[Two] First day

Oh! My winter love


I could hear my boots clanking on the smooth linoleum ground as I entered a noisy hallway filled with students, teachers and maroon coloured lockers. My uniform was perfectly ironed, my hair had behaved, and I had a perfect night sleep. Yet, my confidence levels were at 0%, and I couldn’t help but feel anxious about my first day.


I felt lost among all these strangers, all staring at me, the new student. Was I really that different from everyone else? I walked towards the school office, admiring all the beautiful artwork hanging on the brick walls. The walk felt like hours, even if it was only for a few minutes, or seconds perhaps.


I gasped the moment I reached the office. It was pretty obvious that it was the office anyway. The bright light created shadows behind the sophisticated furniture. A petit lady sat behind a counter, her glasses low on the bridge of her nose. She reminded me of my grandma, the beautiful lady that had raised me while mother was at work for our life money.


She looked up from her book, and eyed me slowly. “New student?” She asked. All I did was weakly nod, unwilling to embarrass myself. I wrote Kim Ji Eun, Year 11 in my neatest handwriting on the form which I was given, along with my school schedule.

Schedule of the day

Class 1: Maths

Class 2: Geography


Class 3: Music

Class 4: Science


Class 5: History

Class 6: Trigonometry

Sigh. I returned down the hallway which I had just come from as the bell rang, and made way towards my first class.


By the time I finally arrive, the entire class had gotten into their seat and prepared to work. There was an empty table, made for two. I plopped down on the chair closest to the window and closed my eyes, hoping that the day would end quicker. Suddenly, two warm, soft hands wrapped around my eyes, blocking my vision.


“Guess who!” The voice commanded jokingly. I’d recognise that voice anywhere; it was my new neighbour, Nam Woohyun. An unfamiliar giggle escaped my mouth as I pried his hands off my face and turned to greet. As I turned, I noticed that he had settled in the seat beside mine and had wrapped an arm around my shoulder.


Mrs Chen entered the room and commanded for the room to be silenced. For once, I felt like I belong. Temporarily, anyways. I attempted to work on the algebra worksheet that the teacher had distributed, realizing that I’ve done it all before, back in Oklahoma.


Woohyun, however, wasn’t grasping the concept really well. I leaned over, quietly explaining the equation the clearest way I can, often lost for words. I looked up once in a while, and every single time, I would notice the same person staring at me.


He had high cheekbones, a sleek face, and matted hair. I poked Woohyun’s arm, and whispered “Who’s he?” with my eyes focused on the handsome stranger.


“Him? He’s Kim Jonghyun, the most popular boy in the grade. He may look nice, but don’t let him get to you. Girls swoon at his feet, yet he ignores all of them and uses them as puppets. He’s not as nice as you think.” Woohyun explained.


I eyed Jonghyun one more time, and yet, his grimacing eyes were still on me. His lips were slightly tilted at its edges, as if he was smirking at me. Yeah right, why would he ever notice me? I’ve got no talent, specialty, or even good looks.


Luckily, the bell rang and prevented me from thinking on. Today was going to be a long day, and I knew it.

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vgdrj hfkghkhjghdf
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camerielai #7
hwaitting!! update soon!!