2,000 Years Ago

YG Dragon Season/ K-Pop Dragon Season

*Ancient Wizard's* POV Year 446

" I'm going to make those filthy dragons pay for ruining my life!!!! Once their children are gone, they suffer just as I have." 


*No One's POV*

The ancient wizard's name was Tam Joon, and he hated dragons with a passion. He had a wife and twin daughters, but all of them were dead because of those so-called majestic beasts. A fire dragon from the land Sobong murdered his wife and  kidnapped his daughters. He spent years calling their names, searching for them deep within the forests of Je. Eventually he gave up all hope of ever finding his precious daughters ever again. But he had a secret that not even his wife new about, he was a wizard. But after the tragedy of his wife and daughters his powers were as dark as night, and his hatred was a raging flame inside that darkness. He took an oath upon his wife's grave that he would not only avenge her death, but he would make them suffer a loss. The biggest loss any parent could ever face, loosing their child. He chose to target a very specific group of dragons, they were the dragon council, which broke up into two seperate groups, YG lead by the Yang clan, and then there was SM which was lead by the Lee clan. These two clans often had disagreements, that lead to the death of a small forest. But they always were able to work together when it came to dragon-human relations. The young dragons were all in their pre-teens, and quite handsome as dragons go. They loved to hang out together and do whatever they felt like, whenever they felt like. One day when they hang out by the waterfall, but Joon was waiting for them, with his spellbook in hand he planned to make their lives very miserable. He chanted the spell for wind, and they fell into the lake that was at the bottom of the waterfall. Then he chanted in a low voice " O god of time, and change send them ahead of time, tempus itinerantur 2,000 annis in posterum!" And a giant portal opened up and they all fell through it, into a new time. It took them several years to begin a normal life, but they found new families to love and care for them. Some went to one family some went to another family. The only help that their parents could provide them was a book. The title was Dragon Mating Season: For Dragons and Human Mates. They never knew what it meant, but little did they know it would change their future.

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dylm21 #1
Yay a chaekris story.
Taylor123 #2
Chapter 6: It’s really good so far i like It I’m interested to see the plot twist
Taylor123 #3
I’ve havent read a chaekris in so long super excited
Faith_Lee #4
I'm excited ~ so long without a chaekris story