First Day First Years

Walkin' In Time
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"Good morning, I am Mr Kwon and I will be your form tutor for the year, if you have any problems you can come to me or Ms Cao, the school councillor. Any questions?" he looked around the room, pretending not to see the few shaky-looking first years with their hands up and clapped his hands together. "Great, if there are no qu-"

"There were questions, people had their hands up."

Hyuksoo turned to look towards the student who had spoken up, a blonde boy with what he could only describe as "-face), he looked down at the sheet on his desk and saw the boy was Kim Sunwoo, a bird hybrid.

"Ah so they speak, okay Mr Kim what is it you want to say?" Mr Kwon challenged making the boy next to Sunwoo scoff, by the ears on top of his head the elder male quickly identified him as Heo Hyunjoon.

"Weren't you listening? He said that other people had their hands up not us" Hyunjoon said, looking more than a little unimpressed as a third boy, this one brunette and clearly human, tugged on his shirt to get them both to stop speaking off. Sunwoo smirked and leaned back in a show of confidence.

"Why don't you ask who had a question again and this time actually answer them" Hyunjoon nodded as if to back him up and the third boy seemed to be contemplating smashing his head against his desk.

Hyuksoo smiled, a genuine smile and clapped his hands as the students looked at him in utter confusion. "That was good! See these two boys just showed you all how to survive in the twisted world you guys call high school. The teachers won't care to help unless you are able to speak up, teachers get paid regardless of how much you know because their only job is to 'teach' you the material, and if you fail it won't be on them". Mr Kwon explained, the students looked around in worry, clearly not expecting such a welcome into school.

Mr Kwon looked around and smiled again, drawing the attention of the students as he spoke kindly. "Remember during this year I will try and help and guide you as much as I can but if you aren't able to speak up then I won't be able to help" the students nodded slightly clearly bewildered, but Hyuksoo took no notice and instead started calling attendance, dismissing them when he was done.

"Wait you two-" he watched the hybrids pause and the blonde one grab the sleeve of the human, Eric, as he discovered during attendance, Hyuksoo smiled "you three" and signalled them to his desk. The human looked cautious but nodded whereas the hybrids looked unfazed and followed along.

"I'm glad to see that there are a few people in my class who know how to uphold justice. You three will be my favourites"

"I thought teachers weren't allowed favourites" Hyunjoon questioned, eyebrows raised in challenge but Mr Kwon merely waved him off. "Don't be silly, every teacher has favourites they just don't admit to it. I do because I like to live a clean and honest life". Sunwoo scoffed but didn't comment, Eric nodded clearly confused by the man's logic. 

"Now off you go, you're going to be late for your next class regardless but the faster you leave the less trouble you'll be in" Mr Kwon said as he leaned back on his chair. The three boys left in a hurry, Sunwoo throwing a dirty look and saying "and whose fault is that, favourites my " over his shoulder at the immature teacher.

When they arrived to their next class they were out of breathe and had an older women glaring at them. "You're late! You can stay ten minutes after school for wasting time". Hyunjoon rose an eyebrow and Sunwoo smirked, Eric just shook his head and walked towards a seat as fast as he could to get out of the cross-fire which was about to occur.

"We're a minute late and you lecturing us is wasting time" the teacher looked startled at being talked back to but quickly regained her composure. "It's always your kind which is causing trouble" she huffed, Hyunjoon's blue eyes narrowed into a glare before turning around and walking right back out of the classroom. Eric slammed his hand down on the desk and walked back to the front of the room to stand next his hybrid.

"You do realise that what you said is discriminatory and goes against the law, right?" she opened to retaught but he quickly cut her off. "I don't care whether you now want to defend your comment or whatever but I'm afraid there is no way to excuse that kind of behaviour" he scolded her like he would an unmannered child. Sunwoo stood proudly next to his companion looking thoroughly amused by how disgruntled the old hag had become.

"Times have changed and behave like that is no longer acceptable. We will not be showing up for a detention but you will be showing up to a disciplinary hearing with my father, Director Son". He didn't bother to listen to her stutters as he turned around to address the other student in class, who had all been sitting in silence, watching the 'fight' with wide-eyes. "Next time you hear words or see behaviour like this, please don't stay silent. These kinds of words can hurt those they are directed too and it is a violation of rights. You can leave, this class is dismissed".

He turned around and headed out the door, Sunwoo following quietly behind until they were out. The humming bird pat his younger companion on the back and Eric smiled at him. "You were so cool, that old hag couldn't even process what happened. Guess we have to go talk to papa Son" Eric rolled his eyes but nodded. "Shouldn't we find Hyunjoon first?" Sunwoo shook his head, a playful smile on his face.

"Nah, let's just send code red to Kevin. We just have to text him a few times until he bothers to check his phone". Eric shrugged and agreed, the two binge texting the Shiba inu hybrid until they saw that he had read the messages. "Well that's done, now let's go get a teacher fired!" Sunwoo said nonchalantly as he walked towards the main building.


~T H E  B O Y Z~ 

The first lesson had only just begun but Kevin already felt like something was off. Changmin, ever the observer, was quick to notice how distracted he was. "What wrong with you?" Kevin looked towards him with a frown. "Nothing..

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thekeytodestiny #1
Chapter 5: This is a really cute story! And the boyz’ friendships and relationships are adorable!
TofuTurtleHime2468 #2
Chapter 4: Imma just say that my former chemistry teacher made the same comment about my class needing to ask question but not because he was supportive like Hyuksoo but because (this is a legit quote) "you're all gonna fail this class"... yeah... he hated my class lol um-
Anyways I love your characterizations and relationships in this story, they're very interesting and great :3