[four] First Weekend

Oh! My winter love

It was my first Saturday in Korea, and Woohyun had promised to take me around and visit areas in the city, like a tourist. We decided to take the bus, figuring that it would be more fun and convenient. It was snowing crazily, so I wore a white long sleeve with black tights, leather boots, and a brown coat to finish. Woohyun, once again, had the ability to look better than me and still stay warm. He was always gorgeous, anyways.


The thought of spending the weekend with him sounded splendid. I


 We had gotten onto the bus and sat together, with me at the window seat. He would point out things every now and then, as we passed certain places that were worthy of notice. “…And that place has the best ramen!” he laughs. He then rested his head on my shoulder, and closed his eyes. He looked so innocent, like a little boy.


I tried to move away, but he pulls me closer. “Don’t move, I’m cold”, he whispers. My cheeks felt warm, and I could feel myself blushing. The bus stops at our destination – Samchungdung, and he grabbed my hand to pull me of the bus. It was already midday, and the sun gleamed brightly into my eyes.


He pulled me down the busy streets, never letting go of my hand. The shops were larger than the ordinary stores in America, and I was in awe of all the beautiful clothes displayed inside. We walked down a street after another, until we ended up at the nearby park. I explored the park, until I felt a sudden shock of cold, wet slow sliding down my back. I turned around and was pelted by a snowball in the chest. Woohuyn’s laughter could be heard, and I returned a snowball – only it landed in his hair and trailed down his forehead. That left his just as wet.


This resulted as a snowball fight, even though there were only the two of us. Bu the end of it, we were both dripping wet and cold. He led me into a small, cozy coffee shop that smelt like fresh flowers and cake. The sun was sinking, and the sky was slowly darkening. We sat down at a table in the corner, cheeks bright pink from the cold outside. A greasy waiter stood by our table, his tall figure creating shadows on the wall. He had a nice, warm smile as he took down our order of 2 cappuccinos.


As he returned with our steaming hot coffees and placed it on the table, he winks at me and asks “On a date, huh?” and left. I turned to Woohyun, to see him laughing at what the waiter had said. The picture of a heart was perfectly drawn in the froth, a contrast of white and brown. I took a sip of the boiling hot drink, and recoiled almost immediately. There was foam left on my lips.


I reached for a napkin, placed by the salt shakers. Woohyun grabbed my hand, murmuring “Let me just get that for you,” with a little, one dimple-d smile. Before I had the chance to answer, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss started off gentle, and progressed into a more passionate, deep kiss. I could feel my heart fluttering madly, and my stomach sinking.


After a while, he pulled back and grinned. As if my expression was dazed, he apologized gently, “I’m sorry if you didn’t want to…”

His sheepish smile was so adorable; I reached over and pinched his cheeks.

“It’s alright, I love you...” I whispered, squeezing his hand tightly. As I began to pull back, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.


Mum is currently calling you.


Mum?” I ask, sounding bored.

“Are you Kim Ji Eun?” An unfamiliar voice replied. I could hear constant shouting in the background. Who was this person? Why were they using my mum’s phone? I quickly answered yes, and waited for the person on the other end of the line to reply.

“Your mother has been hit by a car, and is now in critical condition. I recommend you visit the Seoul city hospital now before it’s too late. I’m really sorry.” As the voice finished, I felt tears pooling in the edges of my eyes, threatening to fall down te sides of my already warm cheeks.


And that was it. I ended the call, my frantic eyes blurring away with tears. Woohyun notice my hand shaking so hard, that he leaned over, and pulled me into his arms. I started sobbing quietly, destroying his sweater. “What happened?” he asked me quietly, not wanting to disgruntle me in any way.


“Mother. She’s in the hospital. She got hit by a car.” I answered shakily, sobbing in between words. Woohyun looked into my eyes understandingly, grabbed my hand and paid for the coffee. As we tracked down a taxi, he whispered comforting words in my ear.


Soon after, we arrived at the hospital, and collapsed in the waiting room seats. My heart was beating furiously, as I feared of my mother’s death. I could still feel the warm streams of tears slid down the sides of my face. I felt worried, nausea sinking into my stomach. As the doctor exited the emergency room, I dashed towards him, almost collapsing into a heap on the floor.


The doctor gripped my arm, stabling me. “I’m sorry, we weren’t able to save her. She was in a critical condition, and lost a lot of blood. I really am sorry.” He whispers softly, his face tight. I looked up at him, almost pleading. My vision started blurring out, and I couldn’t remember anything except for the strong arms which have grabbed me before I fell to the floor.

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camerielai #7
hwaitting!! update soon!!