Chapter 2

You're Still Mine

Hello everyone. I'm sorry for not update this story because I had been busy with collage. Since my holiday just started, I had time to update. I hope you enjoy this chapter ^^

Baekhyun was panicked when he remembered what happened before. He leave his son to Kyungsoo since he already promised the said guy to let them spent time together. Now, he was alone at home and scared what will happened if Chanyeol knew the truth. He didn't imagined that Mr.Park his son was talking was the guy he once loved and the father of his son. He knew soon the truth will be open and that time he didn't know what will he did. He called Minseok and asked him to come over his house without giving any reason.

Few minutes later, he heard a bell and he knew Minseok already arrived. He welcomed him and asked him to sit before he told him everything. Minseok can't believe that it so soon Baekhyun and Chanyeol met and Chanyeol was Chanhyun's teacher. He didn't know what to say and he still surprised about it.

   "Min, what do I need to do right now? I'm scared that Chanyeol will know about Chanhyun's status." Baekhyun hide his face with his hands.

Minseok felt sorry to Baekhyun because he knew how burdensome this things when it included Chanhyun.

   "Me too, Baek. I think you need to avoid from meeting Chanyeol at school. He didn't know Chanhyun is his son when you two were broke up right?"

Baekhyun nodded. He was thankful that he never got the opportunity told Chanyeol about his pregnancy before.

   "What if the school decided to make some events? I think I can't avoid him thought. Remember, next week his school will be hold sport day?"

   "You can tell Chanhyun that you can't attend at that time then."

Baekhyun glared at Minseok. Minseok knew he was said something wrong just now.

   "Like you didn't know what he will do if I didn't join it. He will be keep silent the day before until he got what he want."

Minseok scratched his head since he was realized about it. Chanhyun always be like that when he didn't got what he want. He still remembered the time when he promised Chanhyun to go park together since Baekhyun was busy that day. He forgot about it and he came the day after. Chanhyun was sulking at him and didn't talked to him after he made up with Chanhyun.

   "Okay, I'm sorry. I think the best thing was you ignored Chanyeol when he tried to talk with you. I can't think any ideas because later you guys will be talking to each other."

Baekhyun still thought about it. He then remembered that Chanhyun's last name was Park and not Byun.


Minseok was surprised when he heard Baekhyun was screaming just now.

   "What happened, Baek? You didn't need to scream you know because I were beside you now."

   "Chanhyun's name. Chanhyun's name."

Minseok being a dumb looked at Baekhyun with weird looked.

   "What's wrong with his name?"

Baekhyun hit Minseok's head and Minseok hissed because of the pain.

   "His last name is Park and not Byun. Chanyeol will curious if he found it weird."

   "You can tell him you were once married though. Settled."

Baekhyun once again hit Minseok.

   "Wow! You said like it's the simplest thing to do. Don't you remember who was we talking right now? Park Chanyeol! The one who will kept asking question if he didn't get what he want."

Minseok sighed.

   "Can't you just lied to him? Just tell him that you were married but your husband was died because of car accident and then he will felt bad for asking you."

   "What if... "

Minseok held Baekhyun's hands.

   "Baek, I know you were worried he will take Chanhyun with him but we will think about it later. Right now, I want you to relax and take deep breath. We didn't know what will happen later but you need to know that I always with you. Remember this."

Baekhyun looked at Minseok and sighed. He hugged Minseok after thanked him for always stay besides him these few years. He will let God lead him about Chanyeol. He didn't know if Chanhyun will asked about his father if he found the secret he put in his house.


Baekhyun was packing up things for the today events. He already prepared some energy drinks for his son since his son will played games today. He knew his son was following his father genetic because Chanyeol once atlet at the collage. He heard Chanhyun was calling for him.

   "Papa! Papa! I forgot to tell you that today my teacher will gave us a ride to the school."

Baekhyun thought it's rare when teacher will be like that.

   "Oh dear. Why you didn't tell me earlier? Didn't we already promised with Uncle Minseok and Uncle Jongdae to go there together?"

Chanhyun looked like he was guilty.

   "You can called them and we can meet at my school, right?"

Baekhyun sighed while patting his son's head. He dial Minseok's number and let the said man knew about the plan.

   "You're in a great place because Minseok still not driving here or otherwise I will ask your teacher to go first."

Chanhyun grinned and hug his papa. 

   "Thank you, papa."

   "But who will drive us, honey?"

Before Chanhyun said anything, they heard a bell on the door. Chanhyun was grabbing his papa hands before ran towards the door.

   "Slow down, honey. Your teacher will not ran away."

Once Baekhyun opened the door, he was welcomed of the presence he hoped he will not meet today. Chanhyun was letting go his hand before went to his teacher. Chanhyun was hugging the teacher while Baekhyun became a statue in front of the door.

   "Morning, Mr.Byun. I hope I didn't disturbe you."

The teacher was smiling at him with that big smile.

   "Hello, Mr... Mr. Park. It's okay, I'm sorry for about this. I didn't know you will give us a ride to school."

Baekhyun tried to hide his nervous in front of his son.

   "Well, I'm okay with this. This happened because Chanhyun kept asking me to come his house but I didn't got any chance to do it. Since he told me you will attend for today event, I decided to go his house today."

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol with suspicious. He didn't know either he should believe it or not. Chanyeol who sense how uncomfortable Baekhyun right now, he then said,

   "I'm sorry if you found it weird when your teacher's son came to your house without any official event but I already treated Chanhyun liked my son."

Baekhyun surprised when he heard it. He knew there's must be a bound between the father and son that made them so attached like that. He looked at Chanhyun who was already in Chanyeol's arm and was hug him like a teddy bear. He knew even though he hided about the truth, he can't avoid this.

   "It's okay. I just can't believe because it rare to see Chanhyun became so attached to person he just met."

Baekhyun stepped in before he took Chanhyun from Chanyeol. At first, Chanhyun didn't want to let go Chanyeol but he tried again. Chanyeol smiled at him before said,

   "Mr.Byun, I'm okay. I think you we need to go now since I have something to do before the event start later."

Baekhyun forgot about it and he rush enter his house. He packed all things before locked the house and followed Chanyeol to his car. Once they're in front of the car, Chanhyun finally let go his teacher and went to his papa.

   "I miss daddy." Chanhyun whispered to Baekhyun.

He surprised when he heard it. He knew Chanyeol was heard too because he saw how Chanyeol's face reacted. He patted his son's back before whispering slowly and not letting Chanyeol heard it.

   "I miss him too, honey and I'm sorry for not letting you know him." Baekhyun was looking at Chanyeol when he said it. 

Chanhyun then hug him tightly and they were getting ready to go the school. Baekhyun didn't know why Chanhyun suddenly talked about he miss his father when it's been for a while he didn't said it. He thought it must be Chanyeol's presence that made him miss his father.


Baekhyun was sitting alone under the tent while watching Chanhyun played the game. Minseok and his boyfriend, Jongdae were arrived before but he didn't knew where they were right now. He thought maybe Minseok showed Jongdae around the school while watching the kids played games. He felt someone was sitting beside him but he ignored it because he thought maybe others parent just wanted to sit there. But he was wrong when he heard the person started talking to him.

   "Baekhyun, why you were sitting here alone? I thought you were with Minseok and his boyfriend."

Chanyeol started getting near Baekhyun. Baekhyun shocked when he felt how near their bodies right now.

   "I think you shouldn't drop the formality, Mr.Park. Why were you care about me? We didn't know each other though."

Baekhyun tried to act like he didn't knew Chanyeol before this. He heard Chanyeol sighed.

   "Baekhyun, I knew you still remember me. Don't play dumb, please."

Chanyeol tried to hold his hands but he avoid it before Chanyeol got it.

   "Past is past. I don't want to know or remember you, Chanyeol. Please stop if you have something to say about our past.” Baekhyun already wanted to go away from there when Chanyeol held his wrist and sat him on the chair.

Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol when Chanyeol was being brave doing it in front of others and didn’t think about people will thought about him.

   “Chanyeol, what do you want? Can’t you just forget about it? I don’t want to talk about it.”

Chanyeol didn’t let his wrist go.

   “No, I just want to tell you about what you didn’t know and I want to know whose the father of Chanhyun,” Chanyeol said and it gave him almost heart attack when Chanyeol talking about Chanhyun.

   “What things that I didn’t know? You didn’t have the right to know about him.”

   “It’s what had happened last 8 years ago. There’s something that you didn’t know. I just want to know about his father when he always told me about his life. He kept telling me about how he didn’t know who is his father and that you kept it as secret from him.”

Chanyeol told the truth about Chanhyun told him everything at him. He became curious about when Baekhyun kept the secret about Chanhyun’s father.

   “What?! Chanhyun told you everything?”

Baekhyun was surprised when Chanhyun told about it to Chanyeol. He didn’t knew how close Chanhyun and Chanyeol when Chanhyun told Chanyeol about his father. Even his close friends didn’t know about it.

   “Yes. Please, just let me know about it.”

Baekhyun sighed. He looked around tried to find Minseok so Minseok can helped me but he didn’t saw him. He thought about it before he followed what he had talked with Minseok.

   “I was married after we broke up and getting pregnant. Before I gave birth to Chanhyun, my husband was died from car accident. That’s why I didn’t tell him about it.”

Baekhyun was cracked when he lied about it. He knew Chanyeol didn’t bought it because Chanyeol gave him suspicious looked.

   “How can you getting over that fast? Didn’t you love me for the rest of your life?”

Chanyeol was right about it. He still love Chanyeol even knew he was cheating on him but he didn’t wanted Chanyeol knew about it.

   “Why would I want to cry about it when you already found someone? I need my own life too.”

Baekhyun was trying to not cry when he remembered the past.

   “Baekhyun, I know you still love me and I also know that you lied to me because your voice was cracked just now.”

Baekhyun didn’t know what to say when Chanyeol caught him lied just now. 

   “Chanyeol, please don’t talk about it. I can’t heard it anymore.”

   “Baekhyun, how? I still love you after those years. Once I met Chanhyun, I wonder why he’s so alike me when I was kid.”

Baekhyun shocked when he heard it. He knew how Chanyeol looked when he was kid because Chanyeol showed him before.

   “Why would like he alike you when I know he is not your son? My late husband will be sad if he knew this.” Baekhyun still lied to him even though Chanyeol caught him lied.

   “Why? I knew you lied at me. Then, why his last name is Park? It would not be a coincidence too.”

   “Well, I married to a Park so it will be Park in his last name. Don’t think that you’re the only one who was named Park in your name, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol sighed.

   “Then, why you still wear our couple rings?”

Baekhyun didn’t know what to say when Chanyeol said the truth. He still wore the couple rings despite what happened.

   “Are you blind? It’s similar to what you gave me before. I already move on over you, Chanyeol.”

   “Then, let me see it.”

Before Chanyeol tried to hold his hands, Chanhyun ran to him and hug him.

   “Papa! Papa! Papa! I won the game! Do you saw it?”

Baekhyun thanked God when Chanhyun came at the right time.

   “Wow! My dear son won it. Of course I saw it, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

Baekhyun patted his back and he didn’t miss the sighed from Chanhyun.

   “Chanhyun, congratulation.” Chanyeol said like there’s nothing happened just now.

Chanhyun who saw his teacher at there let his papa go before went to Chanyeol and hug him too.

   “Thank you, Mr.Park.”

Baekhyun didn’t wanted to see this scene because it’s broke his heart knowing it his fault for didn’t told the truth at those two who were in front of him.

   “Chanhyun!!!” Minseok was screaming to him while said that he was proud about Chanhyun played the game.

Chanhyun went to his uncle before hugging him too. Baekhyun watched him before he said something to Chanyeol.

   “You need to forget about everything and don’t let you self confidence too high when you know how hurt it will be when you know the truth. Please stop talking about it and ask everything to Chanhyun. I warned you, Park Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun leave Chanyeol who was like a statue after he done talking to him. He went to his son and brought him to buy foods at the food court around the school. Minseok gave him some worried looked like he knew something had happened. Baekhyun reassured him that he will told him everything once they got over there.




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Hi everyone. I updated new chapter for You're Still Mine. I hope you will enjoy it and sorry for the grammars


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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 7: Nice fluffy mpreg!!
Baek_lyn #2
Chapter 7: Please more of family this is sweet
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 7: That was sweet ☺
Pingpongko #4
Chapter 7: Awww can’t wait for the update
honeymellow #5
Hope Chanhyun will get a little brother/sister soon :))
Chapter 7: this is so good cant wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: This is so heart heart
Chapter 7: Chapter5: I realy like this story when you have time you can update:)
xxanonymous_aerixx #9
Chapter 6: Omg finallyyyyy! I wanna see them complete >< cant wait for the next chapter