
Your Fantasy Is My Reality

Chunji P.O.V.


We got into the dining room and I spotted Eunmi. "Hey Eunmi!" I called out to her. She turned around and smiled. Man, her smile killed me. Ever since the ball last year I've thought of her in a whole different way. She's so sweet and nice and she's funny too.


"Hey Chunji." She came over to me. "How was your holidays?"


"Good, yours?" I asked.


"Really good, but I'm glad to be back." She giggled.


"Hey, you know that girl that you were with earlier tonight." She nodded. "Is she new?"


"Yeah, came today. She's been living with the humans her whole life. I guess she's not used to this kind of life. I'm guessing L.Joe wanted to know?" I nodded.


"I think he wants to get to know her but he won't say it. By the way, what's her name?" She smiled and nodded.


"Her name's Maddie Park. She's really nice. Do you guys want to sit with us for dinner?" She asked.


"Sure, I'll go get the guys." I smiled and went to get them. "Guys, come on we're eating with the girls." I took L.Joe's hand and dragged him over there.


Yujin P.O.V.


We all sat down then I spotted a orange head coming closer to our table. "Hey girls." Chunji greeted. I looked at Eunmi who was smiling and offering them all a seat around our table. She always gives in to Chunji. Yeah, he's cute and all but I still don't trust him after his little stunt that he pulled last year. I mean, he blew up the teachers lounge and the only reason he's still is because his dad is one of the important people in the Magic World. If it weren't for his dad he would be out of here. CAP sat next to me, which I wasn't happy about because he scares me.

"Hey." He mumbled.

"Hey." I moved uncomfortably in my seat. I don't know about Maddie, but she looked overwhelmed. I mean she just got here and she's seen things moving around and a whole bunch of people who have powers. When we saw the school's ghosts on the way to the dining room she screamed and ran away. She's one fast runner, it took us a while to find her. So now here we are with Teen Top. Yes, they're known as Teen Top. Personally, I don't like any of them. I looked at Maddie again and dsaw she was blushing a little. She was sitting next to L.Joe. He was cute to but he was really quiet and depressing. I just hope he doesn't do anything bad.


Maddie P.O.V.


So I'm sitting next too the orange haired guy. His name is L.Joe. He looks upset for some reason and he has his bangs in his eyes. I don't like when people have their bangs in their eyes because I can't see them properly. "Um, L.Joe." I called nervously.

"Yeah." He mumbled and looked at me.

"Can I get your hair out of your face. It's annoying me." I scratched my head.

"Whatever." He sighed and I brushed his bangs out of his eyes.

"Much better." I smiled

"Thanks." He mumbled.


L.Joe P.O.V.


When she brushed my bangs out of my eyes my heart began to beat fast. I haven't felt this way since her. Maybe I should get to know this girl. She seems nice, and her smile is so much like hers. She reminds me so much of her. "Welcome back students!" Our school principle came into the room. "It's so good to see you all again." She beamed. "I hope that we will all have as much fun as we did last year and that we all respect each other and work hard." Well I hope I have more fun than I did last year. "Now lets have the first dinner of the year together and enjoy each others company." She smiled and waved her hand and our tables were full of food. Like every year, our first dinner was a feast. I looked to my left and saw Maddie, yeah Chunji told me her name. She had a big smile on her face and I saw a certain sparkle in her eye. It made me somewhat nervous.

"Dig in everyone." CAP said and everyone took their food.

"This is so cool." I heard her say and a smile was coming onto my lips but I stopped it before it could form into one. "Do you like it here?' She asked. I turned my ehad and saw her smiling.

"Yeah, I guess it's okay." I said blankly.

"well I've never been with people like me before. My parents had no idea what I was. Well my dad anyways." She frowned a little.

"What happened to your mom?" I asked and took some food.

"She passed away. Car crash. I was about 4, so I don't really remember. But at least I had my dad." She smiled and ate some of her food. "So, how long have you been coming here?" She asked me and ate some soup.

"About 3 years. You're new yeah?" She nodded. "Well as long as you listen to the teachers and stuff like that you'll be fine."

"Do you follow the rules?" She asked and I gave her a weird look. "You just look like you don't, that's all." She shrugged and continued eating.

"Well the teachers are annoying and the classes are boring so I don't really attend." I said and ate.

"So what are you?" She randomly asked.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Well I'm a witch so what are you?"

"A warlock. It's what boy 'witches' prefer to be called." I explained.

"Well, do you think you could teach me some magic if you're not busy?" I glared at her.

"You learn whilst you're here. I don't have to teach you anything." I firmly stated and continued eating. I could see that she was frowning and she continued eating. I didn't mean to be mean I just don't want to get close to anyone after her. I'm not ready to feel that way again.



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No , its not boring author-nim .. Its great ! I mean , awesome !!!!! Please update *bear hug*
mysteriousaura209 #2
i like it so far, so please update!!!!!^^