Your Fantasy Is My Reality


Maddie Park isn't a normal girl. In fact, she's what you could call a freak. Well that's what her previous classmates at her school called her. She was an outcast, a loner. She didn't try to make friends with anyone and often kept to herself. She comes across as cold and arrogent but all she wants is for someone to understand her. Her parents have taken her to hospital's and mentle homes but no one seems to know what's wrong with her. She makes objects move without touching them and makes the seasons go out of wack when she's mad.

One day she's in her room doing her homework when an elderly lady appears in her room and tells her she's not like other people. That she has a gift. The elderly lady talks to her parents and before Maddie know's it, she's on her way to YG Hall. A school for all things Supernatural.

Will she be an outcast there?

Will she find love?

Will she fulfill her destiny?


Yes, I've got a new fanfic after what? 2,3 days? But I had this idea and I wanted to share it with you guys so I hoping(Fingers crossed) that this one will be more successful than the last one I put up. LOL


So please check it out and I hope you enjoy it.


And if you have any tips on how to make it better or on how I can improve please leave a comment and I'll be sure to put it into practice!


Thanks everyone!


P.S. This isn't like Harry Potter. I may seem like it but it's not.


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No , its not boring author-nim .. Its great ! I mean , awesome !!!!! Please update *bear hug*
mysteriousaura209 #2
i like it so far, so please update!!!!!^^