Chapter 5

You're Still Mine

I'm sorry for not update because I was busy studying. I'll try to find time to finish this story. Hope you will enjoy it.



   "Okay, I'll tell you and don't say anything while I telling you the whole story."

Chanyeol nodded and he just looked at Baekhyun waiting for him to start. Baekhyun took a deep breath before he started talking.

   "The day when I caught you, before I went to your house, I went to clinic because I kept vomitting that time. I felt it weird so I went there and got news about I got pregnant. I'm so happy about it even though I found it weird for a male to pregnant."

Chanyeol's face was became bright when he heard it.

   "I bought cake because I want to celebrate with you but when I came to our house, I saw you with your affair. After that, I called Minseok and he helped me from that time. My parents didn't know whose the father of my son but they never ask about it because the scared I cried again. Minseok was the one who helping me to find all foods because of my craving. Even though I felt guilty, Minseok always said it was okay. Few months after that, Chanhyun was born. He was cute just like his daddy and he made me miss more to his daddy. When he old enough, he kept asking why his daddy was not around when his friends were with their daddy. He kept crying and wanted to meet his daddy but I told him he will meet his daddy soon. I know deep inside his heart, he still want to ask about his daddy but he didn't want me sad. After you said he saw I cried that night, I felt like I was bad papa because can't give what he want. I'm thankful for surrounding by good friends because they kept playing with Chanhyun made him forgot about his daddy for a while."

Chanyeol felt guilty when he listened it. He knew it was his fault at first. If he didn't did it, maybe they were already a happy family.

   "Everything's okay until you came. He kept talking about you and once he asked me if you could be his daddy. I didn't know what to say since I didn't know he will considered you as his daddy. Of course I didn't let him did it because why though. He always asking about his daddy even he knew he will get the same answer."

Baekhyun drank for a while before he continue.

   "You asked either I still love you or not before. Yes, I still love after 8 years and even after I caught you cheating on me. I didn't know why I can't forget about you and find another love but maybe because Chanhyun. Chanhyun is your son, Chanyeol. He represent alot from you that everytime I looked at him, I saw you in him. I scared to tell you the truth was because I scared you will take Chanhyun from me and leave me alone in this world. I can't let you did that and take my son from me. Minseok kept asking me to tell you but I ignored him. The night after you caught me still wearing our couples ring, I took the box where I kept our memories together. I don't know how to make you leave me but I think I can't. When you came into my life again, I felt my love for you growing more and it because I still felt it hurt when remembered what you did before."

   "I hope everything I told you just now make you happy and I'll excuse first."

Baekhyun started gather his things before he heard Chanyeol said something.

   "I never cheat on you."

Baekhyun's eyes round more than his friends, Kyungsoo did.

   "What? Are you joking right now? What was you did 8 years ago?"

Chanyeol inhales and said,

   "You never gave me opportunity to explain everything before. I told you I never did it." 

   "I thought you had change, Chanyeol but I was wrong." Baekhyun leave Chanyeol alone and went out from the coffee shop.

Chanyeol ran for Baekhyun and he didn't saw Baekhyun near the shop. He ran for a while before he saw a familiar person sat at the park. 

   "Baekhyun, please let me explain everything. I already gave your time to explain now it's my turn. I don't want what had happened before happen again now."

Chanyeol said once he sat beside Baekhyun. Baekhyun took  a deep breath.

   "Okay, I'll give chance and I hope you didn't waste it."

Chanyeol nodded and he hold Baekhyun's hand.

   "Actually, the day when you found me and my friend, Kai were because we're planned something. I want to make a surprise bithday for you and Kai was helping me to prepare everything. I know you might thought I lied to you but no. We're playing around that time until I trip on my feet before crash my body on Kai. That time you were already in the house and saw it.  I tried to explain everything but you never let me that time. I always love you, Baekhyun. Remember my promise to you that I will never cheat on you? I always hold it even after you leave me."

Baekhyun tried to hold his tears but he can't because he felt guilty after he heard Chanyeol's story. He didn't knew Chanyeol had been through the hard time because of his stupidy.

   "Baekhyun, I know you still love me. Can you give me another chance to make you happy again and to be Chanhyun's daddy? If you want me to give some time, I'll give times to think about it. Baekhyun, can you accept me back?" Chanyeol asked while kneeling in front of him.

Baekhyun was crying hard and he didn't know what to do. Chanyeol looked him with worried look.

   "Chanyeol, I'm sorry for what I had done. If I give you chance to explain, maybe we already happy with Chanhyun. If I trust you, maybe we already few childs. I'm sorry, Chanyeol. I'm so sorry." 

   "Hey, it's okay Baekhyun. It's my fault too for not try my hard to find you and explain it. If I know you will be with Minseok, maybe we already live together now."

   "No... it's my fault. I'm so sor..."

Before Baekhyun finished his words, Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun on his lips to shut him from saying sorry. Baekhyun still crying while hugging Chanyeol tightly. He didn't know from the start was his fault. Baekhyun kissed him back after few seconds. He thought maybe it's the right time to give Chanyeol chance even though it's not his fault. They stay like that for few minutes until Baekhyun was calm and stopped crying.

   "Baekhyun, are you okay now?"

Baekhyun nodded and he surprised when Chanyeol wiped his tears away before kissing his eyes.

   "Baekhyun, will you give me chance to spend my life with you again?"

Chanyeol still cupped his face waiting for his answer.

   "Yes, I will and I hope you will not waste it because I might leave you forever."

Chanyeol kissed him deeply because Chanyeol was happy once he said yes. He knew Chanyeol will not really cheat on him because it's just misunderstanding. They enjoyed their times because it's been long time they didn't be like that. Chanyeol was the one who pull back from the kiss.

   "Baekhyun, will you introduced me to Chanhyun as his daddy? I'm so happy when I know about this."

Baekhyun smiled before nodding his head.

   "Of course, I know how curious he was about his daddy. Maybe I'll introduce you to him offically tomorrow? He will come back tomorrow because school was close and he will stay at Minseok's tonight."

Chanyeol smirked. Baekhyun felt it weird when Chanyeol gave him that looked.

   "What were you thinking, Chanyeol? Why you give me that look?"

   "Well, since Chanhyun will not be home, why not I stay with you?"


   "Of course to celebrate our first day, Baekkie."

Baekhyun missed Chanyeol calling him used his nickname.

   "We can celebrate it with Chanhyun tomorrow, Channie." Chanyeol grinned when he heard it.

   "Are you pretend didn't know what I said or you really didn't know it?" 

Baekhyun was thinking what Chanyeol tried to say at him but he still can't process it. Chanyeol sighed because he knew Baekhyun didn't get what he tried to say.

   "Baekhyun, I was talking about make up . Do you understand now?"

Baekhyun's face became red when he got what Chanyeol had been said. Chanyeol chuckled when he saw Baekhyun's reaction when he said it. For him, Baekhyun still cute even though he's already 28 years old. He still shy about it even though they had been did it and got Chanhyun as the result.

   "Why? Are you embarrassed?" Chanyeol .

Baekhyun hit him by his shoulder.

   "Why you think it first when we get back?" His face still red when he asked Chanyeol.

   "Well, it's been long time I didn't do it since we broke up so I think tonight will be the right. God already blessed when Chanhyun was staying with Minseok and Jongdae tonight. Why not we do it tonight?"

Baekhyun was hesitated whether he should say yes or no. He agreed to Chanyeol too because he didn't have time to meet new people and do it since he still love Chanyeol. When he thought about Chanhyun, he will take Chanhyun at their house. It will not harm anyone if they do it tonight. Honestly, he missed Chanyeol alot than Chanyeol can imagined. He thought it back before he whispered yes to Chanyeol. Chanyeol was jumping once he heard Baekhyun's answer. Baekhyun laughed when Chanyeol acted like Chanhyun who got his candy. After that, Chanyeol helped Baekhyun brought all bags into Baekhyun's car before he went to his car and drove to Baekhyun's house. He really happy that he already made his step to make Baekhyun  and Chanhyun happy and become a perfect family.


It's morning when Baekhyun woke up because he felt someone hug him tightly. He saw Chanyeol's face and he smiled because yesterday was nott a dream. They're still after their activity last night and he got shy when remembered the're making love. He touched slightly Chanyeol's face from his eyes to his nose and his lips. He surely lucky for having Chanyeol in his life. He kissed Chanyeol's lips even though he didn't wash up first. He felt Chanyeol was smiling with his eyes closed and pull himself from Chanyeol. Chanyeol then opened his eyes when the kiss was gone.

   "Good morning, Channie." He peck on Chanyeol's lips.

   "Morning, baby," Chanyeol also peck on his lips.

Chanyeol held him tightly and he snuzzled himself in Chanyeol's arms. He felt protected after a long time being alone. He missed Chanyeol's warm hug.

   "How are you today? Are you feeling pain?" Baekhyun flushed red when Chanyeol asked him.

   "A little but it's okay since I had never doing it with anyone else after we broke up years ago."

   "I'm sorry for being rough last night. I got excited after being with you and I'd been miss you and your body." Chanyeol teased. Baekhyun pinched Chanyeol on his stomach until Chanyeol hissed in pain.

   "And I miss this too." Baekhyun pouted when he saw Chanyeol grinned.

   "Enough. I need to wash up before pick up Chanhyun." Baekhyun tried to stand up before he remembered that he still . Chanyeol smirked when he saw Baekhyun didn't get up.

   "Why? You said you want to take Chanhyun or you want another round?" Chanyeol received another pinched on his stomach.

   "Chanyeol, could you close your eyes?" Baekhyun's face flushed red.

   "Why though?" Chanyeol smirked.

   "Chanyeol!!!" Baekhyun whined. Chanyeol laughed.

   "Okay... okay. I'll close my eyes now." Chanyeol closed his eyes while he still laughing.

Baekhyun was checking on Chanyeol before he got up and walked slowly to the bathroom since his lower part still sore. He also grabbed the clean clothes before he forgot. Without his knowing, Chanyeol opened his eyes slightly to look at Baekhyun who limping to bathroom. He chuckled because Baekhyun being so cute even he still . 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were arrived at Minseok's house. They're welcoming by Minseok's surprise face and Chanhyun who was happy to see his papa.

   "Papa!" Chanhyun ran before he jumped to Baekhyun. Baekhyun smiled looking at his son.

   "Papa, I miss you so much! Papa! Uncle Jongdae kept making me crying last night." Chanhyun complaint.

Baekhyun looked at Minseok before he glared at the guy.

   "What he did to my baby?" Baekhyun patted his back.

   "He said I don't have my daddy while he had his daddy." Chanhyun pouted. Baekhyun looked at Chanhyun before he looked at Chanyeol. He saw how Chanyeol still guilty on his face.

   "Later, I will punish Uncle Jongdae." He thought maybe Jongdae didn't knew about it and he might lectured that guy after he saw him.

Chanhyun was sniff on his papa's neck before he saw red bite on Baekhyun's neck.

   "Papa, are you sick?" Baekhyun gave him confused look before asked why.

   "You had biten by insect right? Your neck had it." Baekhyun's face became hot when he heard it. He forgot to hide the lovebite before going there. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and Chanyeol smirked at him. Minseok didn't know what to say when he heard it. He still surprised with Chanyeol who standing beside Baekhyun.

   "Ah, I'm okay baby. It just mosquito bite me before I go here." Baekhyun lied.

Baekhyun avoid from looking at Minseok when he said it. His face became red because the adults knew what was it except for his innocent son. Chanyeol just let Baekhyun explained at Chanhyun even he really wanted to tell the truth at Chanhyun. Minseok tried to not laugh when he heard Baekhyun’s answer.

   “If you’re okay, why you face got red? Papa! I’m sorry for leaving you alone last night.” Chanhyun circled his arm around Baekhyun’s neck.

Baekhyun didn’t knew where to hide his face. Minseok who can’t hold his laugh anymore, laughing hard and Chanyeol joined him too. Chanhyun just looked at those two guys who were laughing while his papa just pouting. Baekhyun really wanted to kill Chanyeol right now. Chanyeol was the reason why there’s hickey on his neck.

   “Chanyeol!” Baekhyun warned him while glaring at Chanyeol. When Chanyeol heard Baekhyun, he knew it was time for him to stop. He knew he’s the one who made it yet he didn’t think about Baekhyun.

   “Chanhyun, didn’t you know today is so hot? Your papa’s face got red because of it. He’s okay and not sick even though you leave him last night. If you still worried about last night, I stayed with him and he’s okay.” Chanyeol gave Chanhyun an innocent smile. Baekhyun who heard the last word from Chanyeol made him smack Chanyeol on his head.

Chanyeol hissed because of it. Minseok and Chanhyun laughed when they saw Chanyeol was in pain.

   “Chanyeol, how can you say like that? I told you before right we’ll explain him once we go home. Are you being serious or not right now? Well, I think I will stay with Minseok tonight or I’ll ask Minseok send me later. With pleasure, you can go home now.”

This time Baekhyun really can’t hold his anger for being laughed by everyone. He walked into Minseok’s house with Chanhyun in his arm and ignored Chanyeol with guilty. Chanyeol looked at Minseok asking for help.

   “It’s your fault. I don’t know anything.” Minseok also walked into his house leave Chanyeol alone outside.

Baekhyun was preparing food for lunch before he felt someone hug him from back. He knew who was it and ignored the person. He continued chopping the vegetables like there’s no one hugging him. Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun on his neck and it made Baekhyun stiffed.

   “Baek, I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t laugh at you and tell Chanhyun like that. I just want to save you from embarrassed yourself. I know I should hold myself but it made him quiet right. I’m sorry, baby. Let get home and we explain together with him later. Hmm?”

Chanyeol explained everything at him and he knew Chanyeol was right. If he didn’t said anything before, Chanhyun might asked him another question. He already forgave Chanyeol but he wanted to be clingy with Chanyeol right now. He decided to keep quiet and teased Chanyeol. Chanyeol felt no answer from Baekhyun and he knew he made Baekhyun mad at him.

   “Baby, what you want me to do? I’ll do anything for you that make your forgive me.”

Baekhyun push Chanyeol a little before he facing Chanyeol.

   “Really? You’ll do anything for me? Even though it was stupid?” Chanyeol nodded his head eagerly.

Baekhyun thought for a while before he got what he need to punish Chanyeol. He smirked full with evil and Chanyeol knew he made the wrong steps just now. He just looking at Baekhyun with hopeful looked.

   “I’ll let you know when we at home.”

   “It’s mean you’re forgiving me right?”

   “Not yet. After you do what I want, then I will forgive you.” Chanyeol sighed because it will be a long night.

Baekhyun was busy prepared for dinner when he felt a tugged on his shirt. He looked down and saw how cute his son was because he hug his plushie while looking at him. Baekhyun chuckled before he lifting his son and put him on the kitchen counter.

   "What do you want, baby?" 

   "Why Mr.Park stayed in our house like this is his house? He had his house right, papa?"

Baekhyun thought his son will never asked about Chanyeol stayed with them till now.

   "Well, Mr.Park and I need to tell you something later. Why? You didn't like him stay with us?"

Chanhyun shook his head meaning he didn't said he didn't like Chanyeol.

   "No, papa. I curious about it and before I go here, he went to your room and rest on your bed." 

   "I thought you didn't like him. After we have our dinner, I'll tell you about it."

After that, Baekhyun continued cooking while Chanhyun just looking at his papa and playing by himself. They already had dinner and were resting in the living room. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and gave him looked to tell him the truth. Baekhyun was thinking for awhile he gather his strength to tell Chanhyun.

   "Baby, come here sit on my lap." Baekhyun called Chanhyun who was watching television and Chanhyun walked to Baekhyun.

   "Why papa? Are you want to tell me what you said just now?" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who gave him small smile to reassure him it will be okay.

   "Chanhyun, do you want to know who is your daddy?" Chanhyun looked so excited when Baekhyun talked about his daddy.

   "Yes, papa! I want to know my daddy."

   "The truth is your daddy is Mr.Park. Chanyeol is my boyfriend and your daddy."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol waited for Chanhyun's reaction before they saw how happy Chanhyun was. The little kid was jumping around before he kiss both adults. Baekhyun surprised because he didn't expect his son will reacted like that while Chanyeol was happy how Chanhyun accepted the news. Chanhyun brought Baekhyun and Chanyeol together before he hug them together.

   "Papa, I'm so happy! You didn't lie me right about it just because I had asked you to let me call Mr. Park as my daddy?"

Baekhyun smiled at him before shook his head.

   "Baby, you can call him daddy though." Baekhyun said.

   "Daddy!!!" Chanhyun called before he hug Chanyeol tight. Chanyeol was happy because Chanhyun called him daddy and felt touched by that.

   "Chanhyun, my baby." Chanyeol whispered while looking at Baekhyun. He mouthed thank you to Baekhyun for letting him had a cheerful and cute son. He hug Chanhyun tight too because he wanted to remember this moment until he die.

After that, Chanhyun kept asking both of them how they met and why Chanyeol was not there when he and his papa needed him. They already discussed before that they will only let Chanhyun know about the truth and some lies. Baekhyun didn't want to let their child will hate Chanyeol because of it and for the misunderstanding. The night was full of laughter and how loud Chanhyun for calling Chanyeol as daddy. 


Author note :

Hi guys! I need you opinion about this story. Would you want me to continue this story with more storyline or you want me to write the final chapter? I already thought about how I want for the next chapter but I still need your opinion.  Drop your comments about it, okay? Thank you ^^

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Hi everyone. I updated new chapter for You're Still Mine. I hope you will enjoy it and sorry for the grammars


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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 7: Nice fluffy mpreg!!
Baek_lyn #2
Chapter 7: Please more of family this is sweet
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 7: That was sweet ☺
Pingpongko #4
Chapter 7: Awww can’t wait for the update
honeymellow #5
Hope Chanhyun will get a little brother/sister soon :))
Chapter 7: this is so good cant wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: This is so heart heart
Chapter 7: Chapter5: I realy like this story when you have time you can update:)
xxanonymous_aerixx #9
Chapter 6: Omg finallyyyyy! I wanna see them complete >< cant wait for the next chapter