Stigma Theory

I'm Fine/Save Me

In the teaser there was a line in Korean where it said "There many different whales speaking entirely different words." This line was in the song, "Whalien 52" I think the lyrics of the song Whalien 52 is dealing with a whale, and loneliness so it kind of makes sense. So the song itself is probably talking about how it feels by being pushed away, and when someone says something, they still get ignored. The different whale are the members. I think meant that they are human with different personalities and opinions. Due to that they lack each other for support. Only thing that makes their pain or issues to go away is the sea. There the sea, that represent the most beautiful moment in life. The sea represent Army.. Like in the concert, BTS is having so much fun. We light up our bombs and make the sea for them.. What V is trying to point out is that children are being abused. And are scared to reach out for help. They seem normal, but in the inside they are dying slowly. Stigma means a set of negative and often unfair beliefs that a society or group of people have about something. V had negative thought about his dad who is an alcoholic and a abusive.  Due that he only thought that ending the pain was to kill him. Being abuse can lead to having stigma. Making you think that no one cares. And it makes you lose confident in yourself. 


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