A Wolf's Mate

A Wolf's Mate

Chapter 4 


Yunho had known that bringing a mortal woman, carried unconscious in his arms, back to his manor would cause a stir amongst his pack and he had been right. His pack was abuzz with barely restrain emotion ranging from unease, confusion, and fear to relief and timid hope. 


Donghae had forewarned Jessica before they had even gotten near the manor and the young princess had done her duty and prepare the pack for their arrival the best she could. 


Very few secrets were kept within the pack as perfect and unwavering trust was needed to co-exist as they were competitive unruly creatures by nature but at the same time, Yunho was alpha; he did what he did without the expectation of being questioned. 


It was the way of the wolf, Lycan or not.


Stepping into the crowded but silent entrance hall, Yunho look around at his pack that stood watching him in silence. Near all of his pack had gathered, just under eighty Lycan kind.


Only three of whom were female. 


The pack had felt him coming. A member of his pack always knew when their alpha was near. Yunho knew the intimidating instinct to submit well; he had live under his dad's rule for centuries until he had sought his own pack and home in the new world. His dad was and had been the high alpha and king of all Lycan kind for a very long time. 


Behind him, Yunho's betas flank him, still in their wolf forms. A silent warning to the pack that they had better keep their distance since their prince and alpha wouldn't risk his mortal wolf mate's well-being and safety, not even from his own pack and there, upon the landing of the second floor that overlooks the entrance hall, near the top of the stairs was Jessica, patiently waiting for him. She stare down at him with dark unreadable eyes but Yunho could plainly see her tense stance. He knew his sister well enough to know that she was deeply worried. 


In his arms, Yuri, his wolf mate, was so tiny and light that he couldn't feel her weight at all. He had carried her limp form through the city until the car he had Donghae order Jessica to send to him had picked him up. He could have run the entire way but he hadn't wanted his mortal mate in the cold any longer. While his three beta's had run in the woods by the road, easily keeping pace with the car, Yunho had held his unconscious mate in his lap all the way back to the manor. 


Now that they were finally home, Yunho gently carried his wolf mate up the stairs and swept pass Jessica without even looking at her. His eyes were fixated on his mate. 


Less than a minute later, Yunho gently, tenderly, laid Yuri on his bed to rest as his sister and three betas waited outside the room. He knew that his mate wouldn't wake for a while, she had been through quite an ordeal tonight and she was exhausted as her sleep had been continuously interrupted by her nightmares over the past five nights. He knew because he had heard every sleep-soften whimper and moan. He hadn't been able to watch her as her window had been on the second floor but he had heard every word she had utter in her sleep and he had heard her tossing and turning restlessly. 


She would sleep deeply tonight, so deeply that Yunho doubted she would be plagued by nightmares. 


Covering her with the heavy covers, Yunho found himself staring longingly down into her radiant face that was framed by thick silky strands of brownish black. Never had Yunho seen a sight more beautiful and precious than his mate sleeping soundly in his bed. 


Burning desire flare within him and his beast cried out for the mating of wolf mates but Yunho ignores his own body's responses to her and hushes his beast. She needed to rest and so she would rest, undisturbed and safe. Tenderly, Yunho found himself gently caressing her cheek as he pushes away a stray strand of brownish black silken hair from her face that was flawless in its beauty. 


Her skin was soft, warm and smooth. 


Within, his beast growl with heated impatience, warning that it wouldn't be held back from claiming her in flesh for very long. 


Before he ran the risk of losing his control too far, Yunho cast one last longing but content look at her and left the room, closing the door soundlessly behind him. He would have to organize shifts of his best warrior to guard the door. He wouldn't leave her unguarded, not even for a moment. She was too precious, too important to him and his kind to take any risk with. 


For the next few hours though, until his pack settles down somewhat from this astonishing and unforeseen happening, Yunho himself would remain close enough that guards wouldn't be essential. Not until he went down to rest for the day as he would need his strength for the night to come. 


Yunho slowly turns away from the thick and heavy hardwood double doors to face his three beta's, his eyes flashing with a lethal warning, "Nothing is too happen to her. She is to remain safe and secure in my chamber. No one is to enter and she isn't to come out." 


The three beta's jump to attention, standing tall and still before their alpha's authoritative bearing. They had no illusions; his words were orders to be taken as seriously as their lives. 


Yunho took a step closer to the three, his demeanor that of thunderous warning, "If anything happens to her, you will know a fate far worse than death." 


Yunho added a fierce guttural growl for good measure, warning them as the fierce and powerful warrior prince and alpha that he was and without another word, Yunho stalk passes them and enter the room next door to his personal bedchamber. The room was his personal library and it was easily as large as his bedchamber. There was a connecting door between the two rooms but it was firmly closed. It wouldn't open tonight. He didn't trust himself with his mate, not with the heat of battle still simmering in his blood and his untrustworthy beast champing at the bit, forge from Yunho's iron will and well-practiced self-control, to get to her. 


Yunho knew all too well, from his near millennia of battling enemies that the heat of battle could so easily shift into another intense form of heat, a heat that was just as fierce and overpowering as the blood-thirsty rage of war. As Yunho always did upon entering a room, especially one of his own, he scented the air, tasting the scent with his superhuman animal sense of smell, tasting the air for any sign of intruder upon his territory. 


The library was just as he had left it; the air within carried only his scent assuring him that his private library hadn't been intruded upon by any other, friend or foe. 


Behind him, Jessica and the three betas follow him in, silent and solemn. 


Yunho sigh, it had been a long six day and he was in no mood to hear what he knew was coming but it was better to have it said now then later. So he closes the door behind them and breathed another deep breath, this one for the sake of his patients before he turns to face them. They were his family and they care about him. He couldn't deny them that. What they had to say was born from their love and concern for him. 


Jessica couldn't hide her worry or doubt and she made no attempt, too. There were things that her brother needed to hear and she was the only one he wouldn't silence. Besides, she had never been one to hold back, she expresses what she thought and believed freely. 


She was a princess after all; one who was the reflection of their mother in measures of strength, will and loving nurturing when she wishes to be. 


"Yunho Oppa, I know you have waited, fighting your beast, longer than most but you have to understand how ludicrous this is." Jessica's tone was emotional in her imploring for him to understand the truth of her words, "She's human, as mortal as any ever born. She can't possibly be your mate. I know you desperately struggle with your beast but to delude yourself into believing that she is actually your mate." 


Yunho turns on her with a warning growl and fire blazing in his eyes, "Do not lecture me! I know what I feel and I know that she is my mate as sure as I know I'm a Lycan!" 


Jessica's eyes and heart soften with sadness and love for her brother as her temper deflated beneath her brother's iron conviction, "Oppa. Please hear me. She is mortal. You are immortal. There are just reasons why mortals aren't matched with us." 


Yunho swiftly turns his back to his sister and stalk over to the wall adjoining his chambers where his mate soundly slept. With his superhuman hearing, he could hear her soft even breathing and calm heartbeat; the soft sounds assuring him that she was alone in the room and at this moment, peaceful. 


Yunho sigh as the wave of peace that only his mate could bring swept over him. It was something he hadn't known since childhood in his mother's caring embrace. Now, just knowing his mate rested safely only one room away was enough to bring him peace and soothe his beast. 


"I know well what this means, Jessica, but it doesn't matter." Yunho said serenely, his tone soothing, "She will grant me a few decades of peace in which I will arrange my affairs and then I will join her in death when her natural life comes to a natural end. Maybe that has always been my fate." His eyes close against his welling sadness and longing, longing for her and the peace only she could give, "I have lived too long without a mate. I have lost so many and kill even more. Some of whom I call brother." 


Donghae couldn't stand his mate's pain as well as his own any longer; the very thought of her brother's death brought Jessica dreadful sorrow and fear. He steps forward with the purpose of solemnly imploring his alpha to hear reason, "Yunho. My brother. My prince and alpha. You deserve a mate greater than any of those you hold command over. Could it be that this girl is a victim of the madness your beast is consumed by...?" 


"She is my mate! I know it as surely as you know my sister is your own!" Yunho snap impatiently, as he turns and looks at them with hard steady eyes. His patience was reaching its end. He wasn't accustomed to being questioned so, even by those he trusted and care for most, "Has the potential of this not occur to you?! If mortals can be mated with us then maybe, just maybe, our race can be saved from extinction!" 


They remain silent and as serious as the death their alpha would, in a small number of decades at best, be facing. It pains them that their alpha had finally found a mate only for her to be a mortal who wasn't of their kind. 


"But it could also lead to the fall of so many." Changmin pointed out in a low encumbered voice, speaking up for the first time since they had taken the mortal woman from the alleyway where they had saved her, "With mortal mates, once mated, our kind will only be able to survive at best a century before they follow their mate into death. No immortal can outlive their bonded mate." 


Yunho didn't argue the fact for he knew it all too well. He had seen too many mated immortals end their own lives in wretched despair and anguish when their mate was taken from them in the wars pass or by the hands of fate. Instead, Yunho looks into the eyes of his third beta with soft hope in his own, "Then maybe life will become far more precious to us as it is to the mortals who know enough to appreciate it." 


Jessica couldn't stand the renew hope in her brother's calm voice; it was as if he had already accepted his all-too-soon impending death and she absolutely refused to let him so serenely accept that premature death. Her brother was too important to their race, to their survival and to her. 


"Oppa, it's not only her mortality. What about her vulnerability?" Jessica was pleading with him to acknowledge the truth of her words, "For a moment let us forget that you are the crown prince and future king of all Lycan kind, our alpha. Not to mention that she will always be a soft target for your enemies. What about life amongst us in general? We are part animal, Oppa. It is in our nature to fight, even amongst ourselves. How would she face a challenge?" She indicated at the wall, to the mortal woman on the other side of the wall, "She would be a princess and view in the light of our queen-to-be, our female alpha. How could she possibly live up to her role, her responsibilities? An alpha, female or male, must defend their place." 


Yunho quickly suppresses the irate growl that tried to force its way up his throat at the thought of anyone daring to challenge his mate and her rightful place in his pack. Should any even think of challenging his mate the way he was habitually challenged, they would face him and his fury instead. 


"And you are our fiercest warrior." Jessica went on, indicating to him with her hand now, "Yoochun will hear of her before long and he will know that now he has the means to destroy you, once and for all and it will be easy for him once she is in his sight. One moment is all he will need to end her life and in so doing, yours as well; the both of you dead with a single blow. Please Oppa, for your sake and the mortal's, returns her to the mortal world and forget her. Let her have the mortal life she is meant to live." 


Yunho saw red and he gritted his teeth and clench his fists so tightly that his arms were shaking from the strain as he fought to keep control of himself; his beast wanted to leap into violent action against his own sister. It was embedded in his kind to protect females, especially those close to him but the compulsion to protect his own mate before all else was embedded even deeper in the nature of the Lycan, "This is the life she's meant to live, the life she will live and I will hear no more of it!" 


Even Jessica cringed back from him, his unyielding resolve clearly cemented in place and his expectancy to have it accepted and obey evident in his blazing eyes. 


Yunho refuse to be questioned. He was alpha and his word was law in his pack and territory. Yuri was his and he had no intention of letting her go for any reason whatsoever. He would fight to the death to protect her, he would bow to her every whim and need and he would keep her close. He had obligations to his pack but his mate was a gift from the moon goddess and in so many ways she would always come first. 


Before all else. For the rest of their joint lives, however brief that may be. 


The first thing Yuri became aware of was how warm and comfortable she was, so much so that she didn't want to wake up but there was something nagging at the back of her mind that was refusing to let her sink back into the sweet oblivion of the warm peace of sleep. It was truly irritating the hell out of her. It was as if a fly had crawled in through her ear and was buzzing around in her head like in some Saturday morning cartoon. 


What day was it? Did she have to go to classes or could she sleep in a little and just put in a few extra hours of study in the evening? She was so content she didn't want to move, didn't want to get up and face the long strenuous hours of study for her midterms. All the long hours of study was a major pain that she had to keep forcing herself not to slam the books shut in frustration but it was only a few more months before summer break when she could relax and truly enjoy her sleep-ins for a week or so before really getting into the joy of the warmest time of the year. 


Summer. The word made Yuri smile as summer meant that her studies were over for the academic year, leaving only shopping, relaxing and spending the holidays with her friends. Since Yoona's parents weren't using their cabin up in the mountains, they had all been talking about spending a few days on the mountains together. It sounded like a magnificent escape; Yuri was really hoping that they decided to do it. It would be nice to get away and not have to worry about anything but having fun and running out of ice cream like the last time they had all gone away together; the five gallons of ice cream that they had taken with them had lasted one night. They had all enjoy eating it but it had made them feel like sickly sluggish hell the following morning. 


In other words, they had suffered from sugar hangover. 


After that, they had ration their supply of chocolate and gummy bears. That supply had lasted three days, not bad considering that they had taken a weeks supply with them.


Upon their return, they had all had to log extra exercise hours to make up for the massive holiday intake of sugar, fatty foods and lounging about. Not that they had sat on their behinds the entire time, half the time, maybe. 


The other half they had walk and hike all over that mountain and they had spent hours swimming in the small lake at the base of the mountain and explore some caves they had found. 


They just hadn't been nearly as active as they had needed to be in order to burn off the massive amount of calories they had ingested with the ice cream alone and now Yuri was looking forward to doing it all over again. 


With a soft groan, Yuri turns and rub her face against the soft fluffy pillow that felt like cool silk against her warm skin. 


Yuri froze. Hang on, something wasn't right. She was too comfortable, too warm, the bed was too soft, to be her bed in the dorm. 


Very slowly, without opening her eyes, Yuri pull her hand from beneath the heavy covers and ran her hand across the pillow on which her head rested. The fabric was flawlessly smooth and soft like some fine expensive silk. 


She didn't have a pillow that was this soft and fluffy and cover with a silk pillowcase. 


To alarm and wary to move, Yuri turn her full attention to her other senses. She didn't need to use her hands to realize that she was lying between silk sheets beneath heavy covers that smelt oddly familiar and downright delicious in a way that made her toes want to curl like those of a contented cat. 


Drawing in a deep breath through her nose, Yuri drank in the scent that was earthy, in a deep in the enchanted woods way and something else that was richly musky and it was a scent her senses knew because it had been burn into her memory the first time she had sampled it. 




So fast that her surroundings blurred, Yuri bolted upright in bed to be greeted by unfamiliar dark surroundings. She was in a bedroom that was easily the size of the entire floor of her dorm, in the largest bed she had ever seen, cover by the smoothest silk sheets she had ever felt. They were so flawlessly smooth that the surface of water seems to course in comparison. The bedroom around her was obviously that of a man as there wasn't a single feminine touch in the room that looks like something out of an English castle. 


All the furniture, from the enormous bed to the car size desk were matching deep brown vanish timber; each and every piece of furniture look like something that was bought at a high-end antique shop reserve only for the wealthiest of clients. The furniture in the room consisted of the enormous bed that she was in which was large enough to fit eight people. The headboard was exquisitely carved with forestish design and was draped in heavy fluffy covers; the thick feather down comforter and the massive pile of pillows were draped in a black silk covering. On either side of the bed was a matching set of the polish bedside table, both featuring a small black currently light lamp on its smoothly polish top. Three large heavy deep color rugs sat on the polish dark timber floorboard. One was position at the foot of the bed and almost ran the entire length between the foot of the bed and the double hardwood door directly opposite, it had to be at least thirty, maybe even forty feet. The second, only smaller than the first rugged by a foot or two, sat in the center of the wide empty space between the bed, floor and the ceiling French doors that lead out onto a balcony or terrace or something and the third rug sat in front of the large hardwood desk. 


There were five doors leading in and out of the room. There were the French doors to her left and the large double solid looking hardwood door directly in front of her on the other side of the large rug at the foot of the bed. Then there were the two single separate wooden doors that appear to have been designed to be discrete that was in the corner between the wall with the French doors and the wall in front of her. The two doors met in the corner, almost making up the corner of the room. They were in the far corner and more than likely lead to an ensuite and/or walk-in closet or something. 


The fifth door was identical to the ensuite door but it was in the center of the wall to her right, on the other side of the large desk. Where that lead, Yuri didn't have a clue. 


To Yuri's right, on the opposite half of the room was a sitting slash lounge area. There were two large three seater deep brown leather couches facing each other with matching puffy deep brown armchairs on either side and there was an armchair in the middle. The end result was that it was a place for eight people to comfortably sit with a cup of coffee and just talk. 


They look brand new, as if they had never been used even once before and then there was the large desk, the kind with three sides providing workplace to the front, right and left, with a slim sleek black computer screen on the top middle that looks more like a television it was so large and a black leather computer chair that looks so comfortable that it could almost be slept in. 


Everything was neat and perfect, like something out of a magazine of the ridiculously rich and brooding. The style was dreary posh Victorian-England. The room was dark and dreary with its deep polish wooden tones and earth tone coloring, from the rugs to the bed covers to the chair leather, all the colors were deep and dark forest colors, brown, crimson red, dark green and black. 


There was also no sign of anything personal in the room. There were no picture frames, no knickknacks, no books, not even a single piece of clothing. 


The room was filled with the telling of a lot of money, whoever lives here like things old fashion in décor and had money to burn but it was spartan in its core; for heaven's sake, a hotel room had more than this bedchamber did. It was kind of depressing, breath-taking in its marvel but dreary and depressing at the same time. 


Where the hell was she and how in the hell did she get here? 


Yuri reaches into her memory, seeking answers but the last thing she could clearly recall was standing in the ladies room of the nightclub while Seohyun, Taeyeon, and Yoona waited for her at their table to bring back some snacks. After that, it became fuzzy. What had happened to her last night? Had she had too much to drink after all and had gone home with some guy or something? But then why did everything around her, even the scent of the air, remind her of the dark stranger who had taken over her dream? 


Yuri looks down at herself and saw, with overwhelming relief, that she was still dressed in what she had been wearing...was it last night? The only thing that had been removed, by the feel of it, was her shoes. 


Even her jewelry was still in place. 


Throwing aside the heavy warm covers, doing so regretfully as the air in the room was freezing against her heated skin, Yuri slid off the bed and look around, searching for anything that was familiar other than the woodsy scent in the room. She refuses to believe what her senses and instincts were telling her, that her dark mysterious stranger was near. 


For one thing, he was just some figment of her overactive imagination and too long ignore hormones. 


For the time being, Yuri ignores the double door that was the obvious way out and instead headed for the two single door on the far left side corner of the room. On the way, Yuri cast a look out of the French doors to see that the sky was awash with purplish pink and greyish blue indicating twilight. It was either sunrise or sunset, she had no way of knowing until the sky either darken with the coming night or lighten with the dawning of a new day. Just as Yuri had expected; the first door led to a windowless walk-in closet the size of her entire dorm room. She closes the door without looking too hard as it wasn't what she was looking for but she did notice that most of the clothes were either black or so dark a color that they were almost black. 


Whoever lives in this room didn't seem to like bright colors or any color at all, judging by what she had seen so far. 


Behind the second door, Yuri found what she was looking for; an ensuite. It was complete with a huge shower in a clear glass stall and a bathtub large enough to take diving lessons in. There she took a few minutes to make herself more comfortable and then wash her hands and face with warm water, washing the sleep from her eyes. Comfortable and more alert but not exactly refresh as she was still wearing the clothes she had dance and then slept in, Yuri step back into the enormous bedroom and turn her attention to the double door, still struggling to remember what had happened last night or in the very least try to figure out what that little voice in the back of her mind was trying so persistently to tell her. 


Now that she was fully awake, Yuri felt more alert and cautious. She didn't know where she was or who had brought her here or why they had brought her here but she intended to find out. Whoever it was that had brought her here, she would politely thank them and then leave as quickly as possible. Yuri knew that she wasn't in the city anymore or even anywhere near it. There was none of the usual city noise that she was used too. All there was was silence. She would either need a ride back into the city or she would need to call one of the girls to come pick her up. 


Yuri hopes that last night she had had sense enough to tell her friends she was leaving without them. She didn't want them to worry about her because she had suddenly disappeared. 


Laying a hand on each of the doorknobs of the double door, Yuri drew in a deep breath to prepare herself for whatever she was going to find, about what lay beyond the door and what she had done last night. She had her plan, now she just had to execute it, as Taeyeon would say and get the hell out of there. 


Inwardly, Yuri cringed; she had studying to do but right now it was the last thing she felt like doing. She didn't have a headache, well not much of one anyway but she still felt crappy like she hadn't slept long enough or she had slept way too long and had nothing in her stomach to boot. 


Throwing open the doors and taking a determined step through them, Yuri found herself face to face with a tall man with long brown hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail at the back of his neck. Yuri couldn't see how long his hair was since he was facing her but she knew that it was an unusual look for a guy, a straight one at least. His almond-shaped eyes were dark brown and even though he wore a serious expression on his long handsome boyish oval-shaped face, there was a spark of kindness in his eyes that was unmistakable and even though he made no move towards her nor show any kind of threatening behaviour at all, Yuri found herself taking a wary step back from him. There was something about him that scream that he was far more dangerous than he appears and strangely whatever that something was seemed very familiar to her. He wasn't pale like the vampires in her dream had been but there was something that reminded her of her dark stranger. 


Her dark stranger. 


Yuri's eyes widen in incredulous realization and it was all she could do not to collapse as the memories of last night hit her like an anvil. She remembers now; the vampires cornering her in the alley, a black wolf the size of a family car lithely landing in front of her to put itself between her and her attackers and then the wolf had killed two of the four attackers in a violent bloody battle of ferocious snarls, talon claws and vampire fangs. 


The world around her began to spin and Yuri had to grab hold of the doorknob with both hands to keep herself from falling. She remembers it all now, including the other three car-size wolves arriving, standing protectively between her and the black wolf as if they had to protect her from the black wolf that had protected her. 




Yuri blink, forcing herself to raise her disorientated gaze from the floor back to the face of the tall man to find him staring at her with concern, watching her as if he were afraid that she was going to either pass out or freak out. Refusing to remember anymore, Yuri steadied her stance as her survival instincts and fear merge into one and both scream at her the same thing. 




Fear and her instinct to survive hit her hard and instantly Yuri could all but taste the adrenaline being pump into her system. The top half of her body became even colder as she steadied herself. 


She had to get away from wherever she was. She had to find someplace safe and stay there. It was all real; the vampires, the impossibly humungous wolves, who for some reason were suddenly interested in her. She had no idea how she knew but she did know without a doubt that she was involved in something that was so out of her league that she was in serious danger. 


Changmin tense in response to the mortal female's own body tensing. He knew she was going to bolt but what he didn't know was what to do about it. As he saw it, he had two options; either stop her or let her. If he stops her, he would have to touch her and there was no doubt that his alpha would tear strips in his hide for daring to touch his mate. On the other hand, if he allows her to run and she hurt herself or worse, actually made it off the manor's grounds then Yunho would kill him. 


Talk about being damn if he did, damn if he didn't. 


Deciding on the course that was the least of two evils, Changmin smoothly moves back as the young mortal woman burst into action, running down the corridor towards the staircase like the hounds of hell were on her tail. 


Not looking forward to the consequences of this, Changmin reaches out to his alpha's consciousness, warning him that his mate was at this very moment running frantically down the staircases towards the front door. 


Yuri had already nearly trip and fallen down the wide carpeted staircases twice but she forces herself to keep going. She instinctively knew that her chances of escaping were slim and she wasn't going to slow down and in effect make those chances even slimmer. 


The house wasn't a house. It was a mansion, in the same décor as the bedroom but Yuri didn't have time to stop and admire it now, even though the entrance hall that she came to at the bottom of the stairs was magnificent. The ceiling of the entrance hall tower over her head by five-story high with the landing of the second floor running around the wall on three of the four walls, all except the outer wall. There were two staircases, on either side, with more than a dozen exit from the room between the two stories. The ceiling above had large thick beams that arch downwards before coming together to the center beam that ran from the front of the entrance hall, just above the door, to the back of the room. A chandelier of glass or crystal and gold hung the center point of the ceiling, dimly light it cast a golden glow over the room while allowing the shadows of the room to remain as dark as night. 


The floor beneath her feet was gleaming polish floorboards, just as the bedroom she had woken in had been. 


It was awe-inspiringly beautiful, as dreary as the rest of the mansion that she had seen but breathtaking nonetheless. 


Yuri spares only a few seconds to admire the grandeur of the mansion before she found what she was looking for. The large grand double doors that just scream 'exit' were only a few meters away. She was almost outside, halfway to freedom, a place like this had to have some kind of fence. She only prays that it wasn't too high or that someone had left the gate open as she had no clue how to open the kind of gates that lock electronically. 


She was only five feet from the door when something big and black drop into her path. 


Yuri gasp and hastily screech to a halt to prevent herself from running into him. She only just manages to stop in time to stop short of running straight into him and she just as narrowly manages to catch her balance on the smooth vanish hardwood floor and prevent herself from landing heavily on her . 


In her efforts to keep her balance, Yuri caught sight of where he had jumped from. Two stories up, from the landing to her right that overlooks her current position; the only possible place he could have jumped from. 


Yuri's eyes grew even wider, painfully wide, as she realizes that he had jumped from two stories above and had landed on his feet as if he had merely jumped down from a few feet and he had landed capably and without making a sound. 


That wasn't humanly possible, was it? 


Yuri didn't doubt herself anymore, at least not about what had happened in her life in the last week; she knew who he was the moment she laid eyes on his face. 


It was her dark stranger, the one who had saved her five nights ago and who had saved her last night. He had been a wolf then; she remembers now. He had changed back into a human from the large black wolf right before her eyes. She had been attacked by vampires and save by a werewolf. 


A royally piss off werewolf judging by the blazing fury that lit up his brown eyes. His entire form was tense and his jaw was clench tightly. 


Her inkling that he was angry was a moment later when she heard a deep thunderous growl from deep in the back of his throat. The sound was purely that of a severely piss off predator whose capture prey was trying to escape him. 


Movement in her peripheral vision made Yuri risk taking her eyes from him as she quickly looked around her and saw that the entrance hall was no longer deserted; she was surrounded by as many as a dozen people, mostly men but they all carried themselves the same way as her dark saviour, leaving no doubt in her mind that they were just like him. 


Yuri remembers seeing three other bigger than bear-size wolves the night before and she found herself wondering if any of those around her were one of those three. 


Yunho narrows his eyes in displeasure on his wolf mate, trying his best to contain his fuming beast within; his beast didn't like seeing their mate run from him than Yunho did. When he spoke his growl linger, "Where do you think you are going?!" 


At the ferocity in his voice, Yuri found herself backing away from him in wary alarm, although some part of her mind did point out that if he had wanted to hurt her then he would have done so already, not brought her to his mansion and allow her to sleep in a comfortable bed. Not one of them had hurt her; in fact, her dark stranger had saved her life more than once but still, Yuri remain wary of all of them. They were, how it was at all possible Yuri remain clueless, able to change into impossibly large wolves; they were werewolves and Yuri had seen with her own eyes that they were just as deadly as the vampires who had attack her had been. Already she knew that both the vampires and these werewolves were superhumanly fast and strong and they were all extremely dangerous. 


The thing was that, for some reason, she wasn't as afraid as she should be. She should have been terrified, not wary. 


Yuri only took a few step back before she senses someone right behind her and froze. She didn't dare look over her shoulder, she didn't want to risk taking her eyes off of her dark savior, who was the one that seems interested in her, she only hopes that she wasn't as close to one of them as she thought even though it felt that she was. 


"Let me go," Yuri beg him, her voice a trembling whimpered. It wasn't much in her nature to beg but she wanted, needed, to get out of there. Most than anything, she needed to get away from the man or whatever he was because she knew that he was the most dangerous to her and she didn't mean physical danger. In the nightclub last night she had nearly from just the memory of him touching her; she didn't want to find out what would happen if he really did touch her again, "I won't tell anyone about you. I promise." 


Yunho fought against the urge to snatch her up in his arms and hold onto her until all thoughts of leaving him were long gone. Forever. Instead, Yunho drew in a sharp breath and ignore what he wanted; he didn't want to scare her but he couldn't let her go. She was his now, forever "You are not going anywhere. You will stay here." 


At his words, Yuri instantly forgot about her fear of him. Not only had he sounded pissed off at the very idea of her asking to leave, he had actually sounded possessive. He didn't have the right to keep her here as if he owns her, "Like hell!" Yuri snaps at him, with furious defiance, forgetting her wariness altogether, "Listen here buddy, I don't know exactly who you think you are but I'm not yours to order about! Just let me go! I want to go home!" 


In the space of one second to the next, her dark savior close the distance between them and was without warning towering over her with less than an inch of space keeping them from touching, "You are home." 


Yuri had never felt so small or intimidated in all her life but she refuses to shrink back from him or flinch under his blazing intense stare that practically demanded her submission to him. She absolutely refuses to submit to him or anyone else, she needed to stand firm and stay away from him or he would intimidate her into staying. She couldn't let that happen. First, the arrogant jerk had it in his head that she was his to order about and second, Yuri found that she was once again way too aware of him. The scent she recognizes from the bedroom upstairs swept around her like a smoker's cloud of pure masculine male, all forest, and man and it alone was making it difficult to think against the urge to snuggle up close to him and breathe in the arousing scent that did delicious things to her all over and the way he towers over her so dominatingly was doing more for her libido than any other guy she had ever been attracted, too. He was all hard muscle beneath his black clothing and Yuri knew from personal experience that he was very capable with those large strong hands. 


Hands that could kill and defend with such efficiency, what could they do in the ways of pleasure? 


If she didn't get some distance between them, preferably a continent then Yuri was going to find herself wildly humping his leg like a in heat. 


Yunho could smell her body's responses to him and he found himself fantasying about getting her back to his bed upstairs, only this time she wouldn't be alone and she wouldn't be sleeping. He felt himself harden uncomfortably in reaction to his mate's arousal but he forces himself to ignore his own body's hunger. He wouldn't overlook the fact that she wasn't of his world, had she been then she would already be under him but she wasn't and he was going to have to show some patience in claiming her. She was here under his roof and that was enough for him for now but his patience would only last so long so his mate had better get it through her delicate little head that she was his and he was never going to let her go. She would learn her place here, her place being with him but until then he would have to keep a close eye on her and prevent her from doing anything stupid that would either get her hurt or place her in grave danger. 


He was going to have a word with his beta's, partially the one who had let her out of his room in the first place. She had almost made it outside; as far as she had made it had been too far. 


Stepping back from her, Yunho turns to the mated female that was Jessica's most trusted lady and female confidant, "Tiffany, take her back upstairs and make sure she stays there." 


Tiffany didn't hesitate to obey. The black-haired Lycan female with wide almond-shaped dark brown eyes who was older than Jessica by a century, approach Yuri with her head slightly bow and her hands by her side so to appear as non-threatening as possible and indicated towards Yuri that she wanted Yuri to precede her. 


When his wolf mate made no move to comply, Yunho narrow his eyes on her, "You have no chance to escape. Go with her or I will carry you back myself." 


Her temper flare in her eyes with anger that promise retribution, a look that could only be managed by a female met his own gaze and Yunho watches with great amusement as she snaps closed, clench her fists and glare up at him like she wanted to set him on fire with her eyes alone. All that remained was for her to stomp her foot like a child throwing a tantrum. She had spirit and a temper worthy of a woman, taming her was going to be a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 


His mouth water at the thought. 


Just when Yunho thought he was going to have to carry out his threat, his precious little mate turn on her heels and stalk up the stairs as loudly and as theatrically as her tiny form could manage, all the while fury roll off of her in waves. 


She stalks away like the queen she would one day be. 


As the two women reach the top of the first staircase, Yunho sent a mental command to Tiffany to feed his wolf mate. 


"She's a feisty one." Donghae comment, once they were out of mortal hearing range, "For a mortal." 


"Disobedient and wilful, too," Yunho mumble irritably, with a deep breath, reminding himself that he was going to have to be tolerant with her. It seems that taking care of his mate and watching her was going to be a full-time job. His mate had seen that she was outmatched and had decided to go back upstairs under her own power but Yunho had no doubt that she wouldn't be deterred from trying to escape from him again so easily. 


"But she isn't one of us." Changwook pointed out in a soft but deliberate tone, "She can't be your mate, Yunho." Yunho sharply turns his attention to his second beta with warning eyes, "She is. I don't know how it is possible but I know she is the one meant for me." 


"She is mortal." Changwook repeated, concern making his hard tone distinctly softer, "You attempt to change her and she will die. You are an immortal brother, should you find a way to mate with her, when she dies as will you. That is the way of the mates." 


Yunho didn't need to be told for he knew it all too well but he wasn't about to give her up over a trivial thing like mortality, "I don't care. I will have a few short decades with her in which I will know peace. Without her I'm too close to the edge, I can feel it. Without her, I'm lost anyway." 


Yunho closes his eyes and basks in the peace that she made him feel just by seeing her. Peace he hadn't known since he had been nothing more than a young pup under his parent's watchful and loving gaze. 


"If a few decades is all I can have then I will live them bathed in the joy and warmth she creates within me." 


Yunho didn't need for his eyes to be open to see the worried glances exchange between his beta's. 


For the next twenty-four hours, Yunho forces himself to stay away from his mate. Or as away as he was prepared to go. She was safely locked in his bedchamber with two guards posted at the door, one male and one female. He had left the specific instructions that only the female guard was to enter his chamber if the situation calls for her to do so. He had made it clear that no male was to enter unless absolutely necessary but by that he meant that Yuri was in mortal peril because an army of damned had just broken into the room. He had also made it abundantly clear that she wasn't to leave his chamber for any reason. 


Food and everything else she had needed had been sent to the room within the first few hours of her waking. Yunho knew she still slept, he could hear her soft peaceful sigh-like breathing, the strong rhythmic melody that was the heartbeat and the occasional rustle of bedding as she turns in her sleep. 


That he knew how angelically cute Yuri was when she slept was one of the reasons why Yunho was keeping his distance from her. At least for now. He wasn't too trusting of his control around her and he didn't want to either frighten her or introduce her to his world before she was ready. Mortal females were so much more delicate than immortal females. 


Another reason why he had practically lock himself inside his personal library was that immediately after his mate had been returned to his chamber, an acoustic chaotic feast of crashes, thuds, bangs, shattering reverberations and colorfully screech insults had entertained his pack for over half an hour. 


Judging from the ruckus, Yunho had been able to deduce that his chamber had been turned upside-down as she had thrown and destroy things during her childish tantrum and judging by the distinct sound of what had to be his computer monitor hitting the wall and then the sound of fabric being maliciously torn, Yunho didn't hold any hope for his computer or for his clothes that had been in his closet. 


Yunho had made a mental note to keep her far away from his library and office. 


None of his personal possessions meant anything at all to him, especially now that he had found his wolf mate, the precious gift that she was. She could bring the entire manor down on top of him, spend away every cent and dime to his name and he would never so much as raise a hesitant protest. What he had was hers, he was more than willing to lie anything at her feet that her precious heart desire. He would conquer the world, all of them, just to see her look at him with more than anger and caution in her beautiful eyes. 


His mate was so tentative but at the same time, even though she had fear him, he knew the bitter scent of fear well, she had still refused to submit to him in the least. She had a will that he would be thrilled to see pass on to any offspring, should the moon goddess deem him worthy of progeny one day. 


Yunho couldn't help but smile at the thought. For so long he had thought himself doom, that he would never find his mate and now here he was; with his mate beneath his roof and considering a child of his own. 


A child he would adore and cherish every bit that he did his mate. 


Behind him, Yunho sense someone enters the room, even though they made not a single sound. He was seated at his desk in his library, not working so much as he was working through his thoughts which mostly revolve around his mate whom he could hear continuously in the next room. Her breathing and heartbeat were as soothing to him as harmonious music was to the mortals. 


"Have you regain yourself, Oppa?" Jessica asks, her tone saturated with sarcasm and restrain temper; that she was extremely displeased with him was obvious. 


Yunho had been expecting his sister to come to him immediately after the pack had dispersed from the entrance hall after the excitement his wolf mate had caused but Jessica hadn't. In fact, Jessica had waited until now, the next day, to even come near him. 


Yunho didn't need his heightened sense of hearing that allow him to hear within most of the mansion to know that his house was abuzz with excitement over the newest member of their pack. There were a lot of mix feelings about him and his mate ranging from the joy that their alpha had finally found his wolf mate, to caution and fear from what it meant that their alpha's mate was mortal, to a frail renewal in hope that there may be reasoned to hope again after so long. 


Slowly, Yunho turns to face his sister. She wasn't waiting patiently for his reply. 


"I never lost myself, Jessica." 


Jessica scoffs at his reply and gave him a skeptical glare, "Please, you all but stomp your foot and drag her upstairs by her hair like some mortal caveman." 


Yunho gave no response, even though he had a nagging feeling that this was going to be one of those times when his remarkably perceptive sister was going to be right and as a result would demand an apology to be paid. 


The silence stretch between them until Jessica drew in a deep calming breath and her eyes visibly soften, "Donghae show me everything. You save her life. If you ever manage to remain in the same room with her without provoking her with your domineering pride, she will thank you. Even mortals aren't above showing their gratitude for saving them but you need to soften your approach towards her if you want her to stay." 


Yunho's fierce will and even fiercer temper flare to life in his eyes. The thought of her leaving him was inconceivable to him, "She will stay!" 


"Because you hold her here, not because it is her choice." Jessica closes the distance between them, walking up to the large polish wood desk her brother sat behind, never looking away from her his hard blazing gaze, "She's not of our world. She knows nothing of our ways. You need to remember that. Try explaining the situation to her calmly instead of acting like a wild territorial animal." 


Yunho knew the soft imploring tone was born out of love and concern for him but before he could admit to her that she just may be right, someone approaches the door, making no effort at all to quieten their hasty step and knock loudly. 


"Enter." Yunho call, pass his sister through the close door. 


A moment later, the door open and a male Lycan of his pack enter, "My lord." He greeted, with a swift respectful bow of his head. 


This Lycan was one of the packs greatest hunters and warrior outside of Yunho himself and his beta's. His name was Hyunjoong and he often went out of his way to prove his loyalty and willingness to serve his alpha and pack. Yunho saw many qualities in Hyunjoong that would make him a great leader given the chance. They had fought together in many battles for centuries; Hyunjoong's loyalty and respect for him, his prince and alpha, had aided him in maintaining control over his beast within for nearly three centuries. Hyunjoong held on because of his alpha's example of inner strength. 


Outside of the beta's and his own family, Hyunjoong was the member of his pack that Yunho trusted the most; even if something did happen to himself, Yunho knew that Hyunjoong would serve and protect the pack as avidly as he did now. 


Unfortunately, Hyunjoong had yet to find his mate and for too long the sign that his beast was starting to overshadow the man within were growing more noticeable with each passing month. Hyunjoong was of strong body and will but without a mate, he would undoubtedly turn within the next five years. 


Yunho always knew how close an immortal was to turning, he couldn't pin it to the day but he always knew when it was close. He had to know, for the sake of his pack and now his mate. As alpha it fell to him to keep his pack safe; it was his duty to deal with those who pose a threat, even if that threat came from within. 


Yunho had already accepted, although it was in no way his will or wish, that within a few years, Hyunjoong would become too far gone and Yunho would no longer allow him near Yuri or any other female. Sadly females were the first to be attacked by those who were turning or had recently turned, the damned souls are driven mad by their bloodthirsty desperation to have a mate. 


Once an immortal was on the cusp of turning, only ones true mate could pull them back from the brink but once an immortal cross that line and drank human lifeblood and became of the damned then nothing could bring them back. Nothing could make them as they had been before. 


It was the fate of all who didn't find their one true mate. Yunho had been well aware that that would have been his fate had he not found Yuri. So, mortal or not, Yuri was his salvation and whatever time he had with her he would treasure. 


Yunho fought the smile that threatens to spread across his lips. He understood Hyunjoong's turmoil all too well and he wishes Hyunjoong and every other struggling Lycan, a mate, mortal or immortal, either way, the salvation was the same. 


Hyunjoong stood tall and proud before him, showing no evidence of the inner war he was forced to fight every moment of every day, "Prince Yonghwa of the vampire clan has arrived at our gates. He requests an audience with you." 


Yunho's eyes narrow in suspicious thought. Yonghwa was a prince and vampire who weren't as animalistic as Lycan kind. The vampire was far more sophisticated and refined as they weren't at the mercy of their impulses as the Lycan kind were. Because of this, it had always been Yonghwa's way to announce his intention of visiting before he even left his own mansion. 


There was only one thing that could have brought Yonghwa to the Lycan manor. 


Yunho silently nodded his consent and Hyunjoong bow his head low to him as he left the room, closing the door soundlessly behind him. 


Yunho was in his library and his mate slumber in the next room. A single wall that any immortal could break through like wet tissue paper wasn't enough to appease him. He needed more between the vampire and his mate. Although Yunho knew that his best and the most trusted friend outside of his pack would never harm anyone in his pack unjustly, let alone his mate, Yunho was in no mood to take any chances with his salvation. 


Yunho dismiss his sister, making it clear with a look that he wanted her to keep away. Not for her safety, Yonghwa wouldn't harm Jessica than he would Yunho himself but because she had irritated him enough for now. 


Sensing and hearing the gates of the manor's ground swinging open, silently to mortal ears, Yunho move swiftly through the halls, down a wide staircase and enter his main office. Here he was still close enough to his mate to hear her clearly or get to her quickly if she needed his protection while he was further enough away that he would be able to stop Yonghwa or any of Yonghwa's own before they could get to her. 


This office, his main office, was used mainly to address pack business, handle and oversee his various companies and other assorted means of monetary income for the pack and the odd business meeting that had to be held at the manor for one reason or another. Although Yunho dislikes bringing outsiders to the manor, especially mortals who had no idea who or what he really was but sometimes it was just unavoidable. 


Barely thirty seconds later, the doors open and Yonghwa enters, flank by Yunho's betas. Yonghwa had left his own entourage outside the manor walls in this instance, which he didn't normally do, Yonghwa's coven was as welcome here as Yunho himself was in Yonghwa's mansion. Besides, there was no danger for the vampire prince here unless he himself became a danger to them. 


They had both fought for this peace between their two races for too long for either to risk their friendship and treaty but circumstances had changed since Yuri had entered his life and manor and Yonghwa knew him well enough to know that. Yonghwa had come inside alone, leaving his beta's outside because of their friendship and trust but still, Yunho's beast howl at him, warning him against allowing another male, and a vampire, into the manor while Yuri was there. 


Yunho remains unusually watchful and tense in Yonghwa's presence even as he presented his vampire friend a welcoming smile. Yunho knew why his vampire friend had come, he had been expecting him, maybe not quite this soon and he was welcome too; Yuri presented as much hope for new possibilities for the vampire race just as much as she did for the Lycan race. 


"Yonghwa, it's a pleasure to see you, my friend." Yunho greeted cordially, as he extended his hand. As much as he wanted to get straight to the heart of the matter, he had been raised a prince and in the presence of other royalty he would always be well-manner, at least until they gave him a reason not to be, "It's been weeks since you have graced the manor." 


Yonghwa returns a half-hearted smile in return and took Yunho's hand but release it without shaking it, "It has been much longer since you have graced my mansion." And then Yonghwa drop all pretense of formality. His expression became ardent and hopeful, "Is it true, my friend? Has a mortal been claim as your bond mate?" Yunho made no attempt to hide the truth from him, for the discovery of a mortal mate was significant to all immortal kind and Yonghwa had his trust, "Yes. I don't know how this is possible but have no doubt, she is my rightful mate." He didn't try to keep the hint of warning from entering his eyes that came straight from his beast, although he did hold back the accompany warning growl. 


Yonghwa had never received such a look from his friend before, not even when they were enemies and had met on the battlefield. Such a look was often associated with males in regards to their mate's safety and well-being and Yonghwa knew it, if this mortal woman had been his instead, Yonghwa would have been no different, no less overprotective or cautious with her safety. 


Yonghwa bows his head ever so slightly and steps back, a clear pacifying gesture and demonstration of submission in the Lycan way, "Is there anything to explain what makes this mortal so unique?" 


"No." Although Yunho wishes that he could find something, something that could be used to identify others of Yuri's kind; if there were any. It wasn't beyond the possibility that Yuri was the only one of her kind, "I have tasted her blood. There is no trace of anything immoral or anything unique about her in that respect." 


Yonghwa was thoughtful for a long silent minute before he turns his attention and gazes back to him. His tone he uses was even and careful as if he knew he was walking upon hazardous ground, "Blood isn't the specialty of the Lycan kind. It would be wise to allow me to taste her for myself." 


Violent warning flare in Yunho's eyes and it took every ounce of his control that had been built over millennia to keep from growling at the vampire prince. As it was he knew warning fire flare to life in his eyes, promising death to all who defied him, to any who brought any harm to his mate. 


Normally when he was around Yonghwa, Yunho had always tried to act far more good-manner than he truly was, "I tasted her blood to heal a wound. There will never again be reason for her to bleed outside of nature's way." Yonghwa was hesitant but he presses nonetheless, although very cautiously. This matter was too important to allow the fearsome temper of the Lycan prince to make him hold his tongue, "You know I would never harm any of your own, my friend. It was merely a suggestion but surely you must see the importance of exploring the mystery that is embedded in her very being? My suggestion..." 


"Shall be taken under advisement." Yunho curtly interrupted, through his teeth, making it abundantly clear that the unspoken warning was final. 


Yonghwa regarded him for a long time before glancing briefly to his beta's who had wisely stayed out of the conversation and turn his focus back to Yunho, "I have lived as long as you have, my friend. I have yet to see a mate so overly protective, even by immortal standards." 


"She is my mate." Never had words more certain escape Yunho's lips and Yonghwa recognizes his words for what they were; the dead certain words of a self-confident crown prince. 


"She is mortal in our world." Yunho stated, "And she is even now in far more dangered than any female of our kind has ever been. I will take no chances with her. She isn't only my mate and possibly the one destined to bare the next of the royal line of the Lycan race; she is also new hope for all immortal kind. If mates can be born of the mortal world in which females are plenty then our races may have a chance of survival." 


Yonghwa had already considered that, long before entering the gates of the Lycan estate; in a matter of days a lot had come to rest on the shoulders of this one mortal woman but it had also cross Yonghwa's mind that if she wasn't all that they hope she was then this mortal woman could very well be the final metaphorical nail in the coffin of the immortal races. 


Hope could be as dangerous and damning as it could be life-affirming if proven to be false. 


"But if not then she is the destruction of a prince and much-needed warrior in these desolate and desperate times, especially with Yoochun growing more powerful with each passing year. So many are losing hope and falling into the darkness." Falling into the darkness was the vampire term for falling into damnation; the darkness was what vampire call their beasts, "You are needed now more than ever." 


Yonghwa raises his arm, indicating to the top of the west wall, beyond which one floor up Yuri dwell, still lock in Yunho's own bedchamber. 


"She is mortal; there is no known way to change her state without risking her life. She will live, at best, a century and then what will befall you?" 


"Death," Yunho stated, without pause or compunction. 


"My point exactly." 


"She is my mate!" Yunho all but thunder in his friend's face, his beast straining against the hold Yunho held on him; the beast within him was itching for a fight, one which Yunho was tempted to allow; it was only centuries of friendship that kept him from unleashing his beast upon the vampire crown prince, "I will not be without her for one more moment!" 


Yonghwa allows a long moment of silence to pass between them so Yunho could regain himself before he spoke again. 


"As your people cannot be without you." Yonghwa sigh with regret, his words earnest and beseeching, even though he knew that no words would ever convince Yunho to part with his mate or outlive her. 


Yonghwa decided a change in subject might be a better course. Lycan kind knew no concession when it came to their mates; in that, the Lycan and vampire kind were very similar, "And what of Yoochun? If word of her has reached my ears then it will be but hours more at best before it reaches his. When Yoochun learns of her he will come for her with all the strength and force of his damned army. Bringing her into the night has made her the most coveted creature in all of creation." He pauses for a single heartbeat and then asks inquisitively, "What have your parents to say of this?" 


Yunho waves his hand dismissively, "I have greater concerns than my parents. What's more, they can't change what I have done or decided. She wasn't safe any longer in the mortal world. Saving her a second time and leaving her would have condemned her. With my scent on her flesh and word of my infatuation bound to spread, Yuri would have been hunted without my constant protection. My pack is enough to protect her for now. If I must I will send for more forces from my father but no damned, Yoochun or otherwise is getting anywhere near her." 


Yonghwa could see that the Lycan prince, a man he had known for centuries and had come to call a trusted friend, was obviously beyond reason when it came to the subject of his mate. It did occur to Yonghwa that Yunho could very well be so touchy because he had already had this pointed out to him by his own but Yonghwa wasn't going to let this go, at least not for long. When it came to one's mate it was extremely difficult to look beyond. Yunho was the prince of his kind; he had responsibilities and duties that extended beyond his mate. 


Yonghwa allow the change of topic, "What of the other packs of this continent? Can you not send for them?" "With word of my mortal mate, many of them will come of their own accord." Yunho look out of the window, thankful for the increase of Lycan number in his immediate territory, "Either to witness her with their own eyes or to protect her as many will potentially see her as the first new dawn of hope our race has known for millennia." "And ours also." 


Yunho turns back to the vampire prince, surprise and a little suspicious. 


Correctly interpreting Yunho's expression, Yonghwa held up his hands in a mean-no-harm gesture, "Fear not, my friend. I don't mean her specifically but what she is. If a mortal mate can be given to one of your race, maybe there can be such a hope for us." He bows his head respectfully to the Lycan prince, "You have my word, my friend. She will be protected by my coven as surely as she is by yours. I will dispatch a unit here at once. They will be yours to command. Should you need more or my personal aid, all you have to do is say so."


Yunho nodded his head silent in thanks. Normally his pride wouldn't allow outside help from the vampire to protect his own mate but he was prepared to overlook it this once, pride ran deep in the Lycan race, for Yuri's sake. Yunho wasn't a fool; he knew what his friend and fellow prince were trying to say but he hadn't needed too for Yunho knew it all too well. 


Yuri could just as easily be the harbinger of their damnation as she could be their salvation. 


Yonghwa departed a few hours later, an hour before the sky began to brighten with the first ray of dawn and Yunho found himself in his own chamber watching his mate as she once again slept soundly in his bed. 


His room was so completely trash, as the mortals would say, that Yunho was purposefully not looking at anything but her. Honestly, the room would have looked better if versatile explosives had been detonated within it. Wisely his wolf mate had left the bed untouched by her destructive temper, leaving her a place to sleep while very little else had been shown the same mercy. 


When she was awake, Yuri was a force of will that tried his patience and tested his self-discipline and she had a spitfire tongue that rivals even that of his sister but when she slept she seems so delicate and innocent, so much like a child. She slept peacefully, appearing even smaller in his humongous bed and thick fluffy covers. Her expression as serene and calm, her breathing soft and even and her brownish black hair sprawl around her. 


Her scent was the sweetest most intoxicating scent he had ever known; he wanted to drown himself in it. He wanted her sweet untainted scent to soak into him and become embedded in his very pores. 


Yunho knew her scent now, so deeply that it was a part of him. He would always be able to track her no matter how fast or how far she ran. Not that he would let her; soon enough she would know why she had to stay and it wasn't only because her life would be forever more in danger from his enemies. 


He, more than anything, wanted her to want to stay. She belongs with him, at his side for as long as they both live. Their life forces were one now, interwoven so tightly that he would never be able to live without her and when she learned to love him as her mate, she wouldn't be able to live without him either. Not that he wishes for her death, he would die for her but he would do so knowing that she would live on. If he had too, he would eventually make her promise him that she would never do anything to endanger or harm herself, even if he was lost. 


Even though he could never make the same promise in return. 


Yunho sighs heavily, close his eyes and bow his head. Everything was so complicated over one detail; his mate was mortal. She was so soft, small and defenseless; immortal females weren't as physically strong as immortal males were but they were still near a hundred times stronger than a mortal man. They were able to fight to protect themselves and they heal quickly. Immortal females were physically weaker than immortal males as it was in nature but they still were able to put up a fight and take what the males had to give, not that any would dare to harm a female other than the damned. 


Yuri couldn't. She couldn't even flee, not with an immortal on her heel. She was defenseless in his world, even though she had a will and temper that rival this planets worst hurricane. If an enemy got anywhere near her, she would be dead in an instant, taken from him forever and knowing that terrified him. Already Yuri was as precious to him as Jessica was; more so than his very existence. 


He had to keep her protected and safe and if making her a prisoner in his manor was what it took then so be it. Unable to keep away from her a moment more, Yunho silently walks around to the side of the bed on which his mate slumber and gently sat down on the bed and half turn his body to gaze down at her. 


His wolf mate was far more beautiful and feisty than he could have ever dream. Of course, he had seen women with greater outer beauty in many various forms but there was something about her that outshone them all; an inner beauty that made her shine brighter than the full moon in a black starless sky. 


Deep down, Yunho knew that Yuri didn't belong in his hostile world of darkness and despair but unless he had no other choice at all, he couldn't let her go. If she had merely been his only hope and she would be safe then maybe, just maybe, he would have had the strength to watch her walk away from him but he was the prince of his kind and an alpha; she was the reason for his people to hope. 


Careful not to disturb her, Yunho picks up a strand of brownish black hair from the bed that was so thick it filled his hand and held it. 


Oh, by the goddess. The strands were like warm silky wisps of water creasing his flesh. Each strand smell of her and the shampoo she uses, the wild jasmine shampoo that Jessica favor that she had given Yuri when he had some personal items deliver to her. 


The urge to rub the strand of hair against his face and other places that would start something that his unsuspecting mortal mate definitely wasn't ready for was almost unbearable. He hadn't known these level of difficulty in maintaining his hold on his control since he had been an inexperienced adolescent over eight hundred years ago. 


For so long Yunho had waited for her and he was thankful for her right down to the very essence of his immortal being but trust the moon goddess to continue to test him in giving him a mate he had to continue to wait for. 


For every ounce of mercy, the moon goddess supplied, so was a grain of salt given. 


Something was stirring her from her sleep, even though her slowly waking mind told her that it was still dark out. Yuri wanted nothing more than to roll over and go back into the blissful abyss of peaceful oblivion but whatever was pulling her into consciousness was sounding an alarm bell; one that was telling her that she had to wake up as she was no longer alone. 


Grudgingly but knowing she had to heed that little voice, Yuri pulls herself from her dream and allow the awareness of her senses to reconnect with her consciousness. 


There was nothing but silence greeting her ear and even though Yuri didn't open her eyes she knew it was still dark around her as no black orange golden shadow of light swirl beneath her closed eyelid. Her sense of touch and smell told her that she was still resting in the impossibly soft large bed that she hadn't had the heart to destroy when she had been delivering her vengeance down upon her captor's possessions. The only irritating thing about sleeping in the bed that had to be softer than the clouds of heaven was that she knew without a doubt was that it was his bed. She could smell him here in and around the bed more than the entire room in general and then the reason for the alarm bell hit her in the face and her eyes snap open, going wide and Yuri was instantly awake and alert. 


The mattress beneath her had been sloping downward on one side; the way a mattress did when someone heavier than her was sitting on it. She was slopping down sideward because he was sitting on the bed beside her, staring down at her with his piercing intense gaze that did things to her that made her curse at her traitorous hormonal body. 


With a startled cry, Yuri bolted upright and use the momentum to leap away from him and across the bed. 


That had been the plan anyway. 


What Yuri hadn't realized in time was that he was holding a chunk of her hair in his hand and even though her hair was long she wasn't Rapunzel for crying out loud. She made it a full meter which only put her in the middle of the bed before her hair was pulled tight. 


Yuri cried out in pain at the sharp jarring pain that span half of her scalp and she dropped down onto the mattress in mid-leap. 


Automatically, Yuri grasps hold of her hair tightly in her hand to both ease the pressure and pain and to yank her hair free from his grip as she rose awkwardly on the soft mattress to her knee. 


Without warning as she yanks on her hair, her hair came free and Yuri found herself flying backward. Since she had been putting both her strength and body weight behind the yank, Yuri found herself flying backwards through the air with more force than she normally would have and that was why she hit the other end of the bed with enough momentum to bounce her back up into the air, the momentum continuing to send her flying backwards. 


Yuri reach out desperately to grasp the sheet but it was too late; she was going to hit the floor at a painful awkward angle. She wasn't going to die or anything but it was going to hurt. Not only was the bed huge, it also had the added quirk of being unusually high. 


Yuri closes her eyes and waited for her painful jarring impact with the hardwood floor. 


"Precision isn't your gift, is it?" Inquired a familiar and very amused voice from above her. 


Yuri opens her eyes to find that she wasn't on the floor at an awkward angle as she had expected herself to be but rather she was still horizontal, even though from her hips upward she was laying over the empty air while looking up into a pair of brown eyes that were twinkling with genuine amusement. 


Now that she was no longer bracing herself for the impact of pain, Yuri could feel warm steel brace under her shoulder and with a startled silent gasp she realizes that it was his hands. 


How in the hell had he gotten over to the other side of the bed so fast that he had caught her as if he had been there ready to catch her the entire time? 


'Never mind.' Yuri told herself, as she dismisses the unspoken question a moment later. She knew. She didn't know how it was possible but she knew. She had two days to think about her situation and what had happened to her over the past five days. 


God, he had a handsome face. The kind that was said to have been sculpted by angels. Yuri knew her thoughts had just jumped with the abruptness of lightning in mid-thought but she couldn't bring herself to remember the horror she had gone through in this past week. Not when she was so close to him, in his hold, staring up into his gorgeous face that was so close to hers that she could feel his warm sweetly intoxicating breath on her face. His face was flawless, without a single freckle or wrinkle, his skin was tanned so evenly that it couldn't be anything else but natural and his brown eyes were twinkling with amusement that made him seem less imitating by more than half and then there was his body and by god, what a body it was. Yuri could feel his hands spread across her back. His hands were so big that they cup her shoulders, his long slim fingers almost meeting between her shoulder blades; Yuri instinctively knew they were hands skillful in many things. He held her weight as if she weighed no more than a down pillow and his scent made her think of wild untamed predators and hot passionate love-making deep in the forbidden woods; the masculine musky scent that made her think only of forbidden carnal things was so intoxicating that it was making her head spin. 


Unable to help herself, Yuri drew in a deep breath, filling her lungs and drowning her senses in his scent that was as potent to her as if he had been drench in concentrated pheromones. He smells like the forest, man, and raw . This was a man who was capable of all things physical and for a moment she actually considers crawling back onto the bed and begging him to join her but if she did, what would he do? Would he take her up on her offer and if he did would he be as fierce and as intensely passionate as he seems to always be in her company or would he surprise her by being slow and gentle? 


Yuri shuddered in his hold but she made no move to act on her lustful thoughts. 


"Are you hurt?" And just like that, the spell was broken and reality bit her on the . 


Ignoring his now caring, concern and everything else that should have been an outlaw for the sake of women everywhere eyes, Yuri began to struggle against his hold on her even though in her current position she knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do. 


Her dark handsome protector chuckle, amusement returning to his eyes and the next thing Yuri knew, she was flying upward through the air for a brief moment before she landed on her stomach in the middle of the bed facing the other direction. 


Too wary around her dark protector slash captor to keep her eyes off of him for a second longer than she had too, Yuri bolted up onto her knee once again and whirl to face him. He was watching her with amusement and something else, something new and different, in his eyes, something that made his eyes appear darker. 


Yuri was irritated and frustrated that she was amusing him so thoroughly that she felt liquid fire flood her veins and she exploded, finally at her limits with him. 


"Bloody hell!" Yuri snaps at him, "Who the hell are you that you can't do anything normal like everyone else?!" 


Of course, he didn't answer her. He only continues to stare at her with his intense watchful eyes as his chuckling die down. 


Yuri took the opportunity of his moment of distraction presented to look him over from head to toe. 


Before she had drifted off to sleep last night, a memory had flashed through Yuri's mind. It hadn't been clear because at the time she had been terrified and more than a little out of it but she had remembered a name. One of her attacker from the second attack had called her dark wolf savior by a name; by his name. 




It suited him. 


Apart from Yunho's piercing brown eyes that alone could probably make most women start stripping before he had even spoken a word and thick black locks that you could lose a hand in, not to mention his tall muscle build that heaven's warrior angels would be envious of, the most noticeable feature about him were his commanding domineering presence, his raw appeal and the sense of danger that hung around him like a bad cologne he had bathed in. Anyone with the bad luck to be in his presence would have an instant overwhelming reaction; men would be wary and intimidated by him, easily recognizing him as the natural top dog, the man in charge, one who was dangerous and shouldn't be underestimated. While women were still intimidated but their first reaction to him had to be the instant urge to remove their underwear. The man was lethal and ooze raw wild jungle like he ate it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 


Yuri had seen proof of just how dangerous he was. He had saved her life twice now from dangerous supernatural foes and he had come through it without a scratch. 


Not to mention it seem that he could turn himself into a wolf the size of a family car. 


"Thank you." 


Yuri startled even herself, so deeply buried in one part of her mind that she hadn't even been aware of another part of her mind sending the word to her pink color lips. She looks into his eyes and saw that fascinated confusion had consumed his face. He seems both surprise and unsure as to why she had thanked him. 


"For what?" He asks her softly. The surprise was gone; in its place was genuine curiosity. 


"For saving me." As an afterthought, Yuri added, "Twice." 


His smile stole the air from her lungs and almost made her whimper in desire. She felt so hot, achy and tingly all over, in ways that were unfamiliar to her and it scares her. The man was dangerous and it had very little to do with the fact that he was a werewolf. He was so overwhelming, so intense, that she just couldn't handle it; she couldn't handle him. 


"I would say that it is my pleasure." Yunho replied in a sultry voice, "But it's more than that." 


Swallowing against the lump in and the butterflies in her stomach, Yuri tried to snap herself out of it. She fails before she even tried so instead she turned her full focus to her confusion. The way he had phrase his response had been strange. 




Yuri expected him to explain his statement but instead, she watches as Yunho walk slowly around the bed, never taking his intense eyes from her until he was at the foot of the bed. He places his hand on the high footboard and regarded her with interest as if wanting to have the best view of her. 


What was with him? He kept looking at her like he couldn't believe she was real. There was something about his gaze that almost felt as if he had waited for her and now that she was there he couldn't quite wrap his head around the fact that she was. 


Was that why she was still there? He had the hots for her or something? 


That didn't quite fit. That night that she had tried to make a run for it, he had said that she was to stay here, that she was home. 


If she hadn't seen him turn from a wolf to a man then she would have believed he was a complete nutcase but maybe she was the nutcase. Here she was, in the house, that was more like a mansion, of a werewolf who kept looking at her like he was the big bad wolf who wanted to eat her up like she was little red riding hood and refuse to let her leave. The only thing that kept her from losing her mind from fear right now was that it had become clear to her that it didn't seem to be his intention to hurt her. He had fought for her and had saved her life twice on two separate occasions. 


Wait a minute. Yuri's eyes narrow as she ran through the two separate events. The first time he had saved her, he had appeared out of the darkness, a few seconds too late for her taste and he had slain three vampires before he had even given her any notice. The second time, however, he had appeared just in the nick of time and hadn't as much as slay her attacker for the sake of killing them because they were evil than he had fought to protect her. The entire second encounter had been about protecting her; that had been made obvious when he had placed himself squarely between her and the vampires, viscously and warningly growling at them like they had just attacked his mother. Yuri could understand how he had happened to cross her the first time. It was understandable as now that she thought about it Yunho must have been hunting or tracking them or something but that second time, it had been the second time in six days in a different part of town in an alleyway behind a loud nightclub. 


Either someone in the heaven's above really like her or somehow Yunho had known that she had been in danger, "How did you know?" Yuri asks him, her expression morphing into one of suspicion and wariness. 


Yunho visibly became serious and guarded at the change in her demeanor and he regarded her carefully, speaking just as carefully as if considering every word and action so not to be caught out on anything he didn't want to be. 


Like someone who had something to hide from her. 


"Know what?" 


"That I was in trouble that night at the club." Yuri searches the fact for a reasonable explanation because she really didn't want to face the most obvious one, "Being attack by." She swallows thickly; she hadn't been able to say the word out loud yet, "Vampires can't be that common. You kill the ones who attack me that first night so unless there was someone who wanted revenge for them which doesn't seem that likely since any of the others who attack me the second time even mention them other than saying that I had escaped death that night. I don't know why I was attacked a second time in six days but regardless of that." Yuri stare straight into his eyes, searching for the truth, "How did you know that I was going to be attacked that second time?" 


Yunho waited a brief while before he answers her but there was nothing telling in his eyes when he spoke, "The scent of the vampires." For some reason the term seems to amuse him, "And myself was left on your skin. Other immortals could smell it." 


"I shower!" Yuri protested defensively. She showers every night unless something prevented her which there hadn't been in over a month. She had even shower that night the vampires had first attacked. 


"Regardless, the scent remained. Once mark, the scent of immortals that is only able to be detected by immortals remains for weeks." Yunho explains steadily as if he were explaining himself to a child, "A kind of toxin is released into your blood and skin when immortal feed, even when I use my saliva to heal your wound, I left something lingering on your flesh and in your wound." 


A terrifying thought snakes its way into her unprepared mind and Yuri wanted to throw up as an icy hand of dread and terror wrap itself around her heart and tighten and then it squeezes her stomach too for good measure, "Does that mean I'm going to become one of you?" 


Yunho was shaking his head before she even finishes asking her question, "No. First off, you didn't receive anywhere near enough venom for that to happen. It's a myth that a mortal can be turned by just being bitten by an immortal. Fluid exchange is needed, one way or the other, depending on the race of the immortal." 


Fluid exchange? Why did she have the feeling that he wasn't just talking about a blood transfusion? 


"Second." He went on, either not noticing her moment of distraction or ignoring it, "A mortal can't be changed into an immortal. Immortals are born, not turn." 


Yuri knew she shouldn't ask because she fears the answer but her curiosity was roused, "What happens if it's tried?" 


Yunho looks unblinkingly into the eyes of his mate, knowing that a whole lot of conflicting emotions were flickering in his eyes as he considers her and her fate, "The mortal dies. There has never been an exception in all recorded immortal history." 


Oh, Yuri felt a little dismay; she didn't like that she was finding everything he was telling her so intriguing. She wasn't normal; a normal girl being kept in a werewolf's mansion should have been terrified but no, she was intrigued. 


At least it was a relief that she wasn't going to turn into a werewolf or a vampire or so Yuri kept telling herself. Needing a distraction from that line of thought, Yuri realize that they had wondered off topic, "So, back to the original question, how did you know? I get it that you could still be able to smell it on me." Boy did that sounded suggestive. Moving on, "And I remember my attackers the other night mentioning that they could smell it on me that I had been bitten, that's why I ran but how did you know?" 


With a brief pause and an obvious mental shrug, Yunho answers her, all the while giving her a meaningful look, "Something happens the first time I laid eyes on you and I know you felt it too; you just don't know what it means. My people know it; most pray for it to happen to them." 


There were weight and significance to his words, Yuri sense that what he was telling her was very important. To him. 


"In our world, each immortal is born to be the mate of another." Yunho went on, keeping his tone even and steady, "There is no one else for them and until they find each other there is no peace for either of them. There is a darkness we call it our beast that cannot be soothed without one's true wolf mate. No one else will do, it's like two parts of one soul is born into the world, destined to find each other, to become whole and until the soul is whole again the beast within rage. Wolf mates are bonded for life. They become a part of each other so profoundly that if one dies so does the other. When mates find each other, they know it instantly and from that day onward they cannot part without dying." 


Yuri had a dreading horrible suspicion that she knew where this was going; she had heard him the other night even though at the time she hadn't listen and then Yunho look straight into her eyes and said in a deadpan tone, "You, Yuri, are my wolf mate." Then he walks around to the other side of the bed and looks down at her with conviction in his powerfully intense penetrating eyes, "And I'm never going to let you go. I have waited for you all my life." 


Yuri was so far out of touch with reality that her vision was starting to blur as she tried to wrap her mind around that. She could deal with the werewolves and vampires trying to kill her but not this. 


This force of nature thought that she was his mate? Oh, hell no. She couldn't handle college guys for crying out loud and he wanted her to handle him? The man who, when face to face with whatever god resided in the afterlife, would tell him that he was in charge now? She could barely remain coherent around him for three minutes and he wanted her to be around him for the rest of her life? 


Forget it and what about her say in all of this? She had never been the type to lie down and be ordered about and she wasn't going to start now. He was just going to have to realize how really wrong he was and let her go. 


"You were stalking me, weren't you?!" Yuri accuses, as it all fell into place. It was the only way he had been able to be there to save her that night. Everything was falling into place, like that one piece of the puzzle being slid into place that made the whole image become clear. 


"I knew you were my wolf mate the first time I saw you but I also knew that as a mortal who had just been terrified out of her mind when you had been attacked by creatures you believe wasn't real. So I gave you a few days to gather yourself but I was always there watching you; from sunset to sunrise. I watch and protect you as I will for as long as my heart beats." 


Yuri couldn't bear it any longer. She couldn't stand him towering over her looking down at her as if he believes every word he was saying. Scrambling away from him, this time making sure that he didn't have a hold on her hair, she jumped to her feet but kept the bed between them, grateful for some distance separating them. 


She was no one's mate and if she ever was, it would be of her choosing, not his. As tempting as it was to fall into this y man's arms and just let him take care of her, Yuri loves her independence and life and she wasn't about to give it up for anyone, not even someone she owed her life too twice over. 


"I don't know what you think is going on here but let me clue you in." Yuri glare at him, her tone as sharp as a fighter's blade, "I don't care what you think I am, I'm going home while you are going to focus really hard on not stalking me anymore." 


"Oh really? Is that what you think is going be?" 


Something about his tone made Yuri look up at him as a wary uneasy feeling spread through her. His tone was too cocky, too arrogant; his tone was downright mocking. 


Yunho now stood with his arms crossed at his broad hard chest and was looking at her with a partly amusement, partly daring expression on his ridiculously handsome face. 


Yuri recognizes that look for what it was; the arrogant stubborn smug expression of a spoil crown prince. Yunho was a man who was so accustomed to getting his own way that no one else's wants or opinions even occur to him, "You are staying. I'm not even allowing you out of this room without me with you." 


Yuri eyed her dark savior with fierce temper in her eyes, "Are you telling me I really am a prisoner here?" 


He just continues to stare her down, not even blinking, "You are my mate. You belong here. You are staying. Here you are safe and protected. As long as there is any danger to you, you will remain under my protection but if you need or want anything, you only need to speak of it. You will have everything that is at my disposal to give." 


Yuri gritted her teeth to keep from screaming at him; she hadn't missed the whole 'I'm-a-big-strong-man-who-can-provide-for-you' implication in his little speech. What she really hated was how her inner primeval female side responded to the 'you-Jane-me-Tarzan'. 


By god, this man was so charismatic and alluring that he calls out to everything female inside of her. If she wasn't constantly fighting him there was little doubt in Yuri's mind that she would have been throwing herself at him. Fortunately, Yuri had plenty of practice at dealing with her hormones; she was a former teenager after all. So she did what she had always done; she ignores them. 


"I want my freedom," Yuri told him. 


He regarded her as a patient father would his temper tantrum throwing child that he was indulging, "Do you want to keep your life? You are known in this now; news of you has already spread throughout the entire county. There is no place you will be safe except here with me with my pack to protect you." 


Yuri's eyes narrow into slits as she processes what he said and translated the meaning. Her reply came through her gritted teeth with all the warmth of Neptune, "So I'm your prisoner." 


"You are my mate." Yunho amended, with emphasis on the first word. 


Yuri screech in sheer frustration through her teeth, she wanted to throw something. She wanted to hit something, with him at the top of the list. Yes, she had gotten it that they were werewolf-like creatures but that didn't mean that he could do this to her. 


Yunho was becoming aroused by her outburst; life and fury making her eyes blaze with life and will, her entire face and neck were flush and her tiny rigid feminine body was the most thing he had seen in all his long centuries. He wanted her, ached for her, there was no doubt about that, he hungers for her more than he had ever hunger for anything in all his existence and that included blood during his recently pass dark days but sadly, now wasn't the time. She would come to grip with the truth soon enough. She couldn't deny what was right there in front of her, no matter how hard she tried. He would be patient for now and then he would reap the rewards. 


For now, Yunho would leave her be before he did something far from honorable; it also wouldn't hurt for her to calm down and think about what he had said. Maybe next time she would be much more appreciative of all he had done for her. 


"By the way." 


Yuri turn around to see that her dark pain-in-the- arrogant jerk was no longer standing by the bed watching as she fumed. He was halfway out the door, waiting patiently for her attention. 


"The name's Yunho." And the door close and lock behind him. 


Yuri bent down and pick up the first thing she laid her hand on, a black UGG Butte boot that had come from his now empty closest and threw it with all her strength at the door wishing it had been him she was aiming at but despite her anger at him, the errant thought that she had been right in assuming Yunho was his name ran through her head. 


Feeling impotent and even more enrage, Yuri did the only thing she could do; she threw herself on the bed and scream into the pillow that was soaked with Yunho's intoxicating scent. 


Yunho needed to run after dealing with his mate. She was so frustrating and wilful but what he really needed to work off was the lingering arousal that lingers from her adorable little tantrum. 


It was scarcely an hour until full light and even though his kind suffers no effects from the sun ray, daylight hours were their most vulnerable; the day was when the mortals rule the earth while the immortals had the night. That was the unspoken treaty that had come to be long ago but Yunho was willing to risk being seen. 


He needed to let his beast lose away from his mate. 


In his wolf form, Yunho ran the estate perimeter, as he did when he was restless, checking the heart of his territory for any sign or scent of intruders. He had his vulnerable mortal mate to protect now; he would run the perimeter much more often. 


After his conversation with his wolf mate, a few things had become clear that Yunho needed to think hard about and he thought best when he ran wild and free as a wolf. 


The most immediate was the protection and security of his wolf mate. Before he had left, Yunho had order two of his packs females, both of whom he trusted, to take his mate into his personal library next door while his bedchamber was clean and put to rights. He had, of course, made it clear to the females that his wolf mate wasn't allowed to repeat her tantrum in his library that she had in his bedchamber. Some of the tomes in his library were records of his people's history and were millennia old. 


The next on Yunho's list was the wooing of said wolf mate. He was more than experience with the opposite , mortal or immortal, but Yuri seems to have something of a resistance to him when it came to his attempts to charm her. He was going to have to try something else but it was going to be difficult as he couldn't give her what she claims to want most; her freedom. He would have to try something more subtle until she stays of her own choosing. 


Unfortunately, subtle wasn't among his usual practice. If his pride and ego had allowed him, he would have asked Changwook, his beta most skill in subtleties. 


Then there was the amount of attention his mate was getting. Yunho hadn't been exaggerating to Yonghwa earlier that morning; every day more and more of his kind arrive in his immediate territory. Not only rogues, those of this kind who chose to be alone instead of belonging to a pack and travel the world with very few ties but entire pack. On top of that, the unit of vampire Yonghwa had promised would be arriving just after sunset. 


Yunho wouldn't have them near his wolf mate, only partly because they weren't of his pack; Yonghwa would be sending his most trusted but because it had mostly been damned vampires that had attacked her. He didn't want to scare or freak her out as the mortals said, any more than she already was. 


Although, Yuri was taking everything remarkably well for a mortal. The way she had fought with him just now, a man who could become a very large wolf who had killed in front of her innocent eyes, gave testament to either great bravery or one impressive temper that made her forget just what he really was. 


On top of Yuri and the seemingly never-ending string of problems that follow her, Yunho still had his multimillion-dollar company in the mortal world to run, from which came the money that kept him and his pack in the finest of modern comforts. The company was multi-million dollar corporations so money wasn't the problem. He had hired mortals to handle the majority of the dealings of his various company but there were still some things the mysterious young handsome CEO had to take care of himself and to add even more to the list of things he was leaving unattended, remaining at the manor with his mate meant that he wasn't hunting the damned which no doubt would result in more innocent mortals dying. 


When he returned to the manor Yunho was going to have to organize teams of his pack and the willing visiting Lycans to take on additional hunts. 


Feeling more at ease with his priorities organize, Yunho return to his manor, just as the sunlight hit the grounds of his estate over the rise of trees and the tall surrounding wall. He had been gone a full five hour longer than necessary but he had work a lot out and he had never let the manor drift from his earshot. If his mate or his pack had needed him, he would have reached the manor in less than eight minutes. 


Yunho glance up at the balcony belonging to his own bedroom and a wolfish toothy grin spread across his muzzle. Maybe he should see what his mate was doing when she thought he wasn't near. 


Yuri hadn't been able to get back to sleep after her dark captor, now confirm to be known by the name Yunho, had frustrated and pissed her off to no end. So she had showered, open the door to request her breakfast be brought to her early, a routine she was, unfortunately, getting into and had look for something to do. 


She had already destroyed, maim or damage most objects in the room so she couldn't do that again, as sorely as she was tempted, even though Yunho hadn't shown any reaction at her turning the room upside down and inside out; the only room she had spare was the bathroom. It had been left alone because when she had turned her sights on it the day before her sense of self-preservation had pipe up and pointed out that she needed that bathroom in working order as she was currently trapped there. 


A full five hours after she had finished her breakfast, Yuri had been surprised when the woman guard, who had arm-length black hair and charming dark brown eyes, had asked her to follow her into the next room so that the room could be cleaned. 


Yuri had complied but it had been with a self-satisfied grin on her face. She didn't feel the least bit guilty about the damage she had caused because Yunho had deserved it and he obviously had more than enough money to pay for the damage and hadn't he just this morning, before dawn, she might add, pledge that anything she wanted at all was hers? What was a little destruction of his bedroom when he had promised her anything she wanted except for what she actually did want of course. It seems that his promise only applied to things that kept her there as his prisoner. It could be worse, Yuri suppose. If she had to be in a cage, at least it was gilded and she was comfortable. 


She had been lead through the door in the wall opposite the French door that had been lock and into a library slash office that looks like a smaller version of the library in Disney's beauty and the beast. The walls were lined with shelf after shelf of old looking books but there wasn't a speck of dust to be found. There was a large dark vanish wooden desk just off the center of the room, complete with computer and big overstuff rotating computer chair on wheels, behind which was a large impressive smoky marble fireplace big enough to fit three grown men standing inside without touching each other. 


There was no window but the entire ceiling was made of glass, lighting the room with plenty of natural light but with the way the entire room was design, no direct natural light would ever reach any of the shelved books. 


Her two female guards who had allowed her awe at the sight of the room to pass before they had politely asked if she wanted anything, to which Yuri had declined as she had known they had meant anything other than her freedom. If she was going to escape her captor then she was either going to have to convince Yunho to let her go or she was going to have to get away herself but unlike before, the two guards hadn't left the room once she had made it clear that she didn't want anything. Instead, they had taken their posts at the main double door opposite the desk, inside of the room. 


That had made her smile impishly. It was as if they didn't trust her in the library alone for some reason. Geez, Yuri wonders what the reason for their mistrust was. 


There was just something about this place and its master that was bringing out her inner devil that had kick the usual residing little angel from the premises and so for the passing hour, Yuri had busied herself on the computer, researching vampires and werewolves on the internet. Most of it seems like made-up paranoid crap and superstition but she paid attention to the main reoccurring points. Daylight was bad for vampires who live by drinking blood, it was easier to believe now that she had been attacked by vampires, one of whom had drank her blood like it was a fine wine. Lycans, an older term for werewolves, turn into enormous wolves, Yuri suspected that the little titbit about only being able to turn during a full moon was fictional as she had been attacked twice without a sign of a full moon. 


Yuri had no idea how much of the rest was actually true but the more she knew about vampires and Lycans the better. 


She did, however, find herself very interested in the parts that outline ways to kill vampires and werewolves. She wonders where she could get a gun with silver bullets. She would only need one silver bullet. 


After a solid hour of research, Yuri grew tired of all the contradicting repetitive information and settle for researching normal wolves as that information was fact, not a myth and made-up paranoid fiction that best suited a low budget horror movie. 


One internet site seems particularly helpful; it describes the behavior of an alpha wolf and it was spot on with Yunho's characteristics. Whoever had written it made it sound as if they were describing her own dark pain-in-the- arrogant jerk. Only they left out a few descriptive keywords like , conceited, spoil, domineering and raw on legs. 


Eventually, Yuri was so engrossed in what she was reading that she was reading it out loud, mumbling the words to herself, only partly aware that she was doing so, "Wolves have incredible and long-lasting stamina." 


Yuri scoff, halting in mid-sentence, "Stamina, huh?" 


"You have no idea how long-lasting my stamina is." 


Yuri shriek, startled out of her wits and jump straight up out of the chair like the chair had suddenly taken a chunk out of her behind. Then she scrambles away from him where he stood behind the chair she had just leap out of. 


The stupid had whisper right in her ear with that smooth-as-silk suggestive tone of his without even alerting her that he was in the damn room. Fortunately, she was too startled, her heart racing too frantically in her chest, for the intended effect of his silken promise to have its true intended effect on her. 


With her heart racing, Yuri turns and glare daggers at him while he had a devil's grin on his face and heated lustful delight in his eyes that were twinkling again. 


"How did you get in here?!" Yuri demanded, placing her hand over her heart in an effort to keep it from bursting through her ribcage. 


The main door was right in front of her; his desk face it and she hadn't noticed any movement at all. 


Wordlessly, Yuri watch as Yunho pointedly look left at the wall and there, to the right of the desk, was the door she had enter through that lead to his bedroom. His answer to her question was obvious. 


He came in through the side door that connected with his bedroom. 


Yuri turns back to Yunho and glares her mightiest at him. Needing to mask her embarrassment at being so easily taken by surprise while reading aloud the information she had, she glares accusingly at him, "Well, announce yourself or wear a bell around your neck or something. Jeez." 


This bloody mansion was full of people but she rarely heard any of them. There were no footsteps in the corridor or the occasional cough or sneeze, not even the sound of something being drop and it wasn't because of excellent soundproofing. It was because the inhabitants of the house just move that silently and nothing was drop, probably because of the superhuman reflexes she herself had witnessed. 


The most common sound Yuri had heard so far was hush whisper outside her door; that was her only proof that the house was even inhabited. In fact, she had even gotten into the habit of dropping things and walking loudly just for the sake of the noise. 


He, Yunho, was still watching her with amusement in his penetrating twinkling eyes and it was then that Yuri realizes that she wasn't afraid of him anymore. She was still terrified of her body's responses to him but she wasn't afraid of him. She knew he would never hurt her or he would have done so already. He had even said several times that he would do anything to keep her safe. 


You didn't promise that to someone you intended to hurt. 


He was an arrogant jerk but he had never laid a hand on her other than to save her from harm or the few gentle caresses that had always been along her cheek or hair but Yuri wasn't about to fall in love with him, the blazing and intense between them aside. He was a dangerous man to love; a heartbreaker. Yuri suspected that if she did allow herself to fall in love with him it would be completely and she knew very well how much a broken heart could destroy someone. 


She had known enough pain from love lost to last a lifetime; she had loved her parents with all her heart and losing them had destroyed a part of her. Forever. 


Yunho sense his mate's abrupt mood shift, he could see her pain in her eyes and he quickly sought out a means to distract her from her current line of thought, whatever it was. With time they would come to know each other well enough that he would know what causes her such heartbreaking sorrow and know what to say to soothe her but for now, he was forced to distract rather than comfort. 


His eyes fell on his computer and a small playful grin spread across his lips. 


Yuri notices Yunho quirk an eyebrow as he glances at the computer. 


"Nice to see you know how to use a computer as anything other than a projectile." He said, with a deep chuckle in regards to what she had done to his bedroom. 


Memories of her parents were immediately drowned out by her embarrassment and anger that was aim directly at him. Yuri wanted to hurl the computer at him. He was making fun of her just because he wanted too. 


The first thing Yuri was going to do when she escapes from him was get a gun and find a silver bullet. 


Minho had spent the entire night making sure everything was as it should be in the underground lair where the bulk of the damned of the city dwells during daylight hours. It wasn't the grand palace they had once occupied in the times of old but it was safe and hidden from those who hunted them and it offers complete shelter from the harsh sun for the vampire damned. 


They change dwellings often to keep those who hunted them guessing. Currently, their safe haven was within the three-level basement of an abandon industrial factory above that had been restored enough to suit them; mostly with the possessions they had stolen or taken from their kill. They were on the outskirt of the city. They always made certain that they remain on the opposite side of the city that border the Lycan territory as the city belongs to the mortals or so was believed by all but the damned who didn't care in whose territory they hunted. 


It secretly gave Minho dark pleasure that even though the Lycan prince had tried to find the lair of the damned in the city for over a decade he had yet to even gain a clue. The damned fear the warrior Lycan prince but they fear their own prince more. The Lycan prince would only kill them whereas the prince of the damned had long ago made death a mercy. 


The prince of the damned had been away from the city for over a year, leaving Minho in charge in his stead. The prince hadn't even told him, his second in command, what his mission had been that had taken him from the city for so long but whatever it was, the prince was returning by Minho's own summon. 


Minho had sent word to his prince as soon as he had returned to the safety of the lair and it had been replied too almost immediately. 


It had only read, written in mortal blood, 'Arriving two nights hence'. 


Of course, Minho had told his prince everything and had known its importance would outweigh anything his master was doing. 


It wasn't every day that their greatest enemy acquires a mate, let alone a mortal one. 


Minho snap to attention as the door whoosh open with a loud piercing metallic bang and the prince and leader of the damned, one of the most powerful and oldest surviving of their kind, stalk into the throne room like the dominant ruling power that he was. 


Without greeting anyone, took his place on his black solid gold throne on the five stairs high dais on the opposite side of the room from the door. 


Minho was the second in command. While the rest in the room fell to their knee, he had earned his right to remain on his feet, expected only to bow his head. 


"Sire." Minho greeted reverentially. He had two fresh terrified mortal females, always the most beautiful that could be found, even though mortals pale so in comparison to the flawless beauty of an immortal female, ready for his master to feed upon, waiting at a moments warning to be brought to him. 


"Tell me of this mortal the Lycan whelp has found!" Prince Yoochun demanded in a low icy hiss. 


"I have tasted her scent myself, my prince." Minho answer quickly, he had earned his place as second in command of all damned but the prince of the damned would still kill him as surely as any other, "I witness with my own eyes that he regards her as his mate." 


"This is what we have been waiting for." The prince of the damned sounded downright triumphant, "The demise of our enemies is now at hand." 


"Excellent, my lord." Minho bows his head. 


"But this mortal mated with a Lycan requires further inquiry." Yoochun told him, his tone one of calculation, "Either the Lycan prince has fallen into madness or there is something unique about her." 


"Should I investigate for you, sir?" 


"No." The prince of the damned turn his attention to the dark figure who had escorted the prince to the lair of the damned but had remained unnoticed in the doorway of the throne room, "I have someone else in mind to investigate this. Someone who can get closer to her than any of us." 


Beneath his low black hood that cast black shadows over his oval-shaped face, the figure grin with evil delighted anticipation. Yes. He could get closer to the Lycan prince and the Lycan pack than any other damned on earth and they wouldn't even know he was there until it was too late.

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This looks interesting to read. Just realized there’s ChangWook and Yoona too in this story
marinelee #2
Chapter 16: Beautiful!! So detailed and captivating! A well written story about one of my favorite!
Chapter 16: Can you please make spin off for the other couples? especially yoona and changwook
divinecomedy85 #4
Chapter 16: It took 3 days to finish your story and I loved everything
Thanks for your hard work! I appreciate very much!
I'm an extremely silent reader 100% of the time.
I wish this story gets more love.
Loads of good energy for keep going on with the awesomeness.
Keep up the great work.
Kennyf #5
Chapter 16: I'm going to miss this story soooo much :c
Thanks for everything you both have done dear authors :3 <3 luv ya
Chapter 16: Hope you get better soon sista...
And Good job for you, mmm what should I call you by the way? Butterflylover's sibling...??
Maybe you two should collaborate again soon... Hehe
sy5280 #7
Chapter 16: Thank you both authornims ... hopeful the original writer will get well soon ... really loved to read how Seohyun convinced Yonghwa to bite her ... hahaha ... agree will be good to read their side story since the Vampires are so different from the Wolves!
Kennyf #8
Chapter 15: Last chapter? Noo, may I ask for a little epilogue? I wanna see the story of the others couples, I need my yongseo's story at least :(
Chapter 15: What??? Last chapter already?
Hopefully you can give me some yongseo moments please...
raindrop_panda #10
Chapter 15: can you please make side story for the other couples too? your story is so great btw