Chapter 3

You're Still Mine

Hello everyone, Happy New Year. This is my gift for you :) I wrote this while listening to Universe and you might want to set Universe in your playlist as you reading this. I hope you enjoy it.


After the event ended, Baekhyun rush to go home without letting his son met Chanyeol because he didn't wanted to face him. Chanhyun just listened to his papa because he thought maybe his papa was tired. After Minseok and Jongdae sent them, Baekhyun showered his son before Chanhyun can sleep. He was sitting on his bed while remembering what had happened today. He didn't knew Chanyeol became brave by asking him those questions. He looked at the ring on his finger before he pull the ring from his finger. 

He knew Chanyeol realized he was lying because the ring was customized by Chanyeol and there's only one in this world. He sighed before he pull a chair and climbed to his closet and brought something down. He opened the box and there's a lot of his memories with Chanyeol eight years ago. He didn't dare to throw it away because he still love Chanyeol after what had happened. He pull the photo album before flipped it one by one.

He and Chanyeol were happy like they were the best couple of the world. Everything Chanyeol did for him was sweet and he always got mad at Chanyeol for wasting his money. Chanyeol once said that he didn't mind to waste his money to make him happy. Chanyeol always be there when he was upset about assignments or other things. but one thing that Chanyeol not beside him when he was pregnant. He always craving for cuddle with the giant but he knew it will never happened since they were already broke up. 

Whenever he was craving for some foods even in the midnight, Minseok always tried to find it even when he said it was okay. Minseok already be with him and helping him raised Chanhyun and he still miss the warm from Chanyeol. When he knew Minseok already had his boyfriend, he tried to not asking Minseok around because he scared Jongdae will got jealous of him. It just happened yesterday when he declined Minseok helped for sending him and Chanhyun to the school. He said that Minseok didn't need to come because Chanhyun will not get up upset.

When Minseok knew there's something wrong, he asked him what Baekhyun hided from him. He got lecture from Minseok once Minseok knew the reason. At that time, Jongdae was there beside Minseok and he didn't care because he already thought Baekhyun as his friend. Baekhyun felt relieve when he heard it because he didn't need to think about it later.

Baekhyun took the small box and opened it. Before he knew, he already tears up because the small box contained the confession letter Chanyeol gave him. He still remembered how nervous Chanyeol was when he gave Baekhyun the letter before he ran from Baekhyun. Baekhyun who didn't got what had happened just looked him before walking to his home while reading the letter. Baekhyun read the letter again.

To my dearest Byun Baekhyun.

   I'm sorry if you called me coward when you done reading this letter because this the only way that I brave to do. Baekhyun, the moment I saw you came into our first class, I knew you are my soulmate that God gave me. You are so beautiful for a guy and petite than a girl. I didn't know if you are gay or straight but I already made my mind to tell you this. 

   Byun Baekhyun, I love you. I really love you. It's been a year since I knew you and I knew we were not that close that I can talked with you. You will either call me your stalker or et when I said this. Whatever you were doing, you always beautiful in my eyes even though you were only threw the trash in the bin. I always kept my eyes on you because I scared something bad will happened on you because of your beauty,

   Baekhyun, I want to protect you in my arms and the one who you will come when you have bad days. I know you're popular and there's someone better me but I want you to know that I will try my best to be the best for you only. When you walked near me, my heart always beating fast because you're so beautiful. My friends always asked me to be brave before you couple with someone else but I didn't that brave. But today I tried to be brave and ask you out.

   Byun Baekhyun, I promise with my life that I will always be there for you when you want me and will not leave you. I promise you that I will not cheating on you because there's no one who was beautiful as you. If i break my promise, you can left me without words because I deserve that treatment. I really love and want to be with you all my life.

   Baekhyun, if you accept me, please come to the nearest park in your neighboor hood because I will wait for you. If you didn't come after 12 at the midnight, I know you didn't accept me. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                        From Park Chanyeol, your crush.

   "Chanyeol, you already broke your promise on our third year. You said I didn't need to explain you but why you didn't do like that? Why you made it hard for me?" Baekhyn cried.

He still remembered the day when he decided to step forward in his life. Park Chanyeol, the one who made his days full of happiness when they encounter at the collage. He didn't know Park Chanyeol who he had crush also like him. Once he done read the letter, he looked at the clock before he knew it already 15 minutes before midnight.

He ran as fast as he can because he scared he will be late and didn't got opportunity to be with Chanyeol. He arrived at the park but he didn't saw the said guy around there. He looked at his watch and it already midnight. He sighed and he sat on the bench before thinking what if he arrived earlier. 

   "Stupid, Baekhyun. If you have long legs, Chanyeol will be here waiting for you but now he's not here." He's sobbing by the thought he and Chanyeol can't be together. 

Baekhyun felt someone was sitting next to him and when he looked the person, he surprised. He saw the person was smiling to him and shook his head because he saw the tears in Baekhyun's eyes. He then wiped the tears away before chuckled. 

   "Hey, what are you crying for? "

Baekhyun pouted because he knew the person was teasing him. 

   "I thought you already went home because I didn't saw you here."

Chanyeol cupped his face. 

   "I already pack my things when I saw you running here. I thought I might be seeing something but it really you. Then I followed you and saw you we're crying."

Baekhyun didn't knew what to say because the distance between him and Chanyeol were so near. 

   "I... I... I'm sorry for coming late." He was stuttering that made Chanyeol chuckled. 

   "You're so cute, Baekhyun." Baekhyun blushed hard when Chanyeol said it. 

They're silent for seconds before Chanyeol talking to him. 

   "Are you really accepted me? I don't want any sympathy from you because I look pathetic." 

Baekhyun shook his head. 

   "No. I accepted you because I wanted it."

Chanyeol's face was became bright when he heard what Baekhyun said. 

   "Really? Oh my God, thank you Baekhyun. Thank you for accepting me."

Chanyeol hugged him like they already did it before. Baekhyun became shy when Chanyeol did it to him. Baekhyun slowly accepted the hug and hug Chanyeol too. Chanyeol smiled happily when Baekhyun did it. 

   "Baekhyun, today will be our first day right?" Chanyeol asked once they done hugging. 

   "Aren't you asked me as your boyfriend first before mentioned it as our first day?" Baekhyun pouted. He still new to this relationship and he wanted it bold if Chanyeol decided to be with him. 

Chanyeol pinched the little pout before he kneeling in front of Baekhyun. 

   "Byun Baekhyun, will you be my boyfriend? Will you accept me as your Knight?" Chanyeol asked. 

Baekhyun almost bursts the way Chanyeol asked him out. 

   "Of course I accept you otherwise I already at home right now."

Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol before whispering in his ears, 

   "I love you too, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol pull Baekhyun away from him before he kissed the cute lips. Baekhyun gasped because he didn't expect Chanyeol will kiss him right now. He calmed himself before he return the kiss. Chanyeol was so happy because Baekhyun gave him the kiss too. From that night, the two became couple and Chanyeol almost got beating by Baekhyun's dad because they didn't went home till 1 in the morning but his dad relief that Chanyeol was his boyfriend and asked him to stay for the night. 

Baekhyun put back the letter inside the small box before put the ring in it. He knew what he did was hurting himself but he can't help but remembering the past. He put the box back where it should be before his son saw it and cried at the all night. 


Baekhyun felt head ache when he woke up at the morning. He saw his son was sitting beside him with worried face.

   "Papa, are you okay?"

Chanhyun asked while laying beside him. Baekhyun smiled despite his bodies was weak.

   "I'm okay, baby."

Chanhyun touched his forehead with his small hand.

   "But why you're feeling hot? Papa, I'm sorry if because of me you're sick right now."

Chanhyun was sobbing and Baekhyun felt his heart was hurt looking at his son.

   "Baby, it's not your fault. I didn't eat properly these days."

Baekhyun calmed his son for few minutes before Chanhyun stopped crying. He thought the reason why he got sick must be tired because he's crying too much last night. They stayed like that before Baekhyun slowly sleeping. He didn't knew that his son used his phone to call someone.

Baekhyun felt someone put warm towel on his forehead. He tried to open his eyes but he felt it so heavy. He heard a voice was talking to him but he didn't caught what was it. He knew it not his son because the voice was deep. He tried again and he saw someone was smiling at him with worried on his face. The face was blurred and he tried to sit back with the person's helped.

   "Are you feeling okay?" The person was asking him.

Once he calmed himself, he saw Chanyeol was sitting beside him. He didn't knew how Chanyeol can be in his house but he really wanted that person leave his house right now even though in that condition.

   "What are you doing here? How can you enter my house and my room? Please leave, Chanyeol." Baekhyun push Chanyeol slowly with energy he had.

Chanyeol touched his hand and sat him back on bed.

   "Hey, slowly down. You're still sick and weak. You can asked your son who called my number early in the morning. I will not leave you like this, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun sighed because he can't got mad on his son for this.

   "I can take care myself, Chanyeol. Just leave." Baekhyun said with his weak voice. He got cough after he talked.

Chanyeol took the glass beside the bed and gave him to relief his troat.

   "You said you can take care yourself? I don't believe you, Baekhyun. Please let me help you. What Chanhyun can do for you with his small body?" 

   "I can call Minseok or Kyungsoo or Luhan. Just leave." 

Chanyeol cupped his face before said,

   "Are you really want to disturb anyone in Sunday morning? I didn't care about taking care of you. I will not listen anything from you now. Please wait for a moment because I want to take your porridge that I prepared before."

Chanyeol leave him and he sighed. He didn't knew why Chanhyun decided to call Chanyeol when he called Minseok. Baekhyun waited few minutes before he heard running sound and he knew it was coming from Chanhyun.

   "Papa!" Chanhyun ran and hug him.

Baekhyun hissed for a moment because the hug made his head ached. Chanhyun who heard it looked at his papa.

   "Papa. are you okay? I'm sorry if I hug you too tight. Mr. Park said you already woke up and I ran because I worried about you."

Baekhyun smiled before patting his son head.

   "I'm okay, baby. Why were you calling Mr.Park?" Chanhyun felt guilty when he asked it.

   "Hey, I'm not mad. I was just curious why you didn't call Uncle Minseok like before."

Chanhyun pouted.

   "Mr. Park said I can call you if anything happened. I just remembered his number and called him. I'm sorry papa if you're upset with me."

   "It's okay, baby." 

Chanyeol came with the porridge and medicines for him. He put it on the bed and asked Chanhyun to give space to sit beside Baekhyun. 

   "Baekhyun, you need to eat this before eating your medicine."

Chanyeol already getting ready to feed him before he said,

   "I can feed by myself, Chanyeol. You can leave now." Baekhyun tried to hold the bowl in Chanyeol's hand but he didn't managed to do it because he still weak.

   "Papa, let Mr. Park do it for you. You still sick," Chanhyun said. Chanyeol looked at him with the looked ' he's right.'

Baekhyun sighed before nodded. He can't argue in front of his son. Chanyeol feed him happily despite he knew Baekhyun was sulking right now. He kept feeding Baekhyun even sometimes Baekhyun coughed. Once he done eating the porridge, he gave the medicine to Baekhyun but Baekhyun just watched it without taking it.

   "Baekhyun, take your pills. How to get better if you didn't take it?" Chanyeol said. Chanhyun gigled while saying,

   "Mr. Park, Papa didn't like those pills that's why he didn't take it." Baekhyun looked at his son like he will eat his son. Chanhyun just continued gigling.

   "Oh, I almost forgot about you didn't like these pills. How to make you take it then?" Chanyeol smirked playfully at him.

Baekhyun blushed because he remembered those memories when he still with Chanyeol. When he was sick, Chanyeol had his own way to give the pills to Baekhyun. Chanyeol tricked him by put the pill in his mouth and kissed him while giving the pill to Baekhyun like that. Baekhyun didn't knew it until he ate the pill and Chanyeol gave him water after pull himself from the kissed. Once Baekhyun knew the situation, he hit Chanyeol who kept laughing at him. From that day, Chanyeol always did it like that.

   "I... I... I will take it later. Even though I didn't take it, I still can get healthy by tomorrow." Chanyeol chuckled when he saw Baekhyun was stuttering and blushed hard. You still remembered and shy about it, Baekhyun. Chanyeol said it in his thought.

   "Papa, I know you will throw it but I didn't want to see you sick. Please papa, take this pill." 

Baekhyun shook his head saying that he will not took the pills.

   "I will get better soon. You didn't need to worry about it, baby." 

Chanyeol suddenly got idea how to do it.

   "Chanhyun, can you get more water for your papa? I will give him the pill." Chanhyun took the glass before he went to the kitchen.

Chanyeol took the pill and slowly getting near with Baekhyun. Baekhyun felt uneasy how near they were right now.

   "Chanyeol, what are you doing right now?" Chanyeol smirked when he heard Baekhyun's shaking voice.

   "What do you think I do right now? I want to give you the pill." 

   "I told you already that I..." 

Before he finished his words, he saw Chanyeol ate the pills and getting near with him. He didn't had time to avoid it before Chanyeol kissed him on lips and slipped out the pill in Baekhyun's mouth. Baekhyun was shocked when Chanyeol kiss him just now and he incidently swallowed the pills. Chanyeol pull himself few minutes after the kiss and gave Baekhyun another glass that already on the bedside.

   "Chanyeol, how dare you kiss me?" Baekhyun glared at him after he done drinking the water.

   "I didn't kiss you though. I just wanted to give the pills and that the only way I can made you eat it." Chanyeol chuckled.

   "It's the same thing, Chanyeol. You didn't need to do it just for me. Are you a ert?"

Chanyeol laughed when Baekhyun called him ert. Chanhyun came to the room before he said anything. Chanhyun gave the water to Chanyeol. Chanyeol gave him looked that he should acted he didn't drink anything.

   "Mr. Park, why were you laughing just now and how you made papa ate the medicines?"

Baekhyun didn't knew what to say and he just kept quiet let Chanyeol explained it by himself.

   "Nothing, Chanhyun. I have my own trick but I will tell you once you grown up." Chanhyun pouted.

   "Then if papa getting sick again, how can I treat him?"

   "You can call me afterward." Chanyeol chuckled while patting Chanhyun's head.

Baekhyun slowly dozed off and his head fell on Chanyeol's chest. Chanyeol who was focus on Chanhyun surprised and asked Chanhyun to slow down his voice.

   "I want you go down and play with your toys, Chanhyun. I will take care him."

Chanhyun leave them and got down played with his toys. Chanyeol looked the person who was laying on his chest. He missed to look at this cute face besides him. Because of his mistake, Baekhyun leave him without listening to his explanation. He knew he should not did that things on that day but he regret right now. If he can turn time back, he must be has a son like Chanhyun.

   "Baekhyun, I love you. I'm sorry because I broke my promise but it's not like I wanted it myself. If you know the truth, I know you will accept me back but I don't know how to tell you. I'm sad about you lying me about your marriage. I knew you lied to me yesterday because I saw in your eyes. Why you didn't tell me the truth? Baekhyun, who is Chanhyun? Whose the father of him? Why he looked like me when I was his age? Is he my son? But how? I'm tired, Baekhyun by thinking this things."

Chanyeol dozed off too because it still early. He didn't care what Baekhyun thought about him but he only want to protect his baby. Chanyeol pull Baekhyun slowly in his arms. At that morning, the house was quiet because everyone in that house was sleeping. Chanhyun who was playing by himself was sleeping too without knowing what happened in his papa's room.



Author Note : Do drop your comments about this story and I will try to improve. Anyway, happy new year again and I hope your year will be the happiest and stay healthy everyone.

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Hi everyone. I updated new chapter for You're Still Mine. I hope you will enjoy it and sorry for the grammars


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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 7: Nice fluffy mpreg!!
Baek_lyn #2
Chapter 7: Please more of family this is sweet
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 7: That was sweet ☺
Pingpongko #4
Chapter 7: Awww can’t wait for the update
honeymellow #5
Hope Chanhyun will get a little brother/sister soon :))
Chapter 7: this is so good cant wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: This is so heart heart
Chapter 7: Chapter5: I realy like this story when you have time you can update:)
xxanonymous_aerixx #9
Chapter 6: Omg finallyyyyy! I wanna see them complete >< cant wait for the next chapter