was battered, wounded and his energy had long since begun to wane. 


At his back Donghae and Jessica were battling just as fiercely as he was, all the while Donghae assure that no real harm came to Jessica which had only succeeded in causing Donghae more injury than he would normally have sustain without her on the battlefield. 


Not to say that Jessica wasn't a skilled warrior, they had all taken turns training her but Donghae was taking no chances with his mate. He was overprotective of his wife and mate. Normally the two bonded mates would have been at an advantage together on the battlefield due to their mate link but since Yoochun had once again managed to jam all mental links in the area, no doubt to prevent them from calling for aid, they were without their normal method of watching the other's back. 


Even Yunho had been forced to step in to protect the two more than once or more to the point protect Jessica so Donghae hadn't been kill in doing so. An example of which was when an enemy had come at Jessica's back and Donghae hadn't had time to get his claw paw up or his head around so Donghae had stepped into the line of fire, intending to take the blow. 


Yunho had taken the damned warrior's head with a swipe of his own blood-soak claw paw before the blow had come down but he had paid a price. One of the damned he had been fighting at the time had taken advantage of his momentary distraction and had his blade into Yunho's side, stabbing him under his front leg on his right side. 


Yunho had cried out in pain, a merely startled yelp before he had whirl and retaliate by burying his paw deep into the damned vampire, pushing and cutting through flesh and bone until he had pierced the heart. The damned had fallen dead at his feet. 


The wound Yunho had sustain wasn't life-threatening in that it had pierced anything vital, after centuries of battle Yunho knew his vital points for both forms but he was bleeding badly enough that he knew he would soon need to take a moment to tend to it but now that their own were falling Yunho was beginning to doubt that he would have a chance to have that moment any time soon. 


"Lord Yunho!" 


Yunho whirls his head around in the direction of the shout to see one of his vampires allies pointing to something to his left, that the moment before had been behind him. 


"The princess!" The vampire cried urgently before he was forced to return to combat when a damned Lycan in wolf form attack him head-on with vicious sharp snapping teeth. 


Yunho was grateful to the vampire but he could do nothing to aid him as Yunho knew exactly what the vampire's warning had meant. 


There was only one princess on this battlefield and a moment ago his back had been to her. 


Yunho whirl around in the air to land steadily and lightly on his feet in time to see exactly why the vampire had warned him. 


Jessica had somehow become separated from Donghae, by no more than eight feet but it was more than enough. Between his sister and Donghae were more than half a dozen damned but it wasn't the damned that had the fur on Yunho's back stand up in horror. 


Jessica was battling three damned who were trying to take her down by attacking her in union but it wasn't them that had Yunho surging forward through battling bodies, both human and wolf forms and clashing swords in desperation to reach Jessica in time before Yoochun reach her. 


Yoochun was weaving unchallenged through the battlefield, heading straight for Jessica with his sword held high in front of him and a sadistic gleefully-anticipating grin on his smug face. 


With a ferocious howling roar Yunho leaped into the air with all the strength in his legs, not intending for distance but height, enough that sent him flying over the heads of those between him and Jessica, to land solidly between Jessica and Yoochun. 


That he landed on top of a damned vampire was pure luck. 


As the damned crumple beneath his massive crushing weight, Yunho heard bones snap and a scream of sheer agony but Yunho didn't have time for him. The damned was more than capable of healing from such injuries, especially if he manages to feed on fresh blood but he would be down for a while, hopefully, long enough for someone else to finish him off. 


Yoochun stops in his tracks but didn't falter at the sight of the gigantic black wolf standing in front of him, blocking his path to the Lycan princess. 


"I wonder how long it would take you to build up the courage to face me!" Yoochun sneer. 


Yunho raises his lips, baring his teeth and growl menacingly in reply. 


"Look around you, prince. You are outnumbered, you have lost. Victory is mine." Yoochun held out his arms indicating to what was happening around them but Yunho's gaze didn't leave Yoochun, "Your defeat is at hand and to the victor goes the spoil." 


Yunho knew exactly what 'spoils' Yoochun was referring too and Yunho wanted nothing more than to snap in reply that Yoochun was dreaming if he believes that he was going to get anywhere near Yuri. 


Yuri was his. 


Yunho roar in wolfish outrage but he didn't attack. He wasn't an impulsive pup, he knew better than to let his enemy goad him into blindly attacking out of reckless emotion. 


In response to the threatening sound, Yoochun raises his sword slightly, wordlessly inviting Yunho to attack him. Yunho took a slow step forward, watching Yoochun warily, his entire being focused on the self-proclaimed king of the damned when without warning Yunho was knock off his feet. He was sent flying for several feet until he hit a group of warring immortals, both damned and his own before he fell to the ground in a pile of human and furry limbs. 


Yunho had no idea what had happen, all he knew was that something had rammed into him, knocking him off his feet and sent him flying but he knew he had to get up, he couldn't let his stun state leave him unprepare and expose lying daze on the ground but before Yunho could get his paws under him to rise up onto his four furry feet, a great weight fell down on his shoulder and neck, a single moment later a second bulky weight descended down on his back end, effectively pinning him to the hard ground beneath him. 


The scent of a damned and fur reach his nose and Yunho knew exactly what had happened. He instantly swore and berated himself. He should have known better. He should have kept an eye on what was happening around him but he had been so focused on Yoochun as he had been for so long that he hadn't had any focus left for what was happening around him. 


On a battlefield doing so was just plain idiotic and reckless. 


A damned Lycan, a big one, one of his own size by the weight of it, had barrelled straight into him at full speed, sending the both of them flying and before Yunho had been able to get to his feet, the damned Lycan, along with another damned Lycan had settled on top of him, applying their full weight to him and effectively pinning him to the ground. 


How could he have been so stupid? He had been brought down like a warrior-in-training in his first practice fight. Yunho struggles with all his strength and know-how but he couldn't get any leverage to either kick the damned off of him or squirm out from beneath them. The two that held him knew what they were doing; by their scent, Yunho knew they weren't young. They were experienced warriors and big ones too, although Yunho had never come across these two before as their individual scents weren't familiar. 


Like nature's wolf, his kind didn't forget a scent. 


A shadow fell across him and Yunho ceases his struggling and looks up, knowing what he would see. 


Yoochun stood over him, looking down at him with a dark fascination. 


"Did you really think with such a superior force at my disposal that I would unnecessarily go one on one with you?" Yoochun asks inquisitively, as he lowers himself to a crouch so he could stare better into Yunho's eye. 


Yunho wanted to snap at him but it would be a useless effort with how the damned Lycan had his head and upper body pin. 


"Everything you had is now mine and there is nothing more you can do about it." Yoochun look around them at the battlefield, only a few of Yunho's forces still remain on their feet to fight but one by one they were being subdued or killed. 


The battle was over. Yoochun had finally won as he had known from the beginning that he would. He looks back down at the defeated Lycan prince. 


"Your territory, your wealth, your mate even your sister. They are all mine as they were always meant to be." And with that Yoochun rose to his feet, turn his back and walk away, leaving Yunho on the ground struggling with all his strength but he just couldn't get free. 


Yoochun swells with dark joy and pride of victory. Finally, his time had come and a new age was about to begin for immortal, damned and mortal alike, with him as the supreme king of the entire planet. 


There was nothing standing in his way now that the Lycan prince had met his defeat and now all would bow before him. 


As Yoochun strutted away, Yunho sense and scented the third damned, a vampire damned before he saw him, standing over him with a long thick heavy silver sword in his hand and Yunho knew that his time to fall had finally come for him. 


He had been brought down not by Yoochun but by dishonorable trickery. The three had brought him down swiftly and efficiently; as they had been trained to do. Yunho realizes that Yoochun had never had any intention of fighting him one on one, he knew Yoochun too well. This had been his plan from the beginning and Yunho hadn't seen it coming until it had been too late and now everyone, Yuri, Jessica, his beta's, his pack, was going to pay the price for his mistake. 


The damned vampire raises the sword high, the hilt pointed directly at his eye, a split moment before it came crashing down towards his furry head. 


Pain and white exploded in his head and Yunho felt his entire body shift, returning to his human form and darkness swell, taking the place of the white light of agony. 


As he slid into the waiting darkness where there was nothing but hollow peace, Yunho look up at the manor through the twisting fighting shadows of both human and wolf bodies. 


In his eyes, Yunho felt the wetness of tears for the first time in so many centuries. 


'Yuri.' And then there was only black empty darkness. 


Yuri felt utterly immoral and despicable for leaving the two injured beta's to fight against such overwhelming numbers, even though she knew there was nothing she could do to help them, at least not in the way that they so desperately needed. 


Yuri ran with all the strength and speed she could muster through the manor. There was nothing she could do to help any of them in the battle but there was something she could do to help them all, the pack and the aiding vampires. 


To help her new family. It was all her fault. She had brought this fight right into Yunho's home and every drop of the pack's blood that was spilled was on her head and so she was going to do absolutely everything she could to help them. Unfortunately, what she could do to help them was very little; she was a young mortal woman surrounded by fierce warrior immortals who had no special skills whatsoever. 


To say that she was out of her league would be the understatement of the year. 


Yuri reaches Yunho's office in less than a minute and a half but that time had seemed to last an hour to her. She hadn't been able to move fast enough no matter how hard she had pushed herself. She had hated even the wasted time it had taken her to slowly turn each corner and descend each staircase. 


There was most likely a phone closer to their bedroom than the one in Yunho's office but Yuri wasn't willing to waste time going from room to room looking for one when she knew there was one in Yunho's office. 


Yuri knew for a fact that there were a phone both Yunho's room and the library in the room next to the bedroom but no phone. She suspected that Yunho had remove them when he had first brought her to the manor in order to prevent her from calling anyone for help in the beginning. 


The damn Lycan prince thought of everything, except he hadn't put them back when the danger of her running from him had passed. 


Then again, he had greater concerns since then. 


Yuri burst through Yunho's office doors but took the time to close them again. She wasn't going to make it any easier for the damned to locate her than it already was. Between their superhuman senses of smell, hearing, and sight, closing the door might only gain her a moment or two but each and every second was precious, single second might mean the difference between failure and success. At least with the ruckus of the battle outside would provide her some cover from their superhuman ears. 


There on Yunho's desk was her target, the gleaming sleek black telephone. It was her only hope of calling for help and there was only one person she knew of who could provide that help. 


However, Yuri had no idea what Yonghwa's number was and she wasn't going to waste time searching Yunho's office for it. She had to get word out before she was found which could be at any moment so she had to hurry. With no other alternative, Yuri dial the number she knew best by heart, her fingers flying over the dialing pad with hurried practice ease. With any luck she wouldn't even be heard if she kept her voice down to a whisper as the noise from the battle was near deafening, even from within the office. 


Yuri listen as the phone on the other end rang five times before it was picked up with a cheerful and polite, "Hello?" Yuri mentally breathed in relief, from not just the call being answer but at hearing the familiar warm voice of one of her best friends, "Seohyun." She didn't waste any time in giving her name; Seohyun knew her voice, as well as Yuri, knew hers, "I need you to do something for me. It's really important and extremely urgent; it's life or death." "Yuri?!" Seohyun squeals fretfully, "What's wr...?!" 


"No questions, Seohyun. Please, I'm begging you." Yuri said quickly, cutting her off, "I need you to do this as quickly as you possibly can. Every moment you waste could mean my life." 


With only as much depth as was absolutely needed, Yuri gave the instructions and directions as quickly as she could, being sure to repeat the overall basic instruction at the end. 


Yuri trusted Seohyun as much as she trusted Yunho; Seohyun would do as she asks, even without knowing the reason why Yuri was asking something so bizarre of her. 


Yuri only just finishes giving Seohyun the final instruction when she heard muffled voices in the hallway just outside the door. She instinctively knew the voices belong to the damned soldiers from the chillingly malicious tones. 


Yuri froze. They couldn't know about her phone call. If they knew there was no telling what they would do, they might even find some way to go after Seohyun and stop her. 


As silently as she could while being hasty, Yuri return the receiver to its cradle, snatch Yunho's letter opener off the desk, it actually looks more like a dagger than a letter opener, it was even sharp and slid under the desk, pulling the chair silently back inward to better hide her just as the two doors slam thunderously open. 


Yuri wasn't a naïve idiot; she knew they could smell her, not to mention that they could probably hear her frantic heartbeat but she had to make it appear as if she was in the office for the purpose of hiding, not for calling for help. She couldn't let them suspect that she had gotten a call for help out; if they discover her secret then it would only make things worse for the entire pack. 


"She's in here. I can smell her." 


Yuri froze in horror as she recognizes the cruel voice, she had heard it before. 




No doubt, whatever the outcome, it would be etched into her nightmares along with Yoochun's sadistic voice for a long time to come. 


If she lives to sleep again that was. 


Without warning or even hearing them approach, the desk she was hiding beneath disappear from around her in a black blur, only to be thrown across the room until it hit the wall with a splintering crash. The desk exploded from the force of the impact, sending pieces of timber flying while the bulk of it fell to the floor with a loud crashing sound, along with large chunks of wall plaster while the desks' contents flew in all directions. 


Paper was raining down around her like large white square feathers after a pillow fight. 


Yuri tore her wide eyes from the ruined desk, sprang to her feet and whirl to face Minho and the two damned he had with him as she slowly back away from them, holding the letter opener high in front of her like Yunho would hold his sword. 


Minho spares a brief glance at the letter opener and abruptly burst into darkly amused laughter, "Just how useful do you think that's going to be against us mortal?" 


Considering that the telephone was on the floor on the other side of the room, the receiver lying upright on the floor beeping the familiar tone of the busy signal, Yuri consider it a safe bet that Minho had underestimated her so much just because she wasn't an immortal or maybe it was because she was a female as he had made a point of pointing out that it hadn't even entered his mind that she might have actually called for help. 


No wonder the guy was a lackey. Yoochun was ruthlessly cunning and clever; Minho was single-minded and constantly underestimated his opponents. 


Yuri gave silent thanks to the heavens as she tense, ready to fight them no matter how feebly. She had succeeded in getting a call for help out, now all she needed to do was try and buy some time for Seohyun to follow her instructions. 


Hastily scouring her mind for something she could use to do just that, Yuri glare steadily at Minho, refusing to give any of them the satisfaction of seeing her fear, "Yunho thinks you have got a spy here in the manor." 


Minho leans his head to the side inquisitively, studying her with his black eyes, "And what makes him think that?" "How else could Yoochun stay one step ahead of him?" Yuri told him, knowing Minho was the kind of male who wouldn't let an opportunity to rub something in someone's face pass. 


Minho chuckle, greatly amused, the other damned joining in briefly before Minho answer her with gloating triumph, "There's no spy. Our king needs none. He's been one step ahead of your pathetic Yunho because he is of superior intelligence. He knew exactly what Yunho would do before even he did. That little trick he tried to get you out of the country was obvious to my king." 


At least that was one small piece of good news for them. There was no spy; Yunho's pack and those he kept around him were all loyal to him as Yuri had witnessed. It was only that Yoochun knew Yunho so well after so long of being hunted by him that Yoochun was able to predict Yunho's actions. 


Yuri scoffs derisively, "Yeah, right. He just got lucky, didn't he? There was something that gave it away, wasn't there? A trace of our scent or something like that. Or maybe you were planning on ambushing both the convoy and the decoy. That's why you weren't there in the beginning, wasn't it? You weren't on that battlefield, were you? You ambushed Jessica and me in the trees when we were making a run for it just after arriving." She grins cheekily at him, "You were at the other ambush, the one you thought we really use, weren't you? But then you receive word that we weren't there." 


Minho snarl angrily and Yuri had her answer. Yoochun wasn't half of what Yunho was. It had been by sheer luck that he had gotten to the other ambush in time to prevent their escape. It had probably been sheer chance that they had run into Yoochun's path on his way from the decoy but that wasn't important now. Yuri had done all she could to bring help to her pack, now all she could do was somehow find a way to buy time for them all until help arrived. She wasn't a superhuman immortal shapeshifter but she would never let that stop her from doing everything and anything she could to protect her pack; they were her family now and she would never let anything happen to them, not when there was something, no matter how small or insignificant, she could do. 


As Minho advance on her, ignoring the weapon in her hand as if it wasn't even there, Yuri knew her attempt to stall for time with Minho had reached its end. 


The hope for them all rested with Seohyun and the girls now.

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This looks interesting to read. Just realized there’s ChangWook and Yoona too in this story
marinelee #2
Chapter 16: Beautiful!! So detailed and captivating! A well written story about one of my favorite!
Chapter 16: Can you please make spin off for the other couples? especially yoona and changwook
divinecomedy85 #4
Chapter 16: It took 3 days to finish your story and I loved everything
Thanks for your hard work! I appreciate very much!
I'm an extremely silent reader 100% of the time.
I wish this story gets more love.
Loads of good energy for keep going on with the awesomeness.
Keep up the great work.
Kennyf #5
Chapter 16: I'm going to miss this story soooo much :c
Thanks for everything you both have done dear authors :3 <3 luv ya
Chapter 16: Hope you get better soon sista...
And Good job for you, mmm what should I call you by the way? Butterflylover's sibling...??
Maybe you two should collaborate again soon... Hehe
sy5280 #7
Chapter 16: Thank you both authornims ... hopeful the original writer will get well soon ... really loved to read how Seohyun convinced Yonghwa to bite her ... hahaha ... agree will be good to read their side story since the Vampires are so different from the Wolves!
Kennyf #8
Chapter 15: Last chapter? Noo, may I ask for a little epilogue? I wanna see the story of the others couples, I need my yongseo's story at least :(
Chapter 15: What??? Last chapter already?
Hopefully you can give me some yongseo moments please...
raindrop_panda #10
Chapter 15: can you please make side story for the other couples too? your story is so great btw