[Three] Ice Prince

Oh! My winter love

I sat in the school cafeteria, picking at my salad, when I saw Jonghyun enter with a trail of girls following him. They would often pull on his arm or mutter something among themselves.


Everything he did seemed so fascinating to them, like they can’t get enough of him. And yet, all he does is ignores them or push them away. He wore an expensive sweater, and a gold watch that glinted off the bright light. Show-off. At the thought of that, he came up, and sat down right next to me.


“What were you doing with that guy? What’s so great about him anyways? He’s just some poor guy who lives in a shack, big deal. Damn that, I’ll make your life better babe.” He stared at me, probably just teasing the new girl. The girl that knows no damn thing about this new school.


I ignored him, along with all the envious looks that his trail of girls threw my way. Who did he think he was, judging other people by their wealth? Didn’t he know that my wealthiness is just about half of Woohyun’s? What does he want from me? His standards were high, and so was the number of girls following him around between classes, and lunch, break, and before or after school.  


I looked into his eyes, realizing that they were a deep mud brown colour, and rumours were true – his eyes were as big as puppy eyes. I made a mental note to slap myself after, just for thinking of that. He was just a spoilt, rich kid who thought that everyone who didn’t have as much money as him was rubbish. That’s right. Rubbish.


I walked away from my table, abandoning Jonghyun and his little minions there, looking at me. I didn’t care of what they thought; all I knew was that I had to get away from them. I walked out through the wooden, oak door and entered the cold. My cheeks felt pinched as soon as snow had touched it, and my hair was covered in cold ice.  I sat down on the benches just outside, staring in wonder as the snowfall suddenly became heavier, and the snowflakes gradually became larger.


A girl came up, and sat next to me. I expected some nasty remarks, or a question regarding if I was new. But no, we just sat there in silence, feeling the awkwardness increase in the atmosphere. I finally turned to look at her. She was beautiful, from her perfectly waved hair to her naturally pink lips, and bright eyes. She owned a body with a tall, thin frame, with surprisingly long legs. I looked down at my body. I wasn’t as tall, nor as thin as her, and my legs weren’t as long either. For the first time, I felt a twinge of jealousy, lodged somewhere between my ribs.


She must have noticed my gaze, when she looked over and smiled, showing a row of perfectly white pearls. “Hi, I’m Jiyeon. I’ve seen you around in class, are you new?” she asked. Here we go again, the story of the new kid. I nodded solemnly, staring forward and focusing on the snow as it builds a thicker layer on the ground.


“My name is Ji Eun, and today is my first day.” I could still feel her gaze on me, studying me as if I were to be a scientific project. Sigh. I could feel that she understood the bored, yet annoyed expression on my face, and seemed to forget about the question she had just asked.


“You and Nam Woohyun are pretty close, huh? I saw you two in math class; you were like lovebirds – the skinship, giggling, even the casual touching. Spill the beans, you’re dating, aren’t you?” she asked. Did everyone at this school ask the same thing over and over again until your head exploded? I faked a smile, knowing that she was just being nice. The only reason why I felt so crap was because of the horrible day I was having, I guess.


Chuckling, I answered “No, we’re not dating. He just happens to be my neighbour, and also the only person that I know in this school. I guess that’s why we were so close.” I knew that I was blubbering, but it didn’t matter.


Jiyeon turned to me and slowly said, “I’m new here too. I’ve only started this school since last month, yet I’ve failed to settle in with everyone else. I thought that everyone was snobby, and then I met you.” She smiled, and continued, “And about Woohyun, he’s been quite since I came. He didn’t talk to anyone, and everybody thought he had a problem. And then you came, and we all saw him laugh for the first time in ages. Remember the place you sat in math? He usually sat there, alone and quiet. Sorry, I said too much.”


I looked at her, wide-eyed. It was nice that she thought I was the only person in this Hell High that wasn’t snobby, but the second half of her speech caught my attention. Woohyun seemed so bubbly and happy, he didn’t seem like the person who you’d expect to be quiet, not that I was going to question him.


The bell rang as Jiyeon and I stood up and began to walk off to class, the thought of Woohyun still fresh in mind. Why? I thought as I stepped into music class, where a stampede of students were making a huge fuss inside.. Did I really make such a difference?


This was such a crap chapter, but my mind just went blank ;------;

Maybe next chapter will be better? If I'm even bothered with continuing this story, that is.

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hwaitting!! update soon!!